Technology Transfer Concrete Consortium (2025-2029)

General Information
Study Number: TPF-5(544)
Former Study Number: TPF-5(437)
Lead Organization: Iowa Department of Transportation
Solicitation Number: 1619
Partners: FL, IADOT, ID, KS, KY, MN, MO, MT, NY, PADOT, SC, TX, UT, WI, WY
Status: Cleared by FHWA
Est. Completion Date:
Contract/Other Number:
Last Updated: Oct 08, 2024
Contract End Date:
Financial Summary
Contract Amount:
Suggested Contribution: $40,000.00
Total Commitments Received: $861,200.00
100% SP&R Approval: Approved
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Khyle Clute
Phone: 515-239-1646
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Mike Praul
Phone: 207- 512-4917
Study Champion(s): Todd Hanson
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name
Florida Department of Transportation 2025 $12,000.00 Mary Jane Hayden Jennifer Clark
Florida Department of Transportation 2026 $12,000.00 Mary Jane Hayden Jennifer Clark
Florida Department of Transportation 2027 $12,000.00 Mary Jane Hayden Jennifer Clark
Florida Department of Transportation 2028 $12,000.00 Mary Jane Hayden Jennifer Clark
Florida Department of Transportation 2029 $12,000.00 Mary Jane Hayden Jennifer Clark
Idaho Department of Transportation 2025 $12,000.00 Dana Dietz Amanda Laib
Idaho Department of Transportation 2026 $12,000.00 Dana Dietz Amanda Laib
Idaho Department of Transportation 2027 $12,000.00 Dana Dietz Amanda Laib
Idaho Department of Transportation 2028 $12,000.00 Dana Dietz Amanda Laib
Idaho Department of Transportation 2029 $12,000.00 Dana Dietz Amanda Laib
Iowa Department of Transportation 2025 $12,000.00 Todd Hanson -- --
Iowa Department of Transportation 2026 $12,000.00 Todd Hanson -- --
Iowa Department of Transportation 2027 $12,000.00 Todd Hanson -- --
Iowa Department of Transportation 2028 $12,000.00 Todd Hanson -- --
Iowa Department of Transportation 2029 $12,000.00 Todd Hanson -- --
Kansas Department of Transportation 2025 $25,000.00 Dan Wadley David Behzadpour
Kansas Department of Transportation 2026 $25,000.00 Dan Wadley David Behzadpour
Kansas Department of Transportation 2027 $25,000.00 Dan Wadley David Behzadpour
Kansas Department of Transportation 2028 $25,000.00 Dan Wadley David Behzadpour
Kansas Department of Transportation 2029 $25,000.00 Dan Wadley David Behzadpour
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2025 $12,000.00 Michael Black Jarrod Stanley
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2026 $12,000.00 Michael Black Jarrod Stanley
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2027 $12,000.00 Michael Black Jarrod Stanley
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2028 $12,000.00 Michael Black Jarrod Stanley
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2029 $12,000.00 Michael Black Jarrod Stanley
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2025 $16,000.00 Maria Masten Leif Halverson
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2026 $16,000.00 Maria Masten Leif Halverson
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2027 $16,000.00 Maria Masten Leif Halverson
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2028 $16,000.00 Maria Masten Leif Halverson
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2029 $16,000.00 Maria Masten Leif Halverson
Missouri Department of Transportation 2025 $1,200.00 Brett Trautman Jennifer Harper
Missouri Department of Transportation 2026 $12,000.00 Brett Trautman Jennifer Harper
Missouri Department of Transportation 2027 $12,000.00 Brett Trautman Jennifer Harper
Missouri Department of Transportation 2028 $12,000.00 Brett Trautman Jennifer Harper
Missouri Department of Transportation 2029 $12,000.00 Brett Trautman Jennifer Harper
Montana Department of Transportation 2025 $12,000.00 Matthew Needham Rebecca Ridenour
Montana Department of Transportation 2026 $12,000.00 Matthew Needham Rebecca Ridenour
New York State Department of Transportation 2025 $12,000.00 Christian Olmoz Gail Carpenter
New York State Department of Transportation 2026 $12,000.00 Christian Olmoz Gail Carpenter
New York State Department of Transportation 2027 $12,000.00 Christian Olmoz Gail Carpenter
New York State Department of Transportation 2028 $12,000.00 Christian Olmoz Gail Carpenter
New York State Department of Transportation 2029 $12,000.00 Christian Olmoz Gail Carpenter
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2025 $12,000.00 Kevin Gnegy Evan Zeiders
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2026 $12,000.00 Kevin Gnegy Evan Zeiders
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2027 $12,000.00 Kevin Gnegy Evan Zeiders
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2028 $12,000.00 Kevin Gnegy Evan Zeiders
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2029 $12,000.00 Kevin Gnegy Evan Zeiders
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2025 $12,000.00 Eric Carroll Terry Swygert
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2026 $12,000.00 Eric Carroll Terry Swygert
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2027 $12,000.00 Eric Carroll Terry Swygert
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2028 $12,000.00 Eric Carroll Terry Swygert
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2029 $12,000.00 Eric Carroll Terry Swygert
Texas Department of Transportation 2025 $20,000.00 Andy Naranjo Ned Mattila
Texas Department of Transportation 2026 $20,000.00 Andy Naranjo Ned Mattila
Texas Department of Transportation 2027 $20,000.00 Andy Naranjo Ned Mattila
Texas Department of Transportation 2028 $20,000.00 Andy Naranjo Ned Mattila
Texas Department of Transportation 2029 $20,000.00 Andy Naranjo Ned Mattila
Utah Department of Transportation 2025 $8,000.00 Jason Richins David Stevens
Utah Department of Transportation 2026 $8,000.00 Jason Richins David Stevens
Utah Department of Transportation 2027 $8,000.00 Jason Richins David Stevens
Utah Department of Transportation 2028 $8,000.00 Jason Richins David Stevens
Utah Department of Transportation 2029 $8,000.00 Jason Richins David Stevens
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2025 $8,000.00 Tirupan Mandal Evelyn Bromberg
Wyoming Department of Transportation 2025 $15,000.00 Enid White Enid White

