Northwest Transportation Consortium

General Information
Study Number: TPF-5(191)
Former Study Number:
Lead Organization: Washington State Department of Transportation
Solicitation Number: 1173
Partners: AK, ID, OR, WA
Status: Closed
Est. Completion Date:
Contract/Other Number:
Last Updated: Oct 18, 2017
Contract End Date:
Financial Summary
Contract Amount: $100,000.00
Suggested Contribution:
Total Commitments Received: $100,000.00
100% SP&R Approval: Approved
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Jon Peterson
Phone: 360-705-7499
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name
Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities 2008 $25,000.00 Clint Adler Clint Adler
Idaho Department of Transportation 2009 $25,000.00 Amanda Laib Amanda Laib
Oregon Department of Transportation 2008 $25,000.00 Barnie Jones Barnie Jones
Washington State Department of Transportation 2008 $25,000.00 Leni Oman

Study Description

The ¿Climate Change Impact Assessment for Surface Transportation in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska¿ Research project is underway. The Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium (OTREC) and Alaska University Transportation Center (AUTC) were selected to conduct the research project. The project team is a multi-disciplinary group of researchers from Oregon and Alaska consisting of John MacArthur, Oregon Transportation Research and Education Center; Dr. Philip Mote, Director Oregon Climate Change Research, Institute, Oregon State University; Dr. Jason Ideker, Assistant Professor, Oregon State University; Dr. Miguel Figliozzi, Assistant Professor, Portland State University; Dr. Ming Lee, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University o f Alaska Fairbanks. The team brings unprecedented expertise in climate change, transportation operations, and infrastructure from Oregon State University, Portland State University, and the University of Alaska - Fairbanks.


To address high priority transportation research topics of common interest to the four Northwest states and for which expertise exists in the four University Transportation Centers (UTC)in these same states.

Scope of Work

The project will provide a regional assessment of climate change and its potential impacts on surface transportation systems for the Pacific Northwest and Alaska region. The research will clarify how regional climate change will affect the physical condition and serviceability of the regional transportation system. The project will culminate in a report that will address the nature of the changes and their potential impacts on the regional transportation system in addition to outreach materials designed to inform and educate transportation leaders, agencies, professionals, and students. The research team will also work with OTREC and AUTC education and technology transfer staff to develop curricula (e.g., workshop, seminar, etc.) that can be used by NWTC member departments and Region X universities. The project team recognizes that the widely diverse topography, climate regimes, and localized variability of impacts within the region will complicate efforts to understand and plan for adapting to the potential impacts of climate change on the regional transportation system.


Minimum state commitment is $25,000.

Documents Attached
Title File/Link Document Category Document Type Privacy Document Date Download
TPF-5(191) Closeout Letter TPF-5(191) Closeout Letter-Signed.pdf Memorandum Other Public 2017-10-24
TPF-5(191) Closeout Funding Spreadsheet TPF-5(191) Closeout Funding Spreadsheet.pdf Other Other Public 2017-10-18
Climate Change Impact Assessment for Surface Transportation in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska Deliverable Final Report Public 2012-01-31
TPF-5(191) Quarterly Report Jan-Mar 2012 TPF-5(191) Quarterly Report Jan-Mar 2012 .docx Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2012-04-30
Quarterly Report: October - December 2011 TPF-5(191) Quarterly Report Form - January 2012.docx Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2012-01-31
Quarterly Report: July - Sept. 2011 TPF Quarterly Report Form - September 2011 (Revised) (2).docx Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2011-11-01
Quarterly Report: 2011 April - June Quarterly_Report_2011_Apr-Jun.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2011-06-23
Quarterly Report: 2011 January - March Quarterly_Report_TPF(5)191_NWC_Climate_Adaptation_Study(Jan-Mar2011Report).pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2011-06-09
Quarterly Report: 2010 January - March Quarterly_Report_TPF(5)_191_NWC_Climate_Adaptation_Study.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2010-04-06
Quarterly Report: 2010 March - June Quarterly_Report_TPF(5)191_NWC_Climate_Adaptation_Study(March-June2010Report).pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2010-07-06
Quarterly Report: 2009 October - December quarterly_report_2009-12-31.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2010-01-13
Acceptance Memo Acceptance_Memo.pdf Memorandum Other Public 2008-08-26
Documents Attached
Title File/Link Document Category Document Type Privacy Document Date Download
Northwest Transportation Consortium 1173.pdf TPF Study Documentation Solicitation Public 2011-09-25

