General Information
Solicitation Number: 1220
Former Study Number:
Status: Solicitation withdrawn
Date Posted: Nov 19, 2008
Last Updated: Oct 20, 2009
Solicitation Expires: Nov 19, 2009
Partners: OK
Lead Organization: Utah Department of Transportation
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 2009
Commitment End Year: 2010
100% SP&R Approval: Pending Approval
Commitments Required: $100,000.00
Commitments Received: $20,000.00
Estimated Duration Month: 24
Waiver Requested: No
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): David Stevens
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Oklahoma Transportation 2009 $10,000.00 Ginger McGovern 405- 522-1447 gmcgovern@odot.org
Oklahoma Transportation 2010 $10,000.00 Ginger McGovern 405- 522-1447 gmcgovern@odot.org


This program delivers information and technology transfer sessions through videoconferencing. Seven WASHTO State DOT¿s, FHWA, AASHTO TIG serve as the principal pooled fund supporters. Based on the selected subject topic other State DOT¿s and local agencies are frequently invited as participate to enhance and broaden communication exchange and technology transfer among transportation agencies. Phase 1 and 2 reported responses from participants to the question ¿Do you plan to make changes in the way you do business?¿ show that seventeen to fifty-nine percent indicated they would. Phase 3 of the WASHTO-X Peer Exchange Video-Conferencing Program will continue to put technical experts in direct contact with each other to exchange ideas on how they conduct their work, establish policy, enhance technical networking, and serve as resources for problem solving. The total number of sessions delivered under both Phase 1 and 2 of the program since the program was initiated in July of 2002 is 96 with 1717 plus technical experts and managers. During Phase 2 there were 33 sessions conducted with 1020 technical experts and managers participating. This contract will be established to continue the program for 15 additional months through December 31, 2009. Implementation of research and the process of technology transfer frequently require considerable effort and time before for the technology becomes common practice. In view of this more emphasis should be given to facilitate the implementation of potentially cost effective research and new technologies by transportation agencies. Candid responses from persons participating in the WASHTO-X Peer Exchange have indicated that such informal exchanges of information and experiences among peer experts and managers help facilitate the implementation of new technologies, practices, and materials. With the current high cost of travel and the need to be more competitive globally, it is critical to advance the use of new technologies and the results of promising research. The resource commitments required and the confusing lines of communication in the process are just a few of the barriers to the effective flow of innovative ideas between agencies.


1. Continue to manage the WASHTO-X Videoconferencing Program in the core states and the agencies participating in the pooled-fund study for FY 2009. 2. Make changes and improvements to the program as specified by the WASHTO-X Program Steering Committee. 3. Gather information related to the benefits, costs, problems encountered and lessons learned during phase 3 of the program 4. Deliver the findings of the study to the sponsoring states through reports, presentations, and the program web site.

Scope of Work

Task 1 - Develop a Network of Technical Experts. These will include the areas of administration, structures, geotechnical, construction, environmental, ITS, maintenance/operations, motor carrier, pavements, safety, traffic, design, and right of way. Task 2 - Update the Network of Site Coordinators representing each agency participating in the program. Task 3 - Update the Network of Site Technicians for each site. Task 4 - Develop an automated email notification process for the program. Task 5 - Modify the Web Site to include the functions outlined in this contract. Task 6 - Arrange Tests of Individual Sites Connectivity. Study funds may be expended to get all sites functioning. Task 7 - Arrange Tests of Multiple Sites Connectivity. Study funds may be expended to get the network functioning. Task 8 - Compile and Prioritize Topics for Fiscal Year 2009. Task 9 - Solicit Topic Hosts for Fiscal Year 2009 Task 10 - Develop and Post Schedule of Topics for Fiscal Year 2009 Task 11 - Conduct WASHTO-X Sessions for Fiscal Year 2009 Task 12 - Plan and Conduct Monthly WASHTO-X Sessions for Fiscal Year 2009 Task 13 - Collect Participants¿ Evaluations and Prepare a Synopsis/DVD of Each Session Held. Task 20 - Prepare and publish the Final Report for Phase 3 of the program. Task 21 - Prepare a presentation outlining the program including the benefits, costs, and lessons learned from the study. Task 22 - Develop a DVD for each session for future T2 activities. The DVD will include an edited version of the session along with all presentations and materials distributed.


