Performance and Load Response of Rigid Pavement Systems

General Information
Study Number: TPF-5(300)
Former Study Number:
Lead Organization: Iowa Department of Transportation
Contract Start Date: May 29, 2014
Solicitation Number: 1369
Partners: IADOT, NY
Status: Closed
Est. Completion Date: Jul 31, 2019
Contract/Other Number:
Last Updated: Jan 07, 2020
Contract End Date: May 31, 2019
Financial Summary
Contract Amount:
Suggested Contribution:
Total Commitments Received: $1,770,000.00
100% SP&R Approval: Approved
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Khyle Clute
Phone: 515-239-1646
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Katherine Petros
Phone: 202- 493-3154
Study Champion(s): -- --
Phone: --
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name
Iowa Department of Transportation 2014 $5,000.00 Chris Brakke -- --
Iowa Department of Transportation 2015 $5,000.00 Chris Brakke -- --
Iowa Department of Transportation 2016 $5,000.00 Chris Brakke -- --
Iowa Department of Transportation 2017 $5,000.00 Chris Brakke -- --
New York State Department of Transportation 2014 $300,000.00 Wes Yang Gary Frederick
New York State Department of Transportation 2015 $400,000.00 Wes Yang Gary Frederick
New York State Department of Transportation 2016 $350,000.00 Wes Yang Gary Frederick
New York State Department of Transportation 2017 $350,000.00 Wes Yang Gary Frederick
New York State Department of Transportation 2018 $350,000.00 Wes Yang Gary Frederick

Study Description

The modern approach to highway design is embodied in the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG), which incorporates models embedded in dedicated software, such as AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design, to predict pavement performance in greater detail than before. Full implementation of the MEPDG by state departments of transportation requires customizing or calibrating the software to state and local conditions, which in turn requires collecting data on climate, material properties, load response, and pavement performance. The MEPDG software uses these data inputs to more accurately simulate the load response of pavements and long-term pavement performance. Local calibration of the software involves comparing long-term performance simulation results to actual performance data at local sites if possible or from matching pavements in the LTPP database.


This project has these objectives: 1. Collecting load response and performance data and environmental monitoring at selected test pavements for four years. 2. Installing new instrumented sections as needed for a better understanding of rigid pavement response, including monitoring for the duration of the project. 3. Determining the impact of a base on long-term performance of rigid pavement utilizing the data acquired and other nationally available data on the topic. 4. Documentation of the processes, procedures, and findings. 5. Finalization of the rigid pavement design catalog with local validation and calibration of mechanistic-empirical models.

Scope of Work

The project will include the following work: New York State has previously instrumented test pavement sections to acquire local data to improve calibration of the MEPDG software. The installed sensors are still functioning to an extent that permits collection of additional useful data. This project will continue monitoring of instrumented field pavements in New York, including Interstate 490, Interstate 90, and Interstate 86 in New York using SHRP protocols. Additional sites may be added at the request of funding agencies. These efforts will include: 1. Pavement surveys and controlled vehicle load tests conducted two times per year at each site. Monitoring of instrumentation already installed at existing test pavements, including (depending on functionality of sensors): • load response parameters: surface and intermediate layer deflection, horizontal pavement strain, and subgrade pressure • traffic load data gathered by weigh-in-motion sensors or other traffic counters • weather parameters such as air temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, solar radiation, wind speed, and wind direction • pavement and soil temperatures • volumetric moisture content in base and subgrade • strain due to environmental factors 2. Collection of core specimens as needed at test sites. Laboratory testing of cores to determine all material parameters required by the MEPDG, including those for Portland cement concrete, base, and subgrade. 3. Updating of materials characterization database. Expand the materials characterization database with additional data from test sites. These data can be formatted to serve as input to AASHTOWare ME Pavement Design, and may also be used to evaluate other emerging test methods and models. 4. Forensic investigations to determine the causes of and mechanisms involved in any observed premature failures. 5. Annual reports summarizing data and including analyses of environmental data. 6. Generation of a data summary and environmental data analysis related to pavement distress. 7. Updating and populating database, data summary and environmental data analysis. 8. Full instrumentation of a new test section that will be constructed to collect data evaluating the performance of rigid pavement on different foundations. Once constructed, data will be collected as per Tasks 1 and 2 above and incorporated in the deliverables. 9. Development of recommendations for the type of pavement design foundation to be used for rehabilitated rigid pavements based on the modeling and field performance data. Project deliverables include: 1. Additional data collected for calibration of pavement performance. 2. Finalization of the rigid pavement design catalog to incorporate mechanistic-empirical methods. 3. Populate the New York DOT database with additional performance data and material testing data. 4. Recommendations for the type of pavement design foundation to be used for rehabilitated rigid pavements based on the modeling and field performance data. 5. Recommendations regarding the impact of dowel bars and tie bars on the long-term performance of rigid pavements.


