Recycled Materials Resource Center - 4th Generation

General Information
Study Number: TPF-5(352)
Former Study Number: TPF-5(014)
Lead Organization: Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Solicitation Number: 1431
Partners: IADOT, IL, MN, MO, NC, PADOT, VA, WA, WI
Status: Closed
Est. Completion Date: Dec 31, 2022
Contract/Other Number:
Last Updated: Dec 14, 2023
Contract End Date:
Financial Summary
Contract Amount:
Suggested Contribution:
Total Commitments Received: $1,380,000.00
100% SP&R Approval: Approved
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Evelyn Bromberg
Phone: 608-267-7360
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name
Illinois Department of Transportation 2016 $40,000.00 Andrew Stolba Megan Swanson
Illinois Department of Transportation 2017 $40,000.00 Andrew Stolba Megan Swanson
Illinois Department of Transportation 2018 $40,000.00 Andrew Stolba Megan Swanson
Illinois Department of Transportation 2019 $40,000.00 Andrew Stolba Megan Swanson
Illinois Department of Transportation 2020 $40,000.00 Andrew Stolba Megan Swanson
Illinois Department of Transportation 2021 $40,000.00 Andrew Stolba Megan Swanson
Iowa Department of Transportation 2018 $40,000.00 Bob Younie -- --
Iowa Department of Transportation 2019 $40,000.00 Bob Younie -- --
Iowa Department of Transportation 2020 $40,000.00 Bob Younie -- --
Iowa Department of Transportation 2021 $40,000.00 Bob Younie -- --
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2016 $40,000.00 Laura Lyle Debbie Sinclair
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2017 $40,000.00 Laura Lyle Debbie Sinclair
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2018 $40,000.00 Laura Lyle Debbie Sinclair
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2019 $40,000.00 Laura Lyle Debbie Sinclair
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2020 $40,000.00 Laura Lyle Debbie Sinclair
Missouri Department of Transportation $0.00
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2018 $40,000.00 Alyson Tamer Neil Mastin
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2019 $40,000.00 Alyson Tamer Neil Mastin
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2020 $40,000.00 Alyson Tamer Neil Mastin
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2021 $40,000.00 Alyson Tamer Neil Mastin
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2016 $200,000.00 Heather Sorce Andrew Walak
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2017 $0.00 Heather Sorce Andrew Walak
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2018 $0.00 Heather Sorce Andrew Walak
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2019 $0.00 Heather Sorce Andrew Walak
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2020 $0.00 Heather Sorce Andrew Walak
Virginia Department of Transportation 2017 $40,000.00 David Wilson Bill Kelsh
Virginia Department of Transportation 2018 $40,000.00 David Wilson Bill Kelsh
Virginia Department of Transportation 2019 $40,000.00 David Wilson Bill Kelsh
Virginia Department of Transportation 2020 $40,000.00 David Wilson Bill Kelsh
Virginia Department of Transportation 2021 $40,000.00 David Wilson Bill Kelsh
Washington State Department of Transportation 2018 $5,000.00 Garrett Webster Jon Peterson
Washington State Department of Transportation 2019 $5,000.00 Garrett Webster Jon Peterson
Washington State Department of Transportation 2020 $5,000.00 Garrett Webster Jon Peterson
Washington State Department of Transportation 2021 $5,000.00 Garrett Webster Jon Peterson
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2017 $40,000.00 Barry Paye Evelyn Bromberg
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2018 $40,000.00 Barry Paye Evelyn Bromberg
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2019 $40,000.00 Barry Paye Evelyn Bromberg
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2020 $40,000.00 Barry Paye Evelyn Bromberg
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2021 $40,000.00 Barry Paye Evelyn Bromberg

