Accelerated Performance Testing for the NCAT Pavement Test Track

General Information
Study Number: TPF-5(267)
Former Study Number:
Lead Organization: Alabama Department of Transportation
Solicitation Number: 1325
Status: Objectives fulfilled
Est. Completion Date: Mar 31, 2020
Contract/Other Number:
Last Updated: Apr 19, 2022
Contract End Date: Mar 31, 2020
Financial Summary
Contract Amount:
Suggested Contribution:
Total Commitments Received: $28,429,706.00
100% SP&R Approval: Approved
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Kidada Dixon
Phone: 334.353.6940
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): David Mensching
Phone: 2024933232
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name
Alabama Department of Transportation 2012 $490,000.00 Ronald Johnson Juanita Owens
Alabama Department of Transportation 2013 $490,000.00 Ronald Johnson Juanita Owens
Alabama Department of Transportation 2014 $490,000.00 Ronald Johnson Juanita Owens
Alabama Department of Transportation 2015 $490,000.00 Ronald Johnson Juanita Owens
Alabama Department of Transportation 2016 $490,000.00 Ronald Johnson Juanita Owens
Alabama Department of Transportation 2017 $490,000.00 Ronald Johnson Juanita Owens
Colorado Department of Transportation 2016 $120,000.00 Michael Stanford Aziz Khan
Colorado Department of Transportation 2017 $120,000.00 Michael Stanford Aziz Khan
Colorado Department of Transportation 2018 $120,000.00 Michael Stanford Aziz Khan
Federal Highway Administration 2012 $165,000.00 Christopher Wagner Debra Rinderknecht
Federal Highway Administration 2015 $708,195.00 Christopher Wagner Debra Rinderknecht
Federal Highway Administration 2016 $200,000.00 Christopher Wagner Debra Rinderknecht
Florida Department of Transportation 2012 $480,000.00 Bouzid Choubane Patti Brannon
Florida Department of Transportation 2013 $480,000.00 Bouzid Choubane Patti Brannon
Florida Department of Transportation 2014 $480,000.00 Bouzid Choubane Patti Brannon
Florida Department of Transportation 2015 $510,000.00 Bouzid Choubane Patti Brannon
Florida Department of Transportation 2016 $510,000.00 Bouzid Choubane Patti Brannon
Florida Department of Transportation 2017 $510,000.00 Bouzid Choubane Patti Brannon
Florida Department of Transportation 2018 $0.00 Bouzid Choubane Patti Brannon
Georgia Department of Transportation 2012 $240,000.00 Sheila Hines Supriya Kamatkar
Georgia Department of Transportation 2013 $240,000.00 Sheila Hines Supriya Kamatkar
Georgia Department of Transportation 2014 $240,000.00 Sheila Hines Supriya Kamatkar
Georgia Department of Transportation 2015 $280,000.00 Sheila Hines Supriya Kamatkar
Georgia Department of Transportation 2016 $280,000.00 Sheila Hines Supriya Kamatkar
Georgia Department of Transportation 2017 $280,000.00 Sheila Hines Supriya Kamatkar
Illinois Department of Transportation 2015 $330,000.00 John Senger Megan Swanson
Illinois Department of Transportation 2016 $330,000.00 John Senger Megan Swanson
Illinois Department of Transportation 2017 $330,000.00 John Senger Megan Swanson
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2015 $270,000.00 Paul Looney Jason Siwula
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2016 $270,000.00 Paul Looney Jason Siwula
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2017 $270,000.00 Paul Looney Jason Siwula
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 2016 $360,000.00 Nate Moore Allison Hardt
Michigan Department of Transportation 2015 $330,000.00 Curtis Bleech Andre' Clover
Michigan Department of Transportation 2016 $330,000.00 Curtis Bleech Andre' Clover
Michigan Department of Transportation 2017 $330,000.00 Curtis Bleech Andre' Clover
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2015 $330,000.00 Ben Worel Debbie Sinclair
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2016 $330,000.00 Ben Worel Debbie Sinclair
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2017 $330,000.00 Ben Worel Debbie Sinclair
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2018 $0.00 Ben Worel Debbie Sinclair
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2012 $295,000.00 James Watkins Robert Vance
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2013 $295,000.00 James Watkins Robert Vance
