General Information |
Study Number: | TPF-5(507) |
Former Study Number: | TPF-5(365) |
Lead Organization: | Federal Highway Administration |
Solicitation Number: | 1584 |
Partners: | Georgia Institute of Technology, MO, OH, PADOT, TX, WA |
Status: | Cleared by FHWA |
Est. Completion Date: | |
Contract/Other Number: | |
Last Updated: | May 19, 2023 |
Contract End Date: |
Financial Summary |
Contract Amount: | |
Suggested Contribution: | |
Total Commitments Received: | $39,843.00 |
100% SP&R Approval: | Approved |
Contact Information |
Lead Study Contact(s): | Megan Frye | || | |||
Phone: 303- 396-9847 | |||
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): | Megan Frye | || | |||
Phone: 303- 396-9847 | |||
Study Champion(s): | Daniel Sharar-Salgado | || | |||
Phone: 202- 366-8791 |
Organization | Year | Commitments | Technical Contact Name | Funding Contact Name |
Georgia Institute of Technology | 2023 | $17,243.00 | Jenny Freeman | Jenny Freeman |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2023 | $1,000.00 | Travis Stump | Jennifer Harper |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2024 | $1,000.00 | Travis Stump | Jennifer Harper |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2025 | $1,000.00 | Travis Stump | Jennifer Harper |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2026 | $1,000.00 | Travis Stump | Jennifer Harper |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2027 | $1,000.00 | Travis Stump | Jennifer Harper |
Ohio Department of Transportation | 2024 | $1,600.00 | General Research | Jeffrey Syar |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2022 | $1,000.00 | Nick Vivian | Evan Zeiders |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2023 | $1,000.00 | Nick Vivian | Evan Zeiders |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2024 | $1,000.00 | Nick Vivian | Evan Zeiders |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2025 | $1,000.00 | Nick Vivian | Evan Zeiders |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2026 | $1,000.00 | Nick Vivian | Evan Zeiders |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2027 | $1,000.00 | Nick Vivian | Evan Zeiders |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2022 | $1,000.00 | RoseMarie Klee | Ned Mattila |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2023 | $1,000.00 | RoseMarie Klee | Ned Mattila |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2024 | $1,000.00 | RoseMarie Klee | Ned Mattila |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2025 | $1,000.00 | RoseMarie Klee | Ned Mattila |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2026 | $1,000.00 | RoseMarie Klee | Ned Mattila |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2027 | $1,000.00 | RoseMarie Klee | Ned Mattila |
Washington State Department of Transportation | 2022 | $4,000.00 | Julie Heilman | Jon Peterson |
For more than 20 years, the FHWA has led the coordination of opportunities for collaboration, technology deployment, and best practice information sharing among transportation hydraulic engineers and practitioners. In recent years, FHWA has partnered with the AASHTO Technical Committee on Hydrology and Hydraulics and the TRB AFB60 Subcommittee to coordinate the opportunities. These coordinated opportunities have improved the state of the practice of transportation hydraulic engineers and practitioners.
The next National Hydraulic Engineering Conference is proposed for Summer 2024, with subsequent conferences tentatively planned for 2026 and 2028.
The objectives of this study are:
For each conference, a Steering Committee will be formed by AASHTO TCHH, TRB AFB60, TRB AFB65, FHWA, and the host state. Deliverables will include quarterly report updates and a final summary report of each conference. The Federal Highway Administration will serve as the coordinator for this pooled-fund project. State DOT's will be solicited for their interest and participation. The minimum commitment per year for a state is $500. Commitments may be used for registration fees and travel expenses as funds permit.
