Full-Scale Accelerated Performance Testing for Superpave and Structural Validation

General Information
Study Number: TPF-5(019)
Former Study Number:
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Solicitation Number: 11
Status: Closed
Est. Completion Date:
Contract/Other Number: DTFH61-02-C-00025
Last Updated: Apr 09, 2013
Contract End Date:
Financial Summary
Contract Amount: $20,000.00
Suggested Contribution:
Total Commitments Received: $930,000.00
100% SP&R Approval: Approved
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Gary Jensen
Phone: 202- 366-2048
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Tom Harman
Phone: 410-962-0134
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2002 $10,000.00 Edgardo Block James Sime
Florida Department of Transportation 2002 $30,000.00 Gale Page Richard Long
Florida Department of Transportation 2003 $30,000.00 Gale Page Richard Long
Florida Department of Transportation 2004 $30,000.00 Gale Page Richard Long
Florida Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 Gale Page Richard Long
Kansas Department of Transportation 2002 $10,000.00 Glenn Fager Rodney Montney
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 2003 $20,000.00 Larry Michael Allison Hardt
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 2004 $20,000.00 Larry Michael Allison Hardt
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 2005 $20,000.00 Larry Michael Allison Hardt
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2003 $20,000.00 James Watkins Jimmy Brumfield
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2004 $20,000.00 James Watkins Jimmy Brumfield
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2005 $20,000.00 James Watkins Jimmy Brumfield
Montana Department of Transportation 2002 $20,000.00 Jodi Bachini Susan Sillick
Montana Department of Transportation 2003 $20,000.00 Jodi Bachini Susan Sillick
Nebraska Department of Transportation 2004 $20,000.00 Robert Rea Amy Starr
Nebraska Department of Transportation 2005 $20,000.00 Robert Rea Amy Starr
Nebraska Department of Transportation 2006 $10,000.00 Robert Rea Amy Starr
Nevada Department of Transportation 2002 $10,000.00 Darin Tedford Alan Hilton
Nevada Department of Transportation 2003 $10,000.00 Darin Tedford Alan Hilton
Nevada Department of Transportation 2004 $10,000.00 Darin Tedford Alan Hilton
New Jersey Department of Transportation 2002 $30,000.00 Eileen Connolly Edward Kondrath
New Jersey Department of Transportation 2003 $30,000.00 Eileen Connolly Edward Kondrath
New Mexico Department of Transportation 2002 $10,000.00 Dave Catanach Deirdre Billingsley
New Mexico Department of Transportation 2003 $10,000.00 Dave Catanach Deirdre Billingsley
New Mexico Department of Transportation 2004 $10,000.00 Dave Catanach Deirdre Billingsley
New Mexico Department of Transportation 2005 $10,000.00 Dave Catanach Deirdre Billingsley
New York State Department of Transportation 2002 $40,000.00 Russell Thielke Gary Frederick
New York State Department of Transportation 2003 $40,000.00 Russell Thielke Gary Frederick
New York State Department of Transportation 2004 $40,000.00 Russell Thielke Gary Frederick
New York State Department of Transportation 2005 $40,000.00 Russell Thielke Gary Frederick
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2004 $25,000.00 Dean Maurer
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2005 $25,000.00 Dean Maurer
Texas Department of Transportation 2003 $80,000.00 Paul Krugler Ned Mattila
Texas Department of Transportation 2004 $80,000.00 Paul Krugler Ned Mattila
Texas Department of Transportation 2005 $80,000.00 Paul Krugler Ned Mattila


To select, build, and study 12 lanes of pavement and test using the FHWA Accelerated Loading Facility (ALF) machines. Experiment is focused on developing field performance data on hot-mix asphalt mixtures wiht modified binders. This is an important step in a larger program to refine the Superpave brinder specification for the modified materials. Secondary goals include: 1) early trial of the proposed 2002 Pavement Design Guide; 2) evaluation of crumb-rubber modified asphalt pavements; 3) correlation of field performance withi results of laboratory tests, e.g., the Superpave Simple Performance Test.


Additional Study Partners: CT, FL, IL, IN, KS, MD, MI, MS, MT, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NY, TX. Total Commitments Received: $1,259,000 TPF-5(019) is the full-scale accelerated performance testing for Superpave and structural validation study in which 12 asphalt test lanes containing various modified binders were constructed at FHWAs Accelerated Loading Facility. SPR-2(174) was originally written as a project to conduct accelerated pavement testing of crumb rubber modified asphalt pavements. The objectives of SPR-2(174) have been folded into the broader scope of TPF-5(019), and two of the test lanes contain rubber. The agencies and industry representing contributors to TPF-5(019) and SPR-2(174) form one technical advisory committee (TAC). The most recent meeting of the TAC was held on February 3-4, 2004 at Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center. Recent project activities and results were discussed. Each of the 12 lanes has been trafficked for rutting. The trafficking for fatigue has just started. Laboratory binder and mixture tests to assess rutting performance have been conducted. Also discussed was an approach to use the performance data and the materials testing data from this study to validate the mechanistic-empirical models developed under NCHRP 1-37A. (updated: 2/23/04).