$10,000 per participant state per year

No document attached.


General Information
Solicitation Number: 1220
Status: Solicitation withdrawn
Date Posted: Nov 19, 2008
Last Updated: Oct 20, 2009
Solicitation Expires: Nov 19, 2009
Partners: OK
Lead Organization: Utah Department of Transportation
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 2009
Commitment End Year: 2010
100% SP&R Approval: Pending Approval
Commitments Required: $100,000.00
Commitments Received: $20,000.00
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): David Stevens
Commitments by Organizations
Agency Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Oklahoma Transportation 2009 $10,000.00 Ginger McGovern 405- 522-1447 gmcgovern@odot.org
Oklahoma Transportation 2010 $10,000.00 Ginger McGovern 405- 522-1447 gmcgovern@odot.org


This program delivers information and technology transfer sessions through videoconferencing. Seven WASHTO State DOT¿s, FHWA, AASHTO TIG serve as the principal pooled fund supporters. Based on the selected subject topic other State DOT¿s and local agencies are frequently invited as participate to enhance and broaden communication exchange and technology transfer among transportation agencies. Phase 1 and 2 reported responses from participants to the question ¿Do you plan to make changes in the way you do business?¿ show that seventeen to fifty-nine percent indicated they would. Phase 3 of the WASHTO-X Peer Exchange Video-Conferencing Program will continue to put technical experts in direct contact with each other to exchange ideas on how they conduct their work, establish policy, enhance technical networking, and serve as resources for problem solving. The total number of sessions delivered under both Phase 1 and 2 of the program since the program was initiated in July of 2002 is 96 with 1717 plus technical experts and managers. During Phase 2 there were 33 sessions conducted with 1020 technical experts and managers participating. This contract will be established to continue the program for 15 additional months through December 31, 2009. Implementation of research and the process of technology transfer frequently require considerable effort and time before for the technology becomes common practice. In view of this more emphasis should be given to facilitate the implementation of potentially cost effective research and new technologies by transportation agencies. Candid responses from persons participating in the WASHTO-X Peer Exchange have indicated that such informal exchanges of information and experiences among peer experts and managers help facilitate the implementation of new technologies, practices, and materials. With the current high cost of travel and the need to be more competitive globally, it is critical to advance the use of new technologies and the results of promising research. The resource commitments required and the confusing lines of communication in the process are just a few of the barriers to the effective flow of innovative ideas between agencies.


1. Continue to manage the WASHTO-X Videoconferencing Program in the core states and the agencies participating in the pooled-fund study for FY 2009. 2. Make changes and improvements to the program as specified by the WASHTO-X Program Steering Committee. 3. Gather information related to the benefits, costs, problems encountered and lessons learned during phase 3 of the program 4. Deliver the findings of the study to the sponsoring states through reports, presentations, and the program web site.

Scope of Work

Task 1 - Develop a Network of Technical Experts. These will include the areas of administration, structures, geotechnical, construction, environmental, ITS, maintenance/operations, motor carrier, pavements, safety, traffic, design, and right of way. Task 2 - Update the Network of Site Coordinators representing each agency participating in the program. Task 3 - Update the Network of Site Technicians for each site. Task 4 - Develop an automated email notification process for the program. Task 5 - Modify the Web Site to include the functions outlined in this contract. Task 6 - Arrange Tests of Individual Sites Connectivity. Study funds may be expended to get all sites functioning. Task 7 - Arrange Tests of Multiple Sites Connectivity. Study funds may be expended to get the network functioning. Task 8 - Compile and Prioritize Topics for Fiscal Year 2009. Task 9 - Solicit Topic Hosts for Fiscal Year 2009 Task 10 - Develop and Post Schedule of Topics for Fiscal Year 2009 Task 11 - Conduct WASHTO-X Sessions for Fiscal Year 2009 Task 12 - Plan and Conduct Monthly WASHTO-X Sessions for Fiscal Year 2009 Task 13 - Collect Participants¿ Evaluations and Prepare a Synopsis/DVD of Each Session Held. Task 20 - Prepare and publish the Final Report for Phase 3 of the program. Task 21 - Prepare a presentation outlining the program including the benefits, costs, and lessons learned from the study. Task 22 - Develop a DVD for each session for future T2 activities. The DVD will include an edited version of the session along with all presentations and materials distributed.


$10,000 per participant state per year

No document attached.

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