Coordination of Pavement Activities in the Northeast - Phase 2

General Information
Solicitation Number: 882
Former Study Number:
Status: End Solicitation Phase
Date Posted: Dec 16, 2002
Last Updated: Sep 28, 2005
Solicitation Expires: Mar 31, 2003
Partners: CT, DC, DE, MA, ME, NHDOT, NJ, NY, RI, VT
Lead Organization: Connecticut Department of Transportation
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 2003
Commitment End Year: 2007
100% SP&R Approval: Approved
Commitments Required: $228,000.00
Commitments Received: $130,000.00
Estimated Duration Month: 18
Waiver Requested: No
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): James Sime
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Leslie Myers
Phone: 202-366-1198
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2003 $39,000.00 Keith Lane James Sime 860-258-0309
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2005 $15,000.00 Keith Lane James Sime 860-258-0309
Delaware Department of Transportation 2004 $5,000.00 Joseph Cantalupo Joseph Cantalupo 302-760-2112
District of Columbia Department of Transportation 2003 $5,000.00 Wasi Khan Mesfin Lakew
Maine Department of Transportation 0 $0.00 Dale Peabody 207- 624-3305
Maine Department of Transportation 2006 $5,000.00 Dale Peabody 207- 624-3305
Massachusetts Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
New Hampshire Department of Transportation 2003 $5,000.00 Alan Rawson Glenn Roberts 603-271-3151
New Hampshire Department of Transportation 2005 $10,000.00 Alan Rawson Glenn Roberts 603-271-3151
New Jersey Department of Transportation 2003 $16,000.00 Nicholas Vitillo Edward Kondrath 609-530-2058
New York State Department of Transportation 2003 $5,000.00 Gary Frederick Gary Frederick 518-457-4645
New York State Department of Transportation 2004 $5,000.00 Gary Frederick Gary Frederick 518-457-4645
New York State Department of Transportation 2005 $5,000.00 Gary Frederick Gary Frederick 518-457-4645
Rhode Island Department of Transportation 2003 $5,000.00 Colin Franco Colin Franco 401222 2524x4110
Vermont Agency of Transportation 0 $0.00 Ted Domey Craig Graham 802-828-6920
Vermont Agency of Transportation 2005 $5,000.00 Ted Domey Craig Graham 802-828-6920
Vermont Agency of Transportation 2006 $5,000.00 Ted Domey Craig Graham 802-828-6920


This proposal is a follow up to a project initiated in 2003. There are continued needs for training, resolution of implementation issues, and additional researchfor refining Superpave® and other HMA issues that can best be accomplished cooperatively by a regional pooling of resources in the northeastern states. Furthermore, the results of the first year work at CTI have pointed to specific needs forfurther collaborative study. This proposal contains an 18 month plan for a series ofactivities lead by James Mahoney, Dr. Lisa Aultman-Hall and Donna Shea at the Connecticut Transportation Institute. Dr. Jack Stephens will be available as a special advisor on this project. This team can draw on the infrastructure and technicalstrengths of CTI¿s CAP Lab staff, together with the strong training and technical assistance record of the Connecticut Technology Transfer Center staff, to deliver effective coordination of the pavement activities in the northeast. As such, the proposal includes the following activities: development of an Internet-based binder database; analysis of direct tension data gathered by suppliers and transportation agencies; visits to each agency¿s central laboratory; conduct roundtable discussions on pavement issues; development and implementation of an interactive Internet-based communication tool for use by agency personnel in member states; and provide for administrative functions related to coordination. See proposal linked to this solicitation for more detail.


The overall goal of this project is to provide a mechanism to fund regional coordination and technical expertise to address HMA pavement activities and issues. This will ultimately increase the performance and longevity of HMA pavements, as well as theefficiency of handling user-producer issues in the northeastern United States. See proposal linked to this solicitation for more detail.

Scope of Work

Over 18 months, under the guidance of the technical advisory committee (TAC), to do the following: 1) Dvelop and implement a web-accessible region-wide asphalt binder database; 2) Analyze binder test data collected to compare the PG grade determined by AASHTO MP-1a test method versus AASHTO M320 method; 3) Personally visiting participating state laboratories for focused lab visits that enable collaborative and constructive information sharing related to HMA testing. (The inclusion of visits to a limited number of producer¿s labs in the northeast may be carried out if so directed by the prohect Technical Advisory Committee); and, 4) Communicate frequently with northeast states and disseminate new information on paving technology and procedures by: a) Developing an interactive Internet-based communication tool, and b) Holding a series of Asphalt Roundtable discussions. See proposal linked to this solicitation for more detail.


Request minimum $10k pledge. Pledges can be split over two fiscal years. Larger states in the northeast are encouraged to pledge a higher amount in order to reach the dollar commitment required for this project. ------------- One of the deliverables of the first 18-months phase of this projet is a Web site that presents information, abstracts and links to pavement information and research pertinent to the Northeast state DOTs.