Study Description

For more than 30 years, State DOTs have made significant progress incorporating recycled materials and industrial byproducts in transportation infrastructure. Recycled materials can add economic value, enhance service life and promote sustainability by reducing emission of greenhouse gases and consumption of energy and natural resources during construction. Despite these benefits, many recycled materials remain underutilized due to technical and institutional barriers. The Recycled Materials Resource Center (RMRC) was created to assist State DOTs and FHWA in breaking down these barriers through research and outreach activities focused on the wise and safe use of recycled materials. The initial RMRC was founded in 1998 at the University of New Hampshire through an agreement with FHWA based on a stipulation in TEA-21. From 2007-2012, the RMRC was renewed as RMRC-2 as a joint venture between the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. RMRC-2 was awarded competitively and funded by FHWA and by a state pooled fund, TPF5(199), supported by Alabama, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, North Carolina, New Hampshire, New York and Wisconsin. In the summer of 2012, the RMRC was renewed as RMRC-3G as a single venture at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) and funded by a pooled fund, TPF-5(270), supported by Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin. The contract for RMRC-3G ends on September 30, 2016, and a new fourth generation RMRC (RMRC-4G) is being proposed by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) building upon past strengths of the RMRC. State DOTs have developed considerable interest in using recycled materials in transportation construction and are seeking technical information regarding appropriate uses and best practices for existing and forthcoming recycled materials. With past research and known use of recycled materials, DOTs are seeking to understand the highest and best use of recycled materials. Thus, to maintain momentum regarding the use of recycled materials in transportation infrastructure, with emphasis on enhancing sustainability, service life and cost savings, WisDOT proposes to take the lead the next generation of the RMRC.


The goal of the proposed RMRC-4G is to provide the resources and activities needed to break down barriers and increase utilization of recycled materials and industrial byproducts. This will be done through carefully integrated and orchestrated activities that include applied research in key areas relevant to transportation applications combined with outreach programs that provide the educational and technical resources needed to maximize the rate at which recycled materials and industrial byproducts are used in transportation applications. RMRC-4G would be supported by a new pooled fund and focus specifically on issues of direct relevance to the contributing state DOTs. The governance structure would include a pooled fund Technical Advisory Committee (the Executive Board) comprised of representatives of participating State DOTs as well as an ex-officio member as the study liaison assigned by the Federal Highway Administration. The Executive Board will have direct input on the activities and priorities of RMRC-4G through a balloting process. Through research projects, workshops and outreach efforts, the RMRC-4G expects to achieve its goal via the accomplishment of the following objectives to: • Define, conduct and manage critical recycled materials research that will support and improve the sustainability of transportation systems construction • Collect and share information between state agencies that will improve the understanding of recycled materials and the appropriate applications • Define a system of regionally significant recycled materials and establish performance expectations for those materials in various applications that will guide and enhance their use and management • Evaluate and recommend effective technologies from a recycled materials perspective and in a manner that supports the reliable, efficient, safe and sustainable use of construction materials Reach out to and share ideas with private sector producers of recycled materials on approaches to making their availability, quality control and efficient delivery possible • Identify issues or bottlenecks that prevent the widespread use of recycled materials • Actively contribute to the development of specifications and guidelines through AASHTO • Coordinate along the lines of the agreement that has been established between AASHTO and ASTM • Organize webinars and workshops on the highest and best use of recycled materials • Maintain and continually enhance RMRC website as an up-to-date resource • Deploy innovative solutions that enhance RMRC’s availability as a resource to the highway materials and construction community on recycled materials Organizational Structure Success of the proposed RMRC-4G will hinge directly on the ability of its Executive Board to define and tackle the most pressing barriers affecting the use of recycled materials in transportation infrastructure. The leadership team will comprise the DOT Executive Board (representatives of the states supporting the RMRC), the ex-officio FHWA representative, friends of the committee and the administrative personnel. Executive Board voting privileges will be at the discretion of each member. The collective wisdom and experience of this team will define the most important technical issues, and the best methods to address these issues. The staff of the RMRC-4G at the University of Wisconsin-Madison will manage day-to-day operations of the Center and this proposed Transportation Pooled Fund, including coordinating communications, fiscal management and additional support to each of the committees as needed. This organizational structure served well in previous generations of the RMRC. RMRC-4G will also allow non-DOT parties who express interest to become Associate Members of the RMRC (Associates). Becoming an Associate Member affords an opportunity to get involved in the RMRC’s activities. Please see full solicitation attachment.

