Complete Streets

General Information
Solicitation Number: 1626
Former Study Number:
Status: Solicitation posted
Date Posted: Oct 02, 2024
Last Updated: Feb 06, 2025
Solicitation Expires: Oct 02, 2025
Partners: IL, PADOT
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution: $25,000.00
Commitment Start Year: 2025
Commitment End Year: 2030
100% SP&R Approval: Approved
Commitments Required: $1,875,000.00
Commitments Received: $250,000.00
Estimated Duration Month: 60
Waiver Requested: Yes
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Douglas Cobb
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Josue Pluguez
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Illinois Department of Transportation 2026 $25,000.00 Marshall Metcalf John Senger 217-782-8582
Illinois Department of Transportation 2027 $25,000.00 Marshall Metcalf John Senger 217-782-8582
Illinois Department of Transportation 2028 $25,000.00 Marshall Metcalf John Senger 217-782-8582
Illinois Department of Transportation 2029 $25,000.00 Marshall Metcalf John Senger 217-782-8582
Illinois Department of Transportation 2030 $25,000.00 Marshall Metcalf John Senger 217-782-8582
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2026 $25,000.00 Robert Pento Evan Zeiders 717-787-8460
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2027 $25,000.00 Robert Pento Evan Zeiders 717-787-8460
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2028 $25,000.00 Robert Pento Evan Zeiders 717-787-8460
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2029 $25,000.00 Robert Pento Evan Zeiders 717-787-8460
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2030 $25,000.00 Robert Pento Evan Zeiders 717-787-8460


Complete Streets is an implementation strategy in which the transportation network is planned, designed, built, operated, and maintained to enable safe mobility within the transportation system, including, but not limited to, pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation users, motorists, and freight vehicle operators.  The Complete Streets (CS) pooled fund will be established to conduct research on innovative strategies to design and implement safe streets through a Complete Streets approach.  


To assemble a consortium composed of State Departments of Transportation; County, regional, local, or tribal transportation agencies; additional interested entities or organizations; and FHWA program offices to meet national needs in support of Complete Streets projects. Activities of the consortium include:

  • Identify planning, roadway design, human factors, safety, and operational issues related to Complete Streets elements and projects;
  • Select new and existing Complete Streets elements and/or projects for evaluation;
  • Initiate and monitor research projects;
  • Disseminate results; and
  • Facilitate collaboration and information sharing among members.

Scope of Work

The following are a few examples, but not limited to, that could be addressed by the CS PFS: 

  • Traffic calming measures (e.g., speed cushions, gateway treatments, self-enforcing roadway designs) to reduce vehicle speeds.
  • Roundabouts and alternative intersections.
  • Active transportation integration with Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridors.
  • Smart signal systems (e.g. pedestrian countdown extensions, pedestrian scrambles, and other signal systems) to promote safe transportation.
  • Intersection and roadway daylighting (e.g. restricted corner parking, curb extensions, and raised intersections) to increase visibility within the transportation system.
  • Bicycle lane designs in various contexts including urban, suburban, and rural intersections and roadway segments.


·    The suggested contribution is $25,000 a year (for 5 years), however different funding contributions are welcome and will be considered on an individual case basis. Please reach out to the lead agency contacts Douglas Cobb and Josue Pluguez for further questions. 

NOTE: The number of state and local participants and funding amounts are for planning purposes and may vary.

·      All new funding commitments will need to be made on the Pooled Fund Website to this new project and all new funds will be transferred to the Lead State/Agency by the partners. The Lead State/Agency will have the responsibility for Receiving, Obligating, Expending, and Balancing the funding for this project.

Subjects: Safety and Human Performance

No document attached.

Complete Streets

General Information
Solicitation Number: 1626
Status: Solicitation posted
Date Posted: Oct 02, 2024
Last Updated: Feb 06, 2025
Solicitation Expires: Oct 02, 2025
Partners: IL, PADOT
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution: $25,000.00
Commitment Start Year: 2025
Commitment End Year: 2030
100% SP&R Approval: Approved
Commitments Required: $1,875,000.00
Commitments Received: $250,000.00
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Douglas Cobb
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Josue Pluguez
Commitments by Organizations
Agency Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Illinois Department of Transportation 2026 $25,000.00 Marshall Metcalf John Senger 217-782-8582
Illinois Department of Transportation 2027 $25,000.00 Marshall Metcalf John Senger 217-782-8582
Illinois Department of Transportation 2028 $25,000.00 Marshall Metcalf John Senger 217-782-8582
Illinois Department of Transportation 2029 $25,000.00 Marshall Metcalf John Senger 217-782-8582
Illinois Department of Transportation 2030 $25,000.00 Marshall Metcalf John Senger 217-782-8582
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2026 $25,000.00 Robert Pento Evan Zeiders 717-787-8460
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2027 $25,000.00 Robert Pento Evan Zeiders 717-787-8460
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2028 $25,000.00 Robert Pento Evan Zeiders 717-787-8460
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2029 $25,000.00 Robert Pento Evan Zeiders 717-787-8460
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2030 $25,000.00 Robert Pento Evan Zeiders 717-787-8460


Complete Streets is an implementation strategy in which the transportation network is planned, designed, built, operated, and maintained to enable safe mobility within the transportation system, including, but not limited to, pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation users, motorists, and freight vehicle operators.  The Complete Streets (CS) pooled fund will be established to conduct research on innovative strategies to design and implement safe streets through a Complete Streets approach.  


To assemble a consortium composed of State Departments of Transportation; County, regional, local, or tribal transportation agencies; additional interested entities or organizations; and FHWA program offices to meet national needs in support of Complete Streets projects. Activities of the consortium include:

  • Identify planning, roadway design, human factors, safety, and operational issues related to Complete Streets elements and projects;
  • Select new and existing Complete Streets elements and/or projects for evaluation;
  • Initiate and monitor research projects;
  • Disseminate results; and
  • Facilitate collaboration and information sharing among members.

Scope of Work

The following are a few examples, but not limited to, that could be addressed by the CS PFS: 

  • Traffic calming measures (e.g., speed cushions, gateway treatments, self-enforcing roadway designs) to reduce vehicle speeds.
  • Roundabouts and alternative intersections.
  • Active transportation integration with Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridors.
  • Smart signal systems (e.g. pedestrian countdown extensions, pedestrian scrambles, and other signal systems) to promote safe transportation.
  • Intersection and roadway daylighting (e.g. restricted corner parking, curb extensions, and raised intersections) to increase visibility within the transportation system.
  • Bicycle lane designs in various contexts including urban, suburban, and rural intersections and roadway segments.


·    The suggested contribution is $25,000 a year (for 5 years), however different funding contributions are welcome and will be considered on an individual case basis. Please reach out to the lead agency contacts Douglas Cobb and Josue Pluguez for further questions. 

NOTE: The number of state and local participants and funding amounts are for planning purposes and may vary.

·      All new funding commitments will need to be made on the Pooled Fund Website to this new project and all new funds will be transferred to the Lead State/Agency by the partners. The Lead State/Agency will have the responsibility for Receiving, Obligating, Expending, and Balancing the funding for this project.

Subjects: Safety and Human Performance

No document attached.

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