Accelerated Performance Testing on the 2021 NCAT Pavement Test Track with MnROAD Research Partnership

General Information
Study Number: TPF-5(469)
Former Study Number: TPF-5(374)
Lead Organization: Alabama Department of Transportation
Contract Start Date: Mar 01, 2021
Solicitation Number: 1549
Partners: AL, FHWA, FL, GADOT, KY, MS, NC, ND, NY, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA
Status: Cleared by FHWA
Est. Completion Date:
Contract/Other Number:
Last Updated: Mar 19, 2024
Contract End Date:
Financial Summary
Contract Amount:
Suggested Contribution:
Total Commitments Received: $13,376,748.00
100% SP&R Approval: Approved
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Kidada Dixon
Phone: 334.353.6940
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Derek Nener-Plante
Phone: 202-763-4017
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name
Alabama Department of Transportation 2021 $500,000.00 Kidada Dixon Virgil Clifton
Alabama Department of Transportation 2022 $500,000.00 Kidada Dixon Virgil Clifton
Alabama Department of Transportation 2023 $500,000.00 Kidada Dixon Virgil Clifton
Alabama Department of Transportation 2024 $250,000.00 Kidada Dixon Virgil Clifton
Federal Highway Administration 2021 $370,000.00 Derek Nener-Plante Derek Nener-Plante
Federal Highway Administration 2022 $250,000.00 Derek Nener-Plante Derek Nener-Plante
Federal Highway Administration 2023 $250,000.00 Derek Nener-Plante Derek Nener-Plante
Florida Department of Transportation 2021 $416,666.00 Howard Moseley Jennifer Clark
Florida Department of Transportation 2022 $416,666.00 Howard Moseley Jennifer Clark
Florida Department of Transportation 2023 $416,666.00 Howard Moseley Jennifer Clark
Georgia Department of Transportation 2021 $166,667.00 Peter Wu Brennan Roney
Georgia Department of Transportation 2022 $166,667.00 Peter Wu Brennan Roney
Georgia Department of Transportation 2023 $166,666.00 Peter Wu Brennan Roney
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2021 $166,667.00 David Hacker Jarrod Stanley
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2022 $166,667.00 David Hacker Jarrod Stanley
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2023 $166,667.00 David Hacker Jarrod Stanley
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2021 $483,333.00 Cindy Smith Robert Vance
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2022 $483,333.00 Cindy Smith Robert Vance
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2023 $483,333.00 Cindy Smith Robert Vance
New York State Department of Transportation 2021 $250,000.00 Mike Heim Gail Carpenter
New York State Department of Transportation 2022 $250,000.00 Mike Heim Gail Carpenter
New York State Department of Transportation 2023 $250,000.00 Mike Heim Gail Carpenter
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2021 $150,000.00 Matthew Hilderbran Curtis Bradley
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2022 $150,000.00 Matthew Hilderbran Curtis Bradley
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2023 $150,000.00 Matthew Hilderbran Curtis Bradley
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2024 $50,000.00 Matthew Hilderbran Curtis Bradley
North Dakota Department of Transportation $0.00
Oklahoma Transportation 2021 $466,667.00 David Vivanco Ron Curb
Oklahoma Transportation 2022 $416,667.00 David Vivanco Ron Curb
Oklahoma Transportation 2023 $416,666.00 David Vivanco Ron Curb
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2021 $100,000.00 Cliff Selkinghaus, Terry Swygert
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2022 $100,000.00 Cliff Selkinghaus, Terry Swygert
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2023 $100,000.00 Cliff Selkinghaus, Terry Swygert
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2021 $416,667.00 Heather Hall Pawel Polaczyk
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2022 $416,667.00 Heather Hall Pawel Polaczyk
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2023 $416,666.00 Heather Hall Pawel Polaczyk
Texas Department of Transportation 2021 $640,083.00 Travis Patton Ned Mattila
Texas Department of Transportation 2022 $633,333.00 Travis Patton Ned Mattila
Texas Department of Transportation 2023 $633,334.00 Travis Patton Ned Mattila
Virginia Department of Transportation 2021 $350,000.00 Brian Diefenderfer Bill Kelsh
Virginia Department of Transportation 2022 $350,000.00 Brian Diefenderfer Bill Kelsh
Virginia Department of Transportation 2023 $350,000.00 Brian Diefenderfer Bill Kelsh

