General Information |
Study Number: | TPF-5(430) |
Former Study Number: | TPF-5(193) |
Lead Organization: | Nebraska Department of Transportation |
Solicitation Number: | 1489 |
Partners: | Kentucky Department of Transportation, CA, FL, GADOT, HI, IADOT, IL, IN, KS, KY, MN, MO, NC, NE, NJ, OH, SC, SD, UT, VA, WI, WY |
Status: | Contract signed |
Est. Completion Date: | |
Contract/Other Number: | |
Last Updated: | Jul 02, 2024 |
Contract End Date: |
Financial Summary |
Contract Amount: | |
Suggested Contribution: | |
Total Commitments Received: | $6,409,944.00 |
100% SP&R Approval: | Approved |
Contact Information |
Lead Study Contact(s): | Mark Fischer | || | |||
Phone: 402- 479-3163 | |||
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): | Dick Albin | || | |||
Phone: 360- 534-9312 |
Organization | Year | Commitments | Technical Contact Name | Funding Contact Name |
California Department of Transportation | 2020 | $68,000.00 | David Whitesel | Sang Le |
California Department of Transportation | 2021 | $68,000.00 | David Whitesel | Sang Le |
California Department of Transportation | 2022 | $68,000.00 | David Whitesel | Sang Le |
California Department of Transportation | 2023 | $68,000.00 | David Whitesel | Sang Le |
California Department of Transportation | 2024 | $97,000.00 | David Whitesel | Sang Le |
Florida Department of Transportation | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Derwood Sheppard | Jennifer Clark |
Florida Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Derwood Sheppard | Jennifer Clark |
Florida Department of Transportation | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Derwood Sheppard | Jennifer Clark |
Florida Department of Transportation | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Derwood Sheppard | Jennifer Clark |
Florida Department of Transportation | 2024 | $65,000.00 | Derwood Sheppard | Jennifer Clark |
Georgia Department of Transportation | 2020 | $215,000.00 | Frank Flanders | Brennan Roney |
Georgia Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Frank Flanders | Brennan Roney |
Georgia Department of Transportation | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Frank Flanders | Brennan Roney |
Georgia Department of Transportation | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Frank Flanders | Brennan Roney |
Georgia Department of Transportation | 2024 | $75,000.00 | Frank Flanders | Brennan Roney |
Hawaii Department of Transportation | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Casey Abe | Scot Urada |
Hawaii Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Casey Abe | Scot Urada |
Illinois Department of Transportation | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Filiberto Sotelo | John Senger |
Illinois Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Filiberto Sotelo | John Senger |
Illinois Department of Transportation | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Filiberto Sotelo | John Senger |
Illinois Department of Transportation | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Filiberto Sotelo | John Senger |
Illinois Department of Transportation | 2024 | $70,000.00 | Filiberto Sotelo | John Senger |
Indiana Department of Transportation | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Jeffrey Brooks | Tommy Nantung |
Indiana Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Jeffrey Brooks | Tommy Nantung |
Indiana Department of Transportation | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Jeffrey Brooks | Tommy Nantung |
Indiana Department of Transportation | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Jeffrey Brooks | Tommy Nantung |
Indiana Department of Transportation | 2024 | $65,000.00 | Jeffrey Brooks | Tommy Nantung |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2020 | $81,996.00 | Daniel Harness | -- -- |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2021 | $67,000.00 | Daniel Harness | -- -- |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2022 | $67,000.00 | Daniel Harness | -- -- |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2023 | $67,000.00 | Daniel Harness | -- -- |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2024 | $76,448.00 | Daniel Harness | -- -- |
Kansas Department of Transportation | 2020 | $70,000.00 | Jeff Sims | David Behzadpour |
Kansas Department of Transportation | 2021 | $70,000.00 | Jeff Sims | David Behzadpour |
Kansas Department of Transportation | 2022 | $70,000.00 | Jeff Sims | David Behzadpour |
