Adhesion Criteria Between Water-Based Inorganic Coatings and Their Topcoats for Steel

General Information
Study Number: SPR-2(173)
Former Study Number:
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Contract Start Date: Oct 01, 1995
Solicitation Number: 77
Partners: CA, DC, IN, KS, MA, MI, MO, MS, OK, RI, WA, WI
Contractor(s): Ocean City Research Corporation
Status: Closed
Est. Completion Date:
Contract/Other Number:
Last Updated: Apr 08, 2013
Contract End Date: Sep 30, 1997
Financial Summary
Contract Amount: $0.00
Suggested Contribution:
Total Commitments Received: $170,500.00
100% SP&R Approval: Not Requested
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Gary Jensen
Phone: 202- 366-2048
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Paul Virmani
Phone: 202-493-3052
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name
California Department of Transportation 1994 $25,000.00 Ray Warness Tim Leahy
California Department of Transportation 1995 $25,000.00 Ray Warness Tim Leahy
District of Columbia Department of Transportation 1994 $25,000.00 Donald Cooney Donald Cooney
Indiana Department of Transportation 1994 $3,000.00 Doug Lawrence Doug Lawrence
Kansas Department of Transportation 1994 $5,000.00 Richard Schwartz Richard Schwartz
Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation and Construction 1994 $5,000.00 Leo Stevens Walter Kondo
Michigan Department of Transportation 1994 $20,000.00 Eileen Phifer Jon Reincke
Michigan Department of Transportation 1995 $20,000.00 Eileen Phifer Jon Reincke
Michigan Department of Transportation 1996 $20,000.00 Eileen Phifer Jon Reincke
Mississippi Department of Transportation 1996 $0.00
Missouri Department of Transportation 1994 $7,500.00
Oklahoma Transportation 1994 $5,000.00 Walter Peters C. Hixon
Rhode Island Department of Transportation 1994 $3,000.00 Colin Franco Colin Franco
Washington State Department of Transportation 1994 $2,000.00 Chad Sherrell Chad Sherrell
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 1994 $5,000.00 Arnold Mohlman Arnold Mohlman


First, to identify the cause of failure for both the coated and uncoated material. Second, to identify and provide the necessary guidelines to assure excellent field performance of the applied material. Third, to develop a quality control field testing procedure that will identify whether the primer is in a condition for exterior exposure and/or topcoating.


The study has been completed, and the results published in Adhesion Criteria Between Water-Based Inorganic Zinc Coatings and Their Topcoats for Steel (FHWA-RD-98-170 - 3/99, PDF). The report presents the more practical results of the study. It demonstrates that environmental conditions may be a contributing cause of the failures but are not the primary cause. Substrate salt contamination and improper mixing of the coating were shown to cause freckle rusting. Acrylic topcoat delamination was related to residual alkaline compounds on the primer surface. The surface pH was reduced by applying a dilute acid solution or by weathering for 2 weeks in a northeastern marine atmosphere. Additional ways of reducing the surface pH (weathering or otherwise) should be investigated.

Documents Attached
Title File/Link Document Category Document Type Privacy Document Date Download
Final Report Adhesion_Criteria_Between_Water-Based_Inorganic_Zinc_Coatings_and_their_Topcoats_for_Steel.pdf Deliverable Final Report Public 2013-05-13
Official Closeout Memo SPR-2(173) -- Close out Memo - Electronic Signature.pdf Memorandum Other Public 2013-04-08

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Adhesion Criteria Between Water-Based Inorganic Coatings and Their Topcoats for Steel

General Information
Study Number: SPR-2(173)
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Contract Start Date: Oct 01, 1995
Solicitation Number: 77
Partners: CA, DC, IN, KS, MA, MI, MO, MS, OK, RI, WA, WI
Contractor(s): Ocean City Research Corporation
Status: Closed
Est. Completion Date:
Contract/Other Number:
Last Updated: Apr 08, 2013
Contract End Date: Sep 30, 1997
Financial Summary
Contract Amount: $0.00
Total Commitments Received: $170,500.00
100% SP&R Approval:
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Gary Jensen
Phone: 202- 366-2048
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Paul Virmani
Phone: 202-493-3052
Commitments by Organizations
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
California Department of Transportation 1994 $25,000.00 Ray Warness Tim Leahy 916-739-5792
California Department of Transportation 1995 $25,000.00 Ray Warness Tim Leahy 916-739-5792
District of Columbia Department of Transportation 1994 $25,000.00 Donald Cooney Donald Cooney 202-939-8073
Indiana Department of Transportation 1994 $3,000.00 Doug Lawrence Doug Lawrence 317-232-5081
Kansas Department of Transportation 1994 $5,000.00 Richard Schwartz Richard Schwartz 913-296-2231
Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation and Construction 1994 $5,000.00 Leo Stevens Walter Kondo 617-973-7800
Michigan Department of Transportation 1994 $20,000.00 Eileen Phifer Jon Reincke 517-322-5695
Michigan Department of Transportation 1995 $20,000.00 Eileen Phifer Jon Reincke 517-322-5695
Michigan Department of Transportation 1996 $20,000.00 Eileen Phifer Jon Reincke 517-322-5695
Mississippi Department of Transportation 1996 $0.00
Missouri Department of Transportation 1994 $7,500.00
Oklahoma Transportation 1994 $5,000.00 Walter Peters C. Hixon 405-521-2671
Rhode Island Department of Transportation 1994 $3,000.00 Colin Franco Colin Franco 401222 2524x4110
Washington State Department of Transportation 1994 $2,000.00 Chad Sherrell Chad Sherrell 206-753-7064
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 1994 $5,000.00 Arnold Mohlman Arnold Mohlman 608-246-7909

Study Description


First, to identify the cause of failure for both the coated and uncoated material. Second, to identify and provide the necessary guidelines to assure excellent field performance of the applied material. Third, to develop a quality control field testing procedure that will identify whether the primer is in a condition for exterior exposure and/or topcoating.


The study has been completed, and the results published in Adhesion Criteria Between Water-Based Inorganic Zinc Coatings and Their Topcoats for Steel (FHWA-RD-98-170 - 3/99, PDF). The report presents the more practical results of the study. It demonstrates that environmental conditions may be a contributing cause of the failures but are not the primary cause. Substrate salt contamination and improper mixing of the coating were shown to cause freckle rusting. Acrylic topcoat delamination was related to residual alkaline compounds on the primer surface. The surface pH was reduced by applying a dilute acid solution or by weathering for 2 weeks in a northeastern marine atmosphere. Additional ways of reducing the surface pH (weathering or otherwise) should be investigated.

Title File/Link Type Private
Final Report Adhesion_Criteria_Between_Water-Based_Inorganic_Zinc_Coatings_and_their_Topcoats_for_Steel.pdf Deliverable Public
Official Closeout Memo SPR-2(173) -- Close out Memo - Electronic Signature.pdf Memorandum Public
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