Highway Safety Manual Implementation

General Information
Solicitation Number: 1301
Former Study Number:
Status: End Solicitation Phase
Date Posted: Mar 07, 2011
Last Updated: Jul 31, 2023
Solicitation Expires: Sep 30, 2011
Partners: Louisiana Transportation Research Center, CA, CT, ID, IL, KS, KY, LA, MI, MO, MS, NC, NJ, NV, OH, OK, OR, PADOT, TX, UT, WA, WI, WV
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 2011
Commitment End Year: 2022
100% SP&R Approval: Approved
Commitments Required: $1,500,000.00
Commitments Received: $1,595,000.00
Estimated Duration Month: 132
Waiver Requested: No
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Esther Strawder
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Esther Strawder
Phone: 202-366-6836
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
California Department of Transportation 2012 $20,000.00 Craig Copelan Sang Le (916)701-3998 sang.le@dot.ca.gov
California Department of Transportation 2013 $20,000.00 Craig Copelan Sang Le (916)701-3998 sang.le@dot.ca.gov
California Department of Transportation 2014 $20,000.00 Craig Copelan Sang Le (916)701-3998 sang.le@dot.ca.gov
California Department of Transportation 2015 $20,000.00 Craig Copelan Sang Le (916)701-3998 sang.le@dot.ca.gov
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2019 $10,000.00 Stephen Bruno Melanie Zimyeski (860)594-2144 Melanie.Zimyeski@ct.gov
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2020 $10,000.00 Stephen Bruno Melanie Zimyeski (860)594-2144 Melanie.Zimyeski@ct.gov
Idaho Department of Transportation 2012 $20,000.00 John Tomlinson Amanda Laib 208-334-8181 amanda.laib@itd.idaho.gov
Idaho Department of Transportation 2013 $30,000.00 John Tomlinson Amanda Laib 208-334-8181 amanda.laib@itd.idaho.gov
Idaho Department of Transportation 2014 $30,000.00 John Tomlinson Amanda Laib 208-334-8181 amanda.laib@itd.idaho.gov
Illinois Department of Transportation 2011 $20,000.00 Martha Brown Megan Swanson 217-782-3547 Megan.Swanson@illinois.gov
Illinois Department of Transportation 2012 $20,000.00 Martha Brown Megan Swanson 217-782-3547 Megan.Swanson@illinois.gov
Illinois Department of Transportation 2013 $20,000.00 Martha Brown Megan Swanson 217-782-3547 Megan.Swanson@illinois.gov
Illinois Department of Transportation 2014 $20,000.00 Martha Brown Megan Swanson 217-782-3547 Megan.Swanson@illinois.gov
Kansas Department of Transportation 2012 $20,000.00 Howard Lubiner Rodney Montney 785-291-3844 rodney@ksdot.org
Kansas Department of Transportation 2013 $20,000.00 Howard Lubiner Rodney Montney 785-291-3844 rodney@ksdot.org
Kansas Department of Transportation 2014 $20,000.00 Howard Lubiner Rodney Montney 785-291-3844 rodney@ksdot.org
Kansas Department of Transportation 2015 $20,000.00 Howard Lubiner Rodney Montney 785-291-3844 rodney@ksdot.org
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet $0.00 Deanna Mills Jarrod Stanley (502) 782-4090 jarrod.stanley@ky.gov
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 2012 $20,000.00 Dan Magri Tyson Rupnow tyson.rupnow@la.gov
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 2013 $20,000.00 Dan Magri Tyson Rupnow tyson.rupnow@la.gov
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 2014 $20,000.00 Dan Magri Tyson Rupnow tyson.rupnow@la.gov
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 2015 $20,000.00 Dan Magri Tyson Rupnow tyson.rupnow@la.gov
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 2016 $20,000.00 Dan Magri Tyson Rupnow tyson.rupnow@la.gov
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 2022 $20,000.00 Dan Magri Tyson Rupnow tyson.rupnow@la.gov
Louisiana Transportation Research Center 2012 $20,000.00 Mark Morvant Mark Morvant 225-767-9124 Mark.Morvant@LA.GOV
Louisiana Transportation Research Center 2013 $20,000.00 Mark Morvant Mark Morvant 225-767-9124 Mark.Morvant@LA.GOV
Louisiana Transportation Research Center 2014 $20,000.00 Mark Morvant Mark Morvant 225-767-9124 Mark.Morvant@LA.GOV
Louisiana Transportation Research Center 2015 $20,000.00 Mark Morvant Mark Morvant 225-767-9124 Mark.Morvant@LA.GOV
Michigan Department of Transportation 2016 $20,000.00 Garrett Dawe Andre' Clover 517-749-9001 clovera@michigan.gov
Michigan Department of Transportation 2017 $20,000.00 Garrett Dawe Andre' Clover 517-749-9001 clovera@michigan.gov
Michigan Department of Transportation 2018 $20,000.00 Garrett Dawe Andre' Clover 517-749-9001 clovera@michigan.gov
Michigan Department of Transportation 2019 $20,000.00 Garrett Dawe Andre' Clover 517-749-9001 clovera@michigan.gov
Michigan Department of Transportation 2020 $20,000.00 Garrett Dawe Andre' Clover 517-749-9001 clovera@michigan.gov
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2012 $20,000.00 Brian Hovanec Robert Vance RVance@mdot.ms.gov
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2016 $20,000.00 Brian Hovanec Robert Vance RVance@mdot.ms.gov
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2017 $20,000.00 Brian Hovanec Robert Vance RVance@mdot.ms.gov
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2018 $20,000.00 Brian Hovanec Robert Vance RVance@mdot.ms.gov