Subjects: Pavement Design, Management, and Performance

Documents Attached
Title File/Link Document Category Document Type Privacy Document Date Download
Official Closeout Memo TPF-5(019) -- Close out Memo - Electronic Signature.pdf Memorandum Other Public 2013-04-09
Final Report http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/research/infrastructure/pavements/11045/index.cfm Deliverable Final Report Public 2013-02-05
Quarterly Report: January - March 2012 519 2174 TPF Quarterly Report Form - Q42011_Q1 2012.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2012-06-06
Quarterly Report: October-December 2011 519 2174 TPF Quarterly Report Form - Q42011_Q1 2012.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2012-06-06
2010 Webinar minutes Webinar 1 Minutes and Questions.docx Other Other Public 2011-11-16
Quarterly Report: July - September 2011 519 2174 TPF Quarterly Report Form - September 2011.docx Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2011-11-08
Quarterly report: April - June 2011 519 2174 TPF Quarterly Report Form - June 2011.docx Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2011-11-08
2010 webinar slides all combined 2010 ALF Webinar All Slides Combined.pdf Other Other Public 2011-11-08
Quarterly Report: January - March 2011 5192174TPFQuarterlyReportForm-March 2011.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2011-05-19
Signed Accounting 'Crossover' Memorandum signed_5-19.pdf Memorandum Other Public 2008-03-04

No document attached.

Full-Scale Accelerated Performance Testing for Superpave and Structural Validation

General Information
Study Number: TPF-5(019)
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Solicitation Number: 11
Status: Closed
Est. Completion Date:
Contract/Other Number: DTFH61-02-C-00025
Last Updated: Apr 09, 2013
Contract End Date:
Financial Summary
Contract Amount: $20,000.00
Total Commitments Received: $930,000.00
100% SP&R Approval:
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Gary Jensen
Phone: 202- 366-2048
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Tom Harman
Phone: 410-962-0134
Commitments by Organizations
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2002 $10,000.00 Edgardo Block James Sime 860-258-0309 james.sime@ct.gov
Florida Department of Transportation 2002 $30,000.00 Gale Page Richard Long 850-414-4617 richardc.long@dot.state.fl.us
Florida Department of Transportation 2003 $30,000.00 Gale Page Richard Long 850-414-4617 richardc.long@dot.state.fl.us
Florida Department of Transportation 2004 $30,000.00 Gale Page Richard Long 850-414-4617 richardc.long@dot.state.fl.us
Florida Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 Gale Page Richard Long 850-414-4617 richardc.long@dot.state.fl.us
Kansas Department of Transportation 2002 $10,000.00 Glenn Fager Rodney Montney 785-291-3844 rodney@ksdot.org
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 2003 $20,000.00 Larry Michael Allison Hardt 410-545-2916 ahardt@mdot.maryland.gov
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 2004 $20,000.00 Larry Michael Allison Hardt 410-545-2916 ahardt@mdot.maryland.gov
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 2005 $20,000.00 Larry Michael Allison Hardt 410-545-2916 ahardt@mdot.maryland.gov
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2003 $20,000.00 James Watkins Jimmy Brumfield 601-359-1677
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2004 $20,000.00 James Watkins Jimmy Brumfield 601-359-1677
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2005 $20,000.00 James Watkins Jimmy Brumfield 601-359-1677
Montana Department of Transportation 2002 $20,000.00 Jodi Bachini Susan Sillick 406-444-7693 ssillick@mt.gov
Montana Department of Transportation 2003 $20,000.00 Jodi Bachini Susan Sillick 406-444-7693 ssillick@mt.gov
Nebraska Department of Transportation 2004 $20,000.00 Robert Rea Amy Starr 402-479-3687 amy.starr@nebraska.gov
Nebraska Department of Transportation 2005 $20,000.00 Robert Rea Amy Starr 402-479-3687 amy.starr@nebraska.gov
Nebraska Department of Transportation 2006 $10,000.00 Robert Rea Amy Starr 402-479-3687 amy.starr@nebraska.gov
Nevada Department of Transportation 2002 $10,000.00 Darin Tedford Alan Hilton
Nevada Department of Transportation 2003 $10,000.00 Darin Tedford Alan Hilton
Nevada Department of Transportation 2004 $10,000.00 Darin Tedford Alan Hilton
New Jersey Department of Transportation 2002 $30,000.00 Eileen Connolly Edward Kondrath 609-530-2058 Ed.Kondrath@dot.state.nj.us
New Jersey Department of Transportation 2003 $30,000.00 Eileen Connolly Edward Kondrath 609-530-2058 Ed.Kondrath@dot.state.nj.us
New Mexico Department of Transportation 2002 $10,000.00 Dave Catanach Deirdre Billingsley 505-841-9147 Deirdre.Billingsley@state.nm.us
New Mexico Department of Transportation 2003 $10,000.00 Dave Catanach Deirdre Billingsley 505-841-9147 Deirdre.Billingsley@state.nm.us
New Mexico Department of Transportation 2004 $10,000.00 Dave Catanach Deirdre Billingsley 505-841-9147 Deirdre.Billingsley@state.nm.us
New Mexico Department of Transportation 2005 $10,000.00 Dave Catanach Deirdre Billingsley 505-841-9147 Deirdre.Billingsley@state.nm.us
New York State Department of Transportation 2002 $40,000.00 Russell Thielke Gary Frederick 518-457-4645 gary.frederick@dot.ny.gov
New York State Department of Transportation 2003 $40,000.00 Russell Thielke Gary Frederick 518-457-4645 gary.frederick@dot.ny.gov
New York State Department of Transportation 2004 $40,000.00 Russell Thielke Gary Frederick 518-457-4645 gary.frederick@dot.ny.gov
New York State Department of Transportation 2005 $40,000.00 Russell Thielke Gary Frederick 518-457-4645 gary.frederick@dot.ny.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2004 $25,000.00 Dean Maurer
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2005 $25,000.00 Dean Maurer
Texas Department of Transportation 2003 $80,000.00 Paul Krugler Ned Mattila 512-416-4727 ned.mattila@txdot.gov
Texas Department of Transportation 2004 $80,000.00 Paul Krugler Ned Mattila 512-416-4727 ned.mattila@txdot.gov
Texas Department of Transportation 2005 $80,000.00 Paul Krugler Ned Mattila 512-416-4727 ned.mattila@txdot.gov

