Mid-Atlantic Region Technician Certification Program

General Information
Solicitation Number: 135
Former Study Number:
Status: End Solicitation Phase
Date Posted: Jul 01, 2002
Last Updated: Nov 02, 2011
Solicitation Expires:
Lead Organization: Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 2001
Commitment End Year: 2003
100% SP&R Approval: Not Requested
Commitments Required: $0.00
Commitments Received: $25,200.00
Estimated Duration Month:
Waiver Requested: No
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Allison Hardt
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Delaware Department of Transportation 2002 $0.00 Joseph Cantalupo 302-760-2112 jcantalupo@mail.dot.state.de.us
Delaware Department of Transportation 2003 $0.00 Joseph Cantalupo 302-760-2112 jcantalupo@mail.dot.state.de.us
District of Columbia Department of Transportation 2002 $0.00 Mesfin Lakew mesfin.lakew@dc.gov
District of Columbia Department of Transportation 2003 $0.00 Mesfin Lakew mesfin.lakew@dc.gov
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 2001 $12,600.00 Woodrow Hood Allison Hardt 410-545-2916 ahardt@mdot.maryland.gov
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 2002 $12,600.00 Woodrow Hood Allison Hardt 410-545-2916 ahardt@mdot.maryland.gov
New Jersey Department of Transportation 2002 $0.00 Edward Kondrath 609-530-2058 Ed.Kondrath@dot.state.nj.us
New Jersey Department of Transportation 2003 $0.00 Edward Kondrath 609-530-2058 Ed.Kondrath@dot.state.nj.us
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2002 $0.00
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2003 $0.00
Virginia Department of Transportation 2002 $0.00 Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934 Bill.Kelsh@VDOT.Virginia.gov
Virginia Department of Transportation 2003 $0.00 Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934 Bill.Kelsh@VDOT.Virginia.gov
West Virginia Department of Transportation 2002 $0.00 Robert Euler robert.euler@wv.dot
West Virginia Department of Transportation 2003 $0.00 Robert Euler robert.euler@wv.dot


This project will develop standardized training and certification programs in concrete, soils, and aggregates, Hot Mix Asphalt, Pavement Markings and other areas where efficiency can be achieved. (updated 7/7/01)


Study has been established and will be initiated when adequate funding commitments have been received. (updated 7/7/01)

No document attached.

Mid-Atlantic Region Technician Certification Program

General Information
Solicitation Number: 135
Status: End Solicitation Phase
Date Posted: Jul 01, 2002
Last Updated: Nov 02, 2011
Solicitation Expires:
Lead Organization: Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 2001
Commitment End Year: 2003
100% SP&R Approval: Not Requested
Commitments Required: $0.00
Commitments Received: $25,200.00
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Allison Hardt
Commitments by Organizations
Agency Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Delaware Department of Transportation 2002 $0.00 Joseph Cantalupo 302-760-2112 jcantalupo@mail.dot.state.de.us
Delaware Department of Transportation 2003 $0.00 Joseph Cantalupo 302-760-2112 jcantalupo@mail.dot.state.de.us
District of Columbia Department of Transportation 2002 $0.00 Mesfin Lakew mesfin.lakew@dc.gov
District of Columbia Department of Transportation 2003 $0.00 Mesfin Lakew mesfin.lakew@dc.gov
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 2001 $12,600.00 Woodrow Hood Allison Hardt 410-545-2916 ahardt@mdot.maryland.gov
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 2002 $12,600.00 Woodrow Hood Allison Hardt 410-545-2916 ahardt@mdot.maryland.gov
New Jersey Department of Transportation 2002 $0.00 Edward Kondrath 609-530-2058 Ed.Kondrath@dot.state.nj.us
New Jersey Department of Transportation 2003 $0.00 Edward Kondrath 609-530-2058 Ed.Kondrath@dot.state.nj.us
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2002 $0.00
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2003 $0.00
Virginia Department of Transportation 2002 $0.00 Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934 Bill.Kelsh@VDOT.Virginia.gov
Virginia Department of Transportation 2003 $0.00 Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934 Bill.Kelsh@VDOT.Virginia.gov
West Virginia Department of Transportation 2002 $0.00 Robert Euler robert.euler@wv.dot
West Virginia Department of Transportation 2003 $0.00 Robert Euler robert.euler@wv.dot


This project will develop standardized training and certification programs in concrete, soils, and aggregates, Hot Mix Asphalt, Pavement Markings and other areas where efficiency can be achieved. (updated 7/7/01)


Study has been established and will be initiated when adequate funding commitments have been received. (updated 7/7/01)

No document attached.

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