Study Description

The NCAT Pavement Test Track was originally constructed as a result of interest and support from state Departments of Transportation (DOTs) who shared a concern for building and preserving safe, sustainable, resilient, and cost-effective pavement infrastructure. Track research operations began in the summer of 2000. Forty-six 200-ft test sections were subjected to 10 million equivalent single axle loadings (ESALs) of heavy truck traffic through December of 2002. Test sections were rebuilt in 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015, and 2018 with 10 million ESALs applied within each 3-year research cycle. NCAT began formally partnering with the Minnesota Road Research Project (MnROAD) in 2015 to execute nationally relevant research in both mix performance testing and pavement preservation. Positive experiences with implementable findings that reduce the life cycle cost of flexible pavements and facilitate rapid deployment of sustainable technologies have made this research an outstanding investment for numerous state DOTs, who pool their resources to share the cost of construction, operations, and research in a cooperative manner. The summer 2021 rebuild is the starting point for the eighth research cycle, with many high reward research options available for potential sponsors. NCAT is again partnering with MnROAD in the 2021 research cycle to execute a pavement performance experiment with nationwide implementation impact.


The primary objectives of the pooled fund project described herein will be: 1. Constructing experimental pavements on the existing 1.7-mile NCAT test oval and the MnROAD mainline bypass that are representative of in-service roadways on the open transportation infrastructure; 2. Applying accelerated performance truck traffic after construction for the duration of the 3-year research cycle; 3. Assessing/comparing the functional and structural field performance of trafficked sections on a regular basis via surface and subsurface measures; 4. Validating/calibrating new and existing methodologies for analysis and design using pavement surface condition, pavement load response, precise traffic and environmental logging, and cumulative damage; 5. Correlating field results with laboratory data for both mix and structural performance; and 6. Answering practical questions posed by research sponsors through formal (i.e., reports and technical papers) and informal (e.g., one-on-one responses to sponsor inquiries) technology transfer. For example, can pavement thickness be reduced as a result of the addition of premium mix additives, and if so does the thickness reduction offset the additional cost of construction?

Scope of Work

The scope of work for the pooled fund project will include: 1. Hauling materials to the project from offsite locations. Material donations are typically secured by state sponsors, while reasonable hauling expenses are handled by the pooled fund; 2. Rebuilding sections in accordance with sponsors’ directives via competitively bid subcontracts administered by NCAT. It is anticipated that aggregate hauling, liquid asphalt supply and delivery, rental of select construction equipment, plant production, and mix placement may all be procured via competitively bid subcontracts; 3. Installing both environmental (i.e., multi-depth pavement temperature probes) and response instrumentation (i.e., high speed stress and strain gages) in new experimental sections; 4. Operating a 5-truck heavy triple-trailer fleet in order to apply accelerated truck traffic on the NCAT test oval following the completion of construction. Human drivers operate NCAT vehicles in order to best induce representative vehicle wander, but it is expected that autonomous vehicles will be implemented in the future. Interstate traffic is used to load test sections at MnROAD; 5. Safely measuring field performance (e.g., rutting, roughness, texture, cracking, deflection, friction, etc.) on a regular basis when traffic is suspended/bypassed to fully document changes in surface condition as a function of traffic and temperature. Highspeed pavement response will also be measured on a routine basis; 6. Conducting laboratory testing to quantify basic material and mix performance properties, which will serve as the basis of performance model development; and 7. Comparing predicted and measured pavement response as well as predicted and measured cumulative pavement damage in order to validate then calibrate prevailing analysis and design methodologies.