Scope of Work

The RMRC-4G will have two main programs to advance the highest and best use of recycled materials: (1) Research and Development (2) Outreach and Technology Transfer The RMRC-4G pooled fund will focus on recycled bound materials (e.g., asphalt and Portland cement concrete), unbound materials (e.g., base, sub-base, structural fill), the highest and best use of these materials in transportation infrastructure, stabilization of materials using industrial byproducts (e.g. fly ash, lime, other binders) and other related research projects. Factors that affect long-term physical and environmental performance of recycled materials will be evaluated using scientific principles and applied research. Additionally, a database for life cycle assessment (i.e., environmental benefits in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption) associated with practices that use recycled materials and industrial byproducts will be updated as necessary and validated to allow for rational evaluation of material and construction options in the context of life cycle cost and sustainability. In terms of outreach and technology transfer, the RMRC-4G staff will present RMRC research findings and continue outreach at appropriate national events per the Executive Board. RMRC-4G staff will participate in the development of new specifications, guidelines and standards related to recycled materials in AASHTO-Subcommittee on Materials (-SOM)and the ASTM Committee D18.14 in semi-annual meetings, host quarterly (or more as needed) Executive Board meetings and an annual meeting generally held at TRB in January. The team will continually update and enhance RMRC website and organize webinars or workshops as requested by the Executive Board. The Executive Board has recognized that past efforts to share RMRC research findings by conducting outreach presentations, webinars or workshops have been of great benefit to DOTs, state departments of environmental quality, the EPA and consulting engineers/contractors in industry. They will respond to any and all queries received through the website, emails, phone calls or other contacts. RMRC-4G staff will submit quarterly progress reports that will include all research and outreach/technology transfer activities. RMRC-4G will begin with a collaborative effort to develop ideas and define a clear vision of the most important issues affecting the use of recycled materials today and in the future. This effort will be followed by development and implementation of an integrated strategic research and outreach plan focused on developing and providing the technical information and educational resources necessary to resolve the issues. Work plans will then be developed under the auspices of the Executive Board with the ultimate objective to increase the safe and wise use of recycled materials in roadway construction and maintenance. Some examples of research efforts that could carry over (from RMRC-3G) or be incorporated into RMRC-4G may include: • Phase II for Recycled Materials as Back Fill for Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls – installations and field testing • Recycled Material Web Map Network: Connecting Consumers with Producers – full scale launch • Value of Using Recycled Materials via LCA/LCCA - State-Wide Life Cycle Benefits of Recycled Materials, documentation and presentations to DOTs • Further development of LCA and LCCA methodologies for transportation infrastructure • Issues associated with high pH leachate from RCA and some fly ashes – pH and Alkalinity of RCA as base course • Enhanced friction and surface treatments using alternative materials (e.g., taconite tailings) • Regulatory and other impediments to wider use of quarry fines Please see full solicitation attachment.


The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) has requested approval of a waiver for the non-federal matching requirement for SPR funding under 23 CFR 420.121(d) for the new lead-state pooled fund, “Recycled Materials Resource Center – Fourth Generation (RMRC-4G).” We request the initial $40,000 commitment for FFY2016 or for FFY2017 (if partner state funding is no longer available for FFY2016). Staff of WisDOT will provide management of the overall program while the University of Wisconsin-Madison will provide direction and management on a project level. Contributions less than $40,000 will be considered by the Executive Board on a case by case basis. Please see the full solicitation attachment for additional information. For the Web Map connecting producers and consumers visit

