General Information |
Study Number: | TPF-5(286) |
Former Study Number: | TPF-5(185) |
Lead Organization: | Iowa Department of Transportation |
Contract Start Date: | Sep 15, 2013 |
Solicitation Number: | 1329 |
Partners: | GADOT, IADOT, MI, OK, PADOT |
Status: | Closed |
Est. Completion Date: | Jul 01, 2019 |
Contract/Other Number: | |
Last Updated: | Jan 26, 2021 |
Contract End Date: | May 31, 2019 |
Financial Summary |
Contract Amount: | $265,000.00 |
Suggested Contribution: | |
Total Commitments Received: | $435,000.00 |
100% SP&R Approval: | Approved |
Contact Information |
Lead Study Contact(s): | Khyle Clute | || | |||
Phone: 515-239-1646 | |||
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): | Gina Ahlstrom | || | |||
Phone: 202-366-4612 | |||
Study Champion(s): | Tammy Bailey | || |
Organization | Year | Commitments | Technical Contact Name | Funding Contact Name |
Georgia Department of Transportation | 2013 | $15,000.00 | Jason Waters | Supriya Kamatkar |
Georgia Department of Transportation | 2014 | $15,000.00 | Jason Waters | Supriya Kamatkar |
Georgia Department of Transportation | 2015 | $15,000.00 | Jason Waters | Supriya Kamatkar |
Georgia Department of Transportation | 2016 | $15,000.00 | Jason Waters | Supriya Kamatkar |
Georgia Department of Transportation | 2017 | $15,000.00 | Jason Waters | Supriya Kamatkar |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2013 | $15,000.00 | Todd Hanson | -- -- |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2014 | $30,000.00 | Todd Hanson | -- -- |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2015 | $30,000.00 | Todd Hanson | -- -- |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2016 | $30,000.00 | Todd Hanson | -- -- |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2017 | $60,000.00 | Todd Hanson | -- -- |
Michigan Department of Transportation | 2013 | $15,000.00 | John Staton | Andre' Clover |
Michigan Department of Transportation | 2014 | $15,000.00 | John Staton | Andre' Clover |
Michigan Department of Transportation | 2015 | $15,000.00 | John Staton | Andre' Clover |
Michigan Department of Transportation | 2016 | $15,000.00 | John Staton | Andre' Clover |
Michigan Department of Transportation | 2017 | $15,000.00 | John Staton | Andre' Clover |
Oklahoma Transportation | 2013 | $15,000.00 | Kenny Seward | Beckie Lyons |
Oklahoma Transportation | 2014 | $15,000.00 | Kenny Seward | Beckie Lyons |
Oklahoma Transportation | 2015 | $15,000.00 | Kenny Seward | Beckie Lyons |
Oklahoma Transportation | 2016 | $0.00 | Kenny Seward | Beckie Lyons |
Oklahoma Transportation | 2017 | $0.00 | Kenny Seward | Beckie Lyons |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2013 | $15,000.00 | Steve Koser | Heather Sorce |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2014 | $15,000.00 | Steve Koser | Heather Sorce |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2015 | $15,000.00 | Steve Koser | Heather Sorce |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2016 | $15,000.00 | Steve Koser | Heather Sorce |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2017 | $15,000.00 | Steve Koser | Heather Sorce |
The CP Road Map ( is comprised of 12 integrated research tracks, with more than 250 research problem statements. It provides a collaborative structure for existing local, state and national concrete pavement research programs to focus their investments on stakeholder-identified needs and priorities. This Next Gen CP Road Map pooled fund will continue this on-going effort to synthesize concrete pavement research initiatives and needs for the nation through the continued support of the CP Road Map, a truly living document of broad strategic initiatives for the concrete pavement industry. The CP Road Map was updated at the conclusion of the FHWA-led pooled fund in June 2012. The Next Gen CP Road Map pooled fund will foster collaboration across the nation, resulting in less duplication of effort, and faster and broader implementation of research results. Increasingly, state departments of transportation (DOTs) are challenged to design and build longer life concrete pavements that result in a higher level of user satisfaction for the public. One of the strategies for achieving longer life pavements is to foster new technologies and practices. Experts from state DOTs, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), academia and industry must collaborate to identify and examine new concrete pavement research initiatives. The purpose of this pooled fund project is to identify concrete research, training and technology transfer needs through the CP Road Map. The Iowa DOT will serve as the lead state for the execution of the pooled fund project described in this problem statement. The Iowa DOT, through the National Concrete Pavement Technology Center (CP Tech Center) at Iowa State University, will handle all administrative duties associated with the project. The CP Tech Center will also serve to administer research for the project, as needed. A Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) will be comprised of representatives from the funding agencies/entities of the pooled fund. The TAC will review and approve the pooled fund activities and budget. TAC members potentially will include state DOTs, industry, academia and FHWA. Deliverables will be prioritized by the TAC as funding is available.
