Transportation Pooled Fund Program Web-Based Training

General Information
Solicitation Number: 1308
Former Study Number:
Status: Solicitation withdrawn
Date Posted: Jun 09, 2011
Last Updated: Mar 09, 2012
Solicitation Expires: Jan 01, 2012
Partners: CA, GADOT, KS, OH, OK, PADOT, TX
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 2011
Commitment End Year: 2012
100% SP&R Approval: Pending Approval
Commitments Required: $100,000.00
Commitments Received: $35,000.00
Estimated Duration Month: 12
Waiver Requested: No
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): David Pamplin
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): David Pamplin
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
California Department of Transportation 2012 $5,000.00 Robert Buendia 916-227-2578
Georgia Department of Transportation 2012 $5,000.00 Supriya Kamatkar Supriya Kamatkar 404-347-0552
Kansas Department of Transportation 2012 $5,000.00 David Behzadpour 785-291-3847
Ohio Department of Transportation 2012 $5,000.00 Jill Martindale Jill Martindale 6146448173
Oklahoma Transportation 2012 $5,000.00 Beckie Lyons Ginger McGovern 405- 522-1447
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2012 $5,000.00 Michael Bonini Bonnie Fields 717-214-8686
Texas Department of Transportation 2012 $5,000.00 Ned Mattila Ned Mattila 512-416-4727


The Transportation Pooled Fund (TPF) Program has existed for more than 20 years. It is a popular means for State Department of Transportation (DOT), commercial entities, and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) program offices to combine resources and achieve common research goals. Pooling resources reduces marginal costs, and provides efficient use of taxpayer dollars. It also provides greater benefits to participating interests as compared to individual entities conducting or contracting for research on their own. The program was developed through ad hoc processes until 1999 when the FHWA led a workshop to re-engineer the TPF Program. This led to the development of standard program management procedures, including the use of a TPF website for managing project information, and the presentation of quarterly Program webinars for the purpose of information sharing.


The Transportation Pooled Fund Program (TPF) is a great way to leverage funds but has been plagued with a history of problems (i.e. inconsistent procedures, which has led to a high error rate with regard to the funding process). The threat in ignoring this problem is the lack of program participation due to the complexity of its process. The objective of this pooled fund study is to develop web-based training that increases the user's understanding of the TPF Program; enhance the user's overall confidence in the program; and for the TPF Program to be seen as a viable funding source for potential program partners across the Nation.

Scope of Work

A mix of FHWA and State partners who have a working knowledge of the TPF Program and its process were invited to serve on a task force whose purpose was to develop the outline of the TPF Program Web-Based Training. It is envisioned that work on the proposed project would be funded via an FHWA-led pooled fund. The target launch of the web-based training is June 2012. The project's Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) will be comprised of a representative from each participating organization. The TAC members will be informed as the progress of the project via quarterly progress reports. Additionally, the TAC members will be invited to participate in the Beta testing phase of the web-based training's development. Subsequent meetings with the TAC will be held via conference calls. The outline for the web-based training is as follows: Module 1 - Introduction: This module will provide an introduction to the TPF Program, which includes clarification of the TPF Program's purpose, eligibility requirements, an overview of the TPF Program Website, as well as a glossary of frequently used terms. - Myths within the TPF Program - Eligibility o Lead Agency (State or FHWA) o Participating Organizations (including private sector and foreign governments) - TPF Website - Glossary of Terms Module 2 - Project Initiation: Details the process to establish a pooled fund project, including posting a project solicitation, expressing interest in participating in a project via a funding commitment, and preparing the acceptance memo to receive the funds. This module will also, review the issues to consider when choosing to advance the project when the required level of funding has not been received. - Project Solicitation o Assignment of Solicitation Number o SP&R Waiver Request - Funding Commitment - Sufficient Commitments Received - Assignment of Study Number o Study Number Sequence (TPF-5[XXX]) o TPF Project Number vs. NCHRP Number; they are not one in the same. - Acceptance Memo Module 3 - Funding Transfers: Provides an overview of the funding transfer process, including a review of the transfer forms FHWA-1575 and FHWA 1576. This module will provide detailed steps regarding how to complete the required form and who should be notified once the form has been processed. Details will be provided as to how funding can be transferred between FHWA Program Offices via the "Authority to Obligate Memo." The module will also include an overview of the payment mechanism,, and detail the steps to contribute non-Federal funding to an FHWA-led project. - Transfer Form o FHWA-1575 (State-to-State Transfer) o FHWA-1576 (State-to-FHWA Transfer) o E-mail distribution for notification o Excel Funding Transfer Spreadsheet - - Authority to Obligate Memo (Transfer of Funding Between FHWA Program Offices) Module 4 - Project Management: Provides an overview of the process to properly manage a pooled fund project. This module will detail how to establish the project's Technical Advisory Committee. Additionally, the module will review the Program's quarterly reporting requirement, including the mandated reporting format. - Technical Advisory Committee - Quarterly Reporting - Status of Projects o Cleared by FHWA o Objectives Fulfilled Module 5 - Project Closeout: Provides an overview of the process for formally closing a pooled fund project. This module will provide detailed steps to initiate the close out process, including updating the status of the project, developing the closeout memo and completing the funding transfer form to return any remaining funds to the project partner. o Update Status of Project (Objectives Fulfilled) o Funding Reconciliation o Develop Closeout Memo - Sample with Language o Return Remaining Funds to Project Partners - Complete the Funding Transfer Form


A total of 20 partners are required, at a cost of $5,000 per partner for one fiscal year.