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2014 $295,000.00 James Watkins Robert Vance
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2015 $210,000.00 James Watkins Robert Vance
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2016 $210,000.00 James Watkins Robert Vance
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2017 $210,000.00 James Watkins Robert Vance
Missouri Department of Transportation 2012 $120,000.00 Mike Meyerhoff Bill Stone
Missouri Department of Transportation 2013 $120,000.00 Mike Meyerhoff Bill Stone
Missouri Department of Transportation 2014 $120,000.00 Mike Meyerhoff Bill Stone
Missouri Department of Transportation 2015 $120,000.00 Mike Meyerhoff Bill Stone
Missouri Department of Transportation 2016 $120,000.00 Mike Meyerhoff Bill Stone
Missouri Department of Transportation 2017 $120,000.00 Mike Meyerhoff Bill Stone
New York State Department of Transportation 2015 $330,000.00 Christopher Euler Wes Yang
New York State Department of Transportation 2016 $330,000.00 Christopher Euler Wes Yang
New York State Department of Transportation 2017 $330,000.00 Christopher Euler Wes Yang
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2012 $300,000.00 Todd Whittington Neil Mastin
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2013 $300,000.00 Todd Whittington Neil Mastin
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2014 $300,000.00 Todd Whittington Neil Mastin
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2015 $210,000.00 Todd Whittington Neil Mastin
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2016 $210,000.00 Todd Whittington Neil Mastin
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2017 $210,000.00 Todd Whittington Neil Mastin
Oklahoma Transportation 2012 $400,000.00 Kevin Suitor Beckie Lyons
Oklahoma Transportation 2013 $370,000.00 Kevin Suitor Beckie Lyons
Oklahoma Transportation 2014 $370,000.00 Kevin Suitor Beckie Lyons
Oklahoma Transportation 2015 $360,000.00 Kevin Suitor Beckie Lyons
Oklahoma Transportation 2016 $360,000.00 Kevin Suitor Beckie Lyons
Oklahoma Transportation 2017 $720,000.00 Kevin Suitor Beckie Lyons
Oklahoma Transportation 2018 $450,000.00 Kevin Suitor Beckie Lyons
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2012 $300,000.00 Merrill Zwanka Terry Swygert
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2013 $300,000.00 Merrill Zwanka Terry Swygert
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2014 $300,000.00 Merrill Zwanka Terry Swygert
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2015 $120,000.00 Merrill Zwanka Terry Swygert
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2016 $120,000.00 Merrill Zwanka Terry Swygert
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2017 $120,000.00 Merrill Zwanka Terry Swygert
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2012 $240,000.00 Mark Woods Beth Jirik
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2013 $240,000.00 Mark Woods Beth Jirik
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2014 $240,000.00 Mark Woods Beth Jirik
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2015 $270,000.00 Mark Woods Beth Jirik
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2016 $270,000.00 Mark Woods Beth Jirik
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2017 $270,000.00 Mark Woods Beth Jirik
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2018 $0.00 Mark Woods Beth Jirik
Virginia Department of Transportation 2012 $240,000.00 Brian Diefenderfer Bill Kelsh
Virginia Department of Transportation 2013 $1,361,511.00 Brian Diefenderfer Bill Kelsh
Virginia Department of Transportation 2014 $780,000.00 Brian Diefenderfer Bill Kelsh
Virginia Department of Transportation 2015 $840,000.00 Brian Diefenderfer Bill Kelsh
Virginia Department of Transportation 2016 $300,000.00 Brian Diefenderfer Bill Kelsh
Virginia Department of Transportation 2017 $300,000.00 Brian Diefenderfer Bill Kelsh
Virginia Department of Transportation 2018 $0.00 Brian Diefenderfer Bill Kelsh
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2015 $330,000.00 Barry Paye Ethan Severson
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2016 $330,000.00 Barry Paye Ethan Severson
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2017 $330,000.00 Barry Paye Ethan Severson