Documents Attached
Title File/Link Document Category Document Type Privacy Document Date Download
Q4 2022 Report 2022-Q4 QPR 17-15 Admin WO 1.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2023-01-30
Q3 2022 Report 2022-Q3 QPR 17-15 Admin WO 1.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2022-11-28
Use of Recycled Materials as MSE Retaining Wall Reinforced Backfills Phase II & MSE RCA-Geotextile Interaction "Tufa" Use of Recycled Materials as MSE Retaining Wall Reinforced Backfills Phase II & MSE RCA-Geotextile I TPF Study Documentation Research Report Public 2022-10-18
Evaluating The Longevity and Condition of the Geotextiles Used in the Past in Geo-Infrastructures Constructed with RCA Evaluating The Longevity and Condition of the Geotextiles Used in the Past in Geo-Infrastructures Co TPF Study Documentation Research Report Public 2022-10-18
Q2 2022 Report 17-15 2022-Q2 QPR.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2022-09-02
Long-Term Drainage Performance of MSE Retaining Walls with Recycled Materials Long-Term Drainage Performance of MSE Retaining Walls with Recycled Materials.pdf TPF Study Documentation Research Report Public 2022-07-27
Q1 2022 Report 17-15 2022-Q1 Admin WO1.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2022-07-26
Q4 2021 Report 17-15 RMRC 4Q21 QPR Admin.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2022-07-26
Q3 2021 Report 2021 Q3 Report.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2021-11-18
Waste Quarry Fines as a Binder Material in Unpaved Roads Waste Quarry Fines as a Binding Material in Unpaved Roads.pdf TPF Study Documentation Research Report Public 2021-10-13
Assessing the Life Cycle Benefits of Recycled Material Used in Roadways Assessing the Life Cycle Benefits of Recycled Material Used in Roadways.pdf TPF Study Documentation Research Report Public 2021-10-09
Use of Concrete Grinding Residue as a Soil Amendment - Part II Report Use of Concrete Grinding Residue as a Soil Amendment-Part II Report.pdf TPF Study Documentation Research Report Public 2021-10-09
Q2 2021 Report 2021 Q2 Report.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2021-08-16
Q1 2021 Report Q1 2021 Report.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2021-06-15
Q4 2020 Report Q4 2020 Report.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2021-03-30
Q3 2020 Report Q3 2020 Report.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2021-01-04
Long-term Performance of Asphalt Concrete Mixed with RAP and RAS Report Long-term Performance of Asphalt Concrete Mixed with RAP and RAS Report.pdf TPF Study Documentation Research Report Public 2020-09-17
Q2 2020 Report Q2 2020 Report.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2020-09-17
Q1 2020 Report Q1 2020 Report.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2020-06-12
Connecting Consumers and Producers - Phase II Upgrades and Maintenance Connecting Consumers and Producers - Phase II Upgrades and Maintenance.pdf TPF Study Documentation Research Report Public 2020-02-26
Physical and Chemical Factors Controlling pH and Alkalinity of RCA Leachate Report Physical and Chemical Factors Controlling pH and Alkalinity of RCA Leachate Report.pdf TPF Study Documentation Research Report Public 2020-02-26
Q4 2019 Report Q4 2019 Report.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2020-02-26
Q3 2019 Report Q3 2019 Report.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2019-11-15
Q2 2019 Report Q2 2019 Report.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2019-10-10
Q1 2019 Report Q1 2019 Report.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2019-10-10
Q3 2018 Report RMRC Combined 3QPR18.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2019-03-15
Concrete Grinding Residue Disposal and Reuse RMRC 4 Concrete Grinding Residue.PDF TPF Study Documentation Research Report Public 2018-11-16
Q2 2018 Report RMRC 2Q18.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2018-09-18
Q1 2018 Report RMRC 1Q18.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2018-09-18
Q4 2017 Report RMRC 4QPR17.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2018-02-23
Q3 2017 Report RMRC 3QPR17.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2018-01-18
Q2 2017 Report RMRC 2QPR17.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2017-10-12
Q1 2017 Report RMRC 1QPR17.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2017-10-12
TPF-5(352) Acceptance Memo TPF-5(352) acceptance memo.pdf Other Other Public 2016-08-11
Approved Waiver Approval of SP&R Waiver Pooled Fund Solicitation #1431.pdf Memorandum Other Public 2016-08-11
Waiver Request Waiver Request Letter #1431.pdf Other Other Public 2016-08-11
Documents Attached
Title File/Link Document Category Document Type Privacy Document Date Download
Waiver Approval Approval of SP&R Waiver Pooled Fund Solicitation #1431.pdf Other Other Public 2016-08-10
Waiver Request RMRC 4G SPR waiver letter.pdf Other Other Public 2016-06-06
RMRC - 4th Generation Full Solicitation RMRC 4 Solicitation - final 2016_05_20.pdf TPF Study Documentation Solicitation Public 2016-06-06

