Recycled Materials Resource Center – Third Generation

General Information
Study Number: TPF-5(270)
Former Study Number: TPF-5(199)
Lead Organization: Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Contract Start Date: Jun 04, 2012
Solicitation Number: 1319
Partners: CO, GADOT, IL, MN, VA, WI
Status: Closed
Est. Completion Date: Sep 30, 2015
Contract/Other Number:
Last Updated: Aug 01, 2017
Contract End Date:
Financial Summary
Contract Amount:
Suggested Contribution:
Total Commitments Received: $400,000.00
100% SP&R Approval: Approved
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Lynn Hanus
Phone: 608-267-2294
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Robert Orthmeyer
Phone: 708-574-8134
Study Champion(s): Lori Richter
Phone: 608-264-8435
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name
Colorado Department of Transportation 2013 $25,000.00 Bryan Roeder Aziz Khan
Georgia Department of Transportation 2012 $25,000.00 Richard Douds Supriya Kamatkar
Georgia Department of Transportation 2013 $25,000.00 Richard Douds Supriya Kamatkar
Georgia Department of Transportation 2014 $25,000.00 Richard Douds Supriya Kamatkar
Illinois Department of Transportation 2012 $25,000.00 Sheila Beshears Megan Swanson
Illinois Department of Transportation 2013 $25,000.00 Sheila Beshears Megan Swanson
Illinois Department of Transportation 2014 $25,000.00 Sheila Beshears Megan Swanson
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2012 $25,000.00 Jerry Geib Lisa Jansen
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2013 $25,000.00 Jerry Geib Lisa Jansen
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2014 $25,000.00 Jerry Geib Lisa Jansen
Virginia Department of Transportation 2013 $25,000.00 Ed Wallingford Bill Kelsh
Virginia Department of Transportation 2014 $25,000.00 Ed Wallingford Bill Kelsh
Virginia Department of Transportation 2015 $25,000.00 Ed Wallingford Bill Kelsh
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2012 $25,000.00 Steven Krebs Lynn Hanus
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2013 $25,000.00 Steven Krebs Lynn Hanus
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2014 $25,000.00 Steven Krebs Lynn Hanus
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2015 $0.00 Steven Krebs Lynn Hanus

Study Description

Over the past 15 years, State DOTs have made significant progress incorporating recycled materials and industrial byproducts in transportation infrastructure. Recycled materials add economic value, enhance service life, and promote sustainability by reducing emission of greenhouse gases, consumption of energy, and consumption of natural resource during construction. Despite these benefits, many recycled materials remain under-utilized due to technical and institutional barriers. The Recycled Materials Resource Center (RMRC) was created to assist State DOTs and FHWA in breaking down these barriers through research and outreach activities focused on the wise and safe use of recycled materials. The initial RMRC was founded in 1998 at the University of New Hampshire through an agreement with FHWA based on a stipulation in TEA-21. In 2007, the RMRC was renewed as RMRC-2 as a joint venture between the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW). RMRC-2 was awarded competitively and funded by FHWA and by a state pooled fund, TPF5(199), supported by Alabama, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, North Carolina, New Hampshire, New York, and Wisconsin. The contract for RMRC-2 ends on 31 December 2011. TP5(1999) can extend beyond this date, but an administrative decision has been made to terminate TP5(199) on 31 December 2011, i.e., at the same time as the main contract for RMRC-2. FHWA has no immediate plans to create a follow-on version of the RMRC and is supportive of the formation of a follow-on pool fund by the states to continue the mission of RMRC. State DOTs have developed considerable interest in using recycled materials in transportation construction and are seeking technical information regarding appropriate uses and best practices for existing and forthcoming recycled materials. Thus, to maintain momentum regarding the use of recycled materials in transportation infrastructure, with emphasis on enhancing sustainability, service life, and cost savings, a new third-generation RMRC (RMRC-3G) is being proposed by Wisconsin DOT that would begin operation in early 2012.


