Evaluation of Low Cost Safety Improvements

General Information
Solicitation Number: 884
Former Study Number:
Status: End Solicitation Phase
Date Posted: Jun 16, 2004
Last Updated: Mar 05, 2018
Solicitation Expires: Sep 30, 2004
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 2004
Commitment End Year: 2000
100% SP&R Approval: Approved
Commitments Required: $3,000,000.00
Commitments Received: $3,475,000.00
Estimated Duration Month: 168
Waiver Requested: No
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Kerry Perrillo Childress
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Kerry Perrillo Childress
Phone: 202-493-3318
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Alabama Department of Transportation $0.00
Arizona Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 Reed Henry Frank Darmiento 602- 712-3134 fdarmiento@azdot.gov
Arizona Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 Reed Henry Frank Darmiento 602- 712-3134 fdarmiento@azdot.gov
Arizona Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 Reed Henry Frank Darmiento 602- 712-3134 fdarmiento@azdot.gov
Arkansas Department of Transportation $0.00
California Department of Transportation 2006 $60,000.00 Jesse Bhullar Wes Lum 916-654-8892 wes_lum@dot.ca.gov
Colorado Department of Transportation 2014 $5,000.00 David Swenka David Reeves 303-757-9518 david.reeves@state.co.us
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 Joseph Ouellette Michael Connors (860) 594-2037 Michael.Connors@ct.gov
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 Joseph Ouellette Michael Connors (860) 594-2037 Michael.Connors@ct.gov
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 Joseph Ouellette Michael Connors (860) 594-2037 Michael.Connors@ct.gov
District of Columbia Department of Transportation $0.00
Florida Department of Transportation 2005 $50,000.00 Ed Rice Richard Long 850-414-4617 richardc.long@dot.state.fl.us
Florida Department of Transportation 2006 $50,000.00 Ed Rice Richard Long 850-414-4617 richardc.long@dot.state.fl.us
Florida Department of Transportation 2007 $50,000.00 Ed Rice Richard Long 850-414-4617 richardc.long@dot.state.fl.us
Georgia Department of Transportation 2005 $50,000.00 Norm Cressman Supriya Kamatkar 404-347-0552 skamatkar@dot.ga.gov
Georgia Department of Transportation 2006 $50,000.00 Norm Cressman Supriya Kamatkar 404-347-0552 skamatkar@dot.ga.gov
Georgia Department of Transportation 2007 $50,000.00 Norm Cressman Supriya Kamatkar 404-347-0552 skamatkar@dot.ga.gov
Illinois Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 Tim Sheehan Megan Swanson 217-782-3547 Megan.Swanson@illinois.gov
Illinois Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 Tim Sheehan Megan Swanson 217-782-3547 Megan.Swanson@illinois.gov
Illinois Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 Tim Sheehan Megan Swanson 217-782-3547 Megan.Swanson@illinois.gov
Indiana Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 John Nagle Tommy Nantung 765-463-1521 ext 248 tnantung@indot.in.gov
Indiana Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 John Nagle Tommy Nantung 765-463-1521 ext 248 tnantung@indot.in.gov
Indiana Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 John Nagle Tommy Nantung 765-463-1521 ext 248 tnantung@indot.in.gov
Iowa Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 Steve Gent -- -- -- Transfer.Research@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 Steve Gent -- -- -- Transfer.Research@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 Steve Gent -- -- -- Transfer.Research@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 2010 $30,000.00 Steve Gent -- -- -- Transfer.Research@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 2011 $30,000.00 Steve Gent -- -- -- Transfer.Research@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 2012 $30,000.00 Steve Gent -- -- -- Transfer.Research@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 2013 $30,000.00 Steve Gent -- -- -- Transfer.Research@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 2014 $30,000.00 Steve Gent -- -- -- Transfer.Research@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 2015 $0.00 Steve Gent -- -- -- Transfer.Research@iowadot.us
Kansas Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 David Schwartz Rodney Montney 785-291-3844 rodney@ksdot.org
Kansas Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 David Schwartz Rodney Montney 785-291-3844 rodney@ksdot.org
Kansas Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 David Schwartz Rodney Montney 785-291-3844 rodney@ksdot.org
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2005 $30,000.00 Tracy Lovell Jason Siwula 502.782.5537 jason.siwula@ky.gov
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2006 $30,000.00 Tracy Lovell Jason Siwula 502.782.5537 jason.siwula@ky.gov
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2007 $30,000.00 Tracy Lovell Jason Siwula 502.782.5537 jason.siwula@ky.gov
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 2013 $5,000.00 Dan Magri Tyson Rupnow tyson.rupnow@la.gov
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 2014 $5,000.00 Dan Magri Tyson Rupnow tyson.rupnow@la.gov