Study Description

The NCAT Pavement Test Track was originally constructed as a result of interest and support from state Departments of Transportation (DOTs) who shared a concern for reducing and predicting distresses in their flexible pavements. The cost for other states to sponsor the construction, testing, trucking and evaluation of experimental pavements was greatly reduced by a commitment from the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) to fund the original construction of the facility up to the top of the supporting pavement structure. The inaugural track was completed in the summer of 2000 and subjected to 10 million ESALs of heavy truck traffic through December of 2002. Built as a perpetual pavement, the first cycle of testing was a study of surface mix performance for forty-six 200 ft test sections. The facility was rebuilt in 2003, 2006, and 2009, with experimental pavements in each cycle subjected to 10 million ESALs of heavy truck traffic. Eight thinner structural pavements replaced the original perpetual pavements in 2003, increasing to nine in 2006, then sixteen in 2009, and finally nineteen in 2012, each instrumented for high-speed response to facilitate the study of mechanistic-empirical pavement design. The track will be rebuilt again in the summer of 2015, with many extended research options for potential sponsors, including MnROAD comparison sections.


The primary objectives of the pooled fund project described herein will be: 1. Constructing 200 ft test sections on the existing 1.7 mile NCAT test oval and MnRoad that are representative of in-service roadways on the open transportation infrastructure; 2. Applying accelerated performance truck traffic in the 2 years following construction; 3. Assessing/comparing the functional and structural field performance of trafficked sections on a regular basis via surface and subsurface measures; 4. Validating/calibrating new and existing M-E approaches to pavement analysis and design using pavement surface condition, pavement load response, precise traffic and environmental logging, and cumulative damage; 5. Determining the life cycle cost of various pavement preservation alternatives in a highly controlled experiment that will provide state DOTs with the financial foundation to begin to build a decision tree for their own maintenance program. These types of programs are then refined over time using actual pavement management performance data; 6. Correlating field results with laboratory data for both mechanistic and preservation applications. Laboratory performance data that can predict preservation outcomes would provide DOTs with an additional mechanism for making rational selection decisions; and 7. Answering practical questions posed by research sponsors through formal (i.e., reports and technical papers) and informal (e.g., one-on-one responses to sponsor inquiries) technology transfer. For example, can high RAP content mixes provide the same level of performance as virgin mixes? If so, can they be used in both deep and shallow layers? Although warm mix is better for the environment, will it provide the same level of rut and moisture damage resistance as conventional mixes?

Scope of Work

The scope of work for the pooled fund project will include: 1. Hauling materials to the project from offsite locations. Material donations are typically secured by state sponsors, while reasonable hauling expenses are handled by the pooledfund; 2. Rebuilding sections in accordance with sponsors’ directives via competitively bid subcontracts administered by NCAT. It is anticipated that supply and grade control of subgrades and bases, aggregate hauling, liquid asphalt supply and delivery, plant production, and mix placement may all be procured via competitively bid subcontracts. Additional preservation treatment sections will be applied to a nearby low volume, high truck traffic roadway with distress conditions suitable for pavement preservation activities; 3. Installing both environmental (i.e., multi-depth pavement temperature probes) and response instrumentation (i.e., high speed stress and strain gages) in new experimental sections; 4. Operating a 5-truck heavy triple-trailer fleet in order to apply accelerated truck traffic following the completion of construction. Actual human drivers operate the vehicles in order to best induce representative vehicle wander; 5. Measuring field performance each week when the fleet is parked to fully document the changes in surface condition as a function of traffic and temperature. High-speed pavement response will also be measured on a weekly basis. Pavement deflection and surface friction will be measured on a monthly basis. Performance will be measured on off-Track pavement preservation sections on a monthly basis; 6. Conducting laboratory testing to quantify basic material and mix performance properties, which will serve as the basis of performance model development; and 7. Comparing predicted and measured pavement response as well as predicted and measured cumulative pavement damage in order to validate then calibrate prevailing M-E methodologies.


Each sponsor participating in the study is asked to contribute funding as a function of the scope of their selected research. The cost to participate varies as follows according to the amount of effort required: 1. Continue traffic on existing mill/inlay section = $80k/year ($240k/section) 2. Surface treatment on existing mill/inlay section (Note: Intended to provide access to project for private sector partners. It does not include the cost of materials, construction or mitigation. Commitment to rapid mitigation of failed experiments is required) = $80k/year ($240k/section) 3. Continue traffic on existing structural section = $100k/year ($300k/section) 4. Participate in the preservation group (PG15) study = $120k/year ($360k/sponsor) 5. Mill/inlay surface performance section = $150k/year ($450k/section) 6. Mill/inlay structural performance section = $180k/year ($540k/section) 7. Structural performance section (Note: This option also applies to participation in the Green Group (CG) study) = $210k/year ($630k/section) Funding requirements are based on reasonable assumptions; however, if project costs increase significantly (i.e., fuel) either a proportionate amount of additional funding or a modified scope of work may be required. Please visit the project web at for additional information.