Recycled Materials Resource Center - 4th Generation

General Information
Study Number: TPF-5(352)
Lead Organization: Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Solicitation Number: 1431
Partners: IADOT, IL, MN, MO, NC, PADOT, VA, WA, WI
Status: Closed
Est. Completion Date: Dec 31, 2022
Contract/Other Number:
Last Updated: Dec 14, 2023
Contract End Date:
Financial Summary
Contract Amount:
Total Commitments Received: $1,380,000.00
100% SP&R Approval:
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Evelyn Bromberg
Phone: 608-267-7360
Commitments by Organizations
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Illinois Department of Transportation 2016 $40,000.00 Andrew Stolba Megan Swanson 217-782-3547
Illinois Department of Transportation 2017 $40,000.00 Andrew Stolba Megan Swanson 217-782-3547
Illinois Department of Transportation 2018 $40,000.00 Andrew Stolba Megan Swanson 217-782-3547
Illinois Department of Transportation 2019 $40,000.00 Andrew Stolba Megan Swanson 217-782-3547
Illinois Department of Transportation 2020 $40,000.00 Andrew Stolba Megan Swanson 217-782-3547
Illinois Department of Transportation 2021 $40,000.00 Andrew Stolba Megan Swanson 217-782-3547
Iowa Department of Transportation 2018 $40,000.00 Bob Younie -- -- --
Iowa Department of Transportation 2019 $40,000.00 Bob Younie -- -- --
Iowa Department of Transportation 2020 $40,000.00 Bob Younie -- -- --
Iowa Department of Transportation 2021 $40,000.00 Bob Younie -- -- --
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2016 $40,000.00 Laura Lyle Debbie Sinclair 651-336-3746
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2017 $40,000.00 Laura Lyle Debbie Sinclair 651-336-3746
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2018 $40,000.00 Laura Lyle Debbie Sinclair 651-336-3746
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2019 $40,000.00 Laura Lyle Debbie Sinclair 651-336-3746
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2020 $40,000.00 Laura Lyle Debbie Sinclair 651-336-3746
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2018 $40,000.00 Alyson Tamer Neil Mastin 919 272 3706
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2019 $40,000.00 Alyson Tamer Neil Mastin 919 272 3706
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2020 $40,000.00 Alyson Tamer Neil Mastin 919 272 3706
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2021 $40,000.00 Alyson Tamer Neil Mastin 919 272 3706
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2016 $200,000.00 Heather Sorce Andrew Walak 717 934 4190
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2017 $0.00 Heather Sorce Andrew Walak 717 934 4190
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2018 $0.00 Heather Sorce Andrew Walak 717 934 4190
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2019 $0.00 Heather Sorce Andrew Walak 717 934 4190
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2020 $0.00 Heather Sorce Andrew Walak 717 934 4190
Virginia Department of Transportation 2017 $40,000.00 David Wilson Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934
Virginia Department of Transportation 2018 $40,000.00 David Wilson Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934
Virginia Department of Transportation 2019 $40,000.00 David Wilson Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934
Virginia Department of Transportation 2020 $40,000.00 David Wilson Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934
Virginia Department of Transportation 2021 $40,000.00 David Wilson Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934
Washington State Department of Transportation 2018 $5,000.00 Garrett Webster Jon Peterson 360-705-7499
Washington State Department of Transportation 2019 $5,000.00 Garrett Webster Jon Peterson 360-705-7499
Washington State Department of Transportation 2020 $5,000.00 Garrett Webster Jon Peterson 360-705-7499
Washington State Department of Transportation 2021 $5,000.00 Garrett Webster Jon Peterson 360-705-7499
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2017 $40,000.00 Barry Paye Evelyn Bromberg 608-267-7360
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2018 $40,000.00 Barry Paye Evelyn Bromberg 608-267-7360
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2019 $40,000.00 Barry Paye Evelyn Bromberg 608-267-7360
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2020 $40,000.00 Barry Paye Evelyn Bromberg 608-267-7360
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2021 $40,000.00 Barry Paye Evelyn Bromberg 608-267-7360