The Steering Committee will serve as lead for the execution of this Pooled Fund project. The principle tasks are:
General Information |
Study Number: | TPF-5(507) |
Lead Organization: | Federal Highway Administration |
Solicitation Number: | 1584 |
Partners: | Georgia Institute of Technology, MO, OH, PADOT, TX, WA |
Status: | Cleared by FHWA |
Est. Completion Date: | |
Contract/Other Number: | |
Last Updated: | May 19, 2023 |
Contract End Date: |
Financial Summary |
Contract Amount: | |
Total Commitments Received: | $39,843.00 |
100% SP&R Approval: |
Contact Information |
Lead Study Contact(s): | Megan Frye | || | |||
Phone: 303- 396-9847 | |||
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): | Megan Frye | || | |||
Phone: 303- 396-9847 |
Organization | Year | Commitments | Technical Contact Name | Funding Contact Name | Contact Number | Email Address |
Georgia Institute of Technology | 2023 | $17,243.00 | Jenny Freeman | Jenny Freeman | 404-200-2196 | |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2023 | $1,000.00 | Travis Stump | Jennifer Harper | 573-526-3636 | |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2024 | $1,000.00 | Travis Stump | Jennifer Harper | 573-526-3636 | |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2025 | $1,000.00 | Travis Stump | Jennifer Harper | 573-526-3636 | |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2026 | $1,000.00 | Travis Stump | Jennifer Harper | 573-526-3636 | |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2027 | $1,000.00 | Travis Stump | Jennifer Harper | 573-526-3636 | |
Ohio Department of Transportation | 2024 | $1,600.00 | General Research | Jeffrey Syar | 614-275-1373 | |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2022 | $1,000.00 | Nick Vivian | Evan Zeiders | 717-787-8460 | |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2023 | $1,000.00 | Nick Vivian | Evan Zeiders | 717-787-8460 | |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2024 | $1,000.00 | Nick Vivian | Evan Zeiders | 717-787-8460 | |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2025 | $1,000.00 | Nick Vivian | Evan Zeiders | 717-787-8460 | |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2026 | $1,000.00 | Nick Vivian | Evan Zeiders | 717-787-8460 | |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2027 | $1,000.00 | Nick Vivian | Evan Zeiders | 717-787-8460 | |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2022 | $1,000.00 | RoseMarie Klee | Ned Mattila | 512-416-4727 | |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2023 | $1,000.00 | RoseMarie Klee | Ned Mattila | 512-416-4727 | |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2024 | $1,000.00 | RoseMarie Klee | Ned Mattila | 512-416-4727 | |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2025 | $1,000.00 | RoseMarie Klee | Ned Mattila | 512-416-4727 | |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2026 | $1,000.00 | RoseMarie Klee | Ned Mattila | 512-416-4727 | |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2027 | $1,000.00 | RoseMarie Klee | Ned Mattila | 512-416-4727 | |
Washington State Department of Transportation | 2022 | $4,000.00 | Julie Heilman | Jon Peterson | 360-705-7499 | |
For more than 20 years, the FHWA has led the coordination of opportunities for collaboration, technology deployment, and best practice information sharing among transportation hydraulic engineers and practitioners. In recent years, FHWA has partnered with the AASHTO Technical Committee on Hydrology and Hydraulics and the TRB AFB60 Subcommittee to coordinate the opportunities. These coordinated opportunities have improved the state of the practice of transportation hydraulic engineers and practitioners.
The next National Hydraulic Engineering Conference is proposed for Summer 2024, with subsequent conferences tentatively planned for 2026 and 2028.
The objectives of this study are:
For each conference, a Steering Committee will be formed by AASHTO TCHH, TRB AFB60, TRB AFB65, FHWA, and the host state. Deliverables will include quarterly report updates and a final summary report of each conference. The Federal Highway Administration will serve as the coordinator for this pooled-fund project. State DOT's will be solicited for their interest and participation. The minimum commitment per year for a state is $500. Commitments may be used for registration fees and travel expenses as funds permit.
The Steering Committee will serve as lead for the execution of this Pooled Fund project. The principle tasks are:
Title | File/Link | Type | Private |
FHWA-led Acceptance Memo | FHWA-led Acceptance Memo_TPF5-507.pdf | Memorandum | Public |
Title | File/Link | Type | Private |
Approval SPR Waiver | FHWA Led Approval of SPR Waiver #1584 signed.pdf | Memorandum | Public |