Study Description

Increasingly, state departments of transportation (DOTs) are challenged to design and build longer life concrete pavements that result in a higher level of user satisfaction for the public. One of the strategies for achieving longer life pavements is to use innovative materials and construction optimization technologies and practices. In order to foster new technologies and practices, experts from state DOTs, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), academia and industry must collaborate to identify and examine new concrete pavement research initiatives. The purpose of this pooled fund project is to identify, support, facilitate and fund concrete research and technology transfer initiatives.


Main objectives include:

  • Identify needed research priorities by region
  • Provide a forum for technology exchange between participants
  • Develop and fund technology transfer materials
  • Provide on-going communication of research needs faced by state agencies to the FHWA, industry, and CP Tech Center
  • Provide technical leadership for concrete related national initiatives to advance state-of-the-art construction and material practices.

It is anticipated that this consortium would become the national forum for state involvement in the technical exchange needed for collaboration and new initiatives and provide tactical strategies and solutions to issues identified by the member states.

Scope of Work

The TTCC is open to any state agency desiring to be a part of new developments in concrete. TTCC will meet in conjunction with the National Concrete Consortium (NCC), twice a year. NCC Bylaws and the Executive Committee membership can be found at

TTCC Project Activities and Deliverables: 

  • Identify and guide the development and funding of technology transfer materials such as tech brief summaries, web based courses, and training materials from research activities
  • Publish Moving Advancements into Practice (MAP) Briefs on a quarterly basis
  • Provide research ideas to funding agencies
  • Identify and instigate needed research projects
  • Include current activities and deliverables of the pooled fund on the CP Tech Center website
  • Maintain the pooled fund project website with current activities and deliverables
  • Maintain the TTCC pooled fund listserv; a forum for state reps to post questions to the other state reps and hear how similar problems or situations have been mitigated
  • Track TTCC listserv posted problems and discussions and categorize them for inclusion in a library on the project website
  • Develop research problems statements for possible pooled fund projects to address research needs identified by member state reps
  • Act as a technology exchange forum for the participating entities
  • Contribute to a technology transfer newsletter on concrete pavement research activities every six months
  • Submit electronic quarterly reports following lead state guidelines Pooled fund activities and budgets are discussed at the semi-annual meetings.
  • Proposals for minor research, synthesis studies, and/or training are often presented by partners and then discussed and voted on at the semi-annual meetings. NCC members may propose needed research and/or training, however they may not vote on how to utilize the federal pooled funds. Selection of needed work by partners does not guarantee work can be conducted under this pooled fund project since the Iowa DOT and FHWA must ensure the work will fit within the funding guidelines and scope of the project. Occasionally e-mail discussions and votes are warranted.