Study Description

Study Description

For more than 30 years, State DOTs have made significant progress incorporating recycled materials and industrial byproducts in transportation infrastructure. Recycled materials can add economic value, enhance service life and promote sustainability by reducing emission of greenhouse gases and consumption of energy and natural resources during construction. Despite these benefits, many recycled materials remain underutilized due to technical and institutional barriers. The Recycled Materials Resource Center (RMRC) was created to assist State DOTs and FHWA in breaking down these barriers through research and outreach activities focused on the wise and safe use of recycled materials. The initial RMRC was founded in 1998 at the University of New Hampshire through an agreement with FHWA based on a stipulation in TEA-21. From 2007-2012, the RMRC was renewed as RMRC-2 as a joint venture between the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. RMRC-2 was awarded competitively and funded by FHWA and by a state pooled fund, TPF5(199), supported by Alabama, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, North Carolina, New Hampshire, New York and Wisconsin. In the summer of 2012, the RMRC was renewed as RMRC-3G as a single venture at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) and funded by a pooled fund, TPF-5(270), supported by Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin. The contract for RMRC-3G ends on September 30, 2016, and a new fourth generation RMRC (RMRC-4G) is being proposed by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) building upon past strengths of the RMRC. State DOTs have developed considerable interest in using recycled materials in transportation construction and are seeking technical information regarding appropriate uses and best practices for existing and forthcoming recycled materials. With past research and known use of recycled materials, DOTs are seeking to understand the highest and best use of recycled materials. Thus, to maintain momentum regarding the use of recycled materials in transportation infrastructure, with emphasis on enhancing sustainability, service life and cost savings, WisDOT proposes to take the lead the next generation of the RMRC.


The goal of the proposed RMRC-4G is to provide the resources and activities needed to break down barriers and increase utilization of recycled materials and industrial byproducts. This will be done through carefully integrated and orchestrated activities that include applied research in key areas relevant to transportation applications combined with outreach programs that provide the educational and technical resources needed to maximize the rate at which recycled materials and industrial byproducts are used in transportation applications. RMRC-4G would be supported by a new pooled fund and focus specifically on issues of direct relevance to the contributing state DOTs. The governance structure would include a pooled fund Technical Advisory Committee (the Executive Board) comprised of representatives of participating State DOTs as well as an ex-officio member as the study liaison assigned by the Federal Highway Administration. The Executive Board will have direct input on the activities and priorities of RMRC-4G through a balloting process. Through research projects, workshops and outreach efforts, the RMRC-4G expects to achieve its goal via the accomplishment of the following objectives to: • Define, conduct and manage critical recycled materials research that will support and improve the sustainability of transportation systems construction • Collect and share information between state agencies that will improve the understanding of recycled materials and the appropriate applications • Define a system of regionally significant recycled materials and establish performance expectations for those materials in various applications that will guide and enhance their use and management • Evaluate and recommend effective technologies from a recycled materials perspective and in a manner that supports the reliable, efficient, safe and sustainable use of construction materials Reach out to and share ideas with private sector producers of recycled materials on approaches to making their availability, quality control and efficient delivery possible • Identify issues or bottlenecks that prevent the widespread use of recycled materials • Actively contribute to the development of specifications and guidelines through AASHTO • Coordinate along the lines of the agreement that has been established between AASHTO and ASTM • Organize webinars and workshops on the highest and best use of recycled materials • Maintain and continually enhance RMRC website as an up-to-date resource • Deploy innovative solutions that enhance RMRC’s availability as a resource to the highway materials and construction community on recycled materials Organizational Structure Success of the proposed RMRC-4G will hinge directly on the ability of its Executive Board to define and tackle the most pressing barriers affecting the use of recycled materials in transportation infrastructure. The leadership team will comprise the DOT Executive Board (representatives of the states supporting the RMRC), the ex-officio FHWA representative, friends of the committee and the administrative personnel. Executive Board voting privileges will be at the discretion of each member. The collective wisdom and experience of this team will define the most important technical issues, and the best methods to address these issues. The staff of the RMRC-4G at the University of Wisconsin-Madison will manage day-to-day operations of the Center and this proposed Transportation Pooled Fund, including coordinating communications, fiscal management and additional support to each of the committees as needed. This organizational structure served well in previous generations of the RMRC. RMRC-4G will also allow non-DOT parties who express interest to become Associate Members of the RMRC (Associates). Becoming an Associate Member affords an opportunity to get involved in the RMRC’s activities. Please see full solicitation attachment.

