Financial Summary |
Suggested Contribution: | |
Commitment Start Year: | 2017 |
Commitment End Year: | 2018 |
100% SP&R Approval: | Approved |
Commitments Required: | $2,000,000.00 |
Commitments Received: | $200,000.00 |
Estimated Duration Month: | |
Waiver Requested: | No |
Contact Information |
Lead Study Contact(s): | Brian Worrel | | |
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): | Larry O'Donnell |
Larry.O' | |
Phone: 708- 283-3502 |
Organization | Year | Commitments | Technical Contact Name | Funding Contact Name | Contact Number | Email Address |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2017 | $100,000.00 | Ahmad Abu-Hawash | Brian Worrel | 515-239-1471 | |
Oregon Department of Transportation | 2017 | $100,000.00 | Corey Withroe | Michael Bufalino | 503-986-2845 | |
With an aging bridge inventory in the United States, State Departments of Transportation, the FHWA and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) have been increasing their efforts on developing effective bridge inspection and preservation programs. These programs are designed to apply various preservation treatments at the optimal time to slow deterioration and the progression of bridges toward major rehabilitation or replacement. Bridge decks represent the largest component of bridge deterioration, and, therefore, offer the greatest opportunity for improved inspection and evaluation methods to assist in achieving optimal benefits from preservation actions. A cost-effective, rapid and accurate assessment of bridge deck condition is needed for agencies to effectively manage their bridge deck preservation programs. FHWA has demonstrated that use of the RABIT bridge deck evaluation device is both accurate and cost-effective tool. A new generation of the RABIT has been designed and could be made available to owner agencies through a pooled fund project to share in the cost of manufacturing and maintaining the device. In addition participants in the Pooled Fund Project can learn from each other and share experiences in how to effectively collect, analyze and interpret NDE results to improve bridge deck management practices.
The proposed Pooled Fund Project would fund the manufacture, maintenance and operation of two RABIT bridge deck evaluation devices. Participating states would share in the use of the devices estimated to be 2 – 3 weeks each year. The devices would be manufactured, maintained and operated by a private company (contractor), which was formed by those involved in the design and development of the RABIT devices currently used by FHWA. The Pooled Fund Panel made up of representatives from the participating states would set up a schedule for use of each of the two devices. The contractor would deliver the device to the participating state at the agreed time and operate the device in cooperation with the participating state to inspect bridge decks during the agreed time frame. Scheduling priorities will take into account weather delays and any equipment malfunctions in future scheduling as agreed by the panel. The contractor will prepare written reports, charts and diagrams showing the NDE results with interpretation of bridge deck conditions. The panel will work with the contractor to assure useful and clear reports, which meet the needs of the participating states are provided.
Task 1: Contractor will prepare detailed design of the new generation RABIT and present the specifications, operational characteristics, cost and expected reporting tool output to the panel. Panel will review and approve manufacture of two devices, as funding allows. Task 2: Contractor will demonstrate the use of the RABIT at an agreed bridge location, process the data and prepare example written reports for panel review. Panel will work with the contractor to set up protocols for data collection, evaluation and reporting. Task 3: Panel will set up a schedule for use of each of the RABIT devices over a two year cycle with each state having use of one device for 2-3 weeks each year. The schedule will be updated each year and managed by a Coordinator who works for the contractor. Task 4: Contractor will deliver the Rabbit according to the schedule, conduct deck inspections as directed by the participating state, develop reports and provide evaluation of results within 4 weeks of each inspection. Each participating state will be responsible for providing the necessary traffic control during inspections. Task 5: Contractor will prepare annual summary reports of the usage, transportation and maintenance cost, production rate, and program evaluation for reporting to the annual panel meeting.
Each partner’s commitment should total $100,000. This commitment may be split into two $50,000 commitments for both 2017 and 2018.