Funding: 30 states @ a minimum of $8,000 per state for each of five years = $1,200,000. Since many states are only able to commit one year at a time, the minimum funds required for this to become a pooled fund project and to be maintained as such each calendar year are $240,000 per year.

Commitment levels:

  • $8,000/year to support the pooled fund and allow 1 participant to attend semi-annual meetings
  • $12,000/year to allow 2 participants to attend semi-annual meetings each year
  • $16,000/year to allow 3 participants to attend semi-annual meetings each year
  • $20,000/year to allow 4 participants to attend semi-annual meetings each year

Summary of Requirements for Project Sponsors:

  • Financial support
  • Meeting opportunity based on level of funding for participation twice a year for 1, 2, 3, to 4 participants from each state (based on level of funding)
  • Active collaboration with each other and principal investigators to identify, instigate, develop, and author tech transfer materials and research initiatives. States may choose to contribute additional funds for specific tech transfer or research initiatives, beyond the normal pooled fund financial contribution. These initiatives may be funded either by individual states, or if multiple states have the same needs, then the initiatives may be funded and overseen by a group of states
  • Championing the deliverables from the pooled fund such as providing technical material to key staff, and facilitating implementation of new technologies and practices. TTCC members would also act as a contact person for researchers when their state participates in concrete pavement research within their state

New members: This pooled fund is always accepting new member states. Please inquire with the Lead Agency Contact noted above to join this effort.

Subjects: Maintenance Materials and Construction Pavement Design, Management, and Performance

No document attached.

Documents Attached
Title File/Link Document Category Document Type Privacy Document Date Download
Signed Waiver #1619 SPR Match Waiver Memorandum Signed..pdf Memorandum SPR Match Waiver Approval Memorandum Public 2024-06-29

Technology Transfer Concrete Consortium (2025-2029)

