Financial Summary |
Suggested Contribution: | |
Commitment Start Year: | 2013 |
Commitment End Year: | 2016 |
100% SP&R Approval: | Approved |
Commitments Required: | $225,000.00 |
Commitments Received: | $23,159,050.00 |
Estimated Duration Month: | 72 |
Waiver Requested: | No |
Contact Information |
Lead Study Contact(s): | Gary Jensen | | |
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): | Adella Santos | | |
Study Champion(s): | Brad Gudzinas | |
Organization | Year | Commitments | Technical Contact Name | Funding Contact Name | Contact Number | Email Address |
Arizona Department of Transportation | 2015 | $275,000.00 | Michael Gorton | Mary Ann Roder | 602-712-4542 | |
Arizona Department of Transportation | 2016 | $275,000.00 | Michael Gorton | Mary Ann Roder | 602-712-4542 | |
California Department of Transportation | 2014 | $2,500,000.00 | Soheila Khoii | Soheila Khoii | | |
California Department of Transportation | 2015 | $3,000,000.00 | Soheila Khoii | Soheila Khoii | | |
Des Moines Area MPO | 2015 | $291,250.00 | Dylan Mullenix | Dylan Mullenix | 515-334-0075 | |
Georgia Department of Transportation | 2014 | $1,500,000.00 | Habte Kassa | Habte Kassa | 404-631-1797 | |
Indian Nations Council of Governments | 2015 | $225,000.00 | Viplav Putta | Viplav Putta | | |
Iowa Northland Regional Council of Governments | 2015 | $270,000.00 | Kevin Blanshan | Kevin Blanshan | | |
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration | 2014 | $225,000.00 | Subrat Mahapatra | Allison Hardt | 410-545-2916 | |
New York State Department of Transportation | 2013 | $0.00 | Mark Grainer | Wes Yang | 518-457-4660 | |
New York State Department of Transportation | 2014 | $225,000.00 | Mark Grainer | Wes Yang | 518-457-4660 | |
New York State Department of Transportation | 2015 | $3,341,475.00 | Mark Grainer | Wes Yang | 518-457-4660 | |
North Carolina Department of Transportation | 2015 | $800,000.00 | Dan Thomas | Neil Mastin | 919 272 3706 | |
North Carolina Department of Transportation | 2016 | $1,000,000.00 | Dan Thomas | Neil Mastin | 919 272 3706 | |
North Central Texas Council of Governments | 2015 | $656,325.00 | Arash Mirzaei | Arash Mirzaei | 817-695-9261 | |
South Carolina Department of Transportation | 2014 | $1,575,000.00 | Mark Pleasant | Mike Sanders | 803-737-6691 | |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2016 | $4,500,000.00 | Janie Temple | Karrie Boedeker | 512-486-5021 | |
Wisconsin Department of Transportation | 2014 | $2,500,000.00 | Jennifer Murray | Evelyn Bromberg | 608-267-7360 | |
The National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) has been the time proven way and mean providing publicly available authoritative travel behavior data at the national level geography with enhanced coverage for local, regional and state add-on partners. The NHTS is conducted by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) every five to seven years since 1969. While key questions of why, how, and when we travel form the core of the survey, contemporary travel issues such as the 2009’s supplemental questions on aging, immigration, and school routes are also integrated in, providing a valuable snapshot of contemporary challenges. The NHTS data provide a foundation for transportation planning including travel demand modeling and air quality analysis (conformity determination). In addition, NHTS data enable national, regional, and local project and program studies on multimodal planning, healthy activity, public transportation, senior citizen mobility, tolling, congestion pricing, energy demand, alternative fuel use, safety, and revenue studies. Some of the specific data parameters NHTS provides: • Multidimensional trip rates, such as number of trips by income, by household size, by number of workers, and by trip purpose • Trip departing time distribution and trip ending distribution • Trip chaining with multiple purposes • Trip behavior information for agent-based modeling • Vehicle fleet data, such as age, type and usage • Public transportation mode choice • Vehicle occupancy rate • Vehicle cold start and hot start distribution • Vehicle soak time distribution profile • Vehicle-mile accumulation rates by make, model and age • Walking, biking and other non-motorized mode of travel • Fuel usage (gasoline, diesel, electrical, hybrid) • Travel condition and safety rating Obviously the NHTS provides significantly more data and information than what can be listed here. For specific NHTS data usage and historical cases, please visit While the core NHTS examines national travel behavior, state agencies, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), and other stakeholders have the opportunity to leverage NHTS for their needs by becoming a NHTS partner (add-on). The NHTS add-on program is a cost-effective way to obtain statistically valid samples for a variety of uses, taking advantage of NHTS expertise developing travel surveys, with support from the national NHTS team. With the next NHTS occurring in 2015 now is time to consider the benefits of becoming add-on partner, especially to: • State highway agencies • State transit agencies • State rail agencies • State and local traffic safety commissions • Metropolitan planning organizations • State and local air-quality agencies in nonattainment areas • State and local health departments • State and local housing departments • Federal agencies: environment, housing, health • Private business and organizations
This pool-funded proposal is the way for add-on partners to participate in the 2015 NHTS. Add-on partners are not limited to transportation agencies. Public transit, health, air quality, energy, safety and other data users are all welcome.