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2019 $20,000.00 Brian Hovanec Robert Vance RVance@mdot.ms.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2011 $20,000.00 Katy Harlan Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2012 $20,000.00 Katy Harlan Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2013 $20,000.00 Katy Harlan Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2014 $20,000.00 Katy Harlan Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2015 $20,000.00 Katy Harlan Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2016 $20,000.00 Katy Harlan Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2017 $20,000.00 Katy Harlan Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2018 $20,000.00 Katy Harlan Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2019 $20,000.00 Katy Harlan Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2020 $20,000.00 Katy Harlan Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Nevada Department of Transportation 2014 $20,000.00 Chuck Reider Ken Chambers (775) 888-7220 kchambers@dot.state.nv.us
New Jersey Department of Transportation $0.00
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2011 $20,000.00 Daniel Carter Curtis Bradley 919-707-6661 cbradley8@ncdot.gov
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2012 $20,000.00 Daniel Carter Curtis Bradley 919-707-6661 cbradley8@ncdot.gov
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2013 $20,000.00 Daniel Carter Curtis Bradley 919-707-6661 cbradley8@ncdot.gov
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2014 $20,000.00 Daniel Carter Curtis Bradley 919-707-6661 cbradley8@ncdot.gov
Ohio Department of Transportation 2011 $20,000.00 Derek Troyer General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Ohio Department of Transportation 2012 $20,000.00 Derek Troyer General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Ohio Department of Transportation 2013 $20,000.00 Derek Troyer General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Ohio Department of Transportation 2014 $20,000.00 Derek Troyer General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Oklahoma Transportation 2012 $25,000.00 Marty Farris Beckie Lyons blyons@odot.org
Oklahoma Transportation 2013 $25,000.00 Marty Farris Beckie Lyons blyons@odot.org
Oklahoma Transportation 2014 $25,000.00 Marty Farris Beckie Lyons blyons@odot.org
Oregon Department of Transportation 2012 $20,000.00 Kevin Haas Doug Bish 503.986.3594 Douglas.W.BISH@odot.state.or.us
Oregon Department of Transportation 2013 $20,000.00 Kevin Haas Doug Bish 503.986.3594 Douglas.W.BISH@odot.state.or.us
Oregon Department of Transportation 2014 $20,000.00 Kevin Haas Doug Bish 503.986.3594 Douglas.W.BISH@odot.state.or.us
Oregon Department of Transportation 2015 $20,000.00 Kevin Haas Doug Bish 503.986.3594 Douglas.W.BISH@odot.state.or.us
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2011 $20,000.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2012 $20,000.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2013 $20,000.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2014 $20,000.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2018 $0.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Texas Department of Transportation 2019 $20,000.00 Khalid Jamil Ned Mattila 512-416-4727 ned.mattila@txdot.gov
Utah Department of Transportation 2016 $20,000.00 Jeff Lewis David Stevens 801-589-8340 davidstevens@utah.gov
Utah Department of Transportation 2017 $20,000.00 Jeff Lewis David Stevens 801-589-8340 davidstevens@utah.gov
Utah Department of Transportation 2018 $20,000.00 Jeff Lewis David Stevens 801-589-8340 davidstevens@utah.gov
Utah Department of Transportation 2019 $20,000.00 Jeff Lewis David Stevens 801-589-8340 davidstevens@utah.gov
Washington State Department of Transportation 2011 $10,000.00 Ida van Schalkwyk Ida van Schalkwyk 360-705-7119 vanschi@wsdot.wa.gov
Washington State Department of Transportation 2012 $10,000.00 Ida van Schalkwyk Ida van Schalkwyk 360-705-7119 vanschi@wsdot.wa.gov
Washington State Department of Transportation 2013 $10,000.00 Ida van Schalkwyk Ida van Schalkwyk 360-705-7119 vanschi@wsdot.wa.gov
West Virginia Department of Transportation 2011 $20,000.00 Donna Hardy Donna Hardy (304) 558-9594 Donna.J.Hardy@wv.gov
West Virginia Department of Transportation 2012 $20,000.00 Donna Hardy Donna Hardy (304) 558-9594 Donna.J.Hardy@wv.gov
West Virginia Department of Transportation 2013 $20,000.00 Donna Hardy Donna Hardy (304) 558-9594 Donna.J.Hardy@wv.gov
West Virginia Department of Transportation 2014 $20,000.00 Donna Hardy Donna Hardy (304) 558-9594 Donna.J.Hardy@wv.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2012 $10,000.00 Kevin Scopoline Evelyn Bromberg 608-267-7360 evelyn.bromberg@dot.wi.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2013 $10,000.00 Kevin Scopoline Evelyn Bromberg 608-267-7360 evelyn.bromberg@dot.wi.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2014 $10,000.00 Kevin Scopoline Evelyn Bromberg 608-267-7360 evelyn.bromberg@dot.wi.gov