General Information
Study Number: TPF-5(544)
Lead Organization: Iowa Department of Transportation
Solicitation Number: 1619
Partners: FL, IADOT, ID, KS, KY, MN, MO, MT, NY, PADOT, SC, TX, UT, WI, WY
Status: Cleared by FHWA
Est. Completion Date:
Contract/Other Number:
Last Updated: Oct 08, 2024
Contract End Date:
Financial Summary
Contract Amount:
Total Commitments Received: $861,200.00
100% SP&R Approval:
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Khyle Clute
Phone: 515-239-1646
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Mike Praul
Phone: 207- 512-4917
Commitments by Organizations
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Florida Department of Transportation 2025 $12,000.00 Mary Jane Hayden Jennifer Clark 850-414-4614
Florida Department of Transportation 2026 $12,000.00 Mary Jane Hayden Jennifer Clark 850-414-4614
Florida Department of Transportation 2027 $12,000.00 Mary Jane Hayden Jennifer Clark 850-414-4614
Florida Department of Transportation 2028 $12,000.00 Mary Jane Hayden Jennifer Clark 850-414-4614
Florida Department of Transportation 2029 $12,000.00 Mary Jane Hayden Jennifer Clark 850-414-4614
Idaho Department of Transportation 2025 $12,000.00 Dana Dietz Amanda Laib 208-334-8181
Idaho Department of Transportation 2026 $12,000.00 Dana Dietz Amanda Laib 208-334-8181
Idaho Department of Transportation 2027 $12,000.00 Dana Dietz Amanda Laib 208-334-8181
Idaho Department of Transportation 2028 $12,000.00 Dana Dietz Amanda Laib 208-334-8181
Idaho Department of Transportation 2029 $12,000.00 Dana Dietz Amanda Laib 208-334-8181
Iowa Department of Transportation 2025 $12,000.00 Todd Hanson -- -- --
Iowa Department of Transportation 2026 $12,000.00 Todd Hanson -- -- --
Iowa Department of Transportation 2027 $12,000.00 Todd Hanson -- -- --
Iowa Department of Transportation 2028 $12,000.00 Todd Hanson -- -- --
Iowa Department of Transportation 2029 $12,000.00 Todd Hanson -- -- --
Kansas Department of Transportation 2025 $25,000.00 Dan Wadley David Behzadpour 785-291-3847
Kansas Department of Transportation 2026 $25,000.00 Dan Wadley David Behzadpour 785-291-3847
Kansas Department of Transportation 2027 $25,000.00 Dan Wadley David Behzadpour 785-291-3847
Kansas Department of Transportation 2028 $25,000.00 Dan Wadley David Behzadpour 785-291-3847
Kansas Department of Transportation 2029 $25,000.00 Dan Wadley David Behzadpour 785-291-3847
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2025 $12,000.00 Michael Black Jarrod Stanley (502) 782-4090
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2026 $12,000.00 Michael Black Jarrod Stanley (502) 782-4090
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2027 $12,000.00 Michael Black Jarrod Stanley (502) 782-4090
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2028 $12,000.00 Michael Black Jarrod Stanley (502) 782-4090
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2029 $12,000.00 Michael Black Jarrod Stanley (502) 782-4090
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2025 $16,000.00 Maria Masten Leif Halverson
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2026 $16,000.00 Maria Masten Leif Halverson
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2027 $16,000.00 Maria Masten Leif Halverson
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2028 $16,000.00 Maria Masten Leif Halverson
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2029 $16,000.00 Maria Masten Leif Halverson
Missouri Department of Transportation 2025 $1,200.00 Brett Trautman Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636
Missouri Department of Transportation 2026 $12,000.00 Brett Trautman Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636
Missouri Department of Transportation 2027 $12,000.00 Brett Trautman Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636
Missouri Department of Transportation 2028 $12,000.00 Brett Trautman Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636
Missouri Department of Transportation 2029 $12,000.00 Brett Trautman Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636
Montana Department of Transportation 2025 $12,000.00 Matthew Needham Rebecca Ridenour (406)444-7203
Montana Department of Transportation 2026 $12,000.00 Matthew Needham Rebecca Ridenour (406)444-7203
New York State Department of Transportation 2025 $12,000.00 Christian Olmoz Gail Carpenter 518-457-8083
New York State Department of Transportation 2026 $12,000.00 Christian Olmoz Gail Carpenter 518-457-8083
New York State Department of Transportation 2027 $12,000.00 Christian Olmoz Gail Carpenter 518-457-8083
New York State Department of Transportation 2028 $12,000.00 Christian Olmoz Gail Carpenter 518-457-8083
New York State Department of Transportation 2029 $12,000.00 Christian Olmoz Gail Carpenter 518-457-8083
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2025 $12,000.00 Kevin Gnegy Evan Zeiders 717-787-8460
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2026 $12,000.00 Kevin Gnegy Evan Zeiders 717-787-8460
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2027 $12,000.00 Kevin Gnegy Evan Zeiders 717-787-8460
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2028 $12,000.00 Kevin Gnegy Evan Zeiders 717-787-8460
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2029 $12,000.00 Kevin Gnegy Evan Zeiders 717-787-8460
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2025 $12,000.00 Eric Carroll Terry Swygert 803-737-6691
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2026 $12,000.00 Eric Carroll Terry Swygert 803-737-6691
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2027 $12,000.00 Eric Carroll Terry Swygert 803-737-6691
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2028 $12,000.00 Eric Carroll Terry Swygert 803-737-6691
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2029 $12,000.00 Eric Carroll Terry Swygert 803-737-6691
Texas Department of Transportation 2025 $20,000.00 Andy Naranjo Ned Mattila 512-416-4727
Texas Department of Transportation 2026 $20,000.00 Andy Naranjo Ned Mattila 512-416-4727
Texas Department of Transportation 2027 $20,000.00 Andy Naranjo Ned Mattila 512-416-4727
Texas Department of Transportation 2028 $20,000.00 Andy Naranjo Ned Mattila 512-416-4727
Texas Department of Transportation 2029 $20,000.00 Andy Naranjo Ned Mattila 512-416-4727
Utah Department of Transportation 2025 $8,000.00 Jason Richins David Stevens 801-589-8340
Utah Department of Transportation 2026 $8,000.00 Jason Richins David Stevens 801-589-8340
Utah Department of Transportation 2027 $8,000.00 Jason Richins David Stevens 801-589-8340
Utah Department of Transportation 2028 $8,000.00 Jason Richins David Stevens 801-589-8340
Utah Department of Transportation 2029 $8,000.00 Jason Richins David Stevens 801-589-8340
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2025 $8,000.00 Tirupan Mandal Evelyn Bromberg 608-267-7360
Wyoming Department of Transportation 2025 $15,000.00 Enid White Enid White 307-777-4182

Study Description

Study Description

Increasingly, state departments of transportation (DOTs) are challenged to design and build longer life concrete pavements that result in a higher level of user satisfaction for the public. One of the strategies for achieving longer life pavements is to use innovative materials and construction optimization technologies and practices. In order to foster new technologies and practices, experts from state DOTs, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), academia and industry must collaborate to identify and examine new concrete pavement research initiatives. The purpose of this pooled fund project is to identify, support, facilitate and fund concrete research and technology transfer initiatives.


