Midwest States Work Zone Deployment Initiative

General Information
Solicitation Number: 223
Former Study Number:
Status: End Solicitation Phase
Date Posted: Jul 01, 2002
Last Updated: May 13, 2013
Solicitation Expires:
Partners: IADOT, KS, MO, NE, WI
Lead Organization: Nebraska Department of Transportation
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 2000
Commitment End Year: 2003
100% SP&R Approval: Not Requested
Commitments Required: $0.00
Commitments Received: $1,302,832.00
Estimated Duration Month:
Waiver Requested: No
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Jodi Gibson
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Kenneth Opiela
Phone: 202-493-3317
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Iowa Department of Transportation 2000 $78,932.00 Jeremey Vortherms Linda Narigon Linda.Narigon@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 2001 $61,200.00 Jeremey Vortherms Linda Narigon Linda.Narigon@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 2002 $82,979.00 Jeremey Vortherms Linda Narigon Linda.Narigon@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 2003 $59,402.00 Jeremey Vortherms Linda Narigon Linda.Narigon@iowadot.us
Kansas Department of Transportation 2000 $78,932.00 David Behzadpour 785-291-3847 David.Behzadpour@ks.gov
Kansas Department of Transportation 2001 $61,200.00 David Behzadpour 785-291-3847 David.Behzadpour@ks.gov
Kansas Department of Transportation 2002 $82,979.00 David Behzadpour 785-291-3847 David.Behzadpour@ks.gov
Kansas Department of Transportation 2003 $59,402.00 David Behzadpour 785-291-3847 David.Behzadpour@ks.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2000 $78,932.00 Jennifer Harper Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2001 $61,200.00 Jennifer Harper Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2002 $82,979.00 Jennifer Harper Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2003 $59,402.00 Jennifer Harper Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Nebraska Department of Transportation 2000 $78,932.00 Amy Starr 402-479-3687 amy.starr@nebraska.gov
Nebraska Department of Transportation 2001 $61,200.00 Amy Starr 402-479-3687 amy.starr@nebraska.gov
Nebraska Department of Transportation 2002 $82,979.00 Amy Starr 402-479-3687 amy.starr@nebraska.gov
Nebraska Department of Transportation 2003 $59,402.00 Amy Starr 402-479-3687 amy.starr@nebraska.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2002 $82,979.00 Thomas Notbohm Lori Richter 608-264-8435 lori.richter@dot.wi.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2003 $89,801.00 Thomas Notbohm Lori Richter 608-264-8435 lori.richter@dot.wi.gov


To test and evaluate new technologies for improving safety and traffic flow through work zones.


Active. This project is an ongoing Regional Pooled Fund effort to analyze work zone traffic devices in the Midwest. For resulting reports regarding these efforts, please see the following website: http://www.matc.unl.edu/research/MwSWZDI/ Status Update: 7/2/02.

No document attached.

Midwest States Work Zone Deployment Initiative

General Information
Solicitation Number: 223
Status: End Solicitation Phase
Date Posted: Jul 01, 2002
Last Updated: May 13, 2013
Solicitation Expires:
Partners: IADOT, KS, MO, NE, WI
Lead Organization: Nebraska Department of Transportation
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 2000
Commitment End Year: 2003
100% SP&R Approval: Not Requested
Commitments Required: $0.00
Commitments Received: $1,302,832.00
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Jodi Gibson
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Kenneth Opiela
Phone: 202-493-3317
Commitments by Organizations
Agency Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Iowa Department of Transportation 2000 $78,932.00 Jeremey Vortherms Linda Narigon Linda.Narigon@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 2001 $61,200.00 Jeremey Vortherms Linda Narigon Linda.Narigon@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 2002 $82,979.00 Jeremey Vortherms Linda Narigon Linda.Narigon@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 2003 $59,402.00 Jeremey Vortherms Linda Narigon Linda.Narigon@iowadot.us
Kansas Department of Transportation 2000 $78,932.00 David Behzadpour 785-291-3847 David.Behzadpour@ks.gov
Kansas Department of Transportation 2001 $61,200.00 David Behzadpour 785-291-3847 David.Behzadpour@ks.gov
Kansas Department of Transportation 2002 $82,979.00 David Behzadpour 785-291-3847 David.Behzadpour@ks.gov
Kansas Department of Transportation 2003 $59,402.00 David Behzadpour 785-291-3847 David.Behzadpour@ks.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2000 $78,932.00 Jennifer Harper Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2001 $61,200.00 Jennifer Harper Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2002 $82,979.00 Jennifer Harper Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2003 $59,402.00 Jennifer Harper Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Nebraska Department of Transportation 2000 $78,932.00 Amy Starr 402-479-3687 amy.starr@nebraska.gov
Nebraska Department of Transportation 2001 $61,200.00 Amy Starr 402-479-3687 amy.starr@nebraska.gov
Nebraska Department of Transportation 2002 $82,979.00 Amy Starr 402-479-3687 amy.starr@nebraska.gov
Nebraska Department of Transportation 2003 $59,402.00 Amy Starr 402-479-3687 amy.starr@nebraska.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2002 $82,979.00 Thomas Notbohm Lori Richter 608-264-8435 lori.richter@dot.wi.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2003 $89,801.00 Thomas Notbohm Lori Richter 608-264-8435 lori.richter@dot.wi.gov


To test and evaluate new technologies for improving safety and traffic flow through work zones.


Active. This project is an ongoing Regional Pooled Fund effort to analyze work zone traffic devices in the Midwest. For resulting reports regarding these efforts, please see the following website: http://www.matc.unl.edu/research/MwSWZDI/ Status Update: 7/2/02.

No document attached.

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