Study Description


To select, build, and study 12 lanes of pavement and test using the FHWA Accelerated Loading Facility (ALF) machines. Experiment is focused on developing field performance data on hot-mix asphalt mixtures wiht modified binders. This is an important step in a larger program to refine the Superpave brinder specification for the modified materials. Secondary goals include: 1) early trial of the proposed 2002 Pavement Design Guide; 2) evaluation of crumb-rubber modified asphalt pavements; 3) correlation of field performance withi results of laboratory tests, e.g., the Superpave Simple Performance Test.


Additional Study Partners: CT, FL, IL, IN, KS, MD, MI, MS, MT, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NY, TX. Total Commitments Received: $1,259,000 TPF-5(019) is the full-scale accelerated performance testing for Superpave and structural validation study in which 12 asphalt test lanes containing various modified binders were constructed at FHWAs Accelerated Loading Facility. SPR-2(174) was originally written as a project to conduct accelerated pavement testing of crumb rubber modified asphalt pavements. The objectives of SPR-2(174) have been folded into the broader scope of TPF-5(019), and two of the test lanes contain rubber. The agencies and industry representing contributors to TPF-5(019) and SPR-2(174) form one technical advisory committee (TAC). The most recent meeting of the TAC was held on February 3-4, 2004 at Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center. Recent project activities and results were discussed. Each of the 12 lanes has been trafficked for rutting. The trafficking for fatigue has just started. Laboratory binder and mixture tests to assess rutting performance have been conducted. Also discussed was an approach to use the performance data and the materials testing data from this study to validate the mechanistic-empirical models developed under NCHRP 1-37A. (updated: 2/23/04).

Subjects: Pavement Design, Management, and Performance

Title File/Link Type Private
Official Closeout Memo TPF-5(019) -- Close out Memo - Electronic Signature.pdf Memorandum Public
Final Report Deliverable Public
Quarterly Report: January - March 2012 519 2174 TPF Quarterly Report Form - Q42011_Q1 2012.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: October-December 2011 519 2174 TPF Quarterly Report Form - Q42011_Q1 2012.pdf Progress Report Public
2010 Webinar minutes Webinar 1 Minutes and Questions.docx Other Public
Quarterly Report: July - September 2011 519 2174 TPF Quarterly Report Form - September 2011.docx Progress Report Public
Quarterly report: April - June 2011 519 2174 TPF Quarterly Report Form - June 2011.docx Progress Report Public
2010 webinar slides all combined 2010 ALF Webinar All Slides Combined.pdf Other Public
Quarterly Report: January - March 2011 5192174TPFQuarterlyReportForm-March 2011.pdf Progress Report Public
Signed Accounting 'Crossover' Memorandum signed_5-19.pdf Memorandum Public
No document attached.

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