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 2005 $30,000.00 Ruihua Tao Allison Hardt 410-545-2916 ahardt@mdot.maryland.gov
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 2006 $30,000.00 Ruihua Tao Allison Hardt 410-545-2916 ahardt@mdot.maryland.gov
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 2007 $30,000.00 Ruihua Tao Allison Hardt 410-545-2916 ahardt@mdot.maryland.gov
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 2013 $30,000.00 Ruihua Tao Allison Hardt 410-545-2916 ahardt@mdot.maryland.gov
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 2014 $30,000.00 Ruihua Tao Allison Hardt 410-545-2916 ahardt@mdot.maryland.gov
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 2015 $30,000.00 Ruihua Tao Allison Hardt 410-545-2916 ahardt@mdot.maryland.gov
Massachusetts Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 Neil Boudreau Stephen Pepin 857-368-8870 stephen.pepin@state.ma.us
Massachusetts Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 Neil Boudreau Stephen Pepin 857-368-8870 stephen.pepin@state.ma.us
Massachusetts Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 Neil Boudreau Stephen Pepin 857-368-8870 stephen.pepin@state.ma.us
Michigan Department of Transportation 2013 $5,000.00 Mark Bott Andre' Clover 517-749-9001 clovera@michigan.gov
Michigan Department of Transportation 2014 $5,000.00 Mark Bott Andre' Clover 517-749-9001 clovera@michigan.gov
Michigan Department of Transportation 2015 $5,000.00 Mark Bott Andre' Clover 517-749-9001 clovera@michigan.gov
Michigan Department of Transportation 2016 $0.00 Mark Bott Andre' Clover 517-749-9001 clovera@michigan.gov
Michigan Department of Transportation 2017 $0.00 Mark Bott Andre' Clover 517-749-9001 clovera@michigan.gov
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2005 $65,000.00 Loren Hill Lisa Jansen 651-366-3779 lisa.jansen@state.mn.us
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2006 $65,000.00 Loren Hill Lisa Jansen 651-366-3779 lisa.jansen@state.mn.us
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2007 $65,000.00 Loren Hill Lisa Jansen 651-366-3779 lisa.jansen@state.mn.us
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 Daniel Helms James Watkins 601-359-7650 jwatkins@mdot.state.ms.us
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 Daniel Helms James Watkins 601-359-7650 jwatkins@mdot.state.ms.us
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2008 $30,000.00 Daniel Helms James Watkins 601-359-7650 jwatkins@mdot.state.ms.us
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2010 $30,000.00 Daniel Helms James Watkins 601-359-7650 jwatkins@mdot.state.ms.us
Missouri Department of Transportation 2010 $5,000.00 John Miller Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2014 $5,000.00 John Miller Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2015 $5,000.00 John Miller Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Montana Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 Kraig McLeod Susan Sillick 406-444-7693 ssillick@mt.gov
Montana Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 Kraig McLeod Susan Sillick 406-444-7693 ssillick@mt.gov
Montana Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 Kraig McLeod Susan Sillick 406-444-7693 ssillick@mt.gov
Nevada Department of Transportation 2014 $5,000.00 P. Kiser Ken Chambers (775) 888-7220 kchambers@dot.state.nv.us
Nevada Department of Transportation 2015 $5,000.00 P. Kiser Ken Chambers (775) 888-7220 kchambers@dot.state.nv.us
New Hampshire Department of Transportation 2013 $5,000.00 Michelle Marshall Ann Scholz 603-271-1659 ann.scholz@dot.nh.gov
New Hampshire Department of Transportation 2014 $5,000.00 Michelle Marshall Ann Scholz 603-271-1659 ann.scholz@dot.nh.gov
New Hampshire Department of Transportation 2015 $0.00 Michelle Marshall Ann Scholz 603-271-1659 ann.scholz@dot.nh.gov
New Hampshire Department of Transportation 2016 $0.00 Michelle Marshall Ann Scholz 603-271-1659 ann.scholz@dot.nh.gov
New Hampshire Department of Transportation 2017 $0.00 Michelle Marshall Ann Scholz 603-271-1659 ann.scholz@dot.nh.gov
New York State Department of Transportation 2004 $30,000.00 Robert Limoges Gary Frederick 518-457-4645 gary.frederick@dot.ny.gov
New York State Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 Robert Limoges Gary Frederick 518-457-4645 gary.frederick@dot.ny.gov
New York State Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 Robert Limoges Gary Frederick 518-457-4645 gary.frederick@dot.ny.gov
New York State Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 Robert Limoges Gary Frederick 518-457-4645 gary.frederick@dot.ny.gov
New York State Department of Transportation 2008 $30,000.00 Robert Limoges Gary Frederick 518-457-4645 gary.frederick@dot.ny.gov
New York State Department of Transportation 2009 $30,000.00 Robert Limoges Gary Frederick 518-457-4645 gary.frederick@dot.ny.gov
New York State Department of Transportation 2010 $30,000.00 Robert Limoges Gary Frederick 518-457-4645 gary.frederick@dot.ny.gov
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2005 $25,000.00 Shawn Troy Mrinmay Biswas 919-508-1865 biswas@ncdot.gov
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2006 $25,000.00 Shawn Troy Mrinmay Biswas 919-508-1865 biswas@ncdot.gov