Kansas Department of Transportation | 2023 | $70,000.00 | Jeff Sims | David Behzadpour |
Kansas Department of Transportation | 2024 | $70,000.00 | Jeff Sims | David Behzadpour |
Kentucky Department of Transportation | $0.00 | |||
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Gary Newton | Jarrod Stanley |
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Gary Newton | Jarrod Stanley |
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Gary Newton | Jarrod Stanley |
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Gary Newton | Jarrod Stanley |
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet | 2024 | $65,000.00 | Gary Newton | Jarrod Stanley |
Minnesota Department of Transportation | 2020 | $66,000.00 | Khamsai Yang | Leif Halverson |
Minnesota Department of Transportation | 2021 | $66,000.00 | Khamsai Yang | Leif Halverson |
Minnesota Department of Transportation | 2022 | $66,000.00 | Khamsai Yang | Leif Halverson |
Minnesota Department of Transportation | 2023 | $66,000.00 | Khamsai Yang | Leif Halverson |
Minnesota Department of Transportation | 2024 | $66,000.00 | Khamsai Yang | Leif Halverson |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Amy Crawford | Jennifer Harper |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Amy Crawford | Jennifer Harper |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Amy Crawford | Jennifer Harper |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Amy Crawford | Jennifer Harper |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2024 | $65,000.00 | Amy Crawford | Jennifer Harper |
Nebraska Department of Transportation | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Phil TenHulzen | Mark Fischer |
Nebraska Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Phil TenHulzen | Mark Fischer |
Nebraska Department of Transportation | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Phil TenHulzen | Mark Fischer |
Nebraska Department of Transportation | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Phil TenHulzen | Mark Fischer |
New Jersey Department of Transportation | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Hung Tang | Giri Venkiteela |
New Jersey Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Hung Tang | Giri Venkiteela |
New Jersey Department of Transportation | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Hung Tang | Giri Venkiteela |
New Jersey Department of Transportation | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Hung Tang | Giri Venkiteela |
New Jersey Department of Transportation | 2024 | $74,000.00 | Hung Tang | Giri Venkiteela |
North Carolina Department of Transportation | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Joel Howerton | Curtis Bradley |
North Carolina Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Joel Howerton | Curtis Bradley |
North Carolina Department of Transportation | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Joel Howerton | Curtis Bradley |
North Carolina Department of Transportation | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Joel Howerton | Curtis Bradley |
Ohio Department of Transportation | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Don Fisher | General Research |
Ohio Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Don Fisher | General Research |
Ohio Department of Transportation | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Don Fisher | General Research |
Ohio Department of Transportation | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Don Fisher | General Research |
South Carolina Department of Transportation | 2020 | $67,000.00 | Mark Anthony | Terry Swygert |
South Carolina Department of Transportation | 2021 | $67,000.00 | Mark Anthony | Terry Swygert |
South Carolina Department of Transportation | 2022 | $67,000.00 | Mark Anthony | Terry Swygert |
South Carolina Department of Transportation | 2023 | $67,000.00 | Mark Anthony | Terry Swygert |
South Carolina Department of Transportation | 2024 | $67,000.00 | Mark Anthony | Terry Swygert |
South Dakota Department of Transportation | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Thad Bauer | Thad Bauer |
South Dakota Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Thad Bauer | Thad Bauer |
South Dakota Department of Transportation | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Thad Bauer | Thad Bauer |
South Dakota Department of Transportation | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Thad Bauer | Thad Bauer |
