General Information |
Study Number: | TPF-5(457) |
Former Study Number: | TPF-5(333) |
Lead Organization: | North Dakota Department of Transportation |
Solicitation Number: | 1537 |
Partners: | MT, ND, SD, WY |
Status: | Cleared by FHWA |
Est. Completion Date: | |
Contract/Other Number: | |
Last Updated: | Nov 04, 2024 |
Contract End Date: |
Financial Summary |
Contract Amount: | |
Suggested Contribution: | |
Total Commitments Received: | $1,872,000.00 |
100% SP&R Approval: | Approved |
Contact Information |
Lead Study Contact(s): | TJ Murphy | || | |||
Phone: 701-328-6910 | |||
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): | Kristen Sperry | || | |||
Phone: 701- 221-9464 | |||
Study Champion(s): | TJ Murphy | || | |||
Phone: 701-328-6910 |
Organization | Year | Commitments | Technical Contact Name | Funding Contact Name |
Montana Department of Transportation | 2020 | $117,000.00 | Michelle Wheat | Rebecca Ridenour |
Montana Department of Transportation | 2021 | $117,000.00 | Michelle Wheat | Rebecca Ridenour |
Montana Department of Transportation | 2022 | $117,000.00 | Michelle Wheat | Rebecca Ridenour |
Montana Department of Transportation | 2023 | $117,000.00 | Michelle Wheat | Rebecca Ridenour |
Montana Department of Transportation | 2024 | $117,000.00 | Michelle Wheat | Rebecca Ridenour |
North Dakota Department of Transportation | 2020 | $117,000.00 | TJ Murphy | TJ Murphy |
North Dakota Department of Transportation | 2021 | $117,000.00 | TJ Murphy | TJ Murphy |
North Dakota Department of Transportation | 2022 | $117,000.00 | TJ Murphy | TJ Murphy |
North Dakota Department of Transportation | 2023 | $117,000.00 | TJ Murphy | TJ Murphy |
North Dakota Department of Transportation | 2024 | $117,000.00 | TJ Murphy | TJ Murphy |
North Dakota Department of Transportation | 2025 | $117,000.00 | TJ Murphy | TJ Murphy |
South Dakota Department of Transportation | 2020 | $117,000.00 | Thad Bauer | Thad Bauer |
South Dakota Department of Transportation | 2021 | $117,000.00 | Thad Bauer | Thad Bauer |
South Dakota Department of Transportation | 2022 | $117,000.00 | Thad Bauer | Thad Bauer |
South Dakota Department of Transportation | 2023 | $117,000.00 | Thad Bauer | Thad Bauer |
South Dakota Department of Transportation | 2024 | $117,000.00 | Thad Bauer | Thad Bauer |
Wyoming Department of Transportation | $0.00 |
Due to the geographic nature and related travel costs of the member states, and the cities and counties within these states, many technical topics and innovations would not be delivered or would be delivered to only a small percentage of the staff within these states. TLN is a critical tool in assuring technology transfer to member states, counties, and cities, and that they stay abreast of the latest innovations, initiatives, and research which helps them be more efficient and cost-effective.
TLN will be dedicated to excellence in service in the following areas: 1) technology transfer, 2) innovative transportation practices, 3) new processes, initiatives and technology and 4) being the ideal one-stop source for supplemental learning within the DOTs.
Through the proposed pooled fund (TLN), the member states plan to research and deliver needed technology transfer topics via distance-based and on-demand methods. On an annual basis, the pooled fund members will develop and identify new topics of technology transfer through coordination of state DOT’s and Local Technical Assistance Programs (LTAP). The process will involve an annual assessment of each state’s need for new insights in the areas of construction, design, structures, environmental, maintenance, materials, planning and safety. Additionally, the TLN pool will be aimed at delivering innovative insights into transportation infrastructure management through Every-Day-Counts initiatives. Each year, topics will be proposed and prioritized by the member states and given to TLN for development and delivery. The latest advances in technical programming and innovations from other organizations will also be evaluated for TLN delivery. These organizations will include other DOT’s, universities, industry groups such as ATSSA, AASHTO TC3, National Center for Pavement Preservation, Asphalt Institute, AGC, USDA, and others. Technology and best practices exchanges among states will be supported through multi-state roundtable discussions on topics relating to design, construction, maintenance, and materials. The state DOT’s will annually prioritize the roundtable topics based on their current and emerging needs. The intent of the roundtable topics is to discuss the best practices, techniques, innovations, successes, failures and recommendations of each state so awareness and implementation insights can be gained by other states. Technology transfer presentations will be delivered in the most appropriate distance-based format of video conference or webinar. The increased demand of working remotely and just-in-time delivery has also been considered and TLN is fully capable of delivering content in this capacity. Recordings will be stored and made available for replay whenever possible.
