Innovative Transportation Technologies Exchange

General Information
Solicitation Number: 1356
Former Study Number:
Status: Solicitation withdrawn
Date Posted: Jul 12, 2013
Last Updated: Nov 19, 2013
Solicitation Expires: Jul 12, 2014
Partners: UT
Lead Organization: Utah Department of Transportation
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 2013
Commitment End Year: 2015
100% SP&R Approval: Not Requested
Commitments Required: $100,000.00
Commitments Received: $25,000.00
Estimated Duration Month: 24
Waiver Requested: No
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): David Stevens
Study Champion(s): David Stevens
Phone: 801-589-8340
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Utah Department of Transportation 2014 $12,500.00 David Stevens Daniel Hsiao 801-386-4929
Utah Department of Transportation 2015 $12,500.00 David Stevens Daniel Hsiao 801-386-4929


**This effort is meant to assist state DOT research branches with Technology Transfer to and from experts in their DOT's technical divisions.** Technology and innovative practices are creating increasingly rapid change in the transportation industry. The transportation industry is quickly transforming in pace with other advanced industries; and technology is a key driver of this change. MAP-21 legislation has sparked new requirements and guidelines for state departments of transportation. States are continuously developing innovative practices, tools, materials, and designs to meet the challenges of change and budget constraints. Sharing innovations is a powerful method to ensure efficient investment of transportation funds at the state and federal level and to accelerate project delivery. States that become members of this initiative will share what they are deploying, and learn what other states, universities and vendors are accomplishing through presentations by subject area experts.


1. Accelerate project delivery by incorporating and building on innovations developed and deployed in other states. 2. Ensure efficient investment of funds by sharing innovations and best practices. 3. Assist state DOT research branches with Technology Transfer to and from experts in their DOT's technical divisions.

Scope of Work

1. Obtain participation of five or more state DOTs. 2. Set innovation topics for first five bi-monthly meetings of two year process. 3. Topic areas to be considered include (among others): - 4D and 5D data for transportation, - data storage in the cloud ‘best practices’, - mobile lidar data collection, - innovative intersections, - alternate fuel vehicles, - data harvesting, - new bridge materials, - embedded data collectors, and - GIS tools for planning. 4. Find subject matter experts to present valuable information to participants. 5. Develop and post agenda and calendar for innovation sharing discussions. 6. Moderate each event to stimulate active discussion, record key information and disseminate to network members. 7. Each year of this two-year project will include five virtual meetings. One of the two years will include one in-person meeting.


Each member state will be asked to contribute a minimum of $10,000 per year for two years with a minimum combined contribution of $100,000 for participating states. This level of contribution will enable the member state to participate in approximately five virtual meetings per year and for two people from each member state to participate in one in-person meeting during one of the two years. Funds on this project will go toward supporting a consultant facilitator, report preparation and dissemination, and limited travel for meetings.

No document attached.

Innovative Transportation Technologies Exchange

General Information
Solicitation Number: 1356
Status: Solicitation withdrawn
Date Posted: Jul 12, 2013
Last Updated: Nov 19, 2013
Solicitation Expires: Jul 12, 2014
Partners: UT
Lead Organization: Utah Department of Transportation
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 2013
Commitment End Year: 2015
100% SP&R Approval: Not Requested
Commitments Required: $100,000.00
Commitments Received: $25,000.00
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): David Stevens
Commitments by Organizations
Agency Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Utah Department of Transportation 2014 $12,500.00 David Stevens Daniel Hsiao 801-386-4929
Utah Department of Transportation 2015 $12,500.00 David Stevens Daniel Hsiao 801-386-4929


**This effort is meant to assist state DOT research branches with Technology Transfer to and from experts in their DOT's technical divisions.** Technology and innovative practices are creating increasingly rapid change in the transportation industry. The transportation industry is quickly transforming in pace with other advanced industries; and technology is a key driver of this change. MAP-21 legislation has sparked new requirements and guidelines for state departments of transportation. States are continuously developing innovative practices, tools, materials, and designs to meet the challenges of change and budget constraints. Sharing innovations is a powerful method to ensure efficient investment of transportation funds at the state and federal level and to accelerate project delivery. States that become members of this initiative will share what they are deploying, and learn what other states, universities and vendors are accomplishing through presentations by subject area experts.


1. Accelerate project delivery by incorporating and building on innovations developed and deployed in other states. 2. Ensure efficient investment of funds by sharing innovations and best practices. 3. Assist state DOT research branches with Technology Transfer to and from experts in their DOT's technical divisions.

Scope of Work

1. Obtain participation of five or more state DOTs. 2. Set innovation topics for first five bi-monthly meetings of two year process. 3. Topic areas to be considered include (among others): - 4D and 5D data for transportation, - data storage in the cloud ‘best practices’, - mobile lidar data collection, - innovative intersections, - alternate fuel vehicles, - data harvesting, - new bridge materials, - embedded data collectors, and - GIS tools for planning. 4. Find subject matter experts to present valuable information to participants. 5. Develop and post agenda and calendar for innovation sharing discussions. 6. Moderate each event to stimulate active discussion, record key information and disseminate to network members. 7. Each year of this two-year project will include five virtual meetings. One of the two years will include one in-person meeting.


Each member state will be asked to contribute a minimum of $10,000 per year for two years with a minimum combined contribution of $100,000 for participating states. This level of contribution will enable the member state to participate in approximately five virtual meetings per year and for two people from each member state to participate in one in-person meeting during one of the two years. Funds on this project will go toward supporting a consultant facilitator, report preparation and dissemination, and limited travel for meetings.

No document attached.

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