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2007 $25,000.00 Shawn Troy Mrinmay Biswas 919-508-1865 biswas@ncdot.gov
North Dakota Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 Shawn Kuntz Tom Bold 701- 328-6921 tbold@nd.gov
North Dakota Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 Shawn Kuntz Tom Bold 701- 328-6921 tbold@nd.gov
North Dakota Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 Shawn Kuntz Tom Bold 701- 328-6921 tbold@nd.gov
Ohio Department of Transportation 2012 $30,000.00 Michelle May General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Oklahoma Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 David Glabas Beckie Lyons blyons@odot.org
Oklahoma Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 David Glabas Beckie Lyons blyons@odot.org
Oklahoma Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 David Glabas Beckie Lyons blyons@odot.org
Oklahoma Transportation 2011 $30,000.00 David Glabas Beckie Lyons blyons@odot.org
Oklahoma Transportation 2012 $30,000.00 David Glabas Beckie Lyons blyons@odot.org
Oklahoma Transportation 2013 $30,000.00 David Glabas Beckie Lyons blyons@odot.org
Oklahoma Transportation 2014 $30,000.00 David Glabas Beckie Lyons blyons@odot.org
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2010 $30,000.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2011 $30,000.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2012 $30,000.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2014 $10,000.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2015 $0.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2016 $0.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Rhode Island Department of Transportation $0.00
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2005 $40,000.00 Brett Harrelson Mike Sanders 803-737-6691 SandersMR@dot.state.sc.us
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2006 $40,000.00 Brett Harrelson Mike Sanders 803-737-6691 SandersMR@dot.state.sc.us
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2007 $40,000.00 Brett Harrelson Mike Sanders 803-737-6691 SandersMR@dot.state.sc.us
South Dakota Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 Cliff Reuer David Huft 605-773-3358 dave.huft@state.sd.us
South Dakota Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 Cliff Reuer David Huft 605-773-3358 dave.huft@state.sd.us
South Dakota Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 Cliff Reuer David Huft 605-773-3358 dave.huft@state.sd.us
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2005 $50,000.00 Gary Ogletree Stephanie Vincent 615.741.2203 Stephanie.Vincent@tn.gov
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2006 $50,000.00 Gary Ogletree Stephanie Vincent 615.741.2203 Stephanie.Vincent@tn.gov
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2007 $50,000.00 Gary Ogletree Stephanie Vincent 615.741.2203 Stephanie.Vincent@tn.gov
Texas Department of Transportation 2005 $50,000.00 Brian Stanford Frank Bailey 512- 416-4730 rtimain@txdot.gov
Texas Department of Transportation 2006 $50,000.00 Brian Stanford Frank Bailey 512- 416-4730 rtimain@txdot.gov
Texas Department of Transportation 2007 $50,000.00 Brian Stanford Frank Bailey 512- 416-4730 rtimain@txdot.gov
Utah Department of Transportation 2005 $150,000.00 W. Scott Jones David Stevens 801-589-8340 davidstevens@utah.gov
Utah Department of Transportation 2015 $0.00 W. Scott Jones David Stevens 801-589-8340 davidstevens@utah.gov
Utah Department of Transportation 2016 $0.00 W. Scott Jones David Stevens 801-589-8340 davidstevens@utah.gov
Utah Department of Transportation 2017 $0.00 W. Scott Jones David Stevens 801-589-8340 davidstevens@utah.gov
Virginia Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 Michael Fontaine Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934 Bill.Kelsh@VDOT.Virginia.gov
Virginia Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 Michael Fontaine Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934 Bill.Kelsh@VDOT.Virginia.gov
Virginia Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 Michael Fontaine Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934 Bill.Kelsh@VDOT.Virginia.gov
Washington State Department of Transportation 2015 $5,000.00 Rhonda Brooks Fheejay Painter 360-705-7975 Paintef@wsdot.wa.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2009 $5,000.00 John Bridwell Lynn Hanus 608-267-2294 lynnm.hanus@dot.wi.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2010 $5,000.00 John Bridwell Lynn Hanus 608-267-2294 lynnm.hanus@dot.wi.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2011 $5,000.00 John Bridwell Lynn Hanus 608-267-2294 lynnm.hanus@dot.wi.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2012 $5,000.00 John Bridwell Lynn Hanus 608-267-2294 lynnm.hanus@dot.wi.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2013 $5,000.00 John Bridwell Lynn Hanus 608-267-2294 lynnm.hanus@dot.wi.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2014 $5,000.00 John Bridwell Lynn Hanus 608-267-2294 lynnm.hanus@dot.wi.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2015 $5,000.00 John Bridwell Lynn Hanus 608-267-2294 lynnm.hanus@dot.wi.gov


