Financial Summary |
Suggested Contribution: | |
Commitment Start Year: | 2001 |
Commitment End Year: | 2002 |
100% SP&R Approval: | Not Requested |
Commitments Required: | $350,000.00 |
Commitments Received: | $30,000.00 |
Estimated Duration Month: | 24 |
Waiver Requested: | No |
Contact Information |
Lead Study Contact(s): | Jean Landolt | | |
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): | Peter Kopac | | |
Phone: 202- 493-3151 |
Organization | Year | Commitments | Technical Contact Name | Funding Contact Name | Contact Number | Email Address |
Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities | 0 | $0.00 | ||||
Wisconsin Department of Transportation | 2001 | $30,000.00 | Mike Sproul | Lori Richter | 608-264-8435 | |
With a strong correlation between tire pressure and load damage of flexible pavements, this study will attempt to quantify the reduction in pavement damage achievable by requiring lower truck tire pressure.
Active. Project has been expanded beyond the original tasks to included other goals and additional states. Preliminary report has been disseminated and is available. (2/7/02)
No document attached.
General Information |
Solicitation Number: | 142 |
Status: | End Solicitation Phase |
Date Posted: | Jul 01, 2002 |
Last Updated: | Aug 20, 2003 |
Solicitation Expires: | |
Partners: | AK, WI |
Lead Organization: | Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities |
Financial Summary |
Suggested Contribution: | |
Commitment Start Year: | 2001 |
Commitment End Year: | 2002 |
100% SP&R Approval: | Not Requested |
Commitments Required: | $350,000.00 |
Commitments Received: | $30,000.00 |
Contact Information |
Lead Study Contact(s): | Jean Landolt | | |
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): | Peter Kopac | | |
Phone: 202- 493-3151 |
Agency | Year | Commitments | Technical Contact Name | Funding Contact Name | Contact Number | Email Address |
Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities | 0 | $0.00 | ||||
Wisconsin Department of Transportation | 2001 | $30,000.00 | Mike Sproul | Lori Richter | 608-264-8435 | |
With a strong correlation between tire pressure and load damage of flexible pavements, this study will attempt to quantify the reduction in pavement damage achievable by requiring lower truck tire pressure.
Active. Project has been expanded beyond the original tasks to included other goals and additional states. Preliminary report has been disseminated and is available. (2/7/02)