This problem statement is for the establishment of a Next Generation Concrete Pavement Road Map (Next Gen CP Road Map) Pooled Fund to carry on the work started by FHWA’s initial Concrete Pavement Roadmap Pooled Fund, TPF-5(185), which ended June 2012. This initial pooled fund was developed to guide concrete pavement research investments identified as critical for accomplishing customer-driven goals. This Next Gen CP Road Map pooled fund will continue the effort to identify needed research to help the concrete pavement community meet today’s paving needs and tomorrow’s pavement challenges.
PROJECT DELIVERABLES Deliverables will be prioritized by the TAC as funding is available. The project deliverables of the Next Gen CP Road Map pooled fund are: Principal Deliverables: •Next Gen CP Road Map E-news – On a bimonthly basis, this newsletter will feature national highlights on research and will include a specific state PCC pavement update each issue. •“Next Gen CP Road MAP (Moving Advancements into Practice) Briefs” – One Next Gen MAP Brief per E-news will be developed as a tech brief on a specific topic of national interest, new technology, etc. •Database - Keep a limited PCC pavement project database for the TAC’s use in monitoring progress towards the CP Road Map research priorities. •Website - Maintain a Next Gen CP Road Map website with general information on the road map, the 12 tracks and a library of the pooled fund deliverables. •Facilitate the creation of Next Gen CP Road Map Track Leadership Committees, comprised of leading national experts, organized around the specific research tracks. The primary objective is to have committees with a working knowledge of national activities to advise the TAC on concrete pavement research progress and future needs. These committees will meet via conference calls and web meetings to provide the TAC with timely and detailed technical information. •Conduct TAC meetings – Hold TAC quarterly conference call/web meetings, and one face-to-face meeting per year. The face-to-face meeting would normally be held the day before the National Concrete Consortium (NCC) spring meeting. NCC meeting participants would be invited to join the Next Gen CP Road Map TAC meeting as non-voting attendees. The purpose of the TAC meetings would include: *Identification and discussion of prioritized technical training and implementation/deployment needs associated with Road Map tracks/products. Public sector and/or private partners could fund and conduct the identified training/deployment workshops. *Receive an annual report on the activities regarding each CP Road Map Track and prioritize future research needs. *Discuss and maintain a prioritized list of research needs associated with the “next steps” on the Road Map. •Encourage TRB Committee (concrete pavement) related participation and support of the CP Road Map by asking appropriate TRB Committees to appoint a liaison to participate on the TAC calls and meetings and keep the TRB Committees updated. •Invite the AASHTO Subcommittees on Design/Construction/Materials to appoint a liaison to keep the committee updated and promote collaboration and effective implementation of Road Map products/outcomes. •Provide outreach to other national research programs, such as the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2). Additional Deliverables to be prioritized by the TAC as funding allows: •Develop complete and focused research needs statements, based on needs prioritized in the Road Map or through TAC discussions, for the research community to use when considering needed concrete pavement research for state, pooled fund, NCHRP, or University Transportation Center (UTC) research programs. The research identified would be for funding through other’s programs. •Fund technical training. •Maintain the CP Road Map as a living document, through periodic updates, as determined by the TAC. •Provide outreach to other national research programs, such as the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2). •Develop draft specifications based on research by others. Populate the draft specification database.