Main objectives include:

  • Identify needed research priorities by region
  • Provide a forum for technology exchange between participants
  • Develop and fund technology transfer materials
  • Provide on-going communication of research needs faced by state agencies to the FHWA, industry, and CP Tech Center
  • Provide technical leadership for concrete related national initiatives to advance state-of-the-art construction and material practices.

It is anticipated that this consortium would become the national forum for state involvement in the technical exchange needed for collaboration and new initiatives and provide tactical strategies and solutions to issues identified by the member states.

Scope of Work

The TTCC is open to any state agency desiring to be a part of new developments in concrete. TTCC will meet in conjunction with the National Concrete Consortium (NCC), twice a year. NCC Bylaws and the Executive Committee membership can be found at

TTCC Project Activities and Deliverables: 

  • Identify and guide the development and funding of technology transfer materials such as tech brief summaries, web based courses, and training materials from research activities
  • Publish Moving Advancements into Practice (MAP) Briefs on a quarterly basis
  • Provide research ideas to funding agencies
  • Identify and instigate needed research projects
  • Include current activities and deliverables of the pooled fund on the CP Tech Center website
  • Maintain the pooled fund project website with current activities and deliverables
  • Maintain the TTCC pooled fund listserv; a forum for state reps to post questions to the other state reps and hear how similar problems or situations have been mitigated
  • Track TTCC listserv posted problems and discussions and categorize them for inclusion in a library on the project website
  • Develop research problems statements for possible pooled fund projects to address research needs identified by member state reps
  • Act as a technology exchange forum for the participating entities
  • Contribute to a technology transfer newsletter on concrete pavement research activities every six months
  • Submit electronic quarterly reports following lead state guidelines Pooled fund activities and budgets are discussed at the semi-annual meetings.
  • Proposals for minor research, synthesis studies, and/or training are often presented by partners and then discussed and voted on at the semi-annual meetings. NCC members may propose needed research and/or training, however they may not vote on how to utilize the federal pooled funds. Selection of needed work by partners does not guarantee work can be conducted under this pooled fund project since the Iowa DOT and FHWA must ensure the work will fit within the funding guidelines and scope of the project. Occasionally e-mail discussions and votes are warranted.


Funding: 30 states @ a minimum of $8,000 per state for each of five years = $1,200,000. Since many states are only able to commit one year at a time, the minimum funds required for this to become a pooled fund project and to be maintained as such each calendar year are $240,000 per year.

Commitment levels:

  • $8,000/year to support the pooled fund and allow 1 participant to attend semi-annual meetings
  • $12,000/year to allow 2 participants to attend semi-annual meetings each year
  • $16,000/year to allow 3 participants to attend semi-annual meetings each year
  • $20,000/year to allow 4 participants to attend semi-annual meetings each year

Summary of Requirements for Project Sponsors:

  • Financial support
  • Meeting opportunity based on level of funding for participation twice a year for 1, 2, 3, to 4 participants from each state (based on level of funding)
  • Active collaboration with each other and principal investigators to identify, instigate, develop, and author tech transfer materials and research initiatives. States may choose to contribute additional funds for specific tech transfer or research initiatives, beyond the normal pooled fund financial contribution. These initiatives may be funded either by individual states, or if multiple states have the same needs, then the initiatives may be funded and overseen by a group of states
  • Championing the deliverables from the pooled fund such as providing technical material to key staff, and facilitating implementation of new technologies and practices. TTCC members would also act as a contact person for researchers when their state participates in concrete pavement research within their state

New members: This pooled fund is always accepting new member states. Please inquire with the Lead Agency Contact noted above to join this effort.

Subjects: Maintenance Materials and Construction Pavement Design, Management, and Performance

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Title File/Link Type Private
Signed Waiver #1619 SPR Match Waiver Memorandum Signed..pdf Memorandum Public

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