Documents Attached
Title File/Link Document Category Document Type Privacy Document Date Download
2015 NCAT Pavement Test Track Final Report for the 2015 NCAT Pavement Test Track.pdf Deliverable Final Report Public 2021-06-25
Quarterly Report: October 1 - December 31 2020 TPF-5(267) NCAT Pavement Test Track Report for Quarter Ending 191231.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2020-05-04
Quarterly Report: July 1 - September 30 2020 TPF-5(267) NCAT Pavement Test Track Report for Quarter Ending 190930.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2020-05-04
Quarterly Report: January 1 - March 31 2020 TPF-5(267) NCAT Pavement Test Track Report for Quarter Ending 200331.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2020-05-04
Quarterly Report: April 1 - June 30 Track TPF Quarterly Report 190630.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2019-10-08
Quarterly Report: January 1 - March 31 Track TPF Quarterly Report 190331.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2019-10-08
Quarterly Report: October - December 2018 Quarterly Report October-December 2018.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2019-04-01
Quarterly Progress Report: July 2018 - September 2018 Quarterly Report July-Sept 2018.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2018-11-02
Quarterly Progress Report: April 2018- June 2018 Quarterly Report April-June 2018.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2018-11-02
Quarterly Progress Report: January 2018 - March 2018 Scan.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2018-04-11
Quarterly Progress Report: October 2017 - December 2017 Quarterly Report Oct-Dec 2017.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2018-04-10
Quarterly Progress Report: July 2017 - September 2017 NCAT Quarterly Report.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2017-10-13
Quarterly Progress Report: April 2017 - June 2017 TPF Quarterly Report Oct-Dec 2016.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2017-08-25
Quarterly Progress Report: January 2017 - March 2017 TPF Quarterly Report Jan-Mar 2017.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2017-08-25
Quarterly Progress Report: October 2016 - December 2016 Track TPF Quarterly Report 151231.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2017-03-22
Quarterly Progress Report: January 2016 - March 2016 Track TPF Quarterly Report 160331.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2017-03-15
Quarterly Progress Report: July 2016 - September 2016 Track TPF Quarterly Report 160930.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2017-03-08
Quarterly Progress Report: April 2016 - June 2016 TPF Quarterly Report Generation Spreadsheet 160630.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2017-03-14
TPF-5(267) Waiver Approval Letter Approval of SP&R Waiver Solicitation#1325.pdf Memorandum Other Public 2016-05-19
Quarterly Progress Report: April 2015-June 2015 TPF Quarterly Report 2012 Track 150630.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2015-09-18
Quarterly Progress Report: January 2015 - March 2015 TPF Quarterly Report 2012 Track 150331.pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2015-05-23
National APT Experiment National APT Testing (NCAT-MnROAD-Feb2015).pdf Memorandum Other Public 2015-04-16
Commitment Letter Blank Commitment Letter for the 2015 NCAT Pavement Test Track 150130.pdf Memorandum Other Public 2015-04-16
Statement of Work Statement of Work for the 2015 NCAT + MnROAD Partnership 150130.pdf TPF Study Documentation Study Summary Public 2015-04-16
Quarterly Progress Report: July 2014 to September 2014 TPF-5(267)_Quarterly Progress Report (July 2014 - September 2014).pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2014-10-30
Quarterly Progress Report: April 2014 - June 2014 TPF-5(267)_Quarterly Progress Report (April - June 2014).pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2014-08-04
Quarterly Progress Report: January 2014 - March 2014 TPF-(267)_Quarterly Progress Report (January 2014 - March 2014).pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2014-04-23
Quarterly Progress Report: October 2013 - December 2013 Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2014-02-24
Quarterly Progress Report: July 2013 to Septemer 2013 TPF-5(267)_Qtrly Progress Report (July 1, 2013 to September 30, 2013).pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2013-10-17
Quaterly Progress Report: April 2013 - June 2013 TPF-5(267)_Qtrly Progress Report (April - June 2013).pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2013-07-22
Quarterly Progress Report: January 2013 - March 2013 TPF-5(267)_Qtrly Progress Report (Jan 1 - Mar 31 2013).pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2013-04-18
Quarterly Progress Report: October 2012 - December 2012 Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2013-01-31
Quarterly Progress Report: July 2012 - September 2012 Qtr 3 (July 1 - September 30 2012)_TPF-5(267).pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2012-10-29
Quarterly Progress Report Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2012-10-29
Quarterly Progress Report: April - June 2012 Qtr 2 (April 1 -June 30 2012(_TPF-5(267).pdf Progress Report Quarterly Progress Report Public 2012-08-30
TPF-5(267) Acceptance Memo TPF-5(267))_ALDOT No. 930-822P_Acceptance Memo.pdf Other Other Public 2012-05-14

No document attached.