ESTIMATED PROJECT DURATION The pooled fund project duration is for five years, with a future option to become an ongoing pooled fund effort. BUDGET AND SPONSORSHIP Proposed Project Funding State DOTs (minimum of 6 states @ $15,000 per state each year) = $90,000/year; The pooled fund will pay the travel costs for one representative of the participating state DOT, or their representative, to attend the face-to-face TAC meeting. It is anticipated that FHWA, other agencies and industry (through the National Concrete Pavement Technology Center at Iowa State University) may also participate in the pooled fund. Summary of Requirements for Project Sponsors •Financial support. •Meeting participation on conference/web calls and in the annual face-to-face meeting. •Active collaboration/partnering with all TAC members. •Championing, within their state/organizations, the deliverables from the pooled fund.
Title | File/Link | Document Category | Document Type | Privacy | Document Date | Download |
Closeout Memo | TPF-5(286)-Closeout Memo-Updated 1-26-21.pdf | Memorandum | Other | Public | 2021-01-26 | |
Closeout Speadsheet | TPF5(286) Closeout Summary_Revised.pdf | Other | Other | Public | 2021-01-26 | |
Closeout Letter | TPF-5(286)-Closeout Memo-svb1-11-21.pdf | Memorandum | Other | Public | 2021-01-11 | |
Quarterly Report: June 2019 | TPF-5(286)_2019_Q2_Taylor 482.pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2019-07-31 | |
Deliverable: Integrated Materials and Construction Practices for Concrete Pavement: A State-of-the-Practice Manual | | TPF Study Documentation | Research Report | Public | 2019-07-10 | |
Deliverable: Guide Specifications for Internally Curing Concrete | IC_guide_spec_w_cvr.pdf | TPF Study Documentation | Research Report | Public | 2019-07-10 | |
Deliverable: Guide Specifications for Concrete Overlays | overlay_guide_specifications.pdf | TPF Study Documentation | Research Report | Public | 2019-07-10 | |
Deliverable: Final Deliverables Summary | Final Deliverables Summary.pdf | TPF Study Documentation | Study Summary | Public | 2019-07-10 | |
Quarterly Report: March 2019 | 5(286)_2019_Q1_Taylor 482.pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2019-04-30 | |
Quarterly Report: December 2018 | 5(286)_2018_Q4_2018 12 31.pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2019-02-01 | |
Quarterly Report: September 2018 | TPF-5(286)_2018_Q3_2018 09 30.pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2018-11-02 | |
Quarterly Report: June 2018 | 5(286) QPR 2018 06 30 Revised.pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2018-08-01 | |
Quarterly Report: March 2018 | 2018 03 31 QPR 5(286).pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2018-04-30 | |
Quarterly Report: December 2017 | 2017 12 31 QPR 5(286).pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2018-01-26 | |
Quarterly Report: September 2017 | 17 09 30 QPR 5(286).pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2017-10-23 | |
Quarterly Report: June 2017 | 17_06-30 QPR 5(286).pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2017-08-07 | |
Quarterly Report: March 2017 | 2017_03_31 QPR 5(286).pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2017-04-24 | |
Quarterly Report: December 2016 | 16_12-31 QPR 5(286).pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2017-01-23 | |
Quarterly Report: September 2016 | 16_09-30 QPR 5(286).pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2016-10-19 | |
Quarterly Report: June 2016 | 2016_06-30 QPR 5(286).pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2016-08-09 | |
Quarterly Report: March 2016 | 2016_03-31 QPR 5(286).pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2016-04-25 | |
Quarterly Report: December 2015 | 2015_12-31 QPR 5(286).pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2016-02-02 | |
Quarterly Report: September 2015 | 5(286).pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2015-10-20 | |
Quarterly Report: June 2015 | 15_2 QPR 5(286).pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2015-07-20 | |
Quarterly Report: March 2015 | TPR-5(286)_March2015.pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2015-04-29 | |
Acceptance Memo | 2015 TPF-5(286) Pooled Fund acceptance memo.pdf | Memorandum | Other | Public | 2015-04-17 | |
Quarterly Report: December 2014 | TPF-5(286)_December2014.pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2015-02-03 | |
Quarterly Report: September 2014 | TPF5(286)_September2014.pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2014-10-30 | |
Quarterly Reports: June 2014 | TPF(286)_June 2014.docx | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2014-07-31 | |
Quarterly Report: March 2014 | 5(286) QR March 2014.pdf | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2014-04-29 | |
Quarterly Report: Period Ending Dec 2013 | 5(286) QPR Dec 2013.docx | Progress Report | Quarterly Progress Report | Public | 2014-01-31 | |