Documents Attached
Title File/Link Document Category Document Type Privacy Document Date Download
Coordination of Pavement Activities in the Northeast - Phase 2 TPF Study Documentation Solicitation Public 2011-09-25

Coordination of Pavement Activities in the Northeast - Phase 2

General Information
Solicitation Number: 882
Status: End Solicitation Phase
Date Posted: Dec 16, 2002
Last Updated: Sep 28, 2005
Solicitation Expires: Mar 31, 2003
Partners: CT, DC, DE, MA, ME, NHDOT, NJ, NY, RI, VT
Lead Organization: Connecticut Department of Transportation
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 2003
Commitment End Year: 2007
100% SP&R Approval: Approved
Commitments Required: $228,000.00
Commitments Received: $130,000.00
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): James Sime
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Leslie Myers
Phone: 202-366-1198
Commitments by Organizations
Agency Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2003 $39,000.00 Keith Lane James Sime 860-258-0309
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2005 $15,000.00 Keith Lane James Sime 860-258-0309
Delaware Department of Transportation 2004 $5,000.00 Joseph Cantalupo Joseph Cantalupo 302-760-2112
District of Columbia Department of Transportation 2003 $5,000.00 Wasi Khan Mesfin Lakew
Maine Department of Transportation 0 $0.00 Dale Peabody 207- 624-3305
Maine Department of Transportation 2006 $5,000.00 Dale Peabody 207- 624-3305
Massachusetts Department of Transportation 0 $0.00
New Hampshire Department of Transportation 2003 $5,000.00 Alan Rawson Glenn Roberts 603-271-3151
New Hampshire Department of Transportation 2005 $10,000.00 Alan Rawson Glenn Roberts 603-271-3151
New Jersey Department of Transportation 2003 $16,000.00 Nicholas Vitillo Edward Kondrath 609-530-2058
New York State Department of Transportation 2003 $5,000.00 Gary Frederick Gary Frederick 518-457-4645
New York State Department of Transportation 2004 $5,000.00 Gary Frederick Gary Frederick 518-457-4645
New York State Department of Transportation 2005 $5,000.00 Gary Frederick Gary Frederick 518-457-4645
Rhode Island Department of Transportation 2003 $5,000.00 Colin Franco Colin Franco 401222 2524x4110
Vermont Agency of Transportation 0 $0.00 Ted Domey Craig Graham 802-828-6920
Vermont Agency of Transportation 2005 $5,000.00 Ted Domey Craig Graham 802-828-6920
Vermont Agency of Transportation 2006 $5,000.00 Ted Domey Craig Graham 802-828-6920


This proposal is a follow up to a project initiated in 2003. There are continued needs for training, resolution of implementation issues, and additional researchfor refining Superpave® and other HMA issues that can best be accomplished cooperatively by a regional pooling of resources in the northeastern states. Furthermore, the results of the first year work at CTI have pointed to specific needs forfurther collaborative study. This proposal contains an 18 month plan for a series ofactivities lead by James Mahoney, Dr. Lisa Aultman-Hall and Donna Shea at the Connecticut Transportation Institute. Dr. Jack Stephens will be available as a special advisor on this project. This team can draw on the infrastructure and technicalstrengths of CTI¿s CAP Lab staff, together with the strong training and technical assistance record of the Connecticut Technology Transfer Center staff, to deliver effective coordination of the pavement activities in the northeast. As such, the proposal includes the following activities: development of an Internet-based binder database; analysis of direct tension data gathered by suppliers and transportation agencies; visits to each agency¿s central laboratory; conduct roundtable discussions on pavement issues; development and implementation of an interactive Internet-based communication tool for use by agency personnel in member states; and provide for administrative functions related to coordination. See proposal linked to this solicitation for more detail.


The overall goal of this project is to provide a mechanism to fund regional coordination and technical expertise to address HMA pavement activities and issues. This will ultimately increase the performance and longevity of HMA pavements, as well as theefficiency of handling user-producer issues in the northeastern United States. See proposal linked to this solicitation for more detail.

Scope of Work

Over 18 months, under the guidance of the technical advisory committee (TAC), to do the following: 1) Dvelop and implement a web-accessible region-wide asphalt binder database; 2) Analyze binder test data collected to compare the PG grade determined by AASHTO MP-1a test method versus AASHTO M320 method; 3) Personally visiting participating state laboratories for focused lab visits that enable collaborative and constructive information sharing related to HMA testing. (The inclusion of visits to a limited number of producer¿s labs in the northeast may be carried out if so directed by the prohect Technical Advisory Committee); and, 4) Communicate frequently with northeast states and disseminate new information on paving technology and procedures by: a) Developing an interactive Internet-based communication tool, and b) Holding a series of Asphalt Roundtable discussions. See proposal linked to this solicitation for more detail.


Request minimum $10k pledge. Pledges can be split over two fiscal years. Larger states in the northeast are encouraged to pledge a higher amount in order to reach the dollar commitment required for this project. ------------- One of the deliverables of the first 18-months phase of this projet is a Web site that presents information, abstracts and links to pavement information and research pertinent to the Northeast state DOTs.

Title Type Private
Coordination of Pavement Activities in the Northeast - Phase 2 TPF Study Documentation N

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