General Information |
Solicitation Number: | 1435 |
Status: | Solicitation withdrawn |
Date Posted: | Jul 07, 2016 |
Last Updated: | May 25, 2018 |
Solicitation Expires: | |
Partners: | IADOT, OR |
Lead Organization: | Iowa Department of Transportation |
Financial Summary |
Suggested Contribution: | |
Commitment Start Year: | 2017 |
Commitment End Year: | 2018 |
100% SP&R Approval: | Approved |
Commitments Required: | $2,000,000.00 |
Commitments Received: | $200,000.00 |
Contact Information |
Lead Study Contact(s): | Brian Worrel | | |
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): | Larry O'Donnell |
Larry.O' | |
Phone: 708- 283-3502 |
Agency | Year | Commitments | Technical Contact Name | Funding Contact Name | Contact Number | Email Address |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2017 | $100,000.00 | Ahmad Abu-Hawash | Brian Worrel | 515-239-1471 | |
Oregon Department of Transportation | 2017 | $100,000.00 | Corey Withroe | Michael Bufalino | 503-986-2845 | |
With an aging bridge inventory in the United States, State Departments of Transportation, the FHWA and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) have been increasing their efforts on developing effective bridge inspection and preservation programs. These programs are designed to apply various preservation treatments at the optimal time to slow deterioration and the progression of bridges toward major rehabilitation or replacement. Bridge decks represent the largest component of bridge deterioration, and, therefore, offer the greatest opportunity for improved inspection and evaluation methods to assist in achieving optimal benefits from preservation actions. A cost-effective, rapid and accurate assessment of bridge deck condition is needed for agencies to effectively manage their bridge deck preservation programs. FHWA has demonstrated that use of the RABIT bridge deck evaluation device is both accurate and cost-effective tool. A new generation of the RABIT has been designed and could be made available to owner agencies through a pooled fund project to share in the cost of manufacturing and maintaining the device. In addition participants in the Pooled Fund Project can learn from each other and share experiences in how to effectively collect, analyze and interpret NDE results to improve bridge deck management practices.
The proposed Pooled Fund Project would fund the manufacture, maintenance and operation of two RABIT bridge deck evaluation devices. Participating states would share in the use of the devices estimated to be 2 – 3 weeks each year. The devices would be manufactured, maintained and operated by a private company (contractor), which was formed by those involved in the design and development of the RABIT devices currently used by FHWA. The Pooled Fund Panel made up of representatives from the participating states would set up a schedule for use of each of the two devices. The contractor would deliver the device to the participating state at the agreed time and operate the device in cooperation with the participating state to inspect bridge decks during the agreed time frame. Scheduling priorities will take into account weather delays and any equipment malfunctions in future scheduling as agreed by the panel. The contractor will prepare written reports, charts and diagrams showing the NDE results with interpretation of bridge deck conditions. The panel will work with the contractor to assure useful and clear reports, which meet the needs of the participating states are provided.
Task 1: Contractor will prepare detailed design of the new generation RABIT and present the specifications, operational characteristics, cost and expected reporting tool output to the panel. Panel will review and approve manufacture of two devices, as funding allows. Task 2: Contractor will demonstrate the use of the RABIT at an agreed bridge location, process the data and prepare example written reports for panel review. Panel will work with the contractor to set up protocols for data collection, evaluation and reporting. Task 3: Panel will set up a schedule for use of each of the RABIT devices over a two year cycle with each state having use of one device for 2-3 weeks each year. The schedule will be updated each year and managed by a Coordinator who works for the contractor. Task 4: Contractor will deliver the Rabbit according to the schedule, conduct deck inspections as directed by the participating state, develop reports and provide evaluation of results within 4 weeks of each inspection. Each participating state will be responsible for providing the necessary traffic control during inspections. Task 5: Contractor will prepare annual summary reports of the usage, transportation and maintenance cost, production rate, and program evaluation for reporting to the annual panel meeting.
Each partner’s commitment should total $100,000. This commitment may be split into two $50,000 commitments for both 2017 and 2018.
Title | Type | Private |
Waiver Approval | Memorandum | N |