Financial Summary |
Contract Amount: | $360,000.00 |
Suggested Contribution: | |
Total Commitments Received: | $515,200.00 |
100% SP&R Approval: | Approved |
Contact Information |
Lead Study Contact(s): | Lisa Jansen | || | |||
Phone: 651-366-3779 | |||
Study Champion(s): | Tom Burnham | || | |||
Phone: 651-366-5452 |
Organization | Year | Commitments | Technical Contact Name | Funding Contact Name |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2012 | $12,500.00 | Chris Brakke | -- -- |
Kansas Department of Transportation | 2012 | $25,000.00 | Greg Schieber | David Behzadpour |
Minnesota Department of Transportation | 2006 | $20,000.00 | Tom Burnham | Lisa Jansen |
Minnesota Department of Transportation | 2007 | $20,000.00 | Tom Burnham | Lisa Jansen |
Minnesota Department of Transportation | 2008 | $20,000.00 | Tom Burnham | Lisa Jansen |
Minnesota Department of Transportation | 2011 | $9,200.00 | Tom Burnham | Lisa Jansen |
Minnesota Department of Transportation | 2012 | $12,500.00 | Tom Burnham | Lisa Jansen |
Mississippi Department of Transportation | 2007 | $20,000.00 | Bill Barstis | James Watkins |
Mississippi Department of Transportation | 2008 | $20,000.00 | Bill Barstis | James Watkins |
Mississippi Department of Transportation | 2009 | $20,000.00 | Bill Barstis | James Watkins |
Mississippi Department of Transportation | 2011 | $9,200.00 | Bill Barstis | James Watkins |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2007 | $20,000.00 | John Donahue | Bill Stone |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2008 | $20,000.00 | John Donahue | Bill Stone |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2009 | $20,000.00 | John Donahue | Bill Stone |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2011 | $9,200.00 | John Donahue | Bill Stone |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2012 | $12,500.00 | John Donahue | Bill Stone |
New York State Department of Transportation | 2007 | $20,000.00 | William Cuerdon | Gary Frederick |
New York State Department of Transportation | 2008 | $20,000.00 | William Cuerdon | Gary Frederick |
New York State Department of Transportation | 2009 | $20,000.00 | William Cuerdon | Gary Frederick |
New York State Department of Transportation | 2011 | $9,200.00 | William Cuerdon | Gary Frederick |
North Carolina Department of Transportation | 2012 | $12,500.00 | Nilesh Surti | Mrinmay Biswas |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2007 | $20,000.00 | Scott Nazar | Lisa Tarson |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2008 | $20,000.00 | Scott Nazar | Lisa Tarson |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2009 | $20,000.00 | Scott Nazar | Lisa Tarson |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2011 | $9,200.00 | Scott Nazar | Lisa Tarson |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2012 | $12,500.00 | Scott Nazar | Lisa Tarson |
South Dakota Department of Transportation | 2012 | $12,500.00 | Darin Hodges | David Huft |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2006 | $20,000.00 | Hua Chen | Ned Mattila |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2007 | $20,000.00 | Hua Chen | Ned Mattila |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2008 | $20,000.00 | Hua Chen | Ned Mattila |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2011 | $9,200.00 | Hua Chen | Ned Mattila |
Thin (TCOAP) and ultra-thin (UTCOAP) concrete overlays of existing asphalt pavement (also known as whitetoppings) are a pavement rehabilitation option that has been increasing in popularity in the U.S. over the past 15 years. The recent International Conference on Best Practices for Ultra-thin and Thin Whitetoppings (April 2005) demonstrated that many states now have experience with at least a couple of completed COAP projects. The recently completed NCHRP Synthesis 338 on Thin and Ultra-thin Whitetopping also shows the use of this product is currently of great interest to the transportation community. The one area of deficiency in the application of TCOAP and UTCOAP (TWT and UTW whitetoppings) is the lack of a unified national design guide. While several local and industry design guides have been formulated, few are based on mechanistic-empirical research born out of actual field performance. To address this issue, many research studies on the accelerated and field performance of TCOAP and UTCOAP are either in progress, or have been recently completed. The Minnesota Road Research (MnROAD) Project has contributed significantly to the understanding of the field performance of TCOAP and UTCOAP. The results from MnROAD and other accelerated loading facilities (ex. FHWA) can now be utilized to develop a unified comprehensive mechanistic-empirical based design method for thin and ultra-thin concrete overlays of existing asphalt pavement. Most of the existing TCOAP and UTCOAP test sections have been built on top of structurally sound asphalt pavements. Researchers and pavement designers still question the service life of these overlays when placed on older, distressed asphalt pavements. This study will have an opportunity to utilize early performance data from a thin concrete overlay of a distressed full-depth asphalt pavement to be constructed at MnROAD in 2008 (funding for the construction and monitoring of the test cell is not part of this study). Experience and knowledge from other related case histories will also be utilized.