South Dakota Department of Transportation | 2024 | $65,000.00 | Thad Bauer | Thad Bauer |
Utah Department of Transportation | 2020 | $66,500.00 | Clint McCleery | David Stevens |
Utah Department of Transportation | 2021 | $66,500.00 | Clint McCleery | David Stevens |
Utah Department of Transportation | 2022 | $66,500.00 | Clint McCleery | David Stevens |
Utah Department of Transportation | 2023 | $66,500.00 | Clint McCleery | David Stevens |
Utah Department of Transportation | 2024 | $66,500.00 | Clint McCleery | David Stevens |
Virginia Department of Transportation | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Kevin Wright | Bill Kelsh |
Virginia Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Kevin Wright | Bill Kelsh |
Virginia Department of Transportation | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Kevin Wright | Bill Kelsh |
Virginia Department of Transportation | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Kevin Wright | Bill Kelsh |
Virginia Department of Transportation | 2024 | $65,000.00 | Kevin Wright | Bill Kelsh |
Wisconsin Department of Transportation | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Erik Emerson | Evelyn Bromberg |
Wisconsin Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Erik Emerson | Evelyn Bromberg |
Wisconsin Department of Transportation | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Erik Emerson | Evelyn Bromberg |
Wisconsin Department of Transportation | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Erik Emerson | Evelyn Bromberg |
Wisconsin Department of Transportation | 2024 | $65,000.00 | Erik Emerson | Evelyn Bromberg |
Wyoming Department of Transportation | $0.00 |
In 1990, three states in the Midwest, Nebraska, Kansas, and Missouri, recognized the need for additional research to improve roadside safety and to reduce injuries and fatalities associated with ran-off-road crashes. With this need, the concept of a State Department of Transportation, annually-funded, research program was conceived. As a result, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln collaborated with the States of Nebraska, Kansas, and Missouri to form the Midwest States Regional Pooled Fund Program, a program dedicated for sponsoring roadside safety research. In 1994, the program was joined by the States of Iowa and Minnesota. In 1995 and 1996, the States of South Dakota and Wisconsin jointed the Pooled Fund Program, respectively. In 1997, the State of Ohio joined the Pooled Fund Program with the other seven states. From 2000 to 2005, the Pooled Fund Program continued with support from these eight member states in addition to short-term support from the states of California, Connecticut, Montana, and Texas. In 2005 and 2006, the states of Illinois and Wyoming joined the Pooled Fund Program, respectively. In the 30th year, the Pooled Fund program has nineteen member states, including California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Largely due to the support from the Midwest Pooled Fund Program, MwRSF has come to be recognized as a global leader in the development of crashworthy safety structures. Numerous safety features have been developed through the Midwest Pooled Fund Program and have been adopted nationwide with several systems adopted internationally. These new safety features have saved the lives of countless motorists across the nation over the last decade.
The Midwest Roadside Safety Pooled Fund Program is a collaborative program between state DOTs and the Midwest Roadside Safety Facility (MwRSF) dedicated to sponsoring roadside safety research. The goal of this program is to address the roadside safety needs of state DOTs, solve problems of similar interest, and standardize safety features across state borders. MwRSF and Pooled Fund member states eagerly welcome new members. The goals of the Midwest Roadside Safety Pooled Fund Program include: 1) improving highway safety by making the roadside less hazardous for motorists; 2) designing, developing, and crash testing innovative roadside safety hardware to current impact safety standards, such as the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH); 3) conducting safety performance evaluations of existing roadside features; 4) performing computer simulation modeling of vehicle impacts with roadside hardware and geometric features; and 5) developing roadside safety guidance to aid transportation agencies in improving motorist safety.