The goal of the proposed RMRC-3G is to provide the resources and activities needed to break down barriers and increase utilization of recycled materials and industrial byproducts. This will be done through carefully integrated and orchestrated activities that include applied research in key areas relevant to transportation applications combined with outreach programs that provide the educational and technical resources needed to maximize the rate at which recycled materials and industrial byproducts are used in transportation applications. RMRC-3G would be supported by a pooled fund and focus specifically on issues of direct relevance to the contributing state DOTs. The governance structure would include a Board of Directors comprised of representatives of participating State DOTs as well as Stephen R. Mueller, Pavement and Materials Engineer in the Federal Highway Administration’s Resource Center in Lakewood, CO. Mr. Mueller was the technical representative and co-Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative (COTR) for RMRC-2. The Board would have direct input on the activities and priorities of RMRC-3G through a balloting process tied to the level of contribution provided by each state. Through research projects, workshops and outreach efforts, the RMRC-3G expects to achieve its goal via the accomplishment of the following objectives: • Maintain RMRC webpage as an up-to-date resource and be available as a resource to the highway materials and construction community on recycled materials • Define, conduct or manage critical recycled materials research that will support and improve the sustainability of transportation systems construction • Collect and share information between state agencies that will improve the understanding of recycled materials and the appropriate applications • Reach out to and share ideas with private sector producers of recycled materials on approaches to making their availability, quality control, and delivery more smoothly • Define a system of regionally significant recycled materials and establish performance expectations for those materials in various applications that will guide and enhance their use and management • Evaluate and recommend effective technologies and other roadway appurtenances from a recycled materials perspective and in a manner that supports the reliable, efficient, safe and sustainable use of construction materials • Identify issues or bottlenecks that frustrate the wide spread use of recycled materials and then taking actions, individually or as a group, to improve those conditions • Actively contribute to the development of specifications and guidelines through AASHTO and ASTM • Organize webinars and workshops on critical recycled materials

Scope of Work

The RMRC-3G will have two main programs: (1) Research and Development (2) Outreach and Technology Transfer The RMRC-3G research program will focus on recycled bound materials (e.g., asphalt and Portland cement concrete) and unbound materials (e.g., base, sub-base, structural fill) and the application of these materials in transportation infrastructure. Factors that affect long-term physical and environmental performance of recycled materials will be evaluated using scientific principles and applied research. Additionally, a database for life cycle assessment (i.e., environmental benefits in terms of green house gas emissions and energy consumption) associated with practices that use recycled materials and industrial byproducts will be created and validated to allow for rational evaluation of material and construction options in the context of life cycle cost and sustainability. Staff of WisDOT will provide management of the overall program while the University of Wisconsin-Madison will provide direction and management on a program level. The RMRC-3G outreach and technology transfer program will develop specifications, standards, manuals, and educational materials on using recycled materials as well as deliver technical information and materials through the internet, seminars, webinars, workshops, and symposia. These activities will be directed primarily at State DOTs and the AASHTO Subcommittee on Materials, but will also include the broader engineering, regulatory, and construction communities through participation in the activities of various professional organizations (e.g., TRB, ASTM, ASCE). States are asked to contribute $25,000 each year. Contributions less than $25,000 are accepted; however this may limit the state’s voting power on proposed projects.


Please note that the operating budget of RMRC is $500,000.

Documents Attached
Title File/Link Document Category Document Type Privacy Document Date Download
TPF-5(270) Closoeut Letter TPF-5(270) Close out Memo-Signed.pdf Memorandum Other Public 2017-08-07
TPF-5(270) Closeout Funding Spreadsheet TPF-5(270) Closeout Funding Spreadsheet.pdf Other Other Public 2017-08-01
RMRC Material Tracking Tool User Manual RMRC Material Tracking Tool User Manual.pdf Deliverable Final Report Public 2017-04-05
Systemwide Life-Cycle Benefits for Recycled Materials State-wide LCA DOTs Final 20160706.pdf Deliverable Final Report Public 2017-04-05
Use of Recycled Materials as MSE Retaining Wall Reinforced Backfills MSE Wall Final Report.pdf Deliverable Final Report Public 2017-04-05
Recycled Materials Web Map (Phase 1) to Connect Consumers and Producers - Final Report Final Report RMWM Graettinger et al.pdf Deliverable Final Report Public 2017-04-05
2016 Q1 Report RMRC 2016 Q1.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2016-04-01
2015 Q4 Report RMRC 4Q15 Portfolio.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2015-12-31
2015 Q3 Report RMRC 3Q15.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2016-01-07
2015 Q2 Report 2015 Q2 Report.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2015-08-20
2015 Q1 Report TPF5-156_CFIRE_2015_Q1.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2015-05-22
2014 Q4 Report RMRC 2014Q4.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2015-01-29
2014 Q3 Report RMRC 3Q14.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2014-11-03
2014 Q2 Report RMRC 2Q14.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2014-11-03
2014 Q1 Report RMRC 1Q14.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2014-11-03
2013 Q4 Report RMRC 4Q13.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2014-11-03
2013 Q3 Report Q3-2013 RMRC.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2013-11-08
2013 Q2 Report Q3-2013 RMRC.docx Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2013-10-04
2013 Q1 Report RMRC 1Q13.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2013-04-29
2012 Q4 Report Q4-2012 RMRC.docx Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2013-02-05
TPF-5(270) Acceptance Memo TPF-5(270) RMRC Acceptance Memo.pdf Memorandum Other Public 2012-06-06

No document attached.