This project is expected to be eligible for 100% SP&R funding. Each sponsor participating in the study is asked to contribute funding as a function of the scope of their selected research. The cost to participate varies as follows according to the amount of effort required: - Sections Utilizing “Non-Structural Continuation” Option (also surface treatments on existing sections) @ $83,333 per existing perpetual section per year for 3 years (FY 2021 - FY 2023) for a total of $250,000; - Sections Utilizing “Structural Continuation” Option (including high-speed response data collection) @ $100,000 per existing structural section per year for 3 years (FY 2021 - FY 2023) for a total of $300,000; - Sections Utilizing “Mill and Inlay for Surface Performance” Option @ $166,667 per new mill/inlay section per year for 3 years (FY 2021 - FY 2023) for a total of $500,000; and - Sections Utilizing “Structural Performance” Option (also applies to Additive Group (AG) Study) @ $250,000 per new structural section per year for 3 years (FY 2021 - FY 2023) for a total of $750,000. - Research for Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Development Option that is complementary to the various technologies selected for inclusion in the AG study @ $120,000 in FY21. Funding requirements are based on reasonable assumptions; however, if project costs increase unexpectedly (e.g., fuel) either a proportionate amount of additional funding or a reduced scope of work may be required.

Subjects: Pavement Design, Management, and Performance

Documents Attached
Title File/Link Document Category Document Type Privacy Document Date Download
Quarterly Report January 1 - March 31 931-041P TPF Quarterly Report for the 2018 NCAT Pavement Test Track TPF-5(469) 240331.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2024-07-03
Quarterly Report Oct 1 - December 31 931-041P TPF Quarterly Report for the 2018 NCAT Pavement Test Track TPF-5(469) 231231.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2024-03-21
Quarterly Report July 1 - September 30 931-041P TPF Quarterly Report for the 2018 NCAT Pavement Test Track TPF-5(469) 230930.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2024-03-21
Quarterly Report April 1 - June 30 931-041P TPF Quarterly Report for the 2018 NCAT Pavement Test Track TPF-5(469) 230630.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2024-03-21
Quarterly Report October 1 - December 31 931-041P TPF Quarterly Report for the 2018 NCAT Pavement Test Track TPF-5(469) 221231.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2024-03-21
Quarterly Report July 1 - September 30 931-041P TPF Quarterly Report for the 2018 NCAT Pavement Test Track TPF-5(469) 220930.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2024-03-21
Quarterly Report April 1 - June 30 931-041P TPF Quarterly Report for the 2018 NCAT Pavement Test Track TPF-5(469) 220630.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2024-03-21
Quarterly Report January 1 - March 31 931-041P TPF Quarterly Report for the 2018 NCAT Pavement Test Track TPF-5(469) 220331.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2024-03-21
Quarterly Report October 1 - December 31 931-041P TPF Quarterly Report for the 2018 NCAT Pavement Test Track TPF-5(469) 211231.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2024-03-21
Quarterly Report July 1 - June 30 931-041P TPF Quarterly Report for the 2018 NCAT Pavement Test Track TPF-5(469) 210930.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2024-03-21
Quarterly Report April 1- June 30 931-041P TPF Quarterly Report for the 2018 NCAT Pavement Test Track TPF-5(469) 210630.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2024-03-21
Quarterly Report Jan 1 - March 31 931-041P TPF Quarterly Report for the 2018 NCAT Pavement Test Track TPF-5(469) 210331.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2024-03-20
TPF-5(469) ALDOT 931-041P LOD Ltr of Direction_Rev 2_TPF5-469_ALDOT 931-041P_03182024.pdf Other Other Public 2024-03-19
Acceptance Memo Acceptance Memo for TPF-5(469) 931-041P “Accelerated Testing on the 2021 NCAT Pavement Test Track wi Memorandum Other Public 2021-01-26
Documents Attached
Title File/Link Document Category Document Type Privacy Document Date Download
Approved Waiver Memo Approval SPR Waiver Memo #1549.pdf Memorandum Other Public 2020-11-24
Approved 100% SP&R Funds Approved 100% SP&R Funds.pdf Memorandum Other Public 2020-10-28