The Highway Safety Manual (2010), 1st Edition, was published by AASHTO in 2010. The HSM provides the best factual information and tools in a useful form to facilitate roadway planning, design, operations, and maintenance decisions based on precise consideration of their safety consequences. The primary focus of the HSM is the introduction and development of analytical tools for predicting the impact of transportation project and program decisions on road safety. The AASHTO Standing Committee on Highway Traffic Safety has established a goal to ¿institutionalize the AASHTO Highway Safety Manual (HSM) and its associated analytical tools to make data-driven decisions, advance the science of safety, and to ultimately reduce fatalities and serious injuries. One proposed action in support of that goal is to establish and maintain an HSM Implementation Transportation Pooled-Fund Study.


The objectives of the study are (1) to advance ongoing efforts by lead states to implement the HSM, and (2) to expand implementation to all states. This study would be coordinated with other ongoing and planned implementation activities sponsored by AASHTO, FHWA, and TRB, including NCHRP Project 17-50 "Lead States Initiative for Implementing the Highway Safety Manual." It will also be coordinated with projects that develop content for future editions of the HSM including NCHRP Project 17-45 "Enhanced Safety Prediction Methodology and Analysis Tool for Freeways and Interchanges," NCHRP Project 17-54 "Consideration of Roadside Features in the Highway Safety Manual," and Transportation Pooled-Fund Study TPF-5(099) "Evaluation of Low Cost Safety Improvements."

Scope of Work

This study would conduct research tasks and develop products that would enable States to accelerate their implementation of the HSM. The specific tasks and products would be identified and prioritized by a Technical Working Group consisting of one representative each from participating agencies. Specific tasks may include: (1) developing a calibration manual to accompany the HSM that provides practical advice and examples on how best to adapt HSM calibration procedures to meet the needs of a particular agency, (2) developing technical guidance for agencies on developing safety performance functions, and (3) developing guidance for agencies on assembling and managing the data needed for safety analyses. The study would also facilitate Technical Working Group representatives participation in peer exchanges and other forums through which agencies can exchange information, best practices, lessons learned, and remaining challenges in implementing the HSM appropriately into agencies¿ system planning, project planning and preliminary engineering, design and construction, and operations and maintenance procedures and processes. These exchanges would feed an annual process through which the Technical Working Group identifies and prioritizes future tasks to be conducted under the study.


A minimum participation level of 10 States is requested. The recommended level of contribution is $20,000 per year per agency for each of 4 years.