The duration of the project is 5 years. An annual budget of $468,000. Participating state DOT’s will be expected to commit at a funding level of $117,000 per year. 100% SPR funding has been requested.
Subjects: Bridges, Other Structures, and Hydraulics and Hydrology Freight Transportation Highway and Facility Design Highway Operations, Capacity, and Traffic Control Maintenance Materials and Construction Pavement Design, Management, and Performance Soils, Geology, and Foundations
No document attached.
General Information |
Study Number: | TPF-5(457) |
Lead Organization: | North Dakota Department of Transportation |
Solicitation Number: | 1537 |
Partners: | MT, ND, SD, WY |
Status: | Cleared by FHWA |
Est. Completion Date: | |
Contract/Other Number: | |
Last Updated: | Nov 04, 2024 |
Contract End Date: |
Financial Summary |
Contract Amount: | |
Total Commitments Received: | $1,872,000.00 |
100% SP&R Approval: |
Contact Information |
Lead Study Contact(s): | TJ Murphy | || | |||
Phone: 701-328-6910 | |||
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): | Kristen Sperry | || | |||
Phone: 701- 221-9464 |
Organization | Year | Commitments | Technical Contact Name | Funding Contact Name | Contact Number | Email Address |
Montana Department of Transportation | 2020 | $117,000.00 | Michelle Wheat | Rebecca Ridenour | (406)444-7203 | |
Montana Department of Transportation | 2021 | $117,000.00 | Michelle Wheat | Rebecca Ridenour | (406)444-7203 | |
Montana Department of Transportation | 2022 | $117,000.00 | Michelle Wheat | Rebecca Ridenour | (406)444-7203 | |
Montana Department of Transportation | 2023 | $117,000.00 | Michelle Wheat | Rebecca Ridenour | (406)444-7203 | |
Montana Department of Transportation | 2024 | $117,000.00 | Michelle Wheat | Rebecca Ridenour | (406)444-7203 | |
North Dakota Department of Transportation | 2020 | $117,000.00 | TJ Murphy | TJ Murphy | 701-328-6910 | |
North Dakota Department of Transportation | 2021 | $117,000.00 | TJ Murphy | TJ Murphy | 701-328-6910 | |
North Dakota Department of Transportation | 2022 | $117,000.00 | TJ Murphy | TJ Murphy | 701-328-6910 | |
North Dakota Department of Transportation | 2023 | $117,000.00 | TJ Murphy | TJ Murphy | 701-328-6910 | |
North Dakota Department of Transportation | 2024 | $117,000.00 | TJ Murphy | TJ Murphy | 701-328-6910 | |
North Dakota Department of Transportation | 2025 | $117,000.00 | TJ Murphy | TJ Murphy | 701-328-6910 | |
South Dakota Department of Transportation | 2020 | $117,000.00 | Thad Bauer | Thad Bauer | 6057734404 | |
South Dakota Department of Transportation | 2021 | $117,000.00 | Thad Bauer | Thad Bauer | 6057734404 | |
South Dakota Department of Transportation | 2022 | $117,000.00 | Thad Bauer | Thad Bauer | 6057734404 | |
South Dakota Department of Transportation | 2023 | $117,000.00 | Thad Bauer | Thad Bauer | 6057734404 | |
South Dakota Department of Transportation | 2024 | $117,000.00 | Thad Bauer | Thad Bauer | 6057734404 | |
Due to the geographic nature and related travel costs of the member states, and the cities and counties within these states, many technical topics and innovations would not be delivered or would be delivered to only a small percentage of the staff within these states. TLN is a critical tool in assuring technology transfer to member states, counties, and cities, and that they stay abreast of the latest innovations, initiatives, and research which helps them be more efficient and cost-effective.
TLN will be dedicated to excellence in service in the following areas: 1) technology transfer, 2) innovative transportation practices, 3) new processes, initiatives and technology and 4) being the ideal one-stop source for supplemental learning within the DOTs.
