Miles Based User Fee (MBUF)

General Information
Study Number: TPF-5(289)
Former Study Number:
Lead Organization: Minnesota Department of Transportation
Solicitation Number: 1343
Partners: MN, NV, WA
Status: Closed
Est. Completion Date:
Contract/Other Number:
Last Updated: Feb 25, 2020
Contract End Date:
Financial Summary
Contract Amount:
Suggested Contribution:
Total Commitments Received: $70,000.00
100% SP&R Approval: Approved
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Debbie Sinclair
Phone: 651-336-3746
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Karen White
Phone: 202-366-9474
Study Champion(s): Kenneth Buckeye
Phone: 615-296-1606
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2012 $0.00 Kenneth Buckeye Lisa Jansen
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2013 $0.00 Kenneth Buckeye Lisa Jansen
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2014 $20,000.00 Kenneth Buckeye Lisa Jansen
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2015 $0.00 Kenneth Buckeye Lisa Jansen
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2016 $0.00 Kenneth Buckeye Lisa Jansen
Nevada Department of Transportation 2015 $5,000.00 Peter Aiyuk Ken Chambers
Nevada Department of Transportation 2016 $5,000.00 Peter Aiyuk Ken Chambers
Washington State Department of Transportation 2013 $20,000.00 Kathy Lindquist Kristy Vargas
Washington State Department of Transportation 2014 $20,000.00 Kathy Lindquist Kristy Vargas

Study Description

The MBUF concept is a user-based taxing system that charges drivers for the miles they drive on the roadway system. This concept requires a taxing authority to collect a tax based upon the number of miles traveled by each vehicle. The concept assumes that the owner of a vehicle would pay the MBUF for the mileage traveled. Many intuitional, policy and technical issues have to be resolved.


The objective of the pooled fund project is to learn and begin coordinating efforts with respect to the MBUF concept. Up to now, coordination between states has been difficult. Several states have conducted their own research and demonstration projects and some states have expressed interest in just learning more about the topic. In an effort to begin coordinating efforts and advancing the knowledge on MBUF the pooled fund will have two main objectives: 1) Offer membership to the MBUF Alliance. Each state will have opportunity to dedicate a portion of their annual contribution towards this organization and their educational events. As a research and educational organization, the mission of the Mileage-Based User Fee Alliance is to: • Create a constructive learning environment and policy space for collaboration and networking among individuals and groups interested in mileage based user fees; • Coordinate efforts to build awareness of mileage-based user fee programs in the US and around the world; and • Promote research to test the feasibility of mileage-based user fee programs 2) Solicit and select specific research projects that all member states are jointly interested in performing. On an annual cycle, the remaining project moneys will be used to fund research projects that will cover areas of the MBUF concept that have not been explored to date. Topics could range from alternate tax collection designs, to enforcement alternatives, to private industry scenario testing and standards recommendations.

Scope of Work

• Track and conduct research on mileage-based user fee initiative in the U.S. and around the world. • Organize and facilitate workshops attended by MBUFA member states to share knowledge and best practices related to mileage-based user fees. • Organize and sponsor an annual “MBUF” conference or symposium to provide a continuing education and peer exchange opportunity for member states. • Organize and implement peer-to-peer exchanges, education and outreach activities regarding mileage-based user fees. • Within budgetary allowances, provide support to member states such as speaking at member state conferences, offering expert advice, travel support for conferences and meetings, etc.


Project to be funded at $20,000 per member per year. This amount will cover cost of an annual MBUF Alliance membership. Up to $5,000 may be used for travel and expenses for conferences, meetings and peer-to-peer activities.

Documents Attached
Title File/Link Document Category Document Type Privacy Document Date Download
Attachment #2 to Final Report Attachment 2 Washington State RUC Pilot Project STSFA Grant Proposal v20c.pdf Other Other Public 2020-02-13
Attachment #1 to Final Report Attachment 1.docx Other Other Public 2020-02-13
Final Report Final Report of the Mileage Based User Fee Pooled Fund Project.docx Deliverable Final Report Public 2020-02-13
Quarterly Progress Reports - Third Quarter 2016 TPF Quarterly Report Form - Revised -October 2016.docx Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2016-09-30
Quarterly Report Quarterly Report.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2016-08-10
Acceptance Memo Acceptance Letter Template.doc Other Other Public 2013-12-03

No document attached.