This project will encompass safety-effectiveness evaluations of priority strategies from the NCHRP Report 500 Guidebooks, Guidance for Implementation of the AASHTO Strategic Highway Safety Plan. The safety effectiveness of many of the strategies in the guidebooks has not yet been rigorously evaluated. In order to achieve a national goal shared by the USDOT, AASHTO, and GHSA to reduce the fatality rate to 1.0 and save 9,000 lives annually by 2008, these "tried" and "experimental" strategies will need to be appropriately implemented. In this project, therefore, data will be collected and before-after safety effectiveness evaluations will be performed at sites where selected safety strategies are being implemented. A steering committee, comprised of pooled fund State DOT representatives, will provide guidance on the strategies selected for evaluation.


The goal of the proposed research is to develop reliable estimates of the safety effectiveness of safety improvements identified as strategies in the NCHRP Report 500 Guidebooks through scientifically rigorous before-after evaluations of sites within the U.S. where these strategies are being implemented.

Scope of Work

The scope of the Low Cost Safety Improvements Pooled Funds Study is to conduct a research project of priority strategies from all of the NCHRP Report 500 Guidebooks. A target of 24 strategies totaling $6M over three years is planned, but this will vary depending on the level of support. The data for the study will be gathered from those states that implement the strategies throughout the US. The methodology utilized will typically be an Empirical Bayes evaluation, using before-after data (where the safety improvements are made, as well as untreated base locations), to help determine their effectiveness in reducing the number and severity of crashes. The data will be collected, and evaluation studies performed, as the strategies are implemented over the course of a few years. The greater the number of States implementing the strategies, the faster the rate of after data collection will be collected. This will in turn shorten the total time for each evaluation. The implementation of the strategies and the evaluations will be staggered; grouping a small number of the evaluations together, as appropriate.


This project is open to any number of participating states, independent of involvement with the lead state initiative supporting implementation of the AASHTO Strategic Highway Safety Plan. The minimum target amount of funding requested by the participating states should be $30,000-50,000 per year for three years, totaling (for all states pooled funds) $3M over 3 years. States wishing to be involved in more than one improvement area (e.g. lane departure, aggressive driving, etc.) are asked to consider increasing their contributions accordingly. FHWA will contribute $1.5M total, and additional funds will be solicited from other sources.