Recycled Materials Resource Center – Third Generation

General Information
Study Number: TPF-5(270)
Lead Organization: Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Contract Start Date: Jun 04, 2012
Solicitation Number: 1319
Partners: CO, GADOT, IL, MN, VA, WI
Status: Closed
Est. Completion Date: Sep 30, 2015
Contract/Other Number:
Last Updated: Aug 01, 2017
Contract End Date:
Financial Summary
Contract Amount:
Total Commitments Received: $400,000.00
100% SP&R Approval:
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Lynn Hanus
Phone: 608-267-2294
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Robert Orthmeyer
Phone: 708-574-8134
Commitments by Organizations
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Colorado Department of Transportation 2013 $25,000.00 Bryan Roeder Aziz Khan
Georgia Department of Transportation 2012 $25,000.00 Richard Douds Supriya Kamatkar 404-347-0552
Georgia Department of Transportation 2013 $25,000.00 Richard Douds Supriya Kamatkar 404-347-0552
Georgia Department of Transportation 2014 $25,000.00 Richard Douds Supriya Kamatkar 404-347-0552
Illinois Department of Transportation 2012 $25,000.00 Sheila Beshears Megan Swanson 217-782-3547
Illinois Department of Transportation 2013 $25,000.00 Sheila Beshears Megan Swanson 217-782-3547
Illinois Department of Transportation 2014 $25,000.00 Sheila Beshears Megan Swanson 217-782-3547
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2012 $25,000.00 Jerry Geib Lisa Jansen 651-366-3779
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2013 $25,000.00 Jerry Geib Lisa Jansen 651-366-3779
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2014 $25,000.00 Jerry Geib Lisa Jansen 651-366-3779
Virginia Department of Transportation 2013 $25,000.00 Ed Wallingford Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934
Virginia Department of Transportation 2014 $25,000.00 Ed Wallingford Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934
Virginia Department of Transportation 2015 $25,000.00 Ed Wallingford Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2012 $25,000.00 Steven Krebs Lynn Hanus 608-267-2294
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2013 $25,000.00 Steven Krebs Lynn Hanus 608-267-2294
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2014 $25,000.00 Steven Krebs Lynn Hanus 608-267-2294
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2015 $0.00 Steven Krebs Lynn Hanus 608-267-2294

Study Description

Study Description

Over the past 15 years, State DOTs have made significant progress incorporating recycled materials and industrial byproducts in transportation infrastructure. Recycled materials add economic value, enhance service life, and promote sustainability by reducing emission of greenhouse gases, consumption of energy, and consumption of natural resource during construction. Despite these benefits, many recycled materials remain under-utilized due to technical and institutional barriers. The Recycled Materials Resource Center (RMRC) was created to assist State DOTs and FHWA in breaking down these barriers through research and outreach activities focused on the wise and safe use of recycled materials. The initial RMRC was founded in 1998 at the University of New Hampshire through an agreement with FHWA based on a stipulation in TEA-21. In 2007, the RMRC was renewed as RMRC-2 as a joint venture between the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW). RMRC-2 was awarded competitively and funded by FHWA and by a state pooled fund, TPF5(199), supported by Alabama, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, North Carolina, New Hampshire, New York, and Wisconsin. The contract for RMRC-2 ends on 31 December 2011. TP5(1999) can extend beyond this date, but an administrative decision has been made to terminate TP5(199) on 31 December 2011, i.e., at the same time as the main contract for RMRC-2. FHWA has no immediate plans to create a follow-on version of the RMRC and is supportive of the formation of a follow-on pool fund by the states to continue the mission of RMRC. State DOTs have developed considerable interest in using recycled materials in transportation construction and are seeking technical information regarding appropriate uses and best practices for existing and forthcoming recycled materials. Thus, to maintain momentum regarding the use of recycled materials in transportation infrastructure, with emphasis on enhancing sustainability, service life, and cost savings, a new third-generation RMRC (RMRC-3G) is being proposed by Wisconsin DOT that would begin operation in early 2012.