SPR Waiver Solicitation | Approval of SPR Waiver Solicitation# 1329.pdf | TPF Study Documentation | Solicitation | Public | 2013-10-07 |
General Information |
Study Number: | TPF-5(286) |
Lead Organization: | Iowa Department of Transportation |
Contract Start Date: | Sep 15, 2013 |
Solicitation Number: | 1329 |
Partners: | GADOT, IADOT, MI, OK, PADOT |
Status: | Closed |
Est. Completion Date: | Jul 01, 2019 |
Contract/Other Number: | |
Last Updated: | Jan 26, 2021 |
Contract End Date: | May 31, 2019 |
Financial Summary |
Contract Amount: | $265,000.00 |
Total Commitments Received: | $435,000.00 |
100% SP&R Approval: |
Contact Information |
Lead Study Contact(s): | Khyle Clute | || | |||
Phone: 515-239-1646 | |||
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): | Gina Ahlstrom | || | |||
Phone: 202-366-4612 |
Organization | Year | Commitments | Technical Contact Name | Funding Contact Name | Contact Number | Email Address |
Georgia Department of Transportation | 2013 | $15,000.00 | Jason Waters | Supriya Kamatkar | 404-347-0552 | |
Georgia Department of Transportation | 2014 | $15,000.00 | Jason Waters | Supriya Kamatkar | 404-347-0552 | |
Georgia Department of Transportation | 2015 | $15,000.00 | Jason Waters | Supriya Kamatkar | 404-347-0552 | |
Georgia Department of Transportation | 2016 | $15,000.00 | Jason Waters | Supriya Kamatkar | 404-347-0552 | |
Georgia Department of Transportation | 2017 | $15,000.00 | Jason Waters | Supriya Kamatkar | 404-347-0552 | |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2013 | $15,000.00 | Todd Hanson | -- -- | -- | |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2014 | $30,000.00 | Todd Hanson | -- -- | -- | |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2015 | $30,000.00 | Todd Hanson | -- -- | -- | |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2016 | $30,000.00 | Todd Hanson | -- -- | -- | |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2017 | $60,000.00 | Todd Hanson | -- -- | -- | |
Michigan Department of Transportation | 2013 | $15,000.00 | John Staton | Andre' Clover | 517-749-9001 | |
Michigan Department of Transportation | 2014 | $15,000.00 | John Staton | Andre' Clover | 517-749-9001 | |
Michigan Department of Transportation | 2015 | $15,000.00 | John Staton | Andre' Clover | 517-749-9001 | |
Michigan Department of Transportation | 2016 | $15,000.00 | John Staton | Andre' Clover | 517-749-9001 | |
Michigan Department of Transportation | 2017 | $15,000.00 | John Staton | Andre' Clover | 517-749-9001 | |
Oklahoma Transportation | 2013 | $15,000.00 | Kenny Seward | Beckie Lyons | | |
Oklahoma Transportation | 2014 | $15,000.00 | Kenny Seward | Beckie Lyons | | |
Oklahoma Transportation | 2015 | $15,000.00 | Kenny Seward | Beckie Lyons | | |
Oklahoma Transportation | 2016 | $0.00 | Kenny Seward | Beckie Lyons | | |
Oklahoma Transportation | 2017 | $0.00 | Kenny Seward | Beckie Lyons | | |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2013 | $15,000.00 | Steve Koser | Heather Sorce | 717-214-9508 | |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2014 | $15,000.00 | Steve Koser | Heather Sorce | 717-214-9508 | |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2015 | $15,000.00 | Steve Koser | Heather Sorce | 717-214-9508 | |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2016 | $15,000.00 | Steve Koser | Heather Sorce | 717-214-9508 | |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2017 | $15,000.00 | Steve Koser | Heather Sorce | 717-214-9508 | |
The CP Road Map ( is comprised of 12 integrated research tracks, with more than 250 research problem statements. It provides a collaborative structure for existing local, state and national concrete pavement research programs to focus their investments on stakeholder-identified needs and priorities. This Next Gen CP Road Map pooled fund will continue this on-going effort to synthesize concrete pavement research initiatives and needs for the nation through the continued support of the CP Road Map, a truly living document of broad strategic initiatives for the concrete pavement industry. The CP Road Map was updated at the conclusion of the FHWA-led pooled fund in June 2012. The Next Gen CP Road Map pooled fund will foster collaboration across the nation, resulting in less duplication of effort, and faster and broader implementation of research results. Increasingly, state departments of transportation (DOTs) are challenged to design and build longer life concrete pavements that result in a higher level of user satisfaction for the public. One of the strategies for achieving longer life pavements is to foster new technologies and practices. Experts from state DOTs, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), academia and industry must collaborate to identify and examine new concrete pavement research initiatives. The purpose of this pooled fund project is to identify concrete research, training and