No document attached.

Highway Safety Manual Implementation

General Information
Solicitation Number: 1301
Status: End Solicitation Phase
Date Posted: Mar 07, 2011
Last Updated: Jul 31, 2023
Solicitation Expires: Sep 30, 2011
Partners: Louisiana Transportation Research Center, CA, CT, ID, IL, KS, KY, LA, MI, MO, MS, NC, NJ, NV, OH, OK, OR, PADOT, TX, UT, WA, WI, WV
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 2011
Commitment End Year: 2022
100% SP&R Approval: Approved
Commitments Required: $1,500,000.00
Commitments Received: $1,595,000.00
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Esther Strawder
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Esther Strawder
Phone: 202-366-6836
Commitments by Organizations
Agency Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
California Department of Transportation 2012 $20,000.00 Craig Copelan Sang Le (916)701-3998 sang.le@dot.ca.gov
California Department of Transportation 2013 $20,000.00 Craig Copelan Sang Le (916)701-3998 sang.le@dot.ca.gov
California Department of Transportation 2014 $20,000.00 Craig Copelan Sang Le (916)701-3998 sang.le@dot.ca.gov
California Department of Transportation 2015 $20,000.00 Craig Copelan Sang Le (916)701-3998 sang.le@dot.ca.gov
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2019 $10,000.00 Stephen Bruno Melanie Zimyeski (860)594-2144 Melanie.Zimyeski@ct.gov
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2020 $10,000.00 Stephen Bruno Melanie Zimyeski (860)594-2144 Melanie.Zimyeski@ct.gov
Idaho Department of Transportation 2012 $20,000.00 John Tomlinson Amanda Laib 208-334-8181 amanda.laib@itd.idaho.gov
Idaho Department of Transportation 2013 $30,000.00 John Tomlinson Amanda Laib 208-334-8181 amanda.laib@itd.idaho.gov
Idaho Department of Transportation 2014 $30,000.00 John Tomlinson Amanda Laib 208-334-8181 amanda.laib@itd.idaho.gov
Illinois Department of Transportation 2011 $20,000.00 Martha Brown Megan Swanson 217-782-3547 Megan.Swanson@illinois.gov
Illinois Department of Transportation 2012 $20,000.00 Martha Brown Megan Swanson 217-782-3547 Megan.Swanson@illinois.gov
Illinois Department of Transportation 2013 $20,000.00 Martha Brown Megan Swanson 217-782-3547 Megan.Swanson@illinois.gov
Illinois Department of Transportation 2014 $20,000.00 Martha Brown Megan Swanson 217-782-3547 Megan.Swanson@illinois.gov
Kansas Department of Transportation 2012 $20,000.00 Howard Lubiner Rodney Montney 785-291-3844 rodney@ksdot.org
Kansas Department of Transportation 2013 $20,000.00 Howard Lubiner Rodney Montney 785-291-3844 rodney@ksdot.org
Kansas Department of Transportation 2014 $20,000.00 Howard Lubiner Rodney Montney 785-291-3844 rodney@ksdot.org
Kansas Department of Transportation 2015 $20,000.00 Howard Lubiner Rodney Montney 785-291-3844 rodney@ksdot.org
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 2012 $20,000.00 Dan Magri Tyson Rupnow tyson.rupnow@la.gov
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 2013 $20,000.00 Dan Magri Tyson Rupnow tyson.rupnow@la.gov
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 2014 $20,000.00 Dan Magri Tyson Rupnow tyson.rupnow@la.gov
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 2015 $20,000.00 Dan Magri Tyson Rupnow tyson.rupnow@la.gov
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 2016 $20,000.00 Dan Magri Tyson Rupnow tyson.rupnow@la.gov
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 2022 $20,000.00 Dan Magri Tyson Rupnow tyson.rupnow@la.gov
Louisiana Transportation Research Center 2012 $20,000.00 Mark Morvant Mark Morvant 225-767-9124 Mark.Morvant@LA.GOV
Louisiana Transportation Research Center 2013 $20,000.00 Mark Morvant Mark Morvant 225-767-9124 Mark.Morvant@LA.GOV
Louisiana Transportation Research Center 2014 $20,000.00 Mark Morvant Mark Morvant 225-767-9124 Mark.Morvant@LA.GOV
Louisiana Transportation Research Center 2015 $20,000.00 Mark Morvant Mark Morvant 225-767-9124 Mark.Morvant@LA.GOV
Michigan Department of Transportation 2016 $20,000.00 Garrett Dawe Andre' Clover 517-749-9001 clovera@michigan.gov
Michigan Department of Transportation 2017 $20,000.00 Garrett Dawe Andre' Clover 517-749-9001 clovera@michigan.gov
Michigan Department of Transportation 2018 $20,000.00 Garrett Dawe Andre' Clover 517-749-9001 clovera@michigan.gov
Michigan Department of Transportation 2019 $20,000.00 Garrett Dawe Andre' Clover 517-749-9001 clovera@michigan.gov
Michigan Department of Transportation 2020 $20,000.00 Garrett Dawe Andre' Clover 517-749-9001 clovera@michigan.gov
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2012 $20,000.00 Brian Hovanec Robert Vance RVance@mdot.ms.gov
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2016 $20,000.00 Brian Hovanec Robert Vance RVance@mdot.ms.gov
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2017 $20,000.00 Brian Hovanec Robert Vance RVance@mdot.ms.gov
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2018 $20,000.00 Brian Hovanec Robert Vance RVance@mdot.ms.gov
