Tire/Pavement Noise Research Consortium

General Information
Solicitation Number: 1104
Former Study Number:
Status: End Solicitation Phase
Date Posted: May 15, 2006
Last Updated: Oct 18, 2017
Solicitation Expires: Jun 30, 2006
Partners: CA, FHWA, FL, KS, MN, MT, NC, OH, TX, WA
Lead Organization: Washington State Department of Transportation
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 2007
Commitment End Year: 2014
100% SP&R Approval: Pending Approval
Commitments Required: $100,000.00
Commitments Received: $233,000.00
Estimated Duration Month: 84
Waiver Requested: No
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Mustafa Mohamedali
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Mark Swanlund
Phone: 202- 366-1323
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
California Department of Transportation 2007 $10,000.00 Bruce Rymer Sang Le (916)701-3998 sang.le@dot.ca.gov
California Department of Transportation 2012 $10,000.00 Bruce Rymer Sang Le (916)701-3998 sang.le@dot.ca.gov
Federal Highway Administration 2007 $80,000.00 Mark Swanlund Jean Landolt 202-493-3146 Jean.Landolt@dot.gov
Florida Department of Transportation 2014 $10,000.00 Mariano Berrios Patti Brannon 850-414-4616 patti.brannon@dot.state.fl.us
Kansas Department of Transportation 2007 $10,000.00 Andrew Gisi Rodney Montney 785-291-3844 rodney@ksdot.org
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2007 $10,000.00 Bernard Izevbekhai Lisa Jansen 651-366-3779 lisa.jansen@state.mn.us
Montana Department of Transportation 2007 $10,000.00 Cora Helm Susan Sillick 406-444-7693 ssillick@mt.gov
Montana Department of Transportation 2012 $10,000.00 Cora Helm Susan Sillick 406-444-7693 ssillick@mt.gov
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2007 $10,000.00 Mrinmay Biswas Mrinmay Biswas 919-508-1865 biswas@ncdot.gov
Ohio Department of Transportation 2007 $10,000.00 Brian Schleppi General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Ohio Department of Transportation 2012 $10,000.00 Brian Schleppi General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Ohio Department of Transportation 2013 $10,000.00 Brian Schleppi General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Ohio Department of Transportation 2014 $10,000.00 Brian Schleppi General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Texas Department of Transportation 2007 $13,000.00 Jeff Seiders Ned Mattila 512-416-4727 ned.mattila@txdot.gov
Washington State Department of Transportation 2007 $10,000.00 Linda Pierce Kim Willoughby 360-705-7978 willouk@wsdot.wa.gov
Washington State Department of Transportation 2012 $10,000.00 Linda Pierce Kim Willoughby 360-705-7978 willouk@wsdot.wa.gov


Minimizing the impact of traffic noise on the public is a priority for state highway agencies and the FHWA. As tire-pavement noise is the single largest contributor to traffic noise on many highways, increased utilization of low-noise pavement surfaces may reduce overall traffic noise or reduce the need for expensive traditional noise mitigation measures. Developing low-noise pavement surfaces that are both durable and safe is of high interest to both state highway agencies and FHWA. Utilization of low-noise surfaces may also provide a noise reduction alternative where traditional noise mitigation measures such as walls and berms are not a viable solution. Examples of problematic areas include many bridges/structures, areas with unstable slopes, locations near water bodies/wetlands, dike/levee/floodplain sectors, where utilities near roadways cannot be moved, and in heavily urbanized areas within a built environment. Research into these low-noise pavement treatments and materials is beginning in earnest in a variety of states. Coordinated sharing of research development, evaluation techniques, and study results is critical to reduce overall costs for key research pieces, reduce redundancy of effort, focus funding in the most needed areas, and find viable solutions that can be implemented expeditiously for the highest number of states. In short, a collaborative effort can create greater benefits than the independent efforts of individual states.


The objectives of this research are as follows: - Provide a forum for states to discuss tire/pavement noise issues and develop a proposed research plan. - Pool resources and efforts of multiple state agencies and industry to perform tire/pavement noise research in a similar manner (avoiding duplication) and sharing of data.

Scope of Work

The anticipated scope of the study would consist of the following tasks: - Provide a forum for states to discuss noise issues, utilize the same techniques to build a larger database, and share data. The ultimate goal is to incorporate pavement type into the FHWA Traffic Noise Model. - Perform a synthesis of global practice in regards to utilizing pavement technology for decreasing tire/pavement noise; - Perform a synthesis on the cost/benefits of using low-noise pavements; - Produce a document for general public information regarding noise reduction; - Provide a baseline for quieter pavement discussion (e.g. definitions, list of acronyms, etc.); - Provide a guideline for best practices in measuring and evaluating noise benefits and decreases over the wearing life of the roadway surface. A technical advisory group consisting of a pavement expert and a noise expert from each contributing agency and invited participants will refine/expand this scope of work and provide technical input/guidance throughout the duration of the research.


This study is open to all states; however, a minimum contribution of $10,000 will be required to be a member of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). The TAC will provide guidance for the study and review and comment on all documents produced by the research team. This contribution will pay for the research conducted and travel to the annual meeting for a pavement expert and noise expert.