Objectives: This pool-funded proposal is the way for add-on partners to participate in the 2015 NHTS. Add-on partners are not limited to transportation agencies. Public transit, health, air quality, energy, safety and other data users are all welcome. Scope of Work: The NHTS core program includes the cost of conducting a national sample and costs) associated with NHTS add-on activities (travel, per diem, and registration). Add-on activities include workshops to review and assess data and methods, knowledge-exchange panels identifying new data and data application techniques, and presentations to share findings at national gatherings by add-on partners. To join the add-on program, partners will pay for additional samples in their geographic areas of interest. The national NHTS team’s current assessment is that a minimum commitment of approximately $225,000 per add-on will be needed to ensure statistical validity for up to two-dimension data for a local area. However, we encourage you to contact the NHTS program manager if your organization has such data needs regardless of financial situation. The NHTS team will develop a detailed work plan for achieving project goals, as well as a detailed schedule of milestones and deliverables. Services provided as benefits to add-on partners include: 1. Study and sample design, including local plan 2. Survey questionnaire and field materials design, and programming including local material 3. Database development and documentation 4. Pre-testing 5. Interviewer training and continuous interview monitoring 6. Data collection 7. Data processing and data quality assurance testing 8. Data weighting and expansion 9. Final data files 10. Full documentation of study methods 11. User guide 12. Non-response analysis
National NHTS program: $ 7,000, 000 core total has been committed. Estimated cost for Add-On: Lower bound for add-on partners: $225,000.00 per add -on.
No document attached.
General Information |
Solicitation Number: | 1349 |
Status: | Cleared by FHWA |
Date Posted: | May 07, 2013 |
Last Updated: | Feb 07, 2025 |
Solicitation Expires: | May 07, 2014 |
Lead Organization: | Federal Highway Administration |
Financial Summary |
Suggested Contribution: | |
Commitment Start Year: | 2013 |
Commitment End Year: | 2016 |
100% SP&R Approval: | Approved |
Commitments Required: | $225,000.00 |
Commitments Received: | $23,159,050.00 |
Contact Information |
Lead Study Contact(s): | Gary Jensen | | |
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): | Adella Santos | |
Agency | Year | Commitments | Technical Contact Name | Funding Contact Name | Contact Number | Email Address |
Arizona Department of Transportation | 2015 | $275,000.00 | Michael Gorton | Mary Ann Roder | 602-712-4542 | |
Arizona Department of Transportation | 2016 | $275,000.00 | Michael Gorton | Mary Ann Roder | 602-712-4542 | |
California Department of Transportation | 2014 | $2,500,000.00 | Soheila Khoii | Soheila Khoii | | |
California Department of Transportation | 2015 | $3,000,000.00 | Soheila Khoii | Soheila Khoii | | |
Des Moines Area MPO | 2015 | $291,250.00 | Dylan Mullenix | Dylan Mullenix | 515-334-0075 | |
Georgia Department of Transportation | 2014 | $1,500,000.00 | Habte Kassa | Habte Kassa | 404-631-1797 | |
Indian Nations Council of Governments | 2015 | $225,000.00 | Viplav Putta | Viplav Putta | | |
Iowa Northland Regional Council of Governments | 2015 | $270,000.00 | Kevin Blanshan | Kevin Blanshan | | |
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration | 2014 | $225,000.00 | Subrat Mahapatra | Allison Hardt | 410-545-2916 | |
New York State Department of Transportation | 2013 | $0.00 | Mark Grainer | Wes Yang | 518-457-4660 | |
New York State Department of Transportation | 2014 | $225,000.00 | Mark Grainer | Wes Yang | 518-457-4660 | |
New York State Department of Transportation | 2015 | $3,341,475.00 | Mark Grainer | Wes Yang | 518-457-4660 | |
North Carolina Department of Transportation | 2015 | $800,000.00 | Dan Thomas | Neil Mastin | 919 272 3706 | |
North Carolina Department of Transportation | 2016 | $1,000,000.00 | Dan Thomas | Neil Mastin | 919 272 3706 | |
North Central Texas Council of Governments | 2015 | $656,325.00 | Arash Mirzaei | Arash Mirzaei | 817-695-9261 | |
South Carolina Department of Transportation | 2014 | $1,575,000.00 | Mark Pleasant | Mike Sanders | 803-737-6691 | |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2016 | $4,500,000.00 | Janie Temple | Karrie Boedeker | 512-486-5021 | |
Wisconsin Department of Transportation | 2014 | $2,500,000.00 | Jennifer Murray | Evelyn Bromberg | 608-267-7360 | |