Accelerated Performance Testing for the NCAT Pavement Test Track

General Information
Study Number: TPF-5(267)
Lead Organization: Alabama Department of Transportation
Solicitation Number: 1325
Status: Objectives fulfilled
Est. Completion Date: Mar 31, 2020
Contract/Other Number:
Last Updated: Apr 19, 2022
Contract End Date: Mar 31, 2020
Financial Summary
Contract Amount:
Total Commitments Received: $28,429,706.00
100% SP&R Approval:
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Kidada Dixon
Phone: 334.353.6940
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): David Mensching
Phone: 2024933232
Commitments by Organizations
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Alabama Department of Transportation 2012 $490,000.00 Ronald Johnson Juanita Owens (334) 353-6942
Alabama Department of Transportation 2013 $490,000.00 Ronald Johnson Juanita Owens (334) 353-6942
Alabama Department of Transportation 2014 $490,000.00 Ronald Johnson Juanita Owens (334) 353-6942
Alabama Department of Transportation 2015 $490,000.00 Ronald Johnson Juanita Owens (334) 353-6942
Alabama Department of Transportation 2016 $490,000.00 Ronald Johnson Juanita Owens (334) 353-6942
Alabama Department of Transportation 2017 $490,000.00 Ronald Johnson Juanita Owens (334) 353-6942
Colorado Department of Transportation 2016 $120,000.00 Michael Stanford Aziz Khan
Colorado Department of Transportation 2017 $120,000.00 Michael Stanford Aziz Khan
Colorado Department of Transportation 2018 $120,000.00 Michael Stanford Aziz Khan
Federal Highway Administration 2012 $165,000.00 Christopher Wagner Debra Rinderknecht (202) 366-2845
Federal Highway Administration 2015 $708,195.00 Christopher Wagner Debra Rinderknecht (202) 366-2845
Federal Highway Administration 2016 $200,000.00 Christopher Wagner Debra Rinderknecht (202) 366-2845
Florida Department of Transportation 2012 $480,000.00 Bouzid Choubane Patti Brannon 850-414-4616
Florida Department of Transportation 2013 $480,000.00 Bouzid Choubane Patti Brannon 850-414-4616
Florida Department of Transportation 2014 $480,000.00 Bouzid Choubane Patti Brannon 850-414-4616
Florida Department of Transportation 2015 $510,000.00 Bouzid Choubane Patti Brannon 850-414-4616
Florida Department of Transportation 2016 $510,000.00 Bouzid Choubane Patti Brannon 850-414-4616
Florida Department of Transportation 2017 $510,000.00 Bouzid Choubane Patti Brannon 850-414-4616
Florida Department of Transportation 2018 $0.00 Bouzid Choubane Patti Brannon 850-414-4616
Georgia Department of Transportation 2012 $240,000.00 Sheila Hines Supriya Kamatkar 404-347-0552
Georgia Department of Transportation 2013 $240,000.00 Sheila Hines Supriya Kamatkar 404-347-0552
Georgia Department of Transportation 2014 $240,000.00 Sheila Hines Supriya Kamatkar 404-347-0552
Georgia Department of Transportation 2015 $280,000.00 Sheila Hines Supriya Kamatkar 404-347-0552
Georgia Department of Transportation 2016 $280,000.00 Sheila Hines Supriya Kamatkar 404-347-0552
Georgia Department of Transportation 2017 $280,000.00 Sheila Hines Supriya Kamatkar 404-347-0552
Illinois Department of Transportation 2015 $330,000.00 John Senger Megan Swanson 217-782-3547
Illinois Department of Transportation 2016 $330,000.00 John Senger Megan Swanson 217-782-3547
Illinois Department of Transportation 2017 $330,000.00 John Senger Megan Swanson 217-782-3547
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2015 $270,000.00 Paul Looney Jason Siwula 502.782.5537
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2016 $270,000.00 Paul Looney Jason Siwula 502.782.5537
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet 2017 $270,000.00 Paul Looney Jason Siwula 502.782.5537
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 2016 $360,000.00 Nate Moore Allison Hardt 410-545-2916
Michigan Department of Transportation 2015 $330,000.00 Curtis Bleech Andre' Clover 517-749-9001
Michigan Department of Transportation 2016 $330,000.00 Curtis Bleech Andre' Clover 517-749-9001
Michigan Department of Transportation 2017 $330,000.00 Curtis Bleech Andre' Clover 517-749-9001
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2015 $330,000.00 Ben Worel Debbie Sinclair 651-336-3746
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2016 $330,000.00 Ben Worel Debbie Sinclair 651-336-3746
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2017 $330,000.00 Ben Worel Debbie Sinclair 651-336-3746
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2018 $0.00 Ben Worel Debbie Sinclair 651-336-3746
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2012 $295,000.00 James Watkins Robert Vance
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2013 $295,000.00 James Watkins Robert Vance
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2014 $295,000.00 James Watkins Robert Vance
