Testing of Large & Small Sign Supports

General Information
Study Number: SPR-2(144)
Former Study Number:
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Solicitation Number: 44
Partners: AR, CA, CO, CT, HI, IADOT, IL, IN, KS, LA, MA, MN, MO, MS, NY, OH, OK, PADOT, TN, TX, WA
Contractor(s): Scientex Corporation
Status: Closed
Est. Completion Date:
Contract/Other Number: DTFH61-89-C-00100
Last Updated: Feb 26, 2007
Contract End Date:
Financial Summary
Contract Amount: $0.00
Suggested Contribution:
Total Commitments Received: $62,500.00
100% SP&R Approval: Approved
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Gary Jensen
Phone: 202- 366-2048
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Richard King
Phone: 202- 493-3320
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name
Arkansas Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
California Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
Colorado Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
Connecticut Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
Hawaii Department of Transportation 1990 $2,500.00 Clarence Yamamoto Paul Hamamoto
Hawaii Department of Transportation 1991 $2,500.00 Clarence Yamamoto Paul Hamamoto
Hawaii Department of Transportation 1992 $2,500.00 Clarence Yamamoto Paul Hamamoto
Illinois Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
Indiana Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
Iowa Department of Transportation 1989 $10,000.00 Harold Schiel Steve Kadolph
Iowa Department of Transportation 1990 $10,000.00 Harold Schiel Steve Kadolph
Iowa Department of Transportation 1991 $5,000.00 Harold Schiel Steve Kadolph
Kansas Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 0 $0.00
Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation and Construction 0 $0.00
Minnesota Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
Mississippi Department of Transportation 1989 $10,000.00 J. Young Alfred Crawley
Missouri Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
New York State Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
Ohio Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
Oklahoma Transportation 0 $0.00
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
Tennessee Department of Transportation 1990 $10,000.00 Edward Wasserman Edward Wasserman
Texas Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
Washington State Department of Transportation 1989 $3,000.00 Dave Peach Martin Pietz
Washington State Department of Transportation 1990 $3,000.00 Dave Peach Martin Pietz
Washington State Department of Transportation 1991 $4,000.00 Dave Peach Martin Pietz


To provide a means for studying the overall performance of sign supports to better understand how they perform. It will also provide a relatively simple method for participating states to get a limited number of sign supports qualified for federal aid.


Testing has concluded.

Subjects: Highway Operations, Capacity, and Traffic Control Safety and Human Performance

No document attached.

No document attached.

Testing of Large & Small Sign Supports

General Information
Study Number: SPR-2(144)
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Solicitation Number: 44
Partners: AR, CA, CO, CT, HI, IADOT, IL, IN, KS, LA, MA, MN, MO, MS, NY, OH, OK, PADOT, TN, TX, WA
Contractor(s): Scientex Corporation
Status: Closed
Est. Completion Date:
Contract/Other Number: DTFH61-89-C-00100
Last Updated: Feb 26, 2007
Contract End Date:
Financial Summary
Contract Amount: $0.00
Total Commitments Received: $62,500.00
100% SP&R Approval:
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Gary Jensen
Phone: 202- 366-2048
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Richard King
Phone: 202- 493-3320
Commitments by Organizations
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Arkansas Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
California Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
Colorado Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
Connecticut Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
Hawaii Department of Transportation 1990 $2,500.00 Clarence Yamamoto Paul Hamamoto 808-548-7467
Hawaii Department of Transportation 1991 $2,500.00 Clarence Yamamoto Paul Hamamoto 808-548-7467
Hawaii Department of Transportation 1992 $2,500.00 Clarence Yamamoto Paul Hamamoto 808-548-7467
Illinois Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
Indiana Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
Iowa Department of Transportation 1989 $10,000.00 Harold Schiel Steve Kadolph 515-239-1677 steven.kadolph@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 1990 $10,000.00 Harold Schiel Steve Kadolph 515-239-1677 steven.kadolph@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 1991 $5,000.00 Harold Schiel Steve Kadolph 515-239-1677 steven.kadolph@iowadot.us
Kansas Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 0 $0.00
Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation and Construction 0 $0.00
Minnesota Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
Mississippi Department of Transportation 1989 $10,000.00 J. Young Alfred Crawley 601-359-1174
Missouri Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
New York State Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
Ohio Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
Oklahoma Transportation 0 $0.00
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
Tennessee Department of Transportation 1990 $10,000.00 Edward Wasserman Edward Wasserman 615-741-3351 edward.wasserman@tn.gov
Texas Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
Washington State Department of Transportation 1989 $3,000.00 Dave Peach Martin Pietz 360-705-7971
Washington State Department of Transportation 1990 $3,000.00 Dave Peach Martin Pietz 360-705-7971
Washington State Department of Transportation 1991 $4,000.00 Dave Peach Martin Pietz 360-705-7971

Study Description


To provide a means for studying the overall performance of sign supports to better understand how they perform. It will also provide a relatively simple method for participating states to get a limited number of sign supports qualified for federal aid.


Testing has concluded.

Subjects: Highway Operations, Capacity, and Traffic Control Safety and Human Performance

No document attached. No document attached.

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