Accelerated Performance Testing on the 2021 NCAT Pavement Test Track with MnROAD Research Partnership

General Information
Study Number: TPF-5(469)
Lead Organization: Alabama Department of Transportation
Contract Start Date: Mar 01, 2021
Solicitation Number: 1549
Partners: AL, FHWA, FL, GADOT, KY, MS, NC, ND, NY, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA
Status: Cleared by FHWA
Est. Completion Date:
Contract/Other Number:
Last Updated: Mar 19, 2024
Contract End Date:
Financial Summary
Contract Amount:
Total Commitments Received: $13,376,748.00
100% SP&R Approval:
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Kidada Dixon
Phone: 334.353.6940
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Derek Nener-Plante
Phone: 202-763-4017
Commitments by Organizations
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Alabama Department of Transportation 2021 $500,000.00 Kidada Dixon Virgil Clifton 334-353-6944
Alabama Department of Transportation 2022 $500,000.00 Kidada Dixon Virgil Clifton 334-353-6944
Alabama Department of Transportation 2023 $500,000.00 Kidada Dixon Virgil Clifton 334-353-6944
Alabama Department of Transportation 2024 $250,000.00 Kidada Dixon Virgil Clifton 334-353-6944
Federal Highway Administration 2021 $370,000.00 Derek Nener-Plante Derek Nener-Plante (202)763-4017
Federal Highway Administration 2022 $250,000.00 Derek Nener-Plante Derek Nener-Plante (202)763-4017
Federal Highway Administration 2023 $250,000.00 Derek Nener-Plante Derek Nener-Plante (202)763-4017
Florida Department of Transportation 2021 $416,666.00 Howard Moseley Jennifer Clark 850-414-4614
Florida Department of Transportation 2022 $416,666.00 Howard Moseley Jennifer Clark 850-414-4614
Florida Department of Transportation 2023 $416,666.00 Howard Moseley Jennifer Clark 850-414-4614
Georgia Department of Transportation 2021 $166,667.00 Peter Wu Brennan Roney 404-347-0595
Georgia Department of Transportation 2022 $166,667.00 Peter Wu Brennan Roney 404-347-0595
Georgia Department of Transportation 2023 $166,666.00 Peter Wu Brennan Roney 404-347-0595
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2021 $166,667.00 David Hacker Jarrod Stanley (502) 782-4090
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2022 $166,667.00 David Hacker Jarrod Stanley (502) 782-4090
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2023 $166,667.00 David Hacker Jarrod Stanley (502) 782-4090
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2021 $483,333.00 Cindy Smith Robert Vance
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2022 $483,333.00 Cindy Smith Robert Vance
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2023 $483,333.00 Cindy Smith Robert Vance
New York State Department of Transportation 2021 $250,000.00 Mike Heim Gail Carpenter 518-457-8083
New York State Department of Transportation 2022 $250,000.00 Mike Heim Gail Carpenter 518-457-8083
New York State Department of Transportation 2023 $250,000.00 Mike Heim Gail Carpenter 518-457-8083
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2021 $150,000.00 Matthew Hilderbran Curtis Bradley 919-707-6661
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2022 $150,000.00 Matthew Hilderbran Curtis Bradley 919-707-6661
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2023 $150,000.00 Matthew Hilderbran Curtis Bradley 919-707-6661
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2024 $50,000.00 Matthew Hilderbran Curtis Bradley 919-707-6661
Oklahoma Transportation 2021 $466,667.00 David Vivanco Ron Curb (405)414-7740
Oklahoma Transportation 2022 $416,667.00 David Vivanco Ron Curb (405)414-7740
Oklahoma Transportation 2023 $416,666.00 David Vivanco Ron Curb (405)414-7740
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2021 $100,000.00 Cliff Selkinghaus, Terry Swygert 803-737-6691
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2022 $100,000.00 Cliff Selkinghaus, Terry Swygert 803-737-6691
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2023 $100,000.00 Cliff Selkinghaus, Terry Swygert 803-737-6691
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2021 $416,667.00 Heather Hall Pawel Polaczyk 615-741-3439
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2022 $416,667.00 Heather Hall Pawel Polaczyk 615-741-3439
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2023 $416,666.00 Heather Hall Pawel Polaczyk 615-741-3439
Texas Department of Transportation 2021 $640,083.00 Travis Patton Ned Mattila 512-416-4727
Texas Department of Transportation 2022 $633,333.00 Travis Patton Ned Mattila 512-416-4727
Texas Department of Transportation 2023 $633,334.00 Travis Patton Ned Mattila 512-416-4727
Virginia Department of Transportation 2021 $350,000.00 Brian Diefenderfer Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934
Virginia Department of Transportation 2022 $350,000.00 Brian Diefenderfer Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934
Virginia Department of Transportation 2023 $350,000.00 Brian Diefenderfer Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934