BUDGET AND SPONSORSHIP It is requested that project sponsors provide a minimum of $5,000 per year for 4 years and that an agency representative serve on the technical advisory committee (TAC). The estimated total project cost for four years of data collection will be $1,200,000. NY DOT has committed to fund $1,180,000 and the Iowa DOT has committed to fund $20,000. Additional partner commitments will result in a reduction of the NY DOT commitment. PROJECT ADMINISTRATION The Iowa Department of Transportation will serve as lead state; administrative duties will be handled through the National Concrete Pavement Technology Center at Iowa State University. Iowa State University will be collaborating with Ohio University for the execution of the project.

Documents Attached
Title File/Link Document Category Document Type Privacy Document Date Download
Closed Memo TPF-5(300) Closeout Memo.pdf Memorandum Other Public 2020-01-07
Project Memo - Final Deliverable TPF-5(300) Project Deliverable Letter.pdf Memorandum Other Public 2019-12-12
Quarterly Report: December 2018 5(300)_2018_Q4_2018 12 31.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2019-02-01
Quarterly Report: September 2018 TPF-5(300)_2018_Q3_2018 09 30.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2018-11-02
Quarterly Report: June 2018 5(300) QPR 2018 06 30.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2018-07-31
Quarterly Report: March 2018 2018 03 31 QPR 5(300).pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2018-04-30
Quarterly Report: December 2017 2017 12 31 QPR 5(300).pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2018-01-26
Quarterly Report: September 2017 17 09 30 QPR 5(300).pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2017-10-23
Quarterly Report: June 2017 17_06-30 QPR 5(300).pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2017-08-07
Quarterly Report: March 2017 2017_03_31 QPR 5(300).pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2017-04-24
Quarterly Report: December 2016 16_12-31 QPR 5(300).pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2017-01-23
Quarterly Report: September 2016 16_09-30 QPR 5(300).pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2016-10-19
Quarterly Report: June 2016 2016_06-30 QPR 5(300).pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2016-08-09
Quarterly Report: March 2016 2016_03-31QPR 5(300).pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2016-05-02
Quarterly Report: December 2015 2015_12-31 QPR 5(300).pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2016-02-02
Quarterly Report: September 2015 5(300).pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2015-10-20
Quarterly Report: June 2015 15_2 QPR 5(300).pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2015-07-20
Quarterly Report: March 2015 TPF-5(300)_March2015.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2015-04-29
Acceptance Memo 2015 TPF-5(303) Pooled Fund acceptance memo.pdf Memorandum Other Public 2015-04-17
Quarterly Report: December 2014 TPF-5(300).pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2015-01-29
Quarterly Report: September 2014 TPF5(300)_September2014.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2014-10-30
Quarterly Report: June 2014 TPF(300)_June 2014.docx Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2014-07-31
Solicitation Document Rigid Pavement Systems Rigid Pavment PF Solicitation 1369.pdf TPF Study Documentation Solicitation Public 2014-03-31
100% Waiver Approval TPF-5(300) Sol 1369 Waiver Approval.pdf Memorandum Other Public 2014-03-31
Documents Attached
Title File/Link Document Category Document Type Privacy Document Date Download
100% Waiver Approval Approval of SP&R Waiver Solicitation#1369.pdf Memorandum Other Public 2014-03-13
P&LR of RPS Solicitation Document Rigid Pavment PF Solicitation Final.docx TPF Study Documentation Solicitation Public 2014-02-12