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2015 $210,000.00 James Watkins Robert Vance
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2016 $210,000.00 James Watkins Robert Vance
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2017 $210,000.00 James Watkins Robert Vance
Missouri Department of Transportation 2012 $120,000.00 Mike Meyerhoff Bill Stone 602.712.3135
Missouri Department of Transportation 2013 $120,000.00 Mike Meyerhoff Bill Stone 602.712.3135
Missouri Department of Transportation 2014 $120,000.00 Mike Meyerhoff Bill Stone 602.712.3135
Missouri Department of Transportation 2015 $120,000.00 Mike Meyerhoff Bill Stone 602.712.3135
Missouri Department of Transportation 2016 $120,000.00 Mike Meyerhoff Bill Stone 602.712.3135
Missouri Department of Transportation 2017 $120,000.00 Mike Meyerhoff Bill Stone 602.712.3135
New York State Department of Transportation 2015 $330,000.00 Christopher Euler Wes Yang 518-457-4660
New York State Department of Transportation 2016 $330,000.00 Christopher Euler Wes Yang 518-457-4660
New York State Department of Transportation 2017 $330,000.00 Christopher Euler Wes Yang 518-457-4660
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2012 $300,000.00 Todd Whittington Neil Mastin 919 272 3706
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2013 $300,000.00 Todd Whittington Neil Mastin 919 272 3706
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2014 $300,000.00 Todd Whittington Neil Mastin 919 272 3706
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2015 $210,000.00 Todd Whittington Neil Mastin 919 272 3706
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2016 $210,000.00 Todd Whittington Neil Mastin 919 272 3706
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2017 $210,000.00 Todd Whittington Neil Mastin 919 272 3706
Oklahoma Transportation 2012 $400,000.00 Kevin Suitor Beckie Lyons
Oklahoma Transportation 2013 $370,000.00 Kevin Suitor Beckie Lyons
Oklahoma Transportation 2014 $370,000.00 Kevin Suitor Beckie Lyons
Oklahoma Transportation 2015 $360,000.00 Kevin Suitor Beckie Lyons
Oklahoma Transportation 2016 $360,000.00 Kevin Suitor Beckie Lyons
Oklahoma Transportation 2017 $720,000.00 Kevin Suitor Beckie Lyons
Oklahoma Transportation 2018 $450,000.00 Kevin Suitor Beckie Lyons
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2012 $300,000.00 Merrill Zwanka Terry Swygert 803-737-6691
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2013 $300,000.00 Merrill Zwanka Terry Swygert 803-737-6691
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2014 $300,000.00 Merrill Zwanka Terry Swygert 803-737-6691
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2015 $120,000.00 Merrill Zwanka Terry Swygert 803-737-6691
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2016 $120,000.00 Merrill Zwanka Terry Swygert 803-737-6691
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2017 $120,000.00 Merrill Zwanka Terry Swygert 803-737-6691
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2012 $240,000.00 Mark Woods Beth Jirik 615-741-3431
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2013 $240,000.00 Mark Woods Beth Jirik 615-741-3431
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2014 $240,000.00 Mark Woods Beth Jirik 615-741-3431
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2015 $270,000.00 Mark Woods Beth Jirik 615-741-3431
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2016 $270,000.00 Mark Woods Beth Jirik 615-741-3431
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2017 $270,000.00 Mark Woods Beth Jirik 615-741-3431
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2018 $0.00 Mark Woods Beth Jirik 615-741-3431
Virginia Department of Transportation 2012 $240,000.00 Brian Diefenderfer Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934
Virginia Department of Transportation 2013 $1,361,511.00 Brian Diefenderfer Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934
Virginia Department of Transportation 2014 $780,000.00 Brian Diefenderfer Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934
Virginia Department of Transportation 2015 $840,000.00 Brian Diefenderfer Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934
Virginia Department of Transportation 2016 $300,000.00 Brian Diefenderfer Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934
Virginia Department of Transportation 2017 $300,000.00 Brian Diefenderfer Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934
Virginia Department of Transportation 2018 $0.00 Brian Diefenderfer Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2015 $330,000.00 Barry Paye Ethan Severson 608-266-1457
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2016 $330,000.00 Barry Paye Ethan Severson 608-266-1457
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2017 $330,000.00 Barry Paye Ethan Severson 608-266-1457

