Horizontally Curved Steel Bridge Research Study

General Information
Study Number: SPR-2(165)
Former Study Number:
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Contract Start Date: Oct 01, 1992
Solicitation Number: 36
Partners: CT, FL, IADOT, IL, LA, MN, MO, NV, NY, OH, OK, TN, WA
Contractor(s): HDR Engineering Inc.
Status: Closed
Est. Completion Date:
Contract/Other Number:
Last Updated: Feb 11, 2013
Contract End Date: Sep 30, 2000
Financial Summary
Contract Amount: $0.00
Suggested Contribution:
Total Commitments Received: $220,000.00
100% SP&R Approval: Approved
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Bill Wright
Phone: 202-493-3053
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Bill Wright
Phone: 202-493-3053
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name
Connecticut Department of Transportation 1992 $5,000.00 Charles Dougan Charles Dougan
Connecticut Department of Transportation 1993 $5,000.00 Charles Dougan Charles Dougan
Florida Department of Transportation 1992 $15,000.00 Bill Deyo Richard Long
Illinois Department of Transportation 1992 $15,000.00 Rao Ghanta Rao Ghanta
Illinois Department of Transportation 1993 $15,000.00 Rao Ghanta Rao Ghanta
Iowa Department of Transportation 1992 $4,000.00 Ken Dunker Steve Kadolph
Iowa Department of Transportation 1993 $4,000.00 Ken Dunker Steve Kadolph
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 1992 $10,000.00 Harold Paul Harold Paul
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 1993 $10,000.00 Harold Paul Harold Paul
Minnesota Department of Transportation 1992 $15,000.00 Dan Dorgan Dan Dorgan
Missouri Department of Transportation 1992 $20,000.00
Nevada Department of Transportation 1992 $10,000.00 Floyd Marcucci Larry Lunz
New York State Department of Transportation 1992 $15,000.00 John Robb John Robb
New York State Department of Transportation 1993 $15,000.00 John Robb John Robb
Ohio Department of Transportation 1992 $5,000.00 B. Hanhilammi William Edwards
Ohio Department of Transportation 1993 $5,000.00 B. Hanhilammi William Edwards
Oklahoma Transportation 1992 $10,000.00 Walter Peters Walter Peters
Oklahoma Transportation 1993 $10,000.00 Walter Peters Walter Peters
Tennessee Department of Transportation 1992 $12,000.00 Edward Wasserman Edward Wasserman
Washington State Department of Transportation 1992 $10,000.00 Al Mix Patrick LaViollette
Washington State Department of Transportation 1993 $10,000.00 Al Mix Patrick LaViollette


To conduct fundamental research into the structural behavior of curved steel bridges in order to advance the state of the art, and to collect adequate information to develop and clarify design specifications.


Synthesis of research on curved bridges is complete and has been published titled,Curved Steel Bridge Research Project, Interim Report I: Synthesis FHWA-RD-93-129. The report is available from the FHWA Report Center. Draft reports oconstruction issues details and serviceability have also been completed and are under review. Large scale experimental testing of curved beams, at the FHWA Structures Laboratory, is ongoing. To date, 7 full size curved beams have been tested to failure under near pure bending. Data analysis is ongoing. Series of full size specimens will also be tested under high shear/low moment, and high shear/high moment loadings. These tests are being conducted to develop design equations for predicting shear and bending strength of curved bridge members. The results of this study will be used towards the development of a Load and Resistance Factor Design Specification for Horizontally Curved Steel Bridges currently in progress under NCHRP Project 12-52.The final reports completed by the HDR are still in draft form. The project continues with our own FHWA funds and has been expanded to study more issues on curved girder. (updated 6/22/01)

Subjects: Bridges, Other Structures, and Hydraulics and Hydrology

Documents Attached
Title File/Link Document Category Document Type Privacy Document Date Download
Closeout Spreaddheet SPR 2-165 EXPENSE ALLOCATION - 1-31-13.xlsx Other Other Public 2013-02-11
Official Closeout Memo SPR-2(165)DSE -- Close out Memo -Electronic Signature.pdf Memorandum Other Public 2013-02-11

No document attached.