Study Description

Study Description

The NCAT Pavement Test Track was originally constructed as a result of interest and support from state Departments of Transportation (DOTs) who shared a concern for building and preserving safe, sustainable, resilient, and cost-effective pavement infrastructure. Track research operations began in the summer of 2000. Forty-six 200-ft test sections were subjected to 10 million equivalent single axle loadings (ESALs) of heavy truck traffic through December of 2002. Test sections were rebuilt in 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015, and 2018 with 10 million ESALs applied within each 3-year research cycle. NCAT began formally partnering with the Minnesota Road Research Project (MnROAD) in 2015 to execute nationally relevant research in both mix performance testing and pavement preservation. Positive experiences with implementable findings that reduce the life cycle cost of flexible pavements and facilitate rapid deployment of sustainable technologies have made this research an outstanding investment for numerous state DOTs, who pool their resources to share the cost of construction, operations, and research in a cooperative manner. The summer 2021 rebuild is the starting point for the eighth research cycle, with many high reward research options available for potential sponsors. NCAT is again partnering with MnROAD in the 2021 research cycle to execute a pavement performance experiment with nationwide implementation impact.


The primary objectives of the pooled fund project described herein will be: 1. Constructing experimental pavements on the existing 1.7-mile NCAT test oval and the MnROAD mainline bypass that are representative of in-service roadways on the open transportation infrastructure; 2. Applying accelerated performance truck traffic after construction for the duration of the 3-year research cycle; 3. Assessing/comparing the functional and structural field performance of trafficked sections on a regular basis via surface and subsurface measures; 4. Validating/calibrating new and existing methodologies for analysis and design using pavement surface condition, pavement load response, precise traffic and environmental logging, and cumulative damage; 5. Correlating field results with laboratory data for both mix and structural performance; and 6. Answering practical questions posed by research sponsors through formal (i.e., reports and technical papers) and informal (e.g., one-on-one responses to sponsor inquiries) technology transfer. For example, can pavement thickness be reduced as a result of the addition of premium mix additives, and if so does the thickness reduction offset the additional cost of construction?

Scope of Work

The scope of work for the pooled fund project will include: 1. Hauling materials to the project from offsite locations. Material donations are typically secured by state sponsors, while reasonable hauling expenses are handled by the pooled fund; 2. Rebuilding sections in accordance with sponsors’ directives via competitively bid subcontracts administered by NCAT. It is anticipated that aggregate hauling, liquid asphalt supply and delivery, rental of select construction equipment, plant production, and mix placement may all be procured via competitively bid subcontracts; 3. Installing both environmental (i.e., multi-depth pavement temperature probes) and response instrumentation (i.e., high speed stress and strain gages) in new experimental sections; 4. Operating a 5-truck heavy triple-trailer fleet in order to apply accelerated truck traffic on the NCAT test oval following the completion of construction. Human drivers operate NCAT vehicles in order to best induce representative vehicle wander, but it is expected that autonomous vehicles will be implemented in the future. Interstate traffic is used to load test sections at MnROAD; 5. Safely measuring field performance (e.g., rutting, roughness, texture, cracking, deflection, friction, etc.) on a regular basis when traffic is suspended/bypassed to fully document changes in surface condition as a function of traffic and temperature. Highspeed pavement response will also be measured on a routine basis; 6. Conducting laboratory testing to quantify basic material and mix performance properties, which will serve as the basis of performance model development; and 7. Comparing predicted and measured pavement response as well as predicted and measured cumulative pavement damage in order to validate then calibrate prevailing analysis and design methodologies.