Performance and Load Response of Rigid Pavement Systems

General Information
Study Number: TPF-5(300)
Lead Organization: Iowa Department of Transportation
Contract Start Date: May 29, 2014
Solicitation Number: 1369
Partners: IADOT, NY
Status: Closed
Est. Completion Date: Jul 31, 2019
Contract/Other Number:
Last Updated: Jan 07, 2020
Contract End Date: May 31, 2019
Financial Summary
Contract Amount:
Total Commitments Received: $1,770,000.00
100% SP&R Approval:
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Khyle Clute
Phone: 515-239-1646
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Katherine Petros
Phone: 202- 493-3154
Commitments by Organizations
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Iowa Department of Transportation 2014 $5,000.00 Chris Brakke -- -- --
Iowa Department of Transportation 2015 $5,000.00 Chris Brakke -- -- --
Iowa Department of Transportation 2016 $5,000.00 Chris Brakke -- -- --
Iowa Department of Transportation 2017 $5,000.00 Chris Brakke -- -- --
New York State Department of Transportation 2014 $300,000.00 Wes Yang Gary Frederick 518-457-4645
New York State Department of Transportation 2015 $400,000.00 Wes Yang Gary Frederick 518-457-4645
New York State Department of Transportation 2016 $350,000.00 Wes Yang Gary Frederick 518-457-4645
New York State Department of Transportation 2017 $350,000.00 Wes Yang Gary Frederick 518-457-4645
New York State Department of Transportation 2018 $350,000.00 Wes Yang Gary Frederick 518-457-4645

Study Description

Study Description

The modern approach to highway design is embodied in the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG), which incorporates models embedded in dedicated software, such as AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design, to predict pavement performance in greater detail than before. Full implementation of the MEPDG by state departments of transportation requires customizing or calibrating the software to state and local conditions, which in turn requires collecting data on climate, material properties, load response, and pavement performance. The MEPDG software uses these data inputs to more accurately simulate the load response of pavements and long-term pavement performance. Local calibration of the software involves comparing long-term performance simulation results to actual performance data at local sites if possible or from matching pavements in the LTPP database.


This project has these objectives: 1. Collecting load response and performance data and environmental monitoring at selected test pavements for four years. 2. Installing new instrumented sections as needed for a better understanding of rigid pavement response, including monitoring for the duration of the project. 3. Determining the impact of a base on long-term performance of rigid pavement utilizing the data acquired and other nationally available data on the topic. 4. Documentation of the processes, procedures, and findings. 5. Finalization of the rigid pavement design catalog with local validation and calibration of mechanistic-empirical models.