The primary purpose of this project is to create a unified national design guide for thin and ultrathin concrete overlays of existing asphalt pavements. This consists of the following distinct objectives: 1. Study and understand the field performance history of TCOAP and UTCOAP as demonstrated by various research test sections. These include current (and future) test sections at the MnROAD facility, accelerated loading facility test sections (FHWA), and other test sections installed and monitored by various local, national and international agencies. 2. Develop a design guide for concrete overlays of existing asphalt pavements utilizing existing validated performance models, as well as new analytical models derived to address design aspects not currently considered in existing methods. The design guide will be based on mechanistic-empirical principles, including the effects of various concrete overlay and existing asphalt materials, panel thickness and geometry, joint opening and stiffness, traffic loads, and climates under which they must perform. 3. Create a user-friendly design guide software program and user¿s manual. The program format should be such that it could become a module in the future national Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) for highway pavements.
This research project would be carried out in 5 tasks: 1. Literature review of existing TCOAP and UTCOAP (TWT and UTW) design methods and field experiments. 2. Development of layer bonding degradation model(s) based on field testing results (and limited laboratory testing if beneficial). 3. Development of new, or improvement of existing, TCOAP and UTCOAP pavement response and performance prediction models that incorporate slab thickness and geometry, joint opening and stiffness, axle load configuration, condition of the existing asphalt pavement, and degradation of layer bonding with time (if any). 4. Development of a unified national mechanistic-empirical design guide for thin and ultrathin concrete overlays of existing asphalt pavements. The design guide, in the form of a user-friendly software program and user¿s manual, will accommodate a variety of climate conditions, axle load configurations, existing asphalt material conditions, and time dependent bonding conditions between layers. 5. Provide guidance on how the design guide can be implemented into future versions of the national MEPDG for highway pavements.
Formally titled "Analysis Of MnROAD Whitetopping Performance data For A Module In The Design Guide" This study will provide a unified national design process that could eventually be incorporated into the national MEPDG for highway pavements. States and Agencies will benefit from this process of developing a user-friendly design process through the synergistic machinery of a multi-state pooled fund. Additional funds are required to complete Task 3. States should commit an addiontal $9,200 for CY 2011 to complete this task.
General Information |
Study Number: | TPF-5(165) |
Lead Organization: | Minnesota Department of Transportation |
Contract Start Date: | Sep 12, 2008 |
Solicitation Number: | 1068 |
Partners: | IADOT, KS, MN, MO, MS, NC, NY, PADOT, SD, TX |
Status: | Closed |
Est. Completion Date: | Jan 13, 2013 |
Contract/Other Number: | |
Last Updated: | Apr 05, 2018 |
Contract End Date: | Sep 11, 2013 |
Financial Summary |
Contract Amount: | $360,000.00 |
Total Commitments Received: | $515,200.00 |
100% SP&R Approval: |
Contact Information |
Lead Study Contact(s): | Lisa Jansen | || | |||
Phone: 651-366-3779 |
Organization | Year | Commitments | Technical Contact Name | Funding Contact Name | Contact Number | Email Address |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2012 | $12,500.00 | Chris Brakke | -- -- | -- | |
Kansas Department of Transportation | 2012 | $25,000.00 | Greg Schieber | David Behzadpour | 785-291-3847 | |
Minnesota Department of Transportation | 2006 | $20,000.00 | Tom Burnham | Lisa Jansen | 651-366-3779 | |
Minnesota Department of Transportation | 2007 | $20,000.00 | Tom Burnham | Lisa Jansen | 651-366-3779 | |
Minnesota Department of Transportation | 2008 | $20,000.00 | Tom Burnham | Lisa Jansen | 651-366-3779 | |
Minnesota Department of Transportation | 2011 | $9,200.00 | Tom Burnham | Lisa Jansen | 651-366-3779 | |
Minnesota Department of Transportation | 2012 | $12,500.00 | Tom Burnham | Lisa Jansen | 651-366-3779 | |
Mississippi Department of Transportation | 2007 | $20,000.00 | Bill Barstis | James Watkins | 601-359-7650 | |
Mississippi Department of Transportation | 2008 | $20,000.00 | Bill Barstis | James Watkins | 601-359-7650 | |