Through the proposed pooled fund (TLN), the member states plan to research and deliver needed technology transfer topics via distance-based and on-demand methods. On an annual basis, the pooled fund members will develop and identify new topics of technology transfer through coordination of state DOT’s and Local Technical Assistance Programs (LTAP). The process will involve an annual assessment of each state’s need for new insights in the areas of construction, design, structures, environmental, maintenance, materials, planning and safety. Additionally, the TLN pool will be aimed at delivering innovative insights into transportation infrastructure management through Every-Day-Counts initiatives. Each year, topics will be proposed and prioritized by the member states and given to TLN for development and delivery. The latest advances in technical programming and innovations from other organizations will also be evaluated for TLN delivery. These organizations will include other DOT’s, universities, industry groups such as ATSSA, AASHTO TC3, National Center for Pavement Preservation, Asphalt Institute, AGC, USDA, and others. Technology and best practices exchanges among states will be supported through multi-state roundtable discussions on topics relating to design, construction, maintenance, and materials. The state DOT’s will annually prioritize the roundtable topics based on their current and emerging needs. The intent of the roundtable topics is to discuss the best practices, techniques, innovations, successes, failures and recommendations of each state so awareness and implementation insights can be gained by other states. Technology transfer presentations will be delivered in the most appropriate distance-based format of video conference or webinar. The increased demand of working remotely and just-in-time delivery has also been considered and TLN is fully capable of delivering content in this capacity. Recordings will be stored and made available for replay whenever possible.
The duration of the project is 5 years. An annual budget of $468,000. Participating state DOT’s will be expected to commit at a funding level of $117,000 per year. 100% SPR funding has been requested.
Subjects: Bridges, Other Structures, and Hydraulics and Hydrology Freight Transportation Highway and Facility Design Highway Operations, Capacity, and Traffic Control Maintenance Materials and Construction Pavement Design, Management, and Performance Soils, Geology, and Foundations
Title | File/Link | Type | Private |
TLN Qtrly (July-Sept 2024) Progress Rpt | TLN Q1 (July-Sept 2024) Progress Rpt.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
TLN Qtrly (AprJune 2024) Progress Rpt | TLN Qtrly (Apr-June 2024) Progress Rpt.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
TLN Qtrly (Jan-Mar 2024) Progress Rpt | TLN Qtrly (Jan-Mar 2024) Progress Rpt.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
TLN Qtrly (Apr-June 2023) Progress Rpt | TLN Qtrly (Apr - June 2023) Progress Rpt.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
TLN Qtrly (Oct-Dec 2023) Progress Rpt | TLN Qtrly (Oct-Dec 2023) Progress Rpt.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
TLN Qtrly (July-Sept 2023) Progress Rpt | TLN Qtrly (July-Sept 2023) Progress Rpt.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
TLN Qtrly (Jan - Mar 2023) Progress Rpt | TLN Qtrly (Jan - Mar 2023) Progress Rpt.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
TLN Qtrly (Oct - Dec 2022) Progress Rpt | TLN Qtrly (Oct - Dec 2022) Progress Rpt.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
TLN Qtrly (July - Sept 2022) Progress Rpt | TLN Qtrly (July - Sept 2022) Progress Rpt.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
TLN Qtrly (Apr - June 2022) Progress Rpt | TLN Qtrly (Apr - June 2022) Progress Rpt.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
TLN Qtrly (Jan-Mar 2022) Progress Rpt | TLN Qtrly (Jan-Mar 2022) Progress Rpt.docx | Progress Report | Public |
TLN Qtrly (Oct-Dec 2021) Progress Rpt | TLN Qtrly (Oct-Dec 2021) Progress Rpt.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
TLN Qtrly (July-Sept 2021) Progress Rpt | TLN Qtrly (July-Sept 2021) Progress Rpt.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
TLN Qtrly (Apr-June 2021) Progress Rpt | TLN Qtrly (Apr-June 2021) Progress Rpt.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
TLN Qtrly (Jan-Mar 2021) Progress Rpt | TLN Qtrly (Jan-Mar 2021) Progress Rpt.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
TLN Qtrly (Oct-Dec 2020) Progress Rpt | TLN Qtrly (Oct-Dec 2020) Progress Rpt.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Acceptance Letter | Acceptance Letter for TFP-5(457).docx | Memorandum | Public |
SP&R Wavier Approval | SPR Waiver Memo Solicitation#1537.Signature.pdf | Memorandum | Public |