technology transfer needs through the CP Road Map. The Iowa DOT will serve as the lead state for the execution of the pooled fund project described in this problem statement. The Iowa DOT, through the National Concrete Pavement Technology Center (CP Tech Center) at Iowa State University, will handle all administrative duties associated with the project. The CP Tech Center will also serve to administer research for the project, as needed. A Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) will be comprised of representatives from the funding agencies/entities of the pooled fund. The TAC will review and approve the pooled fund activities and budget. TAC members potentially will include state DOTs, industry, academia and FHWA. Deliverables will be prioritized by the TAC as funding is available.
This problem statement is for the establishment of a Next Generation Concrete Pavement Road Map (Next Gen CP Road Map) Pooled Fund to carry on the work started by FHWA’s initial Concrete Pavement Roadmap Pooled Fund, TPF-5(185), which ended June 2012. This initial pooled fund was developed to guide concrete pavement research investments identified as critical for accomplishing customer-driven goals. This Next Gen CP Road Map pooled fund will continue the effort to identify needed research to help the concrete pavement community meet today’s paving needs and tomorrow’s pavement challenges.
PROJECT DELIVERABLES Deliverables will be prioritized by the TAC as funding is available. The project deliverables of the Next Gen CP Road Map pooled fund are: Principal Deliverables: •Next Gen CP Road Map E-news – On a bimonthly basis, this newsletter will feature national highlights on research and will include a specific state PCC pavement update each issue. •“Next Gen CP Road MAP (Moving Advancements into Practice) Briefs” – One Next Gen MAP Brief per E-news will be developed as a tech brief on a specific topic of national interest, new technology, etc. •Database - Keep a limited PCC pavement project database for the TAC’s use in monitoring progress towards the CP Road Map research priorities. •Website - Maintain a Next Gen CP Road Map website with general information on the road map, the 12 tracks and a library of the pooled fund deliverables. •Facilitate the creation of Next Gen CP Road Map Track Leadership Committees, comprised of leading national experts, organized around the specific research tracks. The primary objective is to have committees with a working knowledge of national activities to advise the TAC on concrete pavement research progress and future needs. These committees will meet via conference calls and web meetings to provide the TAC with timely and detailed technical information. •Conduct TAC meetings – Hold TAC quarterly conference call/web meetings, and one face-to-face meeting per year. The face-to-face meeting would normally be held the day before the National Concrete Consortium (NCC) spring meeting. NCC meeting participants would be invited to join the Next Gen CP Road Map TAC meeting as non-voting attendees. The purpose of the TAC meetings would include: *Identification and discussion of prioritized technical training and implementation/deployment needs associated with Road Map tracks/products. Public sector and/or private partners could fund and conduct the identified training/deployment workshops. *Receive an annual report on the activities regarding each CP Road Map Track and prioritize future research needs. *Discuss and maintain a prioritized list of research needs associated with the “next steps” on the Road Map. •Encourage TRB Committee (concrete pavement) related participation and support of the CP Road Map by asking appropriate TRB Committees to appoint a liaison to participate on the TAC calls and meetings and keep the TRB Committees updated. •Invite the AASHTO Subcommittees on Design/Construction/Materials to appoint a liaison to keep the committee updated and promote collaboration and effective implementation of Road Map products/outcomes. •Provide outreach to other national research programs, such as the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2). Additional Deliverables to be prioritized by the TAC as funding allows: •Develop complete and focused research needs statements, based on needs prioritized in the Road Map or through TAC discussions, for the research community to use when considering needed concrete pavement research for state, pooled fund, NCHRP, or University Transportation Center (UTC) research programs. The research identified would be for funding through other’s programs. •Fund technical training. •Maintain the CP Road Map as a living document, through periodic updates, as determined by the TAC. •Provide outreach to other national research programs, such as the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2). •Develop draft specifications based on research by others. Populate the draft specification database.