The Midwest Roadside Safety Pooled Fund Program provides a wide variety of research capabilities and expertise to its members. MwRSF is a full-service testing laboratory that offers compliance testing, design, redesign, failure analysis, and component testing of roadway and roadside appurtenances. MwRSF’s testing experience includes performance testing of guardrail, bridge rails, noise walls, concrete barriers, delineators, luminaries, mailboxes, work zone sign supports, and component testing of post designs, break-away and slip bases, as well as materials testing. In addition to testing of safety hardware and components, MwRSF can perform vehicle handling and friction testing. MwRSF is an ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Accredited Laboratory. In 2009, MwRSF was approved for accreditation by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) in the field of safety performance evaluation of highway features and vehicle testing of crash barriers for the tests identified in the Scope of Accreditation. The Midwest Roadside Safety Pooled Fund Program and MwRSF have led the development of innovative barrier systems and roadside safety guidance for over 30 years. The Midwest Pooled Fund Program and MwRSF have developed many of the most common and successful barrier systems in use on roads today, and their research has formed the basis of many of the roadside safety guidance used in the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide (RDG), MASH, and individual state standards. Some examples of this influence would include development of the Zone of Intrusion (ZOI) concept, development of updated cable barrier test matrices for MASH 2016, and design of a variety of barrier systems ranging from bullnose barriers, approach guardrail transitions, various longitudinal barriers and bridge rails, and other hardware, that form the basis for many states standard plans. The Midwest Roadside Safety Pooled Fund Program has access to expert researchers at MwRSF that are proficient in the use of state-of-the-art computer software, including LS-DYNA, Barrier VII, CarSim, and others, to simulate real-life impact events. Using computer simulation, it is possible to design more advanced barrier systems, reduce design costs, and better understand system behavior outside the range of standard crash testing. Midwest Roadside Safety Pooled Fund Program members also have access to the following benefits. 1. The ability to address and prioritize safety topics critical for state departments of transportation. 2. Access to top-tier research staff with extensive experience and a repository of historical data as well as an exclusive opportunity to submit consulting questions. 3. Ability to collaborate with other Midwest Pooled Fund member states. 4. Staff assistance with preparing MASH evaluations for FHWA division offices and determining MASH-crashworthiness of devices without conducting full suite of tests. 5. Direct involvement and input on new innovations and major advancements in safety that reduce fatal and serious injury crashes. Most developments are non-proprietary and do not create IP problems. 6. Extensive dissemination of research results via technical reports, journal paper publications, conference presentations, webinars, and a free web library.
Subjects: Bridges, Other Structures, and Hydraulics and Hydrology Highway and Facility Design Maintenance Materials and Construction
Title | File/Link | Document Category | Document Type | Privacy | Document Date | Download |
Final Report Database | | Deliverable | Final Report | Public | 2024-07-02 | |
Quarterly Reports - July 2021-September 2021 | TPF-5(430) Quarterly Report July 2021 - September 2021.pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2021-11-04 | |
Quarterly Reports - March 2021-June 2021 | TPF-5(430) March 2021 - June 2021.pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2021-08-11 | |
Quarterly Reports - January 2021-March 2021 | Quarterly Report - January 2021-March 2021.pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2021-05-04 | |
Quarterly Reports - October 2020-December 2020 | Quarterly Reports - October 2020-December 2020.pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2021-01-31 | |
Quarterly Reports - July 2020-September 2020 | Quarterly Reports - July 2020-September 2020.pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2020-10-31 | |
Quarterly Reports - March 2020-June 2020 | Quarterly Reports - March 2020-June 2020.pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2020-04-30 | |
Acceptance Memo | Acceptance Memo TPF-5(430).pdf | Memorandum | Other | Public | 2019-07-01 |
General Information |
Study Number: | TPF-5(430) |
Lead Organization: | Nebraska Department of Transportation |
Solicitation Number: | 1489 |