The goal of the proposed RMRC-3G is to provide the resources and activities needed to break down barriers and increase utilization of recycled materials and industrial byproducts. This will be done through carefully integrated and orchestrated activities that include applied research in key areas relevant to transportation applications combined with outreach programs that provide the educational and technical resources needed to maximize the rate at which recycled materials and industrial byproducts are used in transportation applications. RMRC-3G would be supported by a pooled fund and focus specifically on issues of direct relevance to the contributing state DOTs. The governance structure would include a Board of Directors comprised of representatives of participating State DOTs as well as Stephen R. Mueller, Pavement and Materials Engineer in the Federal Highway Administration’s Resource Center in Lakewood, CO. Mr. Mueller was the technical representative and co-Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative (COTR) for RMRC-2. The Board would have direct input on the activities and priorities of RMRC-3G through a balloting process tied to the level of contribution provided by each state. Through research projects, workshops and outreach efforts, the RMRC-3G expects to achieve its goal via the accomplishment of the following objectives: • Maintain RMRC webpage as an up-to-date resource and be available as a resource to the highway materials and construction community on recycled materials • Define, conduct or manage critical recycled materials research that will support and improve the sustainability of transportation systems construction • Collect and share information between state agencies that will improve the understanding of recycled materials and the appropriate applications • Reach out to and share ideas with private sector producers of recycled materials on approaches to making their availability, quality control, and delivery more smoothly • Define a system of regionally significant recycled materials and establish performance expectations for those materials in various applications that will guide and enhance their use and management • Evaluate and recommend effective technologies and other roadway appurtenances from a recycled materials perspective and in a manner that supports the reliable, efficient, safe and sustainable use of construction materials • Identify issues or bottlenecks that frustrate the wide spread use of recycled materials and then taking actions, individually or as a group, to improve those conditions • Actively contribute to the development of specifications and guidelines through AASHTO and ASTM • Organize webinars and workshops on critical recycled materials

Scope of Work

The RMRC-3G will have two main programs: (1) Research and Development (2) Outreach and Technology Transfer The RMRC-3G research program will focus on recycled bound materials (e.g., asphalt and Portland cement concrete) and unbound materials (e.g., base, sub-base, structural fill) and the application of these materials in transportation infrastructure. Factors that affect long-term physical and environmental performance of recycled materials will be evaluated using scientific principles and applied research. Additionally, a database for life cycle assessment (i.e., environmental benefits in terms of green house gas emissions and energy consumption) associated with practices that use recycled materials and industrial byproducts will be created and validated to allow for rational evaluation of material and construction options in the context of life cycle cost and sustainability. Staff of WisDOT will provide management of the overall program while the University of Wisconsin-Madison will provide direction and management on a program level. The RMRC-3G outreach and technology transfer program will develop specifications, standards, manuals, and educational materials on using recycled materials as well as deliver technical information and materials through the internet, seminars, webinars, workshops, and symposia. These activities will be directed primarily at State DOTs and the AASHTO Subcommittee on Materials, but will also include the broader engineering, regulatory, and construction communities through participation in the activities of various professional organizations (e.g., TRB, ASTM, ASCE). States are asked to contribute $25,000 each year. Contributions less than $25,000 are accepted; however this may limit the state’s voting power on proposed projects.


Please note that the operating budget of RMRC is $500,000.

Title File/Link Type Private
TPF-5(270) Closoeut Letter TPF-5(270) Close out Memo-Signed.pdf Memorandum Public
TPF-5(270) Closeout Funding Spreadsheet TPF-5(270) Closeout Funding Spreadsheet.pdf Other Public
RMRC Material Tracking Tool User Manual RMRC Material Tracking Tool User Manual.pdf Deliverable Public
Systemwide Life-Cycle Benefits for Recycled Materials State-wide LCA DOTs Final 20160706.pdf Deliverable Public
Use of Recycled Materials as MSE Retaining Wall Reinforced Backfills MSE Wall Final Report.pdf Deliverable Public
Recycled Materials Web Map (Phase 1) to Connect Consumers and Producers - Final Report Final Report RMWM Graettinger et al.pdf Deliverable Public
2016 Q1 Report RMRC 2016 Q1.pdf Progress Report Public
2015 Q3 Report RMRC 3Q15.pdf Progress Report Public
2015 Q4 Report RMRC 4Q15 Portfolio.pdf Progress Report Public
2015 Q2 Report 2015 Q2 Report.pdf Progress Report Public
2015 Q1 Report TPF5-156_CFIRE_2015_Q1.pdf Progress Report Public
2014 Q4 Report RMRC 2014Q4.pdf Progress Report Public
2014 Q3 Report RMRC 3Q14.pdf Progress Report Public
2014 Q2 Report RMRC 2Q14.pdf Progress Report Public
2014 Q1 Report RMRC 1Q14.pdf Progress Report Public
2013 Q4 Report RMRC 4Q13.pdf Progress Report Public
2013 Q3 Report Q3-2013 RMRC.pdf Progress Report Public
2013 Q2 Report Q3-2013 RMRC.docx Progress Report Public
2013 Q1 Report RMRC 1Q13.pdf Progress Report Public
2012 Q4 Report Q4-2012 RMRC.docx Progress Report Public
TPF-5(270) Acceptance Memo TPF-5(270) RMRC Acceptance Memo.pdf Memorandum Public
No document attached.

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