Horizontally Curved Steel Bridge Research Study

General Information
Study Number: SPR-2(165)
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Contract Start Date: Oct 01, 1992
Solicitation Number: 36
Partners: CT, FL, IADOT, IL, LA, MN, MO, NV, NY, OH, OK, TN, WA
Contractor(s): HDR Engineering Inc.
Status: Closed
Est. Completion Date:
Contract/Other Number:
Last Updated: Feb 11, 2013
Contract End Date: Sep 30, 2000
Financial Summary
Contract Amount: $0.00
Total Commitments Received: $220,000.00
100% SP&R Approval:
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Bill Wright
Phone: 202-493-3053
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Bill Wright
Phone: 202-493-3053
Commitments by Organizations
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Connecticut Department of Transportation 1992 $5,000.00 Charles Dougan Charles Dougan
Connecticut Department of Transportation 1993 $5,000.00 Charles Dougan Charles Dougan
Florida Department of Transportation 1992 $15,000.00 Bill Deyo Richard Long 850-414-4617 richardc.long@dot.state.fl.us
Illinois Department of Transportation 1992 $15,000.00 Rao Ghanta Rao Ghanta 217-782-5597 DOT.BMPR.RESEARCH@illinois.gov
Illinois Department of Transportation 1993 $15,000.00 Rao Ghanta Rao Ghanta 217-782-5597 DOT.BMPR.RESEARCH@illinois.gov
Iowa Department of Transportation 1992 $4,000.00 Ken Dunker Steve Kadolph 515-239-1677 steven.kadolph@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 1993 $4,000.00 Ken Dunker Steve Kadolph 515-239-1677 steven.kadolph@iowadot.us
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 1992 $10,000.00 Harold Paul Harold Paul 225-767-9101 harold.paul@la.gov
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 1993 $10,000.00 Harold Paul Harold Paul 225-767-9101 harold.paul@la.gov
Minnesota Department of Transportation 1992 $15,000.00 Dan Dorgan Dan Dorgan 612-296-3175 dan.dorgan@state.mn.us
Missouri Department of Transportation 1992 $20,000.00
Nevada Department of Transportation 1992 $10,000.00 Floyd Marcucci Larry Lunz 775-687-3446
New York State Department of Transportation 1992 $15,000.00 John Robb John Robb 518-457-6825
New York State Department of Transportation 1993 $15,000.00 John Robb John Robb 518-457-6825
Ohio Department of Transportation 1992 $5,000.00 B. Hanhilammi William Edwards 614-752-5272
Ohio Department of Transportation 1993 $5,000.00 B. Hanhilammi William Edwards 614-752-5272
Oklahoma Transportation 1992 $10,000.00 Walter Peters Walter Peters 405-521-2606 wpeters@odot.org
Oklahoma Transportation 1993 $10,000.00 Walter Peters Walter Peters 405-521-2606 wpeters@odot.org
Tennessee Department of Transportation 1992 $12,000.00 Edward Wasserman Edward Wasserman 615-741-3351 edward.wasserman@tn.gov
Washington State Department of Transportation 1992 $10,000.00 Al Mix Patrick LaViollette 206-753-7486
Washington State Department of Transportation 1993 $10,000.00 Al Mix Patrick LaViollette 206-753-7486

Study Description


To conduct fundamental research into the structural behavior of curved steel bridges in order to advance the state of the art, and to collect adequate information to develop and clarify design specifications.


Synthesis of research on curved bridges is complete and has been published titled,Curved Steel Bridge Research Project, Interim Report I: Synthesis FHWA-RD-93-129. The report is available from the FHWA Report Center. Draft reports oconstruction issues details and serviceability have also been completed and are under review. Large scale experimental testing of curved beams, at the FHWA Structures Laboratory, is ongoing. To date, 7 full size curved beams have been tested to failure under near pure bending. Data analysis is ongoing. Series of full size specimens will also be tested under high shear/low moment, and high shear/high moment loadings. These tests are being conducted to develop design equations for predicting shear and bending strength of curved bridge members. The results of this study will be used towards the development of a Load and Resistance Factor Design Specification for Horizontally Curved Steel Bridges currently in progress under NCHRP Project 12-52.The final reports completed by the HDR are still in draft form. The project continues with our own FHWA funds and has been expanded to study more issues on curved girder. (updated 6/22/01)

Subjects: Bridges, Other Structures, and Hydraulics and Hydrology

Title File/Link Type Private
Closeout Spreaddheet SPR 2-165 EXPENSE ALLOCATION - 1-31-13.xlsx Other Public
Official Closeout Memo SPR-2(165)DSE -- Close out Memo -Electronic Signature.pdf Memorandum Public
No document attached.

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