Partners: | Kentucky Department of Transportation, CA, FL, GADOT, HI, IADOT, IL, IN, KS, KY, MN, MO, NC, NE, NJ, OH, SC, SD, UT, VA, WI, WY |
Status: | Contract signed |
Est. Completion Date: | |
Contract/Other Number: | |
Last Updated: | Jul 02, 2024 |
Contract End Date: |
Financial Summary |
Contract Amount: | |
Total Commitments Received: | $6,409,944.00 |
100% SP&R Approval: |
Contact Information |
Lead Study Contact(s): | Mark Fischer | || | |||
Phone: 402- 479-3163 | |||
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): | Dick Albin | || | |||
Phone: 360- 534-9312 |
Organization | Year | Commitments | Technical Contact Name | Funding Contact Name | Contact Number | Email Address |
California Department of Transportation | 2020 | $68,000.00 | David Whitesel | Sang Le | (916)701-3998 | |
California Department of Transportation | 2021 | $68,000.00 | David Whitesel | Sang Le | (916)701-3998 | |
California Department of Transportation | 2022 | $68,000.00 | David Whitesel | Sang Le | (916)701-3998 | |
California Department of Transportation | 2023 | $68,000.00 | David Whitesel | Sang Le | (916)701-3998 | |
California Department of Transportation | 2024 | $97,000.00 | David Whitesel | Sang Le | (916)701-3998 | |
Florida Department of Transportation | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Derwood Sheppard | Jennifer Clark | 850-414-4614 | |
Florida Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Derwood Sheppard | Jennifer Clark | 850-414-4614 | |
Florida Department of Transportation | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Derwood Sheppard | Jennifer Clark | 850-414-4614 | |
Florida Department of Transportation | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Derwood Sheppard | Jennifer Clark | 850-414-4614 | |
Florida Department of Transportation | 2024 | $65,000.00 | Derwood Sheppard | Jennifer Clark | 850-414-4614 | |
Georgia Department of Transportation | 2020 | $215,000.00 | Frank Flanders | Brennan Roney | 404-347-0595 | |
Georgia Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Frank Flanders | Brennan Roney | 404-347-0595 | |
Georgia Department of Transportation | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Frank Flanders | Brennan Roney | 404-347-0595 | |
Georgia Department of Transportation | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Frank Flanders | Brennan Roney | 404-347-0595 | |
Georgia Department of Transportation | 2024 | $75,000.00 | Frank Flanders | Brennan Roney | 404-347-0595 | |
Hawaii Department of Transportation | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Casey Abe | Scot Urada | 808-587-2222 | |
Hawaii Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Casey Abe | Scot Urada | 808-587-2222 | |
Illinois Department of Transportation | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Filiberto Sotelo | John Senger | 217-782-8582 | |
Illinois Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Filiberto Sotelo | John Senger | 217-782-8582 | |
Illinois Department of Transportation | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Filiberto Sotelo | John Senger | 217-782-8582 | |
Illinois Department of Transportation | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Filiberto Sotelo | John Senger | 217-782-8582 | |
Illinois Department of Transportation | 2024 | $70,000.00 | Filiberto Sotelo | John Senger | 217-782-8582 | |
Indiana Department of Transportation | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Jeffrey Brooks | Tommy Nantung | 765-463-1521 ext 248 | |
Indiana Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Jeffrey Brooks | Tommy Nantung | 765-463-1521 ext 248 | |
Indiana Department of Transportation | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Jeffrey Brooks | Tommy Nantung | 765-463-1521 ext 248 | |
Indiana Department of Transportation | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Jeffrey Brooks | Tommy Nantung | 765-463-1521 ext 248 | |
Indiana Department of Transportation | 2024 | $65,000.00 | Jeffrey Brooks | Tommy Nantung | 765-463-1521 ext 248 | |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2020 | $81,996.00 | Daniel Harness | -- -- | -- | |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2021 | $67,000.00 | Daniel Harness | -- -- | -- | |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2022 | $67,000.00 | Daniel Harness | -- -- | -- | |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2023 | $67,000.00 | Daniel Harness | -- -- | -- | |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2024 | $76,448.00 | Daniel Harness | -- -- | -- | |
Kansas Department of Transportation | 2020 | $70,000.00 | Jeff Sims | David Behzadpour | 785-291-3847 | |
Kansas Department of Transportation | 2021 | $70,000.00 | Jeff Sims | David Behzadpour | 785-291-3847 | |
Kansas Department of Transportation | 2022 | $70,000.00 | Jeff Sims | David Behzadpour | 785-291-3847 | |