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2019 $20,000.00 Brian Hovanec Robert Vance RVance@mdot.ms.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2011 $20,000.00 Katy Harlan Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2012 $20,000.00 Katy Harlan Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2013 $20,000.00 Katy Harlan Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2014 $20,000.00 Katy Harlan Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2015 $20,000.00 Katy Harlan Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2016 $20,000.00 Katy Harlan Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2017 $20,000.00 Katy Harlan Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2018 $20,000.00 Katy Harlan Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2019 $20,000.00 Katy Harlan Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Transportation 2020 $20,000.00 Katy Harlan Jennifer Harper 573-526-3636 Jennifer.Harper@modot.mo.gov
Nevada Department of Transportation 2014 $20,000.00 Chuck Reider Ken Chambers (775) 888-7220 kchambers@dot.state.nv.us
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2011 $20,000.00 Daniel Carter Curtis Bradley 919-707-6661 cbradley8@ncdot.gov
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2012 $20,000.00 Daniel Carter Curtis Bradley 919-707-6661 cbradley8@ncdot.gov
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2013 $20,000.00 Daniel Carter Curtis Bradley 919-707-6661 cbradley8@ncdot.gov
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2014 $20,000.00 Daniel Carter Curtis Bradley 919-707-6661 cbradley8@ncdot.gov
Ohio Department of Transportation 2011 $20,000.00 Derek Troyer General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Ohio Department of Transportation 2012 $20,000.00 Derek Troyer General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Ohio Department of Transportation 2013 $20,000.00 Derek Troyer General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Ohio Department of Transportation 2014 $20,000.00 Derek Troyer General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Oklahoma Transportation 2012 $25,000.00 Marty Farris Beckie Lyons blyons@odot.org
Oklahoma Transportation 2013 $25,000.00 Marty Farris Beckie Lyons blyons@odot.org
Oklahoma Transportation 2014 $25,000.00 Marty Farris Beckie Lyons blyons@odot.org
Oregon Department of Transportation 2012 $20,000.00 Kevin Haas Doug Bish 503.986.3594 Douglas.W.BISH@odot.state.or.us
Oregon Department of Transportation 2013 $20,000.00 Kevin Haas Doug Bish 503.986.3594 Douglas.W.BISH@odot.state.or.us
Oregon Department of Transportation 2014 $20,000.00 Kevin Haas Doug Bish 503.986.3594 Douglas.W.BISH@odot.state.or.us
Oregon Department of Transportation 2015 $20,000.00 Kevin Haas Doug Bish 503.986.3594 Douglas.W.BISH@odot.state.or.us
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2011 $20,000.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2012 $20,000.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2013 $20,000.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2014 $20,000.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2018 $0.00 Jason Hershock Heather Sorce 717-214-9508 hsorce@pa.gov
Texas Department of Transportation 2019 $20,000.00 Khalid Jamil Ned Mattila 512-416-4727 ned.mattila@txdot.gov
Utah Department of Transportation 2016 $20,000.00 Jeff Lewis David Stevens 801-589-8340 davidstevens@utah.gov
Utah Department of Transportation 2017 $20,000.00 Jeff Lewis David Stevens 801-589-8340 davidstevens@utah.gov
Utah Department of Transportation 2018 $20,000.00 Jeff Lewis David Stevens 801-589-8340 davidstevens@utah.gov
Utah Department of Transportation 2019 $20,000.00 Jeff Lewis David Stevens 801-589-8340 davidstevens@utah.gov
Washington State Department of Transportation 2011 $10,000.00 Ida van Schalkwyk Ida van Schalkwyk 360-705-7119 vanschi@wsdot.wa.gov
Washington State Department of Transportation 2012 $10,000.00 Ida van Schalkwyk Ida van Schalkwyk 360-705-7119 vanschi@wsdot.wa.gov
Washington State Department of Transportation 2013 $10,000.00 Ida van Schalkwyk Ida van Schalkwyk 360-705-7119 vanschi@wsdot.wa.gov
West Virginia Department of Transportation 2011 $20,000.00 Donna Hardy Donna Hardy (304) 558-9594 Donna.J.Hardy@wv.gov
West Virginia Department of Transportation 2012 $20,000.00 Donna Hardy Donna Hardy (304) 558-9594 Donna.J.Hardy@wv.gov
West Virginia Department of Transportation 2013 $20,000.00 Donna Hardy Donna Hardy (304) 558-9594 Donna.J.Hardy@wv.gov
West Virginia Department of Transportation 2014 $20,000.00 Donna Hardy Donna Hardy (304) 558-9594 Donna.J.Hardy@wv.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2012 $10,000.00 Kevin Scopoline Evelyn Bromberg 608-267-7360 evelyn.bromberg@dot.wi.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2013 $10,000.00 Kevin Scopoline Evelyn Bromberg 608-267-7360 evelyn.bromberg@dot.wi.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2014 $10,000.00 Kevin Scopoline Evelyn Bromberg 608-267-7360 evelyn.bromberg@dot.wi.gov