No document attached.

Transportation Pooled Fund Program Web-Based Training

General Information
Solicitation Number: 1308
Status: Solicitation withdrawn
Date Posted: Jun 09, 2011
Last Updated: Mar 09, 2012
Solicitation Expires: Jan 01, 2012
Partners: CA, GADOT, KS, OH, OK, PADOT, TX
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 2011
Commitment End Year: 2012
100% SP&R Approval: Pending Approval
Commitments Required: $100,000.00
Commitments Received: $35,000.00
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): David Pamplin
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): David Pamplin
Commitments by Organizations
Agency Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
California Department of Transportation 2012 $5,000.00 Robert Buendia 916-227-2578
Georgia Department of Transportation 2012 $5,000.00 Supriya Kamatkar Supriya Kamatkar 404-347-0552
Kansas Department of Transportation 2012 $5,000.00 David Behzadpour 785-291-3847
Ohio Department of Transportation 2012 $5,000.00 Jill Martindale Jill Martindale 6146448173
Oklahoma Transportation 2012 $5,000.00 Beckie Lyons Ginger McGovern 405- 522-1447
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2012 $5,000.00 Michael Bonini Bonnie Fields 717-214-8686
Texas Department of Transportation 2012 $5,000.00 Ned Mattila Ned Mattila 512-416-4727


The Transportation Pooled Fund (TPF) Program has existed for more than 20 years. It is a popular means for State Department of Transportation (DOT), commercial entities, and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) program offices to combine resources and achieve common research goals. Pooling resources reduces marginal costs, and provides efficient use of taxpayer dollars. It also provides greater benefits to participating interests as compared to individual entities conducting or contracting for research on their own. The program was developed through ad hoc processes until 1999 when the FHWA led a workshop to re-engineer the TPF Program. This led to the development of standard program management procedures, including the use of a TPF website for managing project information, and the presentation of quarterly Program webinars for the purpose of information sharing.


The Transportation Pooled Fund Program (TPF) is a great way to leverage funds but has been plagued with a history of problems (i.e. inconsistent procedures, which has led to a high error rate with regard to the funding process). The threat in ignoring this problem is the lack of program participation due to the complexity of its process. The objective of this pooled fund study is to develop web-based training that increases the user's understanding of the TPF Program; enhance the user's overall confidence in the program; and for the TPF Program to be seen as a viable funding source for potential program partners across the Nation.

Scope of Work

A mix of FHWA and State partners who have a working knowledge of the TPF Program and its process were invited to serve on a task force whose purpose was to develop the outline of the TPF Program Web-Based Training. It is envisioned that work on the proposed project would be funded via an FHWA-led pooled fund. The target launch of the web-based training is June 2012. The project's Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) will be comprised of a representative from each participating organization. The TAC members will be informed as the progress of the project via quarterly progress reports. Additionally, the TAC members will be invited to participate in the Beta testing phase of the web-based training's development. Subsequent meetings with the TAC will be held via conference calls. The outline for the web-based training is as follows: Module 1 - Introduction: This module will provide an introduction to the TPF Program, which includes clarification of the TPF Program's purpose, eligibility requirements, an overview of the TPF Program Website, as well as a glossary of frequently used terms. - Myths within the TPF Program - Eligibility o Lead Agency (State or FHWA) o Participating Organizations (including private sector and foreign governments) - TPF Website - Glossary of Terms Module 2 - Project Initiation: Details the process to establish a pooled fund project, including posting a project solicitation, expressing interest in participating in a project via a funding commitment, and preparing the acceptance memo to receive the funds. This module will also, review the issues to consider when choosing to advance the project when the required level of funding has not been received. - Project Solicitation o Assignment of Solicitation Number o SP&R Waiver Request - Funding Commitment - Sufficient Commitments Received - Assignment of Study Number o Study Number Sequence (TPF-5[XXX]) o TPF Project Number vs. NCHRP Number; they are not one in the same. - Acceptance Memo Module 3 - Funding Transfers: Provides an overview of the funding transfer process, including a review of the transfer forms FHWA-1575 and FHWA 1576. This module will provide detailed steps regarding how to complete the required form and who should be notified once the form has been processed. Details will be provided as to how funding can be transferred between FHWA Program Offices via the "Authority to Obligate Memo." The module will also include an overview of the payment mechanism,, and detail the steps to contribute non-Federal funding to an FHWA-led project. - Transfer Form o FHWA-1575 (State-to-State Transfer) o FHWA-1576 (State-to-FHWA Transfer) o E-mail distribution for notification o Excel Funding Transfer Spreadsheet - - Authority to Obligate Memo (Transfer of Funding Between FHWA Program Offices) Module 4 - Project Management: Provides an overview of the process to properly manage a pooled fund project. This module will detail how to establish the project's Technical Advisory Committee. Additionally, the module will review the Program's quarterly reporting requirement, including the mandated reporting format. - Technical Advisory Committee - Quarterly Reporting - Status of Projects o Cleared by FHWA o Objectives Fulfilled Module 5 - Project Closeout: Provides an overview of the process for formally closing a pooled fund project. This module will provide detailed steps to initiate the close out process, including updating the status of the project, developing the closeout memo and completing the funding transfer form to return any remaining funds to the project partner. o Update Status of Project (Objectives Fulfilled) o Funding Reconciliation o Develop Closeout Memo - Sample with Language o Return Remaining Funds to Project Partners - Complete the Funding Transfer Form


A total of 20 partners are required, at a cost of $5,000 per partner for one fiscal year.

No document attached.

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