No document attached.

Evaluation of Low Cost Safety Improvements

General Information
Solicitation Number: 884
Status: End Solicitation Phase
Date Posted: Jun 16, 2004
Last Updated: Mar 05, 2018
Solicitation Expires: Sep 30, 2004
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 2004
Commitment End Year: 2000
100% SP&R Approval: Approved
Commitments Required: $3,000,000.00
Commitments Received: $3,475,000.00
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Kerry Perrillo Childress
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Kerry Perrillo Childress
Phone: 202-493-3318
Commitments by Organizations
Agency Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Arizona Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 Reed Henry Frank Darmiento 602- 712-3134 fdarmiento@azdot.gov
Arizona Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 Reed Henry Frank Darmiento 602- 712-3134 fdarmiento@azdot.gov
Arizona Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 Reed Henry Frank Darmiento 602- 712-3134 fdarmiento@azdot.gov
California Department of Transportation 2006 $60,000.00 Jesse Bhullar Wes Lum 916-654-8892 wes_lum@dot.ca.gov
Colorado Department of Transportation 2014 $5,000.00 David Swenka David Reeves 303-757-9518 david.reeves@state.co.us
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 Joseph Ouellette Michael Connors (860) 594-2037 Michael.Connors@ct.gov
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 Joseph Ouellette Michael Connors (860) 594-2037 Michael.Connors@ct.gov
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 Joseph Ouellette Michael Connors (860) 594-2037 Michael.Connors@ct.gov
Florida Department of Transportation 2005 $50,000.00 Ed Rice Richard Long 850-414-4617 richardc.long@dot.state.fl.us
Florida Department of Transportation 2006 $50,000.00 Ed Rice Richard Long 850-414-4617 richardc.long@dot.state.fl.us
Florida Department of Transportation 2007 $50,000.00 Ed Rice Richard Long 850-414-4617 richardc.long@dot.state.fl.us
Georgia Department of Transportation 2005 $50,000.00 Norm Cressman Supriya Kamatkar 404-347-0552 skamatkar@dot.ga.gov
Georgia Department of Transportation 2006 $50,000.00 Norm Cressman Supriya Kamatkar 404-347-0552 skamatkar@dot.ga.gov
Georgia Department of Transportation 2007 $50,000.00 Norm Cressman Supriya Kamatkar 404-347-0552 skamatkar@dot.ga.gov
Illinois Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 Tim Sheehan Megan Swanson 217-782-3547 Megan.Swanson@illinois.gov
Illinois Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 Tim Sheehan Megan Swanson 217-782-3547 Megan.Swanson@illinois.gov
Illinois Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 Tim Sheehan Megan Swanson 217-782-3547 Megan.Swanson@illinois.gov
Indiana Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 John Nagle Tommy Nantung 765-463-1521 ext 248 tnantung@indot.in.gov
Indiana Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 John Nagle Tommy Nantung 765-463-1521 ext 248 tnantung@indot.in.gov
Indiana Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 John Nagle Tommy Nantung 765-463-1521 ext 248 tnantung@indot.in.gov
Iowa Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 Steve Gent -- -- -- Transfer.Research@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 Steve Gent -- -- -- Transfer.Research@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 Steve Gent -- -- -- Transfer.Research@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 2010 $30,000.00 Steve Gent -- -- -- Transfer.Research@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 2011 $30,000.00 Steve Gent -- -- -- Transfer.Research@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 2012 $30,000.00 Steve Gent -- -- -- Transfer.Research@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 2013 $30,000.00 Steve Gent -- -- -- Transfer.Research@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 2014 $30,000.00 Steve Gent -- -- -- Transfer.Research@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 2015 $0.00 Steve Gent -- -- -- Transfer.Research@iowadot.us
Kansas Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 David Schwartz Rodney Montney 785-291-3844 rodney@ksdot.org
Kansas Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 David Schwartz Rodney Montney 785-291-3844 rodney@ksdot.org
Kansas Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 David Schwartz Rodney Montney 785-291-3844 rodney@ksdot.org
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2005 $30,000.00 Tracy Lovell Jason Siwula 502.782.5537 jason.siwula@ky.gov
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2006 $30,000.00 Tracy Lovell Jason Siwula 502.782.5537 jason.siwula@ky.gov
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2007 $30,000.00 Tracy Lovell Jason Siwula 502.782.5537 jason.siwula@ky.gov
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 2013 $5,000.00 Dan Magri Tyson Rupnow tyson.rupnow@la.gov
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 2014 $5,000.00 Dan Magri Tyson Rupnow tyson.rupnow@la.gov
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 2005 $30,000.00 Ruihua Tao Allison Hardt 410-545-2916 ahardt@mdot.maryland.gov
