Test and Evaluation of Bridge Rails and Transitions

General Information
Solicitation Number: 49
Former Study Number:
Status: End Solicitation Phase
Date Posted: Jul 01, 2002
Last Updated: Feb 26, 2013
Solicitation Expires:
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 1986
Commitment End Year: 1989
100% SP&R Approval: Not Requested
Commitments Required:
Commitments Received: $283,000.00
Estimated Duration Month:
Waiver Requested: No
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): David Pamplin
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Charles McDevitt
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Arizona Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
California Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00 Roger Stoughton Ralph Bishop 916-227-7000 ralph.bishop@dot.ca.gov
California Department of Transportation 1987 $2,000.00 Roger Stoughton Ralph Bishop 916-227-7000 ralph.bishop@dot.ca.gov
California Department of Transportation 1988 $16,000.00 Roger Stoughton Ralph Bishop 916-227-7000 ralph.bishop@dot.ca.gov
California Department of Transportation 1989 $32,000.00 Roger Stoughton Ralph Bishop 916-227-7000 ralph.bishop@dot.ca.gov
Colorado Department of Transportation 1986 $5,000.00 Denis Donnelly Denis Donnelly 303-757-9459 denis.Donnelly@dot.state.co.us
Colorado Department of Transportation 1987 $5,000.00 Denis Donnelly Denis Donnelly 303-757-9459 denis.Donnelly@dot.state.co.us
Colorado Department of Transportation 1988 $5,000.00 Denis Donnelly Denis Donnelly 303-757-9459 denis.Donnelly@dot.state.co.us
District of Columbia Department of Transportation 1986 $15,000.00 Jaime Dorina-Medina Jaime Dorina-Medina 202-727-1000
District of Columbia Department of Transportation 1987 $10,000.00 Jaime Dorina-Medina Jaime Dorina-Medina 202-727-1000
District of Columbia Department of Transportation 1988 $10,000.00 Jaime Dorina-Medina Jaime Dorina-Medina 202-727-1000
District of Columbia Department of Transportation 1989 $10,000.00 Jaime Dorina-Medina Jaime Dorina-Medina 202-727-1000
Florida Department of Transportation 1986 $7,500.00 Henry Bollmann Henry Bollmann 850-414-4265 henry.bollmann@dot.state.fl.us
Florida Department of Transportation 1987 $7,500.00 Henry Bollmann Henry Bollmann 850-414-4265 henry.bollmann@dot.state.fl.us
Florida Department of Transportation 1988 $7,500.00 Henry Bollmann Henry Bollmann 850-414-4265 henry.bollmann@dot.state.fl.us
Hawaii Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
Idaho Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
Illinois Department of Transportation 1987 $10,000.00 Jerry Pitts Jerry Pitts 217-492-4600 DOT.BMPR.RESEARCH@illinois.gov
Illinois Department of Transportation 1988 $10,000.00 Jerry Pitts Jerry Pitts 217-492-4600 DOT.BMPR.RESEARCH@illinois.gov
Illinois Department of Transportation 1989 $10,000.00 Jerry Pitts Jerry Pitts 217-492-4600 DOT.BMPR.RESEARCH@illinois.gov
Indiana Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
Iowa Department of Transportation 1986 $15,000.00 Ken Dunker Linda Narigon Linda.Narigon@iowadot.us
Kansas Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 1987 $4,000.00 Bennie Wheat Bennie Wheat 502-564-4890
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 1988 $4,000.00 Bennie Wheat Bennie Wheat 502-564-4890
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 1986 $7,500.00 S. Shah S. Shah 504-342-7521 S.Shah@la.gov
Michigan Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
Minnesota Department of Transportation 1986 $5,000.00 K. Benthin K. Benthin 612-296-6172
Minnesota Department of Transportation 1987 $5,000.00 K. Benthin K. Benthin 612-296-6172
Minnesota Department of Transportation 1988 $5,000.00 K. Benthin K. Benthin 612-296-6172
Nevada Department of Transportation 1986 $5,000.00 Robert Dodson Robert Dodson 775-885-5525
Nevada Department of Transportation 1987 $5,000.00 Robert Dodson Robert Dodson 775-885-5525
Nevada Department of Transportation 1988 $5,000.00 Robert Dodson Robert Dodson 775-885-5525
North Dakota Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
Ohio Department of Transportation 1986 $10,000.00 Adam Marcum General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Ohio Department of Transportation 1987 $10,000.00 Adam Marcum General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Ohio Department of Transportation 1988 $10,000.00 Adam Marcum General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Oklahoma Transportation 1987 $5,000.00 Veldo Goins Veldo Goins 405-521-2125
Oklahoma Transportation 1988 $5,000.00 Veldo Goins Veldo Goins 405-521-2125
Oklahoma Transportation 1989 $10,000.00 Veldo Goins Veldo Goins 405-521-2125
Oregon Department of Transportation 1987 $5,000.00 Walter Hart Walter Hart 503-986-4200
Oregon Department of Transportation 1988 $5,000.00 Walter Hart Walter Hart 503-986-4200
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
South Carolina Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
South Dakota Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
Texas Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
Virginia Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
Washington State Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00


To crash test and develop bridge rails and guardrail -to-bridge rail transitions that can be used by the States.


Active. Ohio thrie beam transition tested to Test Level Four (TL-4) in NCHRP 350. Ohio unsymmetrical transition piece from W-beam to thrie beam tested to TL-3. Wisconsin thrie beam transition to Wisconsin Type M bride rail will be tested to TL-3. Two ballots were recently sent to the State representatives.