Northwest Transportation Consortium

General Information
Study Number: TPF-5(191)
Lead Organization: Washington State Department of Transportation
Solicitation Number: 1173
Partners: AK, ID, OR, WA
Status: Closed
Est. Completion Date:
Contract/Other Number:
Last Updated: Oct 18, 2017
Contract End Date:
Financial Summary
Contract Amount: $100,000.00
Total Commitments Received: $100,000.00
100% SP&R Approval:
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Jon Peterson
Phone: 360-705-7499
Commitments by Organizations
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities 2008 $25,000.00 Clint Adler Clint Adler 907-451-5321
Idaho Department of Transportation 2009 $25,000.00 Amanda Laib Amanda Laib 208-334-8181
Oregon Department of Transportation 2008 $25,000.00 Barnie Jones Barnie Jones 503- 986-2845
Washington State Department of Transportation 2008 $25,000.00 Leni Oman 360-705-7974

Study Description

Study Description

The ¿Climate Change Impact Assessment for Surface Transportation in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska¿ Research project is underway. The Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium (OTREC) and Alaska University Transportation Center (AUTC) were selected to conduct the research project. The project team is a multi-disciplinary group of researchers from Oregon and Alaska consisting of John MacArthur, Oregon Transportation Research and Education Center; Dr. Philip Mote, Director Oregon Climate Change Research, Institute, Oregon State University; Dr. Jason Ideker, Assistant Professor, Oregon State University; Dr. Miguel Figliozzi, Assistant Professor, Portland State University; Dr. Ming Lee, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University o f Alaska Fairbanks. The team brings unprecedented expertise in climate change, transportation operations, and infrastructure from Oregon State University, Portland State University, and the University of Alaska - Fairbanks.


To address high priority transportation research topics of common interest to the four Northwest states and for which expertise exists in the four University Transportation Centers (UTC)in these same states.

Scope of Work

The project will provide a regional assessment of climate change and its potential impacts on surface transportation systems for the Pacific Northwest and Alaska region. The research will clarify how regional climate change will affect the physical condition and serviceability of the regional transportation system. The project will culminate in a report that will address the nature of the changes and their potential impacts on the regional transportation system in addition to outreach materials designed to inform and educate transportation leaders, agencies, professionals, and students. The research team will also work with OTREC and AUTC education and technology transfer staff to develop curricula (e.g., workshop, seminar, etc.) that can be used by NWTC member departments and Region X universities. The project team recognizes that the widely diverse topography, climate regimes, and localized variability of impacts within the region will complicate efforts to understand and plan for adapting to the potential impacts of climate change on the regional transportation system.


Minimum state commitment is $25,000.

Title File/Link Type Private
TPF-5(191) Closeout Letter TPF-5(191) Closeout Letter-Signed.pdf Memorandum Public
TPF-5(191) Closeout Funding Spreadsheet TPF-5(191) Closeout Funding Spreadsheet.pdf Other Public
TPF-5(191) Quarterly Report Jan-Mar 2012 TPF-5(191) Quarterly Report Jan-Mar 2012 .docx Progress Report Public
Climate Change Impact Assessment for Surface Transportation in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska Deliverable Public
Quarterly Report: October - December 2011 TPF-5(191) Quarterly Report Form - January 2012.docx Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: July - Sept. 2011 TPF Quarterly Report Form - September 2011 (Revised) (2).docx Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: 2011 April - June Quarterly_Report_2011_Apr-Jun.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: 2011 January - March Quarterly_Report_TPF(5)191_NWC_Climate_Adaptation_Study(Jan-Mar2011Report).pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: 2010 March - June Quarterly_Report_TPF(5)191_NWC_Climate_Adaptation_Study(March-June2010Report).pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: 2010 January - March Quarterly_Report_TPF(5)_191_NWC_Climate_Adaptation_Study.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: 2009 October - December quarterly_report_2009-12-31.pdf Progress Report Public
Acceptance Memo Acceptance_Memo.pdf Memorandum Public
Title File/Link Type Private
Northwest Transportation Consortium 1173.pdf TPF Study Documentation Public

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