Kansas Department of Transportation | 2023 | $70,000.00 | Jeff Sims | David Behzadpour | 785-291-3847 | |
Kansas Department of Transportation | 2024 | $70,000.00 | Jeff Sims | David Behzadpour | 785-291-3847 | |
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Gary Newton | Jarrod Stanley | (502) 782-4090 | |
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Gary Newton | Jarrod Stanley | (502) 782-4090 | |
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Gary Newton | Jarrod Stanley | (502) 782-4090 | |
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Gary Newton | Jarrod Stanley | (502) 782-4090 | |
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet | 2024 | $65,000.00 | Gary Newton | Jarrod Stanley | (502) 782-4090 | |
Minnesota Department of Transportation | 2020 | $66,000.00 | Khamsai Yang | Leif Halverson | | |
Minnesota Department of Transportation | 2021 | $66,000.00 | Khamsai Yang | Leif Halverson | | |
Minnesota Department of Transportation | 2022 | $66,000.00 | Khamsai Yang | Leif Halverson | | |
Minnesota Department of Transportation | 2023 | $66,000.00 | Khamsai Yang | Leif Halverson | | |
Minnesota Department of Transportation | 2024 | $66,000.00 | Khamsai Yang | Leif Halverson | | |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Amy Crawford | Jennifer Harper | 573-526-3636 | |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Amy Crawford | Jennifer Harper | 573-526-3636 | |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Amy Crawford | Jennifer Harper | 573-526-3636 | |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Amy Crawford | Jennifer Harper | 573-526-3636 | |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2024 | $65,000.00 | Amy Crawford | Jennifer Harper | 573-526-3636 | |
Nebraska Department of Transportation | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Phil TenHulzen | Mark Fischer | (402) 479-3163 | |
Nebraska Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Phil TenHulzen | Mark Fischer | (402) 479-3163 | |
Nebraska Department of Transportation | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Phil TenHulzen | Mark Fischer | (402) 479-3163 | |
Nebraska Department of Transportation | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Phil TenHulzen | Mark Fischer | (402) 479-3163 | |
New Jersey Department of Transportation | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Hung Tang | Giri Venkiteela | 6099632239 | |
New Jersey Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Hung Tang | Giri Venkiteela | 6099632239 | |
New Jersey Department of Transportation | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Hung Tang | Giri Venkiteela | 6099632239 | |
New Jersey Department of Transportation | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Hung Tang | Giri Venkiteela | 6099632239 | |
New Jersey Department of Transportation | 2024 | $74,000.00 | Hung Tang | Giri Venkiteela | 6099632239 | |
North Carolina Department of Transportation | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Joel Howerton | Curtis Bradley | 919-707-6661 | |
North Carolina Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Joel Howerton | Curtis Bradley | 919-707-6661 | |
North Carolina Department of Transportation | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Joel Howerton | Curtis Bradley | 919-707-6661 | |
North Carolina Department of Transportation | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Joel Howerton | Curtis Bradley | 919-707-6661 | |
Ohio Department of Transportation | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Don Fisher | General Research | 614-644-8135 | |
Ohio Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Don Fisher | General Research | 614-644-8135 | |
Ohio Department of Transportation | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Don Fisher | General Research | 614-644-8135 | |
Ohio Department of Transportation | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Don Fisher | General Research | 614-644-8135 | |
South Carolina Department of Transportation | 2020 | $67,000.00 | Mark Anthony | Terry Swygert | 803-737-6691 | |
South Carolina Department of Transportation | 2021 | $67,000.00 | Mark Anthony | Terry Swygert | 803-737-6691 | |
South Carolina Department of Transportation | 2022 | $67,000.00 | Mark Anthony | Terry Swygert | 803-737-6691 | |
South Carolina Department of Transportation | 2023 | $67,000.00 | Mark Anthony | Terry Swygert | 803-737-6691 | |
South Carolina Department of Transportation | 2024 | $67,000.00 | Mark Anthony | Terry Swygert | 803-737-6691 | |
South Dakota Department of Transportation | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Thad Bauer | Thad Bauer | 6057734404 | |
South Dakota Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Thad Bauer | Thad Bauer | 6057734404 | |