Scope of Work

The RMRC-4G will have two main programs to advance the highest and best use of recycled materials: (1) Research and Development (2) Outreach and Technology Transfer The RMRC-4G pooled fund will focus on recycled bound materials (e.g., asphalt and Portland cement concrete), unbound materials (e.g., base, sub-base, structural fill), the highest and best use of these materials in transportation infrastructure, stabilization of materials using industrial byproducts (e.g. fly ash, lime, other binders) and other related research projects. Factors that affect long-term physical and environmental performance of recycled materials will be evaluated using scientific principles and applied research. Additionally, a database for life cycle assessment (i.e., environmental benefits in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption) associated with practices that use recycled materials and industrial byproducts will be updated as necessary and validated to allow for rational evaluation of material and construction options in the context of life cycle cost and sustainability. In terms of outreach and technology transfer, the RMRC-4G staff will present RMRC research findings and continue outreach at appropriate national events per the Executive Board. RMRC-4G staff will participate in the development of new specifications, guidelines and standards related to recycled materials in AASHTO-Subcommittee on Materials (-SOM)and the ASTM Committee D18.14 in semi-annual meetings, host quarterly (or more as needed) Executive Board meetings and an annual meeting generally held at TRB in January. The team will continually update and enhance RMRC website and organize webinars or workshops as requested by the Executive Board. The Executive Board has recognized that past efforts to share RMRC research findings by conducting outreach presentations, webinars or workshops have been of great benefit to DOTs, state departments of environmental quality, the EPA and consulting engineers/contractors in industry. They will respond to any and all queries received through the website, emails, phone calls or other contacts. RMRC-4G staff will submit quarterly progress reports that will include all research and outreach/technology transfer activities. RMRC-4G will begin with a collaborative effort to develop ideas and define a clear vision of the most important issues affecting the use of recycled materials today and in the future. This effort will be followed by development and implementation of an integrated strategic research and outreach plan focused on developing and providing the technical information and educational resources necessary to resolve the issues. Work plans will then be developed under the auspices of the Executive Board with the ultimate objective to increase the safe and wise use of recycled materials in roadway construction and maintenance. Some examples of research efforts that could carry over (from RMRC-3G) or be incorporated into RMRC-4G may include: • Phase II for Recycled Materials as Back Fill for Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls – installations and field testing • Recycled Material Web Map Network: Connecting Consumers with Producers – full scale launch • Value of Using Recycled Materials via LCA/LCCA - State-Wide Life Cycle Benefits of Recycled Materials, documentation and presentations to DOTs • Further development of LCA and LCCA methodologies for transportation infrastructure • Issues associated with high pH leachate from RCA and some fly ashes – pH and Alkalinity of RCA as base course • Enhanced friction and surface treatments using alternative materials (e.g., taconite tailings) • Regulatory and other impediments to wider use of quarry fines Please see full solicitation attachment.


The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) has requested approval of a waiver for the non-federal matching requirement for SPR funding under 23 CFR 420.121(d) for the new lead-state pooled fund, “Recycled Materials Resource Center – Fourth Generation (RMRC-4G).” We request the initial $40,000 commitment for FFY2016 or for FFY2017 (if partner state funding is no longer available for FFY2016). Staff of WisDOT will provide management of the overall program while the University of Wisconsin-Madison will provide direction and management on a project level. Contributions less than $40,000 will be considered by the Executive Board on a case by case basis. Please see the full solicitation attachment for additional information. For the Web Map connecting producers and consumers visit