This project is expected to be eligible for 100% SP&R funding. Each sponsor participating in the study is asked to contribute funding as a function of the scope of their selected research. The cost to participate varies as follows according to the amount of effort required: - Sections Utilizing “Non-Structural Continuation” Option (also surface treatments on existing sections) @ $83,333 per existing perpetual section per year for 3 years (FY 2021 - FY 2023) for a total of $250,000; - Sections Utilizing “Structural Continuation” Option (including high-speed response data collection) @ $100,000 per existing structural section per year for 3 years (FY 2021 - FY 2023) for a total of $300,000; - Sections Utilizing “Mill and Inlay for Surface Performance” Option @ $166,667 per new mill/inlay section per year for 3 years (FY 2021 - FY 2023) for a total of $500,000; and - Sections Utilizing “Structural Performance” Option (also applies to Additive Group (AG) Study) @ $250,000 per new structural section per year for 3 years (FY 2021 - FY 2023) for a total of $750,000. - Research for Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Development Option that is complementary to the various technologies selected for inclusion in the AG study @ $120,000 in FY21. Funding requirements are based on reasonable assumptions; however, if project costs increase unexpectedly (e.g., fuel) either a proportionate amount of additional funding or a reduced scope of work may be required.

Subjects: Pavement Design, Management, and Performance

Title File/Link Type Private
Quarterly Report January 1 - March 31 931-041P TPF Quarterly Report for the 2018 NCAT Pavement Test Track TPF-5(469) 240331.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report Oct 1 - December 31 931-041P TPF Quarterly Report for the 2018 NCAT Pavement Test Track TPF-5(469) 231231.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report July 1 - September 30 931-041P TPF Quarterly Report for the 2018 NCAT Pavement Test Track TPF-5(469) 230930.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report April 1 - June 30 931-041P TPF Quarterly Report for the 2018 NCAT Pavement Test Track TPF-5(469) 230630.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report October 1 - December 31 931-041P TPF Quarterly Report for the 2018 NCAT Pavement Test Track TPF-5(469) 221231.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report July 1 - September 30 931-041P TPF Quarterly Report for the 2018 NCAT Pavement Test Track TPF-5(469) 220930.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report April 1 - June 30 931-041P TPF Quarterly Report for the 2018 NCAT Pavement Test Track TPF-5(469) 220630.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report January 1 - March 31 931-041P TPF Quarterly Report for the 2018 NCAT Pavement Test Track TPF-5(469) 220331.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report October 1 - December 31 931-041P TPF Quarterly Report for the 2018 NCAT Pavement Test Track TPF-5(469) 211231.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report July 1 - June 30 931-041P TPF Quarterly Report for the 2018 NCAT Pavement Test Track TPF-5(469) 210930.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report April 1- June 30 931-041P TPF Quarterly Report for the 2018 NCAT Pavement Test Track TPF-5(469) 210630.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report Jan 1 - March 31 931-041P TPF Quarterly Report for the 2018 NCAT Pavement Test Track TPF-5(469) 210331.pdf Progress Report Public
TPF-5(469) ALDOT 931-041P LOD Ltr of Direction_Rev 2_TPF5-469_ALDOT 931-041P_03182024.pdf Other Public
Acceptance Memo Acceptance Memo for TPF-5(469) 931-041P “Accelerated Testing on the 2021 NCAT Pavement Test Track wi Memorandum Public
Title File/Link Type Private
Approved Waiver Memo Approval SPR Waiver Memo #1549.pdf Memorandum Public
Approved 100% SP&R Funds Approved 100% SP&R Funds.pdf Memorandum Public

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