South Dakota Department of Transportation | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Thad Bauer | Thad Bauer | 6057734404 | |
South Dakota Department of Transportation | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Thad Bauer | Thad Bauer | 6057734404 | |
South Dakota Department of Transportation | 2024 | $65,000.00 | Thad Bauer | Thad Bauer | 6057734404 | |
Utah Department of Transportation | 2020 | $66,500.00 | Clint McCleery | David Stevens | 801-589-8340 | |
Utah Department of Transportation | 2021 | $66,500.00 | Clint McCleery | David Stevens | 801-589-8340 | |
Utah Department of Transportation | 2022 | $66,500.00 | Clint McCleery | David Stevens | 801-589-8340 | |
Utah Department of Transportation | 2023 | $66,500.00 | Clint McCleery | David Stevens | 801-589-8340 | |
Utah Department of Transportation | 2024 | $66,500.00 | Clint McCleery | David Stevens | 801-589-8340 | |
Virginia Department of Transportation | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Kevin Wright | Bill Kelsh | 434-293-1934 | |
Virginia Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Kevin Wright | Bill Kelsh | 434-293-1934 | |
Virginia Department of Transportation | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Kevin Wright | Bill Kelsh | 434-293-1934 | |
Virginia Department of Transportation | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Kevin Wright | Bill Kelsh | 434-293-1934 | |
Virginia Department of Transportation | 2024 | $65,000.00 | Kevin Wright | Bill Kelsh | 434-293-1934 | |
Wisconsin Department of Transportation | 2020 | $65,000.00 | Erik Emerson | Evelyn Bromberg | 608-267-7360 | |
Wisconsin Department of Transportation | 2021 | $65,000.00 | Erik Emerson | Evelyn Bromberg | 608-267-7360 | |
Wisconsin Department of Transportation | 2022 | $65,000.00 | Erik Emerson | Evelyn Bromberg | 608-267-7360 | |
Wisconsin Department of Transportation | 2023 | $65,000.00 | Erik Emerson | Evelyn Bromberg | 608-267-7360 | |
Wisconsin Department of Transportation | 2024 | $65,000.00 | Erik Emerson | Evelyn Bromberg | 608-267-7360 | |
In 1990, three states in the Midwest, Nebraska, Kansas, and Missouri, recognized the need for additional research to improve roadside safety and to reduce injuries and fatalities associated with ran-off-road crashes. With this need, the concept of a State Department of Transportation, annually-funded, research program was conceived. As a result, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln collaborated with the States of Nebraska, Kansas, and Missouri to form the Midwest States Regional Pooled Fund Program, a program dedicated for sponsoring roadside safety research. In 1994, the program was joined by the States of Iowa and Minnesota. In 1995 and 1996, the States of South Dakota and Wisconsin jointed the Pooled Fund Program, respectively. In 1997, the State of Ohio joined the Pooled Fund Program with the other seven states. From 2000 to 2005, the Pooled Fund Program continued with support from these eight member states in addition to short-term support from the states of California, Connecticut, Montana, and Texas. In 2005 and 2006, the states of Illinois and Wyoming joined the Pooled Fund Program, respectively. In the 30th year, the Pooled Fund program has nineteen member states, including California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Largely due to the support from the Midwest Pooled Fund Program, MwRSF has come to be recognized as a global leader in the development of crashworthy safety structures. Numerous safety features have been developed through the Midwest Pooled Fund Program and have been adopted nationwide with several systems adopted internationally. These new safety features have saved the lives of countless motorists across the nation over the last decade.
The Midwest Roadside Safety Pooled Fund Program is a collaborative program between state DOTs and the Midwest Roadside Safety Facility (MwRSF) dedicated to sponsoring roadside safety research. The goal of this program is to address the roadside safety needs of state DOTs, solve problems of similar interest, and standardize safety features across state borders. MwRSF and Pooled Fund member states eagerly welcome new members. The goals of the Midwest Roadside Safety Pooled Fund Program include: 1) improving highway safety by making the roadside less hazardous for motorists; 2) designing, developing, and crash testing innovative roadside safety hardware to current impact safety standards, such as the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH); 3) conducting safety performance evaluations of existing roadside features; 4) performing computer simulation modeling of vehicle impacts with roadside hardware and geometric features; and 5) developing roadside safety guidance to aid transportation agencies in improving motorist safety.