Title File/Link Type Private
Q4 2022 Report 2022-Q4 QPR 17-15 Admin WO 1.pdf Progress Report Public
Q3 2022 Report 2022-Q3 QPR 17-15 Admin WO 1.pdf Progress Report Public
Use of Recycled Materials as MSE Retaining Wall Reinforced Backfills Phase II & MSE RCA-Geotextile Interaction "Tufa" Use of Recycled Materials as MSE Retaining Wall Reinforced Backfills Phase II & MSE RCA-Geotextile I TPF Study Documentation Public
Evaluating The Longevity and Condition of the Geotextiles Used in the Past in Geo-Infrastructures Constructed with RCA Evaluating The Longevity and Condition of the Geotextiles Used in the Past in Geo-Infrastructures Co TPF Study Documentation Public
Q2 2022 Report 17-15 2022-Q2 QPR.pdf Progress Report Public
Long-Term Drainage Performance of MSE Retaining Walls with Recycled Materials Long-Term Drainage Performance of MSE Retaining Walls with Recycled Materials.pdf TPF Study Documentation Public
Q1 2022 Report 17-15 2022-Q1 Admin WO1.pdf Progress Report Public
Q4 2021 Report 17-15 RMRC 4Q21 QPR Admin.pdf Progress Report Public
Q3 2021 Report 2021 Q3 Report.pdf Progress Report Public
Waste Quarry Fines as a Binder Material in Unpaved Roads Waste Quarry Fines as a Binding Material in Unpaved Roads.pdf TPF Study Documentation Public
Assessing the Life Cycle Benefits of Recycled Material Used in Roadways Assessing the Life Cycle Benefits of Recycled Material Used in Roadways.pdf TPF Study Documentation Public
Use of Concrete Grinding Residue as a Soil Amendment - Part II Report Use of Concrete Grinding Residue as a Soil Amendment-Part II Report.pdf TPF Study Documentation Public
Q2 2021 Report 2021 Q2 Report.pdf Progress Report Public
Q1 2021 Report Q1 2021 Report.pdf Progress Report Public
Q4 2020 Report Q4 2020 Report.pdf Progress Report Public
Q3 2020 Report Q3 2020 Report.pdf Progress Report Public
Long-term Performance of Asphalt Concrete Mixed with RAP and RAS Report Long-term Performance of Asphalt Concrete Mixed with RAP and RAS Report.pdf TPF Study Documentation Public
Q2 2020 Report Q2 2020 Report.pdf Progress Report Public
Q1 2020 Report Q1 2020 Report.pdf Progress Report Public
Connecting Consumers and Producers - Phase II Upgrades and Maintenance Connecting Consumers and Producers - Phase II Upgrades and Maintenance.pdf TPF Study Documentation Public
Physical and Chemical Factors Controlling pH and Alkalinity of RCA Leachate Report Physical and Chemical Factors Controlling pH and Alkalinity of RCA Leachate Report.pdf TPF Study Documentation Public
Q4 2019 Report Q4 2019 Report.pdf Progress Report Public
Q3 2019 Report Q3 2019 Report.pdf Progress Report Public
Q2 2019 Report Q2 2019 Report.pdf Progress Report Public
Q1 2019 Report Q1 2019 Report.pdf Progress Report Public
Q3 2018 Report RMRC Combined 3QPR18.pdf Progress Report Public
Concrete Grinding Residue Disposal and Reuse RMRC 4 Concrete Grinding Residue.PDF TPF Study Documentation Public
Q2 2018 Report RMRC 2Q18.pdf Progress Report Public
Q1 2018 Report RMRC 1Q18.pdf Progress Report Public
Q4 2017 Report RMRC 4QPR17.pdf Progress Report Public
Q3 2017 Report RMRC 3QPR17.pdf Progress Report Public
Q2 2017 Report RMRC 2QPR17.pdf Progress Report Public
Q1 2017 Report RMRC 1QPR17.pdf Progress Report Public
TPF-5(352) Acceptance Memo TPF-5(352) acceptance memo.pdf Other Public
Approved Waiver Approval of SP&R Waiver Pooled Fund Solicitation #1431.pdf Memorandum Public
Waiver Request Waiver Request Letter #1431.pdf Other Public
Title File/Link Type Private
Waiver Approval Approval of SP&R Waiver Pooled Fund Solicitation #1431.pdf Other Public
Waiver Request RMRC 4G SPR waiver letter.pdf Other Public
RMRC - 4th Generation Full Solicitation RMRC 4 Solicitation - final 2016_05_20.pdf TPF Study Documentation Public

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