Mississippi Department of Transportation | 2009 | $20,000.00 | Bill Barstis | James Watkins | 601-359-7650 | |
Mississippi Department of Transportation | 2011 | $9,200.00 | Bill Barstis | James Watkins | 601-359-7650 | |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2007 | $20,000.00 | John Donahue | Bill Stone | 602.712.3135 | |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2008 | $20,000.00 | John Donahue | Bill Stone | 602.712.3135 | |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2009 | $20,000.00 | John Donahue | Bill Stone | 602.712.3135 | |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2011 | $9,200.00 | John Donahue | Bill Stone | 602.712.3135 | |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2012 | $12,500.00 | John Donahue | Bill Stone | 602.712.3135 | |
New York State Department of Transportation | 2007 | $20,000.00 | William Cuerdon | Gary Frederick | 518-457-4645 | |
New York State Department of Transportation | 2008 | $20,000.00 | William Cuerdon | Gary Frederick | 518-457-4645 | |
New York State Department of Transportation | 2009 | $20,000.00 | William Cuerdon | Gary Frederick | 518-457-4645 | |
New York State Department of Transportation | 2011 | $9,200.00 | William Cuerdon | Gary Frederick | 518-457-4645 | |
North Carolina Department of Transportation | 2012 | $12,500.00 | Nilesh Surti | Mrinmay Biswas | 919-508-1865 | |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2007 | $20,000.00 | Scott Nazar | Lisa Tarson | (717) 705-2202 | |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2008 | $20,000.00 | Scott Nazar | Lisa Tarson | (717) 705-2202 | |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2009 | $20,000.00 | Scott Nazar | Lisa Tarson | (717) 705-2202 | |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2011 | $9,200.00 | Scott Nazar | Lisa Tarson | (717) 705-2202 | |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2012 | $12,500.00 | Scott Nazar | Lisa Tarson | (717) 705-2202 | |
South Dakota Department of Transportation | 2012 | $12,500.00 | Darin Hodges | David Huft | 605-773-3358 | |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2006 | $20,000.00 | Hua Chen | Ned Mattila | 512-416-4727 | |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2007 | $20,000.00 | Hua Chen | Ned Mattila | 512-416-4727 | |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2008 | $20,000.00 | Hua Chen | Ned Mattila | 512-416-4727 | |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2011 | $9,200.00 | Hua Chen | Ned Mattila | 512-416-4727 | |
Thin (TCOAP) and ultra-thin (UTCOAP) concrete overlays of existing asphalt pavement (also known as whitetoppings) are a pavement rehabilitation option that has been increasing in popularity in the U.S. over the past 15 years. The recent International Conference on Best Practices for Ultra-thin and Thin Whitetoppings (April 2005) demonstrated that many states now have experience with at least a couple of completed COAP projects. The recently completed NCHRP Synthesis 338 on Thin and Ultra-thin Whitetopping also shows the use of this product is currently of great interest to the transportation community. The one area of deficiency in the application of TCOAP and UTCOAP (TWT and UTW whitetoppings) is the lack of a unified national design guide. While several local and industry design guides have been formulated, few are based on mechanistic-empirical research born out of actual field performance. To address this issue, many research studies on the accelerated and field performance of TCOAP and UTCOAP are either in progress, or have been recently completed. The Minnesota Road Research (MnROAD) Project has contributed significantly to the understanding of the field performance of TCOAP and UTCOAP. The results from MnROAD and other accelerated loading facilities (ex. FHWA) can now be utilized to develop a unified comprehensive mechanistic-empirical based design method for thin and ultra-thin concrete overlays of existing asphalt pavement. Most of the existing TCOAP and UTCOAP test sections have been built on top of structurally sound asphalt pavements. Researchers and pavement designers still question the service life of these overlays when placed on older, distressed asphalt pavements. This study will have an opportunity to utilize early performance data from a thin concrete overlay of a distressed full-depth asphalt pavement to be constructed at MnROAD in 2008 (funding for the construction and monitoring of the test cell is not part of this study). Experience and knowledge from other related case histories will also be utilized.