Documents Attached
Title File/Link Document Category Document Type Privacy Document Date Download
Tire/Pavement Noise Research Consortium 1104.pdf TPF Study Documentation Solicitation Public 2011-09-25

Tire/Pavement Noise Research Consortium

General Information
Solicitation Number: 1104
Status: End Solicitation Phase
Date Posted: May 15, 2006
Last Updated: Oct 18, 2017
Solicitation Expires: Jun 30, 2006
Partners: CA, FHWA, FL, KS, MN, MT, NC, OH, TX, WA
Lead Organization: Washington State Department of Transportation
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 2007
Commitment End Year: 2014
100% SP&R Approval: Pending Approval
Commitments Required: $100,000.00
Commitments Received: $233,000.00
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Mustafa Mohamedali
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Mark Swanlund
Phone: 202- 366-1323
Commitments by Organizations
Agency Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
California Department of Transportation 2007 $10,000.00 Bruce Rymer Sang Le (916)701-3998 sang.le@dot.ca.gov
California Department of Transportation 2012 $10,000.00 Bruce Rymer Sang Le (916)701-3998 sang.le@dot.ca.gov
Federal Highway Administration 2007 $80,000.00 Mark Swanlund Jean Landolt 202-493-3146 Jean.Landolt@dot.gov
Florida Department of Transportation 2014 $10,000.00 Mariano Berrios Patti Brannon 850-414-4616 patti.brannon@dot.state.fl.us
Kansas Department of Transportation 2007 $10,000.00 Andrew Gisi Rodney Montney 785-291-3844 rodney@ksdot.org
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2007 $10,000.00 Bernard Izevbekhai Lisa Jansen 651-366-3779 lisa.jansen@state.mn.us
Montana Department of Transportation 2007 $10,000.00 Cora Helm Susan Sillick 406-444-7693 ssillick@mt.gov
Montana Department of Transportation 2012 $10,000.00 Cora Helm Susan Sillick 406-444-7693 ssillick@mt.gov
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2007 $10,000.00 Mrinmay Biswas Mrinmay Biswas 919-508-1865 biswas@ncdot.gov
Ohio Department of Transportation 2007 $10,000.00 Brian Schleppi General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Ohio Department of Transportation 2012 $10,000.00 Brian Schleppi General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Ohio Department of Transportation 2013 $10,000.00 Brian Schleppi General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Ohio Department of Transportation 2014 $10,000.00 Brian Schleppi General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Texas Department of Transportation 2007 $13,000.00 Jeff Seiders Ned Mattila 512-416-4727 ned.mattila@txdot.gov
Washington State Department of Transportation 2007 $10,000.00 Linda Pierce Kim Willoughby 360-705-7978 willouk@wsdot.wa.gov
Washington State Department of Transportation 2012 $10,000.00 Linda Pierce Kim Willoughby 360-705-7978 willouk@wsdot.wa.gov


Minimizing the impact of traffic noise on the public is a priority for state highway agencies and the FHWA. As tire-pavement noise is the single largest contributor to traffic noise on many highways, increased utilization of low-noise pavement surfaces may reduce overall traffic noise or reduce the need for expensive traditional noise mitigation measures. Developing low-noise pavement surfaces that are both durable and safe is of high interest to both state highway agencies and FHWA. Utilization of low-noise surfaces may also provide a noise reduction alternative where traditional noise mitigation measures such as walls and berms are not a viable solution. Examples of problematic areas include many bridges/structures, areas with unstable slopes, locations near water bodies/wetlands, dike/levee/floodplain sectors, where utilities near roadways cannot be moved, and in heavily urbanized areas within a built environment. Research into these low-noise pavement treatments and materials is beginning in earnest in a variety of states. Coordinated sharing of research development, evaluation techniques, and study results is critical to reduce overall costs for key research pieces, reduce redundancy of effort, focus funding in the most needed areas, and find viable solutions that can be implemented expeditiously for the highest number of states. In short, a collaborative effort can create greater benefits than the independent efforts of individual states.


The objectives of this research are as follows: - Provide a forum for states to discuss tire/pavement noise issues and develop a proposed research plan. - Pool resources and efforts of multiple state agencies and industry to perform tire/pavement noise research in a similar manner (avoiding duplication) and sharing of data.

Scope of Work

The anticipated scope of the study would consist of the following tasks: - Provide a forum for states to discuss noise issues, utilize the same techniques to build a larger database, and share data. The ultimate goal is to incorporate pavement type into the FHWA Traffic Noise Model. - Perform a synthesis of global practice in regards to utilizing pavement technology for decreasing tire/pavement noise; - Perform a synthesis on the cost/benefits of using low-noise pavements; - Produce a document for general public information regarding noise reduction; - Provide a baseline for quieter pavement discussion (e.g. definitions, list of acronyms, etc.); - Provide a guideline for best practices in measuring and evaluating noise benefits and decreases over the wearing life of the roadway surface. A technical advisory group consisting of a pavement expert and a noise expert from each contributing agency and invited participants will refine/expand this scope of work and provide technical input/guidance throughout the duration of the research.


This study is open to all states; however, a minimum contribution of $10,000 will be required to be a member of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). The TAC will provide guidance for the study and review and comment on all documents produced by the research team. This contribution will pay for the research conducted and travel to the annual meeting for a pavement expert and noise expert.

Title Type Private
Tire/Pavement Noise Research Consortium TPF Study Documentation N

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