The Highway Safety Manual (2010), 1st Edition, was published by AASHTO in 2010. The HSM provides the best factual information and tools in a useful form to facilitate roadway planning, design, operations, and maintenance decisions based on precise consideration of their safety consequences. The primary focus of the HSM is the introduction and development of analytical tools for predicting the impact of transportation project and program decisions on road safety. The AASHTO Standing Committee on Highway Traffic Safety has established a goal to ¿institutionalize the AASHTO Highway Safety Manual (HSM) and its associated analytical tools to make data-driven decisions, advance the science of safety, and to ultimately reduce fatalities and serious injuries. One proposed action in support of that goal is to establish and maintain an HSM Implementation Transportation Pooled-Fund Study.


The objectives of the study are (1) to advance ongoing efforts by lead states to implement the HSM, and (2) to expand implementation to all states. This study would be coordinated with other ongoing and planned implementation activities sponsored by AASHTO, FHWA, and TRB, including NCHRP Project 17-50 "Lead States Initiative for Implementing the Highway Safety Manual." It will also be coordinated with projects that develop content for future editions of the HSM including NCHRP Project 17-45 "Enhanced Safety Prediction Methodology and Analysis Tool for Freeways and Interchanges," NCHRP Project 17-54 "Consideration of Roadside Features in the Highway Safety Manual," and Transportation Pooled-Fund Study TPF-5(099) "Evaluation of Low Cost Safety Improvements."

Scope of Work

This study would conduct research tasks and develop products that would enable States to accelerate their implementation of the HSM. The specific tasks and products would be identified and prioritized by a Technical Working Group consisting of one representative each from participating agencies. Specific tasks may include: (1) developing a calibration manual to accompany the HSM that provides practical advice and examples on how best to adapt HSM calibration procedures to meet the needs of a particular agency, (2) developing technical guidance for agencies on developing safety performance functions, and (3) developing guidance for agencies on assembling and managing the data needed for safety analyses. The study would also facilitate Technical Working Group representatives participation in peer exchanges and other forums through which agencies can exchange information, best practices, lessons learned, and remaining challenges in implementing the HSM appropriately into agencies¿ system planning, project planning and preliminary engineering, design and construction, and operations and maintenance procedures and processes. These exchanges would feed an annual process through which the Technical Working Group identifies and prioritizes future tasks to be conducted under the study.


A minimum participation level of 10 States is requested. The recommended level of contribution is $20,000 per year per agency for each of 4 years.

No document attached.

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