Long Term Monitoring of Mitigating Corrosion Measures

General Information
Solicitation Number: 95
Former Study Number:
Status: End Solicitation Phase
Date Posted: Jul 01, 2002
Last Updated: Apr 08, 2013
Solicitation Expires:
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 1996
Commitment End Year: 1998
100% SP&R Approval: Not Requested
Commitments Required:
Commitments Received: $261,500.00
Estimated Duration Month:
Waiver Requested: No
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Jean Landolt
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Paul Virmani
Phone: 202-493-3052
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Connecticut Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Florida Department of Transportation 1996 $5,000.00 Rod Powers Richard Long 850-414-4617 richardc.long@dot.state.fl.us
Florida Department of Transportation 1997 $5,000.00 Rod Powers Richard Long 850-414-4617 richardc.long@dot.state.fl.us
Florida Department of Transportation 1998 $5,000.00 Rod Powers Richard Long 850-414-4617 richardc.long@dot.state.fl.us
Illinois Department of Transportation 1996 $10,000.00 Douglas Dirks Megan Swanson 217-782-3547 Megan.Swanson@illinois.gov
Iowa Department of Transportation 1996 $2,000.00 Todd Hanson Linda Narigon Linda.Narigon@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 1997 $2,000.00 Todd Hanson Linda Narigon Linda.Narigon@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 1998 $4,500.00 Todd Hanson Linda Narigon Linda.Narigon@iowadot.us
Kansas Department of Transportation 1996 $4,000.00 John Wojakowski John Wojakowski 913-296-7410
Kansas Department of Transportation 1997 $4,000.00 John Wojakowski John Wojakowski 913-296-7410
Kansas Department of Transportation 1998 $4,000.00 John Wojakowski John Wojakowski 913-296-7410
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 1996 $10,000.00 Ann Brach Ann Brach 410-321-3547
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 1997 $10,000.00 Ann Brach Ann Brach 410-321-3547
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 1998 $30,000.00 Ann Brach Ann Brach 410-321-3547
Minnesota Department of Transportation 1996 $10,000.00 John Allen Ron Cassellius
Minnesota Department of Transportation 1997 $10,000.00 John Allen Ron Cassellius
Montana Department of Transportation 1997 $0.00
Nebraska Department of Transportation 1997 $2,000.00 Mike Beacham Mike Beacham 402-479-3929
Nebraska Department of Transportation 1998 $6,000.00 Mike Beacham Mike Beacham 402-479-3929
New Jersey Department of Transportation 1996 $15,000.00 Harry Capers Arthur Roberts 609-530-5958
New Jersey Department of Transportation 1997 $15,000.00 Harry Capers Arthur Roberts 609-530-5958
New York State Department of Transportation 1996 $6,000.00 William Snyder William Snyder 518-457-5956
New York State Department of Transportation 1997 $6,000.00 William Snyder William Snyder 518-457-5956
New York State Department of Transportation 1998 $6,000.00 William Snyder William Snyder 518-457-5956
North Carolina Department of Transportation 1996 $10,000.00 R. Reaves Mrinmay Biswas 919-508-1865 biswas@ncdot.gov
Virginia Department of Transportation 1996 $10,000.00 Michael Sprinkel Michael Sprinkel 804-293-1941
Virginia Department of Transportation 1997 $10,000.00 Michael Sprinkel Michael Sprinkel 804-293-1941
Virginia Department of Transportation 1998 $10,000.00 Michael Sprinkel Michael Sprinkel 804-293-1941
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 1996 $10,000.00 Steve Shober Steve Shober 608-246-7950
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 1997 $10,000.00 Steve Shober Steve Shober 608-246-7950
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 1998 $30,000.00 Steve Shober Steve Shober 608-246-7950


This research study is to evaluate the use of corrosion inhibitors for rehabilitation of corroding and deteriorating reinforced concrete bridges.


Final report will be completed within 60 days.