The National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) has been the time proven way and mean providing publicly available authoritative travel behavior data at the national level geography with enhanced coverage for local, regional and state add-on partners. The NHTS is conducted by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) every five to seven years since 1969. While key questions of why, how, and when we travel form the core of the survey, contemporary travel issues such as the 2009’s supplemental questions on aging, immigration, and school routes are also integrated in, providing a valuable snapshot of contemporary challenges. The NHTS data provide a foundation for transportation planning including travel demand modeling and air quality analysis (conformity determination). In addition, NHTS data enable national, regional, and local project and program studies on multimodal planning, healthy activity, public transportation, senior citizen mobility, tolling, congestion pricing, energy demand, alternative fuel use, safety, and revenue studies. Some of the specific data parameters NHTS provides: • Multidimensional trip rates, such as number of trips by income, by household size, by number of workers, and by trip purpose • Trip departing time distribution and trip ending distribution • Trip chaining with multiple purposes • Trip behavior information for agent-based modeling • Vehicle fleet data, such as age, type and usage • Public transportation mode choice • Vehicle occupancy rate • Vehicle cold start and hot start distribution • Vehicle soak time distribution profile • Vehicle-mile accumulation rates by make, model and age • Walking, biking and other non-motorized mode of travel • Fuel usage (gasoline, diesel, electrical, hybrid) • Travel condition and safety rating Obviously the NHTS provides significantly more data and information than what can be listed here. For specific NHTS data usage and historical cases, please visit While the core NHTS examines national travel behavior, state agencies, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), and other stakeholders have the opportunity to leverage NHTS for their needs by becoming a NHTS partner (add-on). The NHTS add-on program is a cost-effective way to obtain statistically valid samples for a variety of uses, taking advantage of NHTS expertise developing travel surveys, with support from the national NHTS team. With the next NHTS occurring in 2015 now is time to consider the benefits of becoming add-on partner, especially to: • State highway agencies • State transit agencies • State rail agencies • State and local traffic safety commissions • Metropolitan planning organizations • State and local air-quality agencies in nonattainment areas • State and local health departments • State and local housing departments • Federal agencies: environment, housing, health • Private business and organizations
This pool-funded proposal is the way for add-on partners to participate in the 2015 NHTS. Add-on partners are not limited to transportation agencies. Public transit, health, air quality, energy, safety and other data users are all welcome.
Objectives: This pool-funded proposal is the way for add-on partners to participate in the 2015 NHTS. Add-on partners are not limited to transportation agencies. Public transit, health, air quality, energy, safety and other data users are all welcome. Scope of Work: The NHTS core program includes the cost of conducting a national sample and costs) associated with NHTS add-on activities (travel, per diem, and registration). Add-on activities include workshops to review and assess data and methods, knowledge-exchange panels identifying new data and data application techniques, and presentations to share findings at national gatherings by add-on partners. To join the add-on program, partners will pay for additional samples in their geographic areas of interest. The national NHTS team’s current assessment is that a minimum commitment of approximately $225,000 per add-on will be needed to ensure statistical validity for up to two-dimension data for a local area. However, we encourage you to contact the NHTS program manager if your organization has such data needs regardless of financial situation. The NHTS team will develop a detailed work plan for achieving project goals, as well as a detailed schedule of milestones and deliverables. Services provided as benefits to add-on partners include: 1. Study and sample design, including local plan 2. Survey questionnaire and field materials design, and programming including local material 3. Database development and documentation 4. Pre-testing 5. Interviewer training and continuous interview monitoring 6. Data collection 7. Data processing and data quality assurance testing 8. Data weighting and expansion 9. Final data files 10. Full documentation of study methods 11. User guide 12. Non-response analysis
National NHTS program: $ 7,000, 000 core total has been committed. Estimated cost for Add-On: Lower bound for add-on partners: $225,000.00 per add -on.