Scope of Work

The project will include the following work: New York State has previously instrumented test pavement sections to acquire local data to improve calibration of the MEPDG software. The installed sensors are still functioning to an extent that permits collection of additional useful data. This project will continue monitoring of instrumented field pavements in New York, including Interstate 490, Interstate 90, and Interstate 86 in New York using SHRP protocols. Additional sites may be added at the request of funding agencies. These efforts will include: 1. Pavement surveys and controlled vehicle load tests conducted two times per year at each site. Monitoring of instrumentation already installed at existing test pavements, including (depending on functionality of sensors): • load response parameters: surface and intermediate layer deflection, horizontal pavement strain, and subgrade pressure • traffic load data gathered by weigh-in-motion sensors or other traffic counters • weather parameters such as air temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, solar radiation, wind speed, and wind direction • pavement and soil temperatures • volumetric moisture content in base and subgrade • strain due to environmental factors 2. Collection of core specimens as needed at test sites. Laboratory testing of cores to determine all material parameters required by the MEPDG, including those for Portland cement concrete, base, and subgrade. 3. Updating of materials characterization database. Expand the materials characterization database with additional data from test sites. These data can be formatted to serve as input to AASHTOWare ME Pavement Design, and may also be used to evaluate other emerging test methods and models. 4. Forensic investigations to determine the causes of and mechanisms involved in any observed premature failures. 5. Annual reports summarizing data and including analyses of environmental data. 6. Generation of a data summary and environmental data analysis related to pavement distress. 7. Updating and populating database, data summary and environmental data analysis. 8. Full instrumentation of a new test section that will be constructed to collect data evaluating the performance of rigid pavement on different foundations. Once constructed, data will be collected as per Tasks 1 and 2 above and incorporated in the deliverables. 9. Development of recommendations for the type of pavement design foundation to be used for rehabilitated rigid pavements based on the modeling and field performance data. Project deliverables include: 1. Additional data collected for calibration of pavement performance. 2. Finalization of the rigid pavement design catalog to incorporate mechanistic-empirical methods. 3. Populate the New York DOT database with additional performance data and material testing data. 4. Recommendations for the type of pavement design foundation to be used for rehabilitated rigid pavements based on the modeling and field performance data. 5. Recommendations regarding the impact of dowel bars and tie bars on the long-term performance of rigid pavements.


BUDGET AND SPONSORSHIP It is requested that project sponsors provide a minimum of $5,000 per year for 4 years and that an agency representative serve on the technical advisory committee (TAC). The estimated total project cost for four years of data collection will be $1,200,000. NY DOT has committed to fund $1,180,000 and the Iowa DOT has committed to fund $20,000. Additional partner commitments will result in a reduction of the NY DOT commitment. PROJECT ADMINISTRATION The Iowa Department of Transportation will serve as lead state; administrative duties will be handled through the National Concrete Pavement Technology Center at Iowa State University. Iowa State University will be collaborating with Ohio University for the execution of the project.

Title File/Link Type Private
Closed Memo TPF-5(300) Closeout Memo.pdf Memorandum Public
Project Memo - Final Deliverable TPF-5(300) Project Deliverable Letter.pdf Memorandum Public
Quarterly Report: December 2018 5(300)_2018_Q4_2018 12 31.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: September 2018 TPF-5(300)_2018_Q3_2018 09 30.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: June 2018 5(300) QPR 2018 06 30.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: March 2018 2018 03 31 QPR 5(300).pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: December 2017 2017 12 31 QPR 5(300).pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: September 2017 17 09 30 QPR 5(300).pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: June 2017 17_06-30 QPR 5(300).pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: March 2017 2017_03_31 QPR 5(300).pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: December 2016 16_12-31 QPR 5(300).pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: September 2016 16_09-30 QPR 5(300).pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: June 2016 2016_06-30 QPR 5(300).pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: March 2016 2016_03-31QPR 5(300).pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: December 2015 2015_12-31 QPR 5(300).pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: September 2015 5(300).pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: June 2015 15_2 QPR 5(300).pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: March 2015 TPF-5(300)_March2015.pdf Progress Report Public
Acceptance Memo 2015 TPF-5(303) Pooled Fund acceptance memo.pdf Memorandum Public
Quarterly Report: December 2014 TPF-5(300).pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: September 2014 TPF5(300)_September2014.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: June 2014 TPF(300)_June 2014.docx Progress Report Public
Solicitation Document Rigid Pavement Systems Rigid Pavment PF Solicitation 1369.pdf TPF Study Documentation Public
100% Waiver Approval TPF-5(300) Sol 1369 Waiver Approval.pdf Memorandum Public
Title File/Link Type Private
100% Waiver Approval Approval of SP&R Waiver Solicitation#1369.pdf Memorandum Public
P&LR of RPS Solicitation Document Rigid Pavment PF Solicitation Final.docx TPF Study Documentation Public

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