Study Description

Study Description

The NCAT Pavement Test Track was originally constructed as a result of interest and support from state Departments of Transportation (DOTs) who shared a concern for reducing and predicting distresses in their flexible pavements. The cost for other states to sponsor the construction, testing, trucking and evaluation of experimental pavements was greatly reduced by a commitment from the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) to fund the original construction of the facility up to the top of the supporting pavement structure. The inaugural track was completed in the summer of 2000 and subjected to 10 million ESALs of heavy truck traffic through December of 2002. Built as a perpetual pavement, the first cycle of testing was a study of surface mix performance for forty-six 200 ft test sections. The facility was rebuilt in 2003, 2006, and 2009, with experimental pavements in each cycle subjected to 10 million ESALs of heavy truck traffic. Eight thinner structural pavements replaced the original perpetual pavements in 2003, increasing to nine in 2006, then sixteen in 2009, and finally nineteen in 2012, each instrumented for high-speed response to facilitate the study of mechanistic-empirical pavement design. The track will be rebuilt again in the summer of 2015, with many extended research options for potential sponsors, including MnROAD comparison sections.


The primary objectives of the pooled fund project described herein will be: 1. Constructing 200 ft test sections on the existing 1.7 mile NCAT test oval and MnRoad that are representative of in-service roadways on the open transportation infrastructure; 2. Applying accelerated performance truck traffic in the 2 years following construction; 3. Assessing/comparing the functional and structural field performance of trafficked sections on a regular basis via surface and subsurface measures; 4. Validating/calibrating new and existing M-E approaches to pavement analysis and design using pavement surface condition, pavement load response, precise traffic and environmental logging, and cumulative damage; 5. Determining the life cycle cost of various pavement preservation alternatives in a highly controlled experiment that will provide state DOTs with the financial foundation to begin to build a decision tree for their own maintenance program. These types of programs are then refined over time using actual pavement management performance data; 6. Correlating field results with laboratory data for both mechanistic and preservation applications. Laboratory performance data that can predict preservation outcomes would provide DOTs with an additional mechanism for making rational selection decisions; and 7. Answering practical questions posed by research sponsors through formal (i.e., reports and technical papers) and informal (e.g., one-on-one responses to sponsor inquiries) technology transfer. For example, can high RAP content mixes provide the same level of performance as virgin mixes? If so, can they be used in both deep and shallow layers? Although warm mix is better for the environment, will it provide the same level of rut and moisture damage resistance as conventional mixes?

Scope of Work

The scope of work for the pooled fund project will include: 1. Hauling materials to the project from offsite locations. Material donations are typically secured by state sponsors, while reasonable hauling expenses are handled by the pooledfund; 2. Rebuilding sections in accordance with sponsors’ directives via competitively bid subcontracts administered by NCAT. It is anticipated that supply and grade control of subgrades and bases, aggregate hauling, liquid asphalt supply and delivery, plant production, and mix placement may all be procured via competitively bid subcontracts. Additional preservation treatment sections will be applied to a nearby low volume, high truck traffic roadway with distress conditions suitable for pavement preservation activities; 3. Installing both environmental (i.e., multi-depth pavement temperature probes) and response instrumentation (i.e., high speed stress and strain gages) in new experimental sections; 4. Operating a 5-truck heavy triple-trailer fleet in order to apply accelerated truck traffic following the completion of construction. Actual human drivers operate the vehicles in order to best induce representative vehicle wander; 5. Measuring field performance each week when the fleet is parked to fully document the changes in surface condition as a function of traffic and temperature. High-speed pavement response will also be measured on a weekly basis. Pavement deflection and surface friction will be measured on a monthly basis. Performance will be measured on off-Track pavement preservation sections on a monthly basis; 6. Conducting laboratory testing to quantify basic material and mix performance properties, which will serve as the basis of performance model development; and 7. Comparing predicted and measured pavement response as well as predicted and measured cumulative pavement damage in order to validate then calibrate prevailing M-E methodologies.