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 2006 $30,000.00 Ruihua Tao Allison Hardt 410-545-2916 ahardt@mdot.maryland.gov
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 2007 $30,000.00 Ruihua Tao Allison Hardt 410-545-2916 ahardt@mdot.maryland.gov
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 2013 $30,000.00 Ruihua Tao Allison Hardt 410-545-2916 ahardt@mdot.maryland.gov
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 2014 $30,000.00 Ruihua Tao Allison Hardt 410-545-2916 ahardt@mdot.maryland.gov
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 2015 $30,000.00 Ruihua Tao Allison Hardt 410-545-2916 ahardt@mdot.maryland.gov
Massachusetts Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 Neil Boudreau Stephen Pepin 857-368-8870 stephen.pepin@state.ma.us
Massachusetts Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 Neil Boudreau Stephen Pepin 857-368-8870 stephen.pepin@state.ma.us
Massachusetts Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 Neil Boudreau Stephen Pepin 857-368-8870 stephen.pepin@state.ma.us
Michigan Department of Transportation 2013 $5,000.00 Mark Bott Andre' Clover 517-749-9001 clovera@michigan.gov
Michigan Department of Transportation 2014 $5,000.00 Mark Bott Andre' Clover 517-749-9001 clovera@michigan.gov
Michigan Department of Transportation 2015 $5,000.00 Mark Bott Andre' Clover 517-749-9001 clovera@michigan.gov
Michigan Department of Transportation 2016 $0.00 Mark Bott Andre' Clover 517-749-9001 clovera@michigan.gov
Michigan Department of Transportation 2017 $0.00 Mark Bott Andre' Clover 517-749-9001 clovera@michigan.gov
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2005 $65,000.00 Loren Hill Lisa Jansen 651-366-3779 lisa.jansen@state.mn.us
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2006 $65,000.00 Loren Hill Lisa Jansen 651-366-3779 lisa.jansen@state.mn.us
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2007 $65,000.00 Loren Hill Lisa Jansen 651-366-3779 lisa.jansen@state.mn.us
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 Daniel Helms James Watkins 601-359-7650 jwatkins@mdot.state.ms.us
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 Daniel Helms James Watkins 601-359-7650 jwatkins@mdot.state.ms.us
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2008 $30,000.00 Daniel Helms James Watkins 601-359-7650 jwatkins@mdot.state.ms.us
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2010 $30,000.00 Daniel Helms James Watkins 601-359-7650 jwatkins@mdot.state.ms.us
Missouri Department of Transportation 2010 $5,000.00 John Miller Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2014 $5,000.00 John Miller Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2015 $5,000.00 John Miller Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Montana Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 Kraig McLeod Susan Sillick 406-444-7693 ssillick@mt.gov
Montana Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 Kraig McLeod Susan Sillick 406-444-7693 ssillick@mt.gov
Montana Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 Kraig McLeod Susan Sillick 406-444-7693 ssillick@mt.gov
Nevada Department of Transportation 2014 $5,000.00 P. Kiser Ken Chambers (775) 888-7220 kchambers@dot.state.nv.us
Nevada Department of Transportation 2015 $5,000.00 P. Kiser Ken Chambers (775) 888-7220 kchambers@dot.state.nv.us
New Hampshire Department of Transportation 2013 $5,000.00 Michelle Marshall Ann Scholz 603-271-1659 ann.scholz@dot.nh.gov
New Hampshire Department of Transportation 2014 $5,000.00 Michelle Marshall Ann Scholz 603-271-1659 ann.scholz@dot.nh.gov
New Hampshire Department of Transportation 2015 $0.00 Michelle Marshall Ann Scholz 603-271-1659 ann.scholz@dot.nh.gov
New Hampshire Department of Transportation 2016 $0.00 Michelle Marshall Ann Scholz 603-271-1659 ann.scholz@dot.nh.gov
New Hampshire Department of Transportation 2017 $0.00 Michelle Marshall Ann Scholz 603-271-1659 ann.scholz@dot.nh.gov
New York State Department of Transportation 2004 $30,000.00 Robert Limoges Gary Frederick 518-457-4645 gary.frederick@dot.ny.gov
New York State Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 Robert Limoges Gary Frederick 518-457-4645 gary.frederick@dot.ny.gov
New York State Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 Robert Limoges Gary Frederick 518-457-4645 gary.frederick@dot.ny.gov
New York State Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 Robert Limoges Gary Frederick 518-457-4645 gary.frederick@dot.ny.gov
New York State Department of Transportation 2008 $30,000.00 Robert Limoges Gary Frederick 518-457-4645 gary.frederick@dot.ny.gov
New York State Department of Transportation 2009 $30,000.00 Robert Limoges Gary Frederick 518-457-4645 gary.frederick@dot.ny.gov
New York State Department of Transportation 2010 $30,000.00 Robert Limoges Gary Frederick 518-457-4645 gary.frederick@dot.ny.gov
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2005 $25,000.00 Shawn Troy Mrinmay Biswas 919-508-1865 biswas@ncdot.gov
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2006 $25,000.00 Shawn Troy Mrinmay Biswas 919-508-1865 biswas@ncdot.gov