No document attached.

Long Term Monitoring of Mitigating Corrosion Measures

General Information
Solicitation Number: 95
Status: End Solicitation Phase
Date Posted: Jul 01, 2002
Last Updated: Apr 08, 2013
Solicitation Expires:
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 1996
Commitment End Year: 1998
100% SP&R Approval: Not Requested
Commitments Required:
Commitments Received: $261,500.00
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Jean Landolt
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Paul Virmani
Phone: 202-493-3052
Commitments by Organizations
Agency Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Connecticut Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Florida Department of Transportation 1996 $5,000.00 Rod Powers Richard Long 850-414-4617 richardc.long@dot.state.fl.us
Florida Department of Transportation 1997 $5,000.00 Rod Powers Richard Long 850-414-4617 richardc.long@dot.state.fl.us
Florida Department of Transportation 1998 $5,000.00 Rod Powers Richard Long 850-414-4617 richardc.long@dot.state.fl.us
Illinois Department of Transportation 1996 $10,000.00 Douglas Dirks Megan Swanson 217-782-3547 Megan.Swanson@illinois.gov
Iowa Department of Transportation 1996 $2,000.00 Todd Hanson Linda Narigon Linda.Narigon@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 1997 $2,000.00 Todd Hanson Linda Narigon Linda.Narigon@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 1998 $4,500.00 Todd Hanson Linda Narigon Linda.Narigon@iowadot.us
Kansas Department of Transportation 1996 $4,000.00 John Wojakowski John Wojakowski 913-296-7410
Kansas Department of Transportation 1997 $4,000.00 John Wojakowski John Wojakowski 913-296-7410
Kansas Department of Transportation 1998 $4,000.00 John Wojakowski John Wojakowski 913-296-7410
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 1996 $10,000.00 Ann Brach Ann Brach 410-321-3547
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 1997 $10,000.00 Ann Brach Ann Brach 410-321-3547
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 1998 $30,000.00 Ann Brach Ann Brach 410-321-3547
Minnesota Department of Transportation 1996 $10,000.00 John Allen Ron Cassellius
Minnesota Department of Transportation 1997 $10,000.00 John Allen Ron Cassellius
Montana Department of Transportation 1997 $0.00
Nebraska Department of Transportation 1997 $2,000.00 Mike Beacham Mike Beacham 402-479-3929
Nebraska Department of Transportation 1998 $6,000.00 Mike Beacham Mike Beacham 402-479-3929
New Jersey Department of Transportation 1996 $15,000.00 Harry Capers Arthur Roberts 609-530-5958
New Jersey Department of Transportation 1997 $15,000.00 Harry Capers Arthur Roberts 609-530-5958
New York State Department of Transportation 1996 $6,000.00 William Snyder William Snyder 518-457-5956
New York State Department of Transportation 1997 $6,000.00 William Snyder William Snyder 518-457-5956
New York State Department of Transportation 1998 $6,000.00 William Snyder William Snyder 518-457-5956
North Carolina Department of Transportation 1996 $10,000.00 R. Reaves Mrinmay Biswas 919-508-1865 biswas@ncdot.gov
Virginia Department of Transportation 1996 $10,000.00 Michael Sprinkel Michael Sprinkel 804-293-1941
Virginia Department of Transportation 1997 $10,000.00 Michael Sprinkel Michael Sprinkel 804-293-1941
Virginia Department of Transportation 1998 $10,000.00 Michael Sprinkel Michael Sprinkel 804-293-1941
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 1996 $10,000.00 Steve Shober Steve Shober 608-246-7950
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 1997 $10,000.00 Steve Shober Steve Shober 608-246-7950
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 1998 $30,000.00 Steve Shober Steve Shober 608-246-7950


This research study is to evaluate the use of corrosion inhibitors for rehabilitation of corroding and deteriorating reinforced concrete bridges.


Final report will be completed within 60 days.

No document attached.

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