The primary purpose of this project is to create a unified national design guide for thin and ultrathin concrete overlays of existing asphalt pavements. This consists of the following distinct objectives: 1. Study and understand the field performance history of TCOAP and UTCOAP as demonstrated by various research test sections. These include current (and future) test sections at the MnROAD facility, accelerated loading facility test sections (FHWA), and other test sections installed and monitored by various local, national and international agencies. 2. Develop a design guide for concrete overlays of existing asphalt pavements utilizing existing validated performance models, as well as new analytical models derived to address design aspects not currently considered in existing methods. The design guide will be based on mechanistic-empirical principles, including the effects of various concrete overlay and existing asphalt materials, panel thickness and geometry, joint opening and stiffness, traffic loads, and climates under which they must perform. 3. Create a user-friendly design guide software program and user¿s manual. The program format should be such that it could become a module in the future national Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) for highway pavements.
This research project would be carried out in 5 tasks: 1. Literature review of existing TCOAP and UTCOAP (TWT and UTW) design methods and field experiments. 2. Development of layer bonding degradation model(s) based on field testing results (and limited laboratory testing if beneficial). 3. Development of new, or improvement of existing, TCOAP and UTCOAP pavement response and performance prediction models that incorporate slab thickness and geometry, joint opening and stiffness, axle load configuration, condition of the existing asphalt pavement, and degradation of layer bonding with time (if any). 4. Development of a unified national mechanistic-empirical design guide for thin and ultrathin concrete overlays of existing asphalt pavements. The design guide, in the form of a user-friendly software program and user¿s manual, will accommodate a variety of climate conditions, axle load configurations, existing asphalt material conditions, and time dependent bonding conditions between layers. 5. Provide guidance on how the design guide can be implemented into future versions of the national MEPDG for highway pavements.
Formally titled "Analysis Of MnROAD Whitetopping Performance data For A Module In The Design Guide" This study will provide a unified national design process that could eventually be incorporated into the national MEPDG for highway pavements. States and Agencies will benefit from this process of developing a user-friendly design process through the synergistic machinery of a multi-state pooled fund. Additional funds are required to complete Task 3. States should commit an addiontal $9,200 for CY 2011 to complete this task.
Title | File/Link | Type | Private |
TPF-5(165) Closeout Letter | TPF-5(165) Closeout Letter - Signed.pdf | Memorandum | Public |
TPF-5(165) Closeout Funding Spreadsheet | TPF-5(165) Closeout Funding Spreadsheet.pdf | Other | Public |
Quarterly Report: July-September 2013 | TPF 5-165 Quarterly Report - July-September2013.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Final Report Part 1 BCOA-ME Theory Manual | BCOA ME Theory Manual.pdf | Deliverable | Public |
Final Report Part 2 BCOA-ME Users Guide | BCOA ME User's Guide.pdf | Deliverable | Public |
Quarterly Report: April - June 2013 | TPF 5-165 Quarterly Report - April-June 2013.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: January - March 2013 | TPF 5-165 Quarterly Report - January-March 2013.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: October - December 2012 | TPF 5-165 Quarterly Report - October-December 2012.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: July - September 2012 | TPF 5-165 Quarterly Report - July-September 2012.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: April - June 2012 | TPF 5-165 Quarterly Report - April-June 2012.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: January - March 2012 | TPF 5-165 Quarterly Report - January-March 2012.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: October - December 2011 | TPF 5-165 Quarterly Report - October-December 2011.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
TAP Meeting Minutes 10-15-2011 | TAP Meeting Minutes 10-5-11.docx | Other | Public |
Quarterly Report: July-September 2011 | TPF 5-165 Quarterly Report - July-September 2011.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: April - June 2011 | Quarterly_Report_2011-06.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: January - March 2011 | Quarterly_Report_2011-03.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: January - March 2010 | ProgressReport_Jan-Mar_2010.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: October - December 2009 | Quarterly_Report_2009-12.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: July - September 2009 | Quarterly_Report_2009-09.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: April - June 2009 | Quarterly_Report_2009-06.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: January - March 2009 | Quarterly_Report_2009-03.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Acceptance Memo | Acceptance_Letter_TPF-5165.pdf | Memorandum | Public |
TAP Meeting Minutes 12-02-08 | TAP_Meeting_Minutes_12-02-08.pdf | Other | Public |
Quarterly Report: October-December 2008 | Quarterly_Report_2008-12.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: July - September 2008 | Quarterly_Report_2008-09.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: April-June 2008 | Quarterly_Report_2008-06.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Quarterly Report: January - March 2008 | Quarterly_Report_2008-03.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
Title | File/Link | Type | Private |
Development of Design Guide for Thin and Ultrathin Concrete Overlays of Existing Asphalt Pavements | 1068.pdf | TPF Study Documentation | Public |