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2007 $25,000.00 Shawn Troy Mrinmay Biswas 919-508-1865 biswas@ncdot.gov
North Dakota Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 Shawn Kuntz Tom Bold 701- 328-6921 tbold@nd.gov
North Dakota Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 Shawn Kuntz Tom Bold 701- 328-6921 tbold@nd.gov
North Dakota Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 Shawn Kuntz Tom Bold 701- 328-6921 tbold@nd.gov
Ohio Department of Transportation 2012 $30,000.00 Michelle May General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Oklahoma Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 David Glabas Beckie Lyons blyons@odot.org
Oklahoma Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 David Glabas Beckie Lyons blyons@odot.org
Oklahoma Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 David Glabas Beckie Lyons blyons@odot.org
Oklahoma Transportation 2011 $30,000.00 David Glabas Beckie Lyons blyons@odot.org
Oklahoma Transportation 2012 $30,000.00 David Glabas Beckie Lyons blyons@odot.org
Oklahoma Transportation 2013 $30,000.00 David Glabas Beckie Lyons blyons@odot.org
Oklahoma Transportation 2014 $30,000.00 David Glabas Beckie Lyons blyons@odot.org
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2010 $30,000.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2011 $30,000.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2012 $30,000.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2014 $10,000.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2015 $0.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2016 $0.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2005 $40,000.00 Brett Harrelson Mike Sanders 803-737-6691 SandersMR@dot.state.sc.us
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2006 $40,000.00 Brett Harrelson Mike Sanders 803-737-6691 SandersMR@dot.state.sc.us
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2007 $40,000.00 Brett Harrelson Mike Sanders 803-737-6691 SandersMR@dot.state.sc.us
South Dakota Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 Cliff Reuer David Huft 605-773-3358 dave.huft@state.sd.us
South Dakota Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 Cliff Reuer David Huft 605-773-3358 dave.huft@state.sd.us
South Dakota Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 Cliff Reuer David Huft 605-773-3358 dave.huft@state.sd.us
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2005 $50,000.00 Gary Ogletree Stephanie Vincent 615.741.2203 Stephanie.Vincent@tn.gov
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2006 $50,000.00 Gary Ogletree Stephanie Vincent 615.741.2203 Stephanie.Vincent@tn.gov
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2007 $50,000.00 Gary Ogletree Stephanie Vincent 615.741.2203 Stephanie.Vincent@tn.gov
Texas Department of Transportation 2005 $50,000.00 Brian Stanford Frank Bailey 512- 416-4730 rtimain@txdot.gov
Texas Department of Transportation 2006 $50,000.00 Brian Stanford Frank Bailey 512- 416-4730 rtimain@txdot.gov
Texas Department of Transportation 2007 $50,000.00 Brian Stanford Frank Bailey 512- 416-4730 rtimain@txdot.gov
Utah Department of Transportation 2005 $150,000.00 W. Scott Jones David Stevens 801-589-8340 davidstevens@utah.gov
Utah Department of Transportation 2015 $0.00 W. Scott Jones David Stevens 801-589-8340 davidstevens@utah.gov
Utah Department of Transportation 2016 $0.00 W. Scott Jones David Stevens 801-589-8340 davidstevens@utah.gov
Utah Department of Transportation 2017 $0.00 W. Scott Jones David Stevens 801-589-8340 davidstevens@utah.gov
Virginia Department of Transportation 2005 $30,000.00 Michael Fontaine Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934 Bill.Kelsh@VDOT.Virginia.gov
Virginia Department of Transportation 2006 $30,000.00 Michael Fontaine Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934 Bill.Kelsh@VDOT.Virginia.gov
Virginia Department of Transportation 2007 $30,000.00 Michael Fontaine Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934 Bill.Kelsh@VDOT.Virginia.gov
Washington State Department of Transportation 2015 $5,000.00 Rhonda Brooks Fheejay Painter 360-705-7975 Paintef@wsdot.wa.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2009 $5,000.00 John Bridwell Lynn Hanus 608-267-2294 lynnm.hanus@dot.wi.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2010 $5,000.00 John Bridwell Lynn Hanus 608-267-2294 lynnm.hanus@dot.wi.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2011 $5,000.00 John Bridwell Lynn Hanus 608-267-2294 lynnm.hanus@dot.wi.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2012 $5,000.00 John Bridwell Lynn Hanus 608-267-2294 lynnm.hanus@dot.wi.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2013 $5,000.00 John Bridwell Lynn Hanus 608-267-2294 lynnm.hanus@dot.wi.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2014 $5,000.00 John Bridwell Lynn Hanus 608-267-2294 lynnm.hanus@dot.wi.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2015 $5,000.00 John Bridwell Lynn Hanus 608-267-2294 lynnm.hanus@dot.wi.gov