Each sponsor participating in the study is asked to contribute funding as a function of the scope of their selected research. The cost to participate varies as follows according to the amount of effort required: 1. Continue traffic on existing mill/inlay section = $80k/year ($240k/section) 2. Surface treatment on existing mill/inlay section (Note: Intended to provide access to project for private sector partners. It does not include the cost of materials, construction or mitigation. Commitment to rapid mitigation of failed experiments is required) = $80k/year ($240k/section) 3. Continue traffic on existing structural section = $100k/year ($300k/section) 4. Participate in the preservation group (PG15) study = $120k/year ($360k/sponsor) 5. Mill/inlay surface performance section = $150k/year ($450k/section) 6. Mill/inlay structural performance section = $180k/year ($540k/section) 7. Structural performance section (Note: This option also applies to participation in the Green Group (CG) study) = $210k/year ($630k/section) Funding requirements are based on reasonable assumptions; however, if project costs increase significantly (i.e., fuel) either a proportionate amount of additional funding or a modified scope of work may be required. Please visit the project web at for additional information.

Title File/Link Type Private
2015 NCAT Pavement Test Track Final Report for the 2015 NCAT Pavement Test Track.pdf Deliverable Public
Quarterly Report: October 1 - December 31 2020 TPF-5(267) NCAT Pavement Test Track Report for Quarter Ending 191231.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: July 1 - September 30 2020 TPF-5(267) NCAT Pavement Test Track Report for Quarter Ending 190930.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: January 1 - March 31 2020 TPF-5(267) NCAT Pavement Test Track Report for Quarter Ending 200331.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: April 1 - June 30 Track TPF Quarterly Report 190630.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: January 1 - March 31 Track TPF Quarterly Report 190331.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Report: October - December 2018 Quarterly Report October-December 2018.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Progress Report: April 2018- June 2018 Quarterly Report April-June 2018.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Progress Report: July 2018 - September 2018 Quarterly Report July-Sept 2018.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Progress Report: January 2018 - March 2018 Scan.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Progress Report: October 2017 - December 2017 Quarterly Report Oct-Dec 2017.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Progress Report: July 2017 - September 2017 NCAT Quarterly Report.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Progress Report: January 2017 - March 2017 TPF Quarterly Report Jan-Mar 2017.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Progress Report: April 2017 - June 2017 TPF Quarterly Report Oct-Dec 2016.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Progress Report: October 2016 - December 2016 Track TPF Quarterly Report 151231.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Progress Report: January 2016 - March 2016 Track TPF Quarterly Report 160331.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Progress Report: April 2016 - June 2016 TPF Quarterly Report Generation Spreadsheet 160630.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Progress Report: July 2016 - September 2016 Track TPF Quarterly Report 160930.pdf Progress Report Public
TPF-5(267) Waiver Approval Letter Approval of SP&R Waiver Solicitation#1325.pdf Memorandum Public
Quarterly Progress Report: April 2015-June 2015 TPF Quarterly Report 2012 Track 150630.pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Progress Report: January 2015 - March 2015 TPF Quarterly Report 2012 Track 150331.pdf Progress Report Public
National APT Experiment National APT Testing (NCAT-MnROAD-Feb2015).pdf Memorandum Public
Commitment Letter Blank Commitment Letter for the 2015 NCAT Pavement Test Track 150130.pdf Memorandum Public
Statement of Work Statement of Work for the 2015 NCAT + MnROAD Partnership 150130.pdf TPF Study Documentation Public
Quarterly Progress Report: July 2014 to September 2014 TPF-5(267)_Quarterly Progress Report (July 2014 - September 2014).pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Progress Report: April 2014 - June 2014 TPF-5(267)_Quarterly Progress Report (April - June 2014).pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Progress Report: January 2014 - March 2014 TPF-(267)_Quarterly Progress Report (January 2014 - March 2014).pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Progress Report: October 2013 - December 2013 Progress Report Public
Quarterly Progress Report: July 2013 to Septemer 2013 TPF-5(267)_Qtrly Progress Report (July 1, 2013 to September 30, 2013).pdf Progress Report Public
Quaterly Progress Report: April 2013 - June 2013 TPF-5(267)_Qtrly Progress Report (April - June 2013).pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Progress Report: January 2013 - March 2013 TPF-5(267)_Qtrly Progress Report (Jan 1 - Mar 31 2013).pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Progress Report: October 2012 - December 2012 Progress Report Public
Quarterly Progress Report Progress Report Public
Quarterly Progress Report: July 2012 - September 2012 Qtr 3 (July 1 - September 30 2012)_TPF-5(267).pdf Progress Report Public
Quarterly Progress Report: April - June 2012 Qtr 2 (April 1 -June 30 2012(_TPF-5(267).pdf Progress Report Public
TPF-5(267) Acceptance Memo TPF-5(267))_ALDOT No. 930-822P_Acceptance Memo.pdf Other Public
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