Financial Summary |
Suggested Contribution: | |
Commitment Start Year: | |
Commitment End Year: | |
100% SP&R Approval: | Not Requested |
Commitments Required: | |
Commitments Received: | |
Estimated Duration Month: | |
Waiver Requested: | No |
Contact Information |
Lead Study Contact(s): | Jean Landolt | | |
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): | James Arnold | | |
Phone: 202-493-3265 |
Organization | Year | Commitments | Technical Contact Name | Funding Contact Name | Contact Number | Email Address |
North Dakota Department of Transportation | 0 | $0.00 |
This project will address the conversion of the Medora, ND GWEN site as an ITS infrastructure component to aid in future deployment of ITS. Because of the rural nature of North Dakota, the major ITS components that will rely on NDGPS are vehicle assist technology, fleet management, incident management, and traveler information.
Study is being initiated.
No document attached.
General Information |
Solicitation Number: | 33 |
Status: | End Solicitation Phase |
Date Posted: | Jul 01, 2002 |
Last Updated: | Nov 15, 2002 |
Solicitation Expires: | |
Partners: | ND |
Lead Organization: | Federal Highway Administration |
Financial Summary |
Suggested Contribution: | |
Commitment Start Year: | |
Commitment End Year: | |
100% SP&R Approval: | Not Requested |
Commitments Required: | |
Commitments Received: |
Contact Information |
Lead Study Contact(s): | Jean Landolt | | |
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): | James Arnold | | |
Phone: 202-493-3265 |
Agency | Year | Commitments | Technical Contact Name | Funding Contact Name | Contact Number | Email Address |
North Dakota Department of Transportation | 0 | $0.00 |
This project will address the conversion of the Medora, ND GWEN site as an ITS infrastructure component to aid in future deployment of ITS. Because of the rural nature of North Dakota, the major ITS components that will rely on NDGPS are vehicle assist technology, fleet management, incident management, and traveler information.
Study is being initiated.