ESTIMATED PROJECT DURATION The pooled fund project duration is for five years, with a future option to become an ongoing pooled fund effort. BUDGET AND SPONSORSHIP Proposed Project Funding State DOTs (minimum of 6 states @ $15,000 per state each year) = $90,000/year; The pooled fund will pay the travel costs for one representative of the participating state DOT, or their representative, to attend the face-to-face TAC meeting. It is anticipated that FHWA, other agencies and industry (through the National Concrete Pavement Technology Center at Iowa State University) may also participate in the pooled fund. Summary of Requirements for Project Sponsors •Financial support. •Meeting participation on conference/web calls and in the annual face-to-face meeting. •Active collaboration/partnering with all TAC members. •Championing, within their state/organizations, the deliverables from the pooled fund.
Title | File/Link | Type | Private |
Closeout Memo | TPF-5(286)-Closeout Memo-Updated 1-26-21.pdf | Memorandum | Public |
Closeout Speadsheet | TPF5(286) Closeout Summary_Revised.pdf | Other | Public |
Closeout Letter | TPF-5(286)-Closeout Memo-svb1-11-21.pdf | Memorandum | Public |
Quarterly Report: June 2019 | TPF-5(286)_2019_Q2_Taylor 482.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Deliverable: Integrated Materials and Construction Practices for Concrete Pavement: A State-of-the-Practice Manual | TPF Study Documentation | Public | |
Deliverable: Guide Specifications for Internally Curing Concrete | IC_guide_spec_w_cvr.pdf | TPF Study Documentation | Public |
Deliverable: Guide Specifications for Concrete Overlays | overlay_guide_specifications.pdf | TPF Study Documentation | Public |
Deliverable: Final Deliverables Summary | Final Deliverables Summary.pdf | TPF Study Documentation | Public |
Quarterly Report: March 2019 | 5(286)_2019_Q1_Taylor 482.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: December 2018 | 5(286)_2018_Q4_2018 12 31.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: September 2018 | TPF-5(286)_2018_Q3_2018 09 30.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: June 2018 | 5(286) QPR 2018 06 30 Revised.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: March 2018 | 2018 03 31 QPR 5(286).pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: December 2017 | 2017 12 31 QPR 5(286).pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: September 2017 | 17 09 30 QPR 5(286).pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: June 2017 | 17_06-30 QPR 5(286).pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: March 2017 | 2017_03_31 QPR 5(286).pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: December 2016 | 16_12-31 QPR 5(286).pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: September 2016 | 16_09-30 QPR 5(286).pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: June 2016 | 2016_06-30 QPR 5(286).pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: March 2016 | 2016_03-31 QPR 5(286).pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: December 2015 | 2015_12-31 QPR 5(286).pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: September 2015 | 5(286).pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: June 2015 | 15_2 QPR 5(286).pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: March 2015 | TPR-5(286)_March2015.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Acceptance Memo | 2015 TPF-5(286) Pooled Fund acceptance memo.pdf | Memorandum | Public |
Quarterly Report: December 2014 | TPF-5(286)_December2014.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: September 2014 | TPF5(286)_September2014.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Reports: June 2014 | TPF(286)_June 2014.docx | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: March 2014 | 5(286) QR March 2014.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: Period Ending Dec 2013 | 5(286) QPR Dec 2013.docx | Progress Report | Public |
SPR Waiver Solicitation | Approval of SPR Waiver Solicitation# 1329.pdf | TPF Study Documentation | Public |
Title | File/Link | Type | Private |
SP&R Waiver Approval | Approval of SP&R Waiver Solicitation# 1329.pdf | Other | Public |
NEXT GENERATION CONCRETE PAVEMENT ROAD MAP POOLED FUND PROBLEM STATEMENT | 12_06-15 Next Generation Concrete Pavement Roadmap Pooled Fund Problem Statement.doc | TPF Study Documentation | Public |