Miles Based User Fee (MBUF)

General Information
Study Number: TPF-5(289)
Lead Organization: Minnesota Department of Transportation
Solicitation Number: 1343
Partners: MN, NV, WA
Status: Closed
Est. Completion Date:
Contract/Other Number:
Last Updated: Feb 25, 2020
Contract End Date:
Financial Summary
Contract Amount:
Total Commitments Received: $70,000.00
100% SP&R Approval:
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Debbie Sinclair
Phone: 651-336-3746
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Karen White
Phone: 202-366-9474
Commitments by Organizations
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2012 $0.00 Kenneth Buckeye Lisa Jansen 651-366-3779
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2013 $0.00 Kenneth Buckeye Lisa Jansen 651-366-3779
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2014 $20,000.00 Kenneth Buckeye Lisa Jansen 651-366-3779
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2015 $0.00 Kenneth Buckeye Lisa Jansen 651-366-3779
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2016 $0.00 Kenneth Buckeye Lisa Jansen 651-366-3779
Nevada Department of Transportation 2015 $5,000.00 Peter Aiyuk Ken Chambers (775) 888-7220
Nevada Department of Transportation 2016 $5,000.00 Peter Aiyuk Ken Chambers (775) 888-7220
Washington State Department of Transportation 2013 $20,000.00 Kathy Lindquist Kristy Vargas
Washington State Department of Transportation 2014 $20,000.00 Kathy Lindquist Kristy Vargas

Study Description

Study Description

The MBUF concept is a user-based taxing system that charges drivers for the miles they drive on the roadway system. This concept requires a taxing authority to collect a tax based upon the number of miles traveled by each vehicle. The concept assumes that the owner of a vehicle would pay the MBUF for the mileage traveled. Many intuitional, policy and technical issues have to be resolved.


The objective of the pooled fund project is to learn and begin coordinating efforts with respect to the MBUF concept. Up to now, coordination between states has been difficult. Several states have conducted their own research and demonstration projects and some states have expressed interest in just learning more about the topic. In an effort to begin coordinating efforts and advancing the knowledge on MBUF the pooled fund will have two main objectives: 1) Offer membership to the MBUF Alliance. Each state will have opportunity to dedicate a portion of their annual contribution towards this organization and their educational events. As a research and educational organization, the mission of the Mileage-Based User Fee Alliance is to: • Create a constructive learning environment and policy space for collaboration and networking among individuals and groups interested in mileage based user fees; • Coordinate efforts to build awareness of mileage-based user fee programs in the US and around the world; and • Promote research to test the feasibility of mileage-based user fee programs 2) Solicit and select specific research projects that all member states are jointly interested in performing. On an annual cycle, the remaining project moneys will be used to fund research projects that will cover areas of the MBUF concept that have not been explored to date. Topics could range from alternate tax collection designs, to enforcement alternatives, to private industry scenario testing and standards recommendations.

Scope of Work

• Track and conduct research on mileage-based user fee initiative in the U.S. and around the world. • Organize and facilitate workshops attended by MBUFA member states to share knowledge and best practices related to mileage-based user fees. • Organize and sponsor an annual “MBUF” conference or symposium to provide a continuing education and peer exchange opportunity for member states. • Organize and implement peer-to-peer exchanges, education and outreach activities regarding mileage-based user fees. • Within budgetary allowances, provide support to member states such as speaking at member state conferences, offering expert advice, travel support for conferences and meetings, etc.


Project to be funded at $20,000 per member per year. This amount will cover cost of an annual MBUF Alliance membership. Up to $5,000 may be used for travel and expenses for conferences, meetings and peer-to-peer activities.

Title File/Link Type Private
Attachment #2 to Final Report Attachment 2 Washington State RUC Pilot Project STSFA Grant Proposal v20c.pdf Other Public
Attachment #1 to Final Report Attachment 1.docx Other Public
Final Report Final Report of the Mileage Based User Fee Pooled Fund Project.docx Deliverable Public
Quarterly Progress Reports - Third Quarter 2016 TPF Quarterly Report Form - Revised -October 2016.docx Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report Quarterly Report.pdf Progress Report Public
Acceptance Memo Acceptance Letter Template.doc Other Public
No document attached.

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