The Midwest Roadside Safety Pooled Fund Program provides a wide variety of research capabilities and expertise to its members. MwRSF is a full-service testing laboratory that offers compliance testing, design, redesign, failure analysis, and component testing of roadway and roadside appurtenances. MwRSF’s testing experience includes performance testing of guardrail, bridge rails, noise walls, concrete barriers, delineators, luminaries, mailboxes, work zone sign supports, and component testing of post designs, break-away and slip bases, as well as materials testing. In addition to testing of safety hardware and components, MwRSF can perform vehicle handling and friction testing. MwRSF is an ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Accredited Laboratory. In 2009, MwRSF was approved for accreditation by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) in the field of safety performance evaluation of highway features and vehicle testing of crash barriers for the tests identified in the Scope of Accreditation. The Midwest Roadside Safety Pooled Fund Program and MwRSF have led the development of innovative barrier systems and roadside safety guidance for over 30 years. The Midwest Pooled Fund Program and MwRSF have developed many of the most common and successful barrier systems in use on roads today, and their research has formed the basis of many of the roadside safety guidance used in the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide (RDG), MASH, and individual state standards. Some examples of this influence would include development of the Zone of Intrusion (ZOI) concept, development of updated cable barrier test matrices for MASH 2016, and design of a variety of barrier systems ranging from bullnose barriers, approach guardrail transitions, various longitudinal barriers and bridge rails, and other hardware, that form the basis for many states standard plans. The Midwest Roadside Safety Pooled Fund Program has access to expert researchers at MwRSF that are proficient in the use of state-of-the-art computer software, including LS-DYNA, Barrier VII, CarSim, and others, to simulate real-life impact events. Using computer simulation, it is possible to design more advanced barrier systems, reduce design costs, and better understand system behavior outside the range of standard crash testing. Midwest Roadside Safety Pooled Fund Program members also have access to the following benefits. 1. The ability to address and prioritize safety topics critical for state departments of transportation. 2. Access to top-tier research staff with extensive experience and a repository of historical data as well as an exclusive opportunity to submit consulting questions. 3. Ability to collaborate with other Midwest Pooled Fund member states. 4. Staff assistance with preparing MASH evaluations for FHWA division offices and determining MASH-crashworthiness of devices without conducting full suite of tests. 5. Direct involvement and input on new innovations and major advancements in safety that reduce fatal and serious injury crashes. Most developments are non-proprietary and do not create IP problems. 6. Extensive dissemination of research results via technical reports, journal paper publications, conference presentations, webinars, and a free web library.
Subjects: Bridges, Other Structures, and Hydraulics and Hydrology Highway and Facility Design Maintenance Materials and Construction
Title | File/Link | Type | Private |
Final Report Database | Deliverable | Public | |
Quarterly Reports - July 2021-September 2021 | TPF-5(430) Quarterly Report July 2021 - September 2021.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Reports - March 2021-June 2021 | TPF-5(430) March 2021 - June 2021.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Reports - January 2021-March 2021 | Quarterly Report - January 2021-March 2021.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Reports - October 2020-December 2020 | Quarterly Reports - October 2020-December 2020.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Reports - July 2020-September 2020 | Quarterly Reports - July 2020-September 2020.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Reports - March 2020-June 2020 | Quarterly Reports - March 2020-June 2020.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Acceptance Memo | Acceptance Memo TPF-5(430).pdf | Memorandum | Public |
Title | File/Link | Type | Private |
SPR-B Waiver Approval Letter | Approval of SP&R Waiver Pooled Fund Solicitation #1489.pdf | Memorandum | Public |