This project will encompass safety-effectiveness evaluations of priority strategies from the NCHRP Report 500 Guidebooks, Guidance for Implementation of the AASHTO Strategic Highway Safety Plan. The safety effectiveness of many of the strategies in the guidebooks has not yet been rigorously evaluated. In order to achieve a national goal shared by the USDOT, AASHTO, and GHSA to reduce the fatality rate to 1.0 and save 9,000 lives annually by 2008, these "tried" and "experimental" strategies will need to be appropriately implemented. In this project, therefore, data will be collected and before-after safety effectiveness evaluations will be performed at sites where selected safety strategies are being implemented. A steering committee, comprised of pooled fund State DOT representatives, will provide guidance on the strategies selected for evaluation.


The goal of the proposed research is to develop reliable estimates of the safety effectiveness of safety improvements identified as strategies in the NCHRP Report 500 Guidebooks through scientifically rigorous before-after evaluations of sites within the U.S. where these strategies are being implemented.

Scope of Work

The scope of the Low Cost Safety Improvements Pooled Funds Study is to conduct a research project of priority strategies from all of the NCHRP Report 500 Guidebooks. A target of 24 strategies totaling $6M over three years is planned, but this will vary depending on the level of support. The data for the study will be gathered from those states that implement the strategies throughout the US. The methodology utilized will typically be an Empirical Bayes evaluation, using before-after data (where the safety improvements are made, as well as untreated base locations), to help determine their effectiveness in reducing the number and severity of crashes. The data will be collected, and evaluation studies performed, as the strategies are implemented over the course of a few years. The greater the number of States implementing the strategies, the faster the rate of after data collection will be collected. This will in turn shorten the total time for each evaluation. The implementation of the strategies and the evaluations will be staggered; grouping a small number of the evaluations together, as appropriate.


This project is open to any number of participating states, independent of involvement with the lead state initiative supporting implementation of the AASHTO Strategic Highway Safety Plan. The minimum target amount of funding requested by the participating states should be $30,000-50,000 per year for three years, totaling (for all states pooled funds) $3M over 3 years. States wishing to be involved in more than one improvement area (e.g. lane departure, aggressive driving, etc.) are asked to consider increasing their contributions accordingly. FHWA will contribute $1.5M total, and additional funds will be solicited from other sources.

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