Truck/Pavement/Economic Modeling and In Situ Field Data Analysis Applications

General Information
Solicitation Number: 105
Former Study Number:
Status: End Solicitation Phase
Date Posted: Jul 01, 2002
Last Updated: May 30, 2013
Solicitation Expires:
Partners: CA, CT, KS, NC, NY, OH, PADOT, WV
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 1999
Commitment End Year: 2003
100% SP&R Approval: Not Requested
Commitments Required: $0.00
Commitments Received: $710,000.00
Estimated Duration Month:
Waiver Requested: No
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Jean Landolt
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Bill Kenis
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
California Department of Transportation 2000 $100,000.00 Osama Elhamshary
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2000 $5,000.00 James Sime 860-258-0309
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2001 $5,000.00 James Sime 860-258-0309
Kansas Department of Transportation 2000 $25,000.00 Jonathan Marburger David Behzadpour 785-291-3847
Kansas Department of Transportation 2001 $50,000.00 Jonathan Marburger David Behzadpour 785-291-3847
New York State Department of Transportation 1999 $25,000.00 Sreenivas Alampalli 518-457-4544
New York State Department of Transportation 2000 $25,000.00 Sreenivas Alampalli 518-457-4544
New York State Department of Transportation 2001 $25,000.00 Sreenivas Alampalli 518-457-4544
New York State Department of Transportation 2002 $75,000.00 Sreenivas Alampalli 518-457-4544
North Carolina Department of Transportation 1999 $25,000.00 Mrinmay Biswas 919-508-1865
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2000 $25,000.00 Mrinmay Biswas 919-508-1865
Ohio Department of Transportation 2000 $50,000.00 Monique Evans 614-728-6048
Ohio Department of Transportation 2001 $50,000.00 Monique Evans 614-728-6048
Ohio Department of Transportation 2002 $50,000.00 Monique Evans 614-728-6048
Ohio Department of Transportation 2003 $50,000.00 Monique Evans 614-728-6048
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 1999 $25,000.00 Bob Garrett 717-787-0800
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2000 $25,000.00 Bob Garrett 717-787-0800
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2001 $25,000.00 Bob Garrett 717-787-0800
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2002 $25,000.00 Bob Garrett 717-787-0800
West Virginia Department of Transportation 1999 $25,000.00 John Lancaster 304-558-3113


(1) Merge and analyze dynamic response data obtained on full-scale pavement facilities for the purpose of determining how various design features and truck configurations affect pavement performance. (2) Use dynamic response data obtained to validate and calibrate a set of truck/pavement predictive analysis models and implement these models in practical problem solutions of pavement design and truck size and weight issues.


Active. Study is almost halfway over. A status meeting with state representatives will occur in March 2002. Trials have been set up and are being followed. The initial kick-off meeting was held in Washington D.C. on February 15, 2000 to establish priorities and a general outline of research tasks. Following the initial meeting, two separate but detailed work plans were generated with study tasks prioritized based on their importance to partners and general funding. The separate work tasks were reviewed and approved by the Technical Panel. Final approval of the work plans was issued on December 13, 2000 to establish January 1, 2001 as the official start date of the study. Since then, ODOT has contracted with Ohio University to perform their approved tasks while the FHWA has issued task orders to conduct much of their approved tasks through in-house staff (on-site contractor staff).

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Truck/Pavement/Economic Modeling and In Situ Field Data Analysis Applications

General Information
Solicitation Number: 105
Status: End Solicitation Phase
Date Posted: Jul 01, 2002
Last Updated: May 30, 2013
Solicitation Expires:
Partners: CA, CT, KS, NC, NY, OH, PADOT, WV
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 1999
Commitment End Year: 2003
100% SP&R Approval: Not Requested
Commitments Required: $0.00
Commitments Received: $710,000.00
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Jean Landolt
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Bill Kenis
Commitments by Organizations
Agency Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
California Department of Transportation 2000 $100,000.00 Osama Elhamshary
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2000 $5,000.00 James Sime 860-258-0309
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2001 $5,000.00 James Sime 860-258-0309
Kansas Department of Transportation 2000 $25,000.00 Jonathan Marburger David Behzadpour 785-291-3847
Kansas Department of Transportation 2001 $50,000.00 Jonathan Marburger David Behzadpour 785-291-3847
New York State Department of Transportation 1999 $25,000.00 Sreenivas Alampalli 518-457-4544
New York State Department of Transportation 2000 $25,000.00 Sreenivas Alampalli 518-457-4544
New York State Department of Transportation 2001 $25,000.00 Sreenivas Alampalli 518-457-4544
New York State Department of Transportation 2002 $75,000.00 Sreenivas Alampalli 518-457-4544
North Carolina Department of Transportation 1999 $25,000.00 Mrinmay Biswas 919-508-1865
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2000 $25,000.00 Mrinmay Biswas 919-508-1865
Ohio Department of Transportation 2000 $50,000.00 Monique Evans 614-728-6048
Ohio Department of Transportation 2001 $50,000.00 Monique Evans 614-728-6048
Ohio Department of Transportation 2002 $50,000.00 Monique Evans 614-728-6048
Ohio Department of Transportation 2003 $50,000.00 Monique Evans 614-728-6048
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 1999 $25,000.00 Bob Garrett 717-787-0800
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2000 $25,000.00 Bob Garrett 717-787-0800
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2001 $25,000.00 Bob Garrett 717-787-0800
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2002 $25,000.00 Bob Garrett 717-787-0800
West Virginia Department of Transportation 1999 $25,000.00 John Lancaster 304-558-3113


(1) Merge and analyze dynamic response data obtained on full-scale pavement facilities for the purpose of determining how various design features and truck configurations affect pavement performance. (2) Use dynamic response data obtained to validate and calibrate a set of truck/pavement predictive analysis models and implement these models in practical problem solutions of pavement design and truck size and weight issues.


Active. Study is almost halfway over. A status meeting with state representatives will occur in March 2002. Trials have been set up and are being followed. The initial kick-off meeting was held in Washington D.C. on February 15, 2000 to establish priorities and a general outline of research tasks. Following the initial meeting, two separate but detailed work plans were generated with study tasks prioritized based on their importance to partners and general funding. The separate work tasks were reviewed and approved by the Technical Panel. Final approval of the work plans was issued on December 13, 2000 to establish January 1, 2001 as the official start date of the study. Since then, ODOT has contracted with Ohio University to perform their approved tasks while the FHWA has issued task orders to conduct much of their approved tasks through in-house staff (on-site contractor staff).

No document attached.

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