No document attached.

Test and Evaluation of Bridge Rails and Transitions

General Information
Solicitation Number: 49
Status: End Solicitation Phase
Date Posted: Jul 01, 2002
Last Updated: Feb 26, 2013
Solicitation Expires:
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 1986
Commitment End Year: 1989
100% SP&R Approval: Not Requested
Commitments Required:
Commitments Received: $283,000.00
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): David Pamplin
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Charles McDevitt
Commitments by Organizations
Agency Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Arizona Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
California Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00 Roger Stoughton Ralph Bishop 916-227-7000 ralph.bishop@dot.ca.gov
California Department of Transportation 1987 $2,000.00 Roger Stoughton Ralph Bishop 916-227-7000 ralph.bishop@dot.ca.gov
California Department of Transportation 1988 $16,000.00 Roger Stoughton Ralph Bishop 916-227-7000 ralph.bishop@dot.ca.gov
California Department of Transportation 1989 $32,000.00 Roger Stoughton Ralph Bishop 916-227-7000 ralph.bishop@dot.ca.gov
Colorado Department of Transportation 1986 $5,000.00 Denis Donnelly Denis Donnelly 303-757-9459 denis.Donnelly@dot.state.co.us
Colorado Department of Transportation 1987 $5,000.00 Denis Donnelly Denis Donnelly 303-757-9459 denis.Donnelly@dot.state.co.us
Colorado Department of Transportation 1988 $5,000.00 Denis Donnelly Denis Donnelly 303-757-9459 denis.Donnelly@dot.state.co.us
District of Columbia Department of Transportation 1986 $15,000.00 Jaime Dorina-Medina Jaime Dorina-Medina 202-727-1000
District of Columbia Department of Transportation 1987 $10,000.00 Jaime Dorina-Medina Jaime Dorina-Medina 202-727-1000
District of Columbia Department of Transportation 1988 $10,000.00 Jaime Dorina-Medina Jaime Dorina-Medina 202-727-1000
District of Columbia Department of Transportation 1989 $10,000.00 Jaime Dorina-Medina Jaime Dorina-Medina 202-727-1000
Florida Department of Transportation 1986 $7,500.00 Henry Bollmann Henry Bollmann 850-414-4265 henry.bollmann@dot.state.fl.us
Florida Department of Transportation 1987 $7,500.00 Henry Bollmann Henry Bollmann 850-414-4265 henry.bollmann@dot.state.fl.us
Florida Department of Transportation 1988 $7,500.00 Henry Bollmann Henry Bollmann 850-414-4265 henry.bollmann@dot.state.fl.us
Hawaii Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
Idaho Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
Illinois Department of Transportation 1987 $10,000.00 Jerry Pitts Jerry Pitts 217-492-4600 DOT.BMPR.RESEARCH@illinois.gov
Illinois Department of Transportation 1988 $10,000.00 Jerry Pitts Jerry Pitts 217-492-4600 DOT.BMPR.RESEARCH@illinois.gov
Illinois Department of Transportation 1989 $10,000.00 Jerry Pitts Jerry Pitts 217-492-4600 DOT.BMPR.RESEARCH@illinois.gov
Indiana Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
Iowa Department of Transportation 1986 $15,000.00 Ken Dunker Linda Narigon Linda.Narigon@iowadot.us
Kansas Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 1987 $4,000.00 Bennie Wheat Bennie Wheat 502-564-4890
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 1988 $4,000.00 Bennie Wheat Bennie Wheat 502-564-4890
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 1986 $7,500.00 S. Shah S. Shah 504-342-7521 S.Shah@la.gov
Michigan Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
Minnesota Department of Transportation 1986 $5,000.00 K. Benthin K. Benthin 612-296-6172
Minnesota Department of Transportation 1987 $5,000.00 K. Benthin K. Benthin 612-296-6172
Minnesota Department of Transportation 1988 $5,000.00 K. Benthin K. Benthin 612-296-6172
Nevada Department of Transportation 1986 $5,000.00 Robert Dodson Robert Dodson 775-885-5525
Nevada Department of Transportation 1987 $5,000.00 Robert Dodson Robert Dodson 775-885-5525
Nevada Department of Transportation 1988 $5,000.00 Robert Dodson Robert Dodson 775-885-5525
North Dakota Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
Ohio Department of Transportation 1986 $10,000.00 Adam Marcum General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Ohio Department of Transportation 1987 $10,000.00 Adam Marcum General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Ohio Department of Transportation 1988 $10,000.00 Adam Marcum General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Oklahoma Transportation 1987 $5,000.00 Veldo Goins Veldo Goins 405-521-2125
Oklahoma Transportation 1988 $5,000.00 Veldo Goins Veldo Goins 405-521-2125
Oklahoma Transportation 1989 $10,000.00 Veldo Goins Veldo Goins 405-521-2125
Oregon Department of Transportation 1987 $5,000.00 Walter Hart Walter Hart 503-986-4200
Oregon Department of Transportation 1988 $5,000.00 Walter Hart Walter Hart 503-986-4200
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
South Carolina Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
South Dakota Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
Texas Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
Virginia Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
Washington State Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 1986 $0.00


To crash test and develop bridge rails and guardrail -to-bridge rail transitions that can be used by the States.


Active. Ohio thrie beam transition tested to Test Level Four (TL-4) in NCHRP 350. Ohio unsymmetrical transition piece from W-beam to thrie beam tested to TL-3. Wisconsin thrie beam transition to Wisconsin Type M bride rail will be tested to TL-3. Two ballots were recently sent to the State representatives.

No document attached.

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