Development of Computer-Based and Web-Based Training (CBT & WBT) Lessons

General Information
Study Number: SPR-2(183)
Former Study Number:
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Contract Start Date: Oct 21, 1997
Solicitation Number: 37
Status: Closed
Est. Completion Date:
Contract/Other Number: Contract No.: DTFH61-98-J-99022
Last Updated: Jun 19, 2009
Contract End Date: Feb 22, 1999
Financial Summary
Contract Amount: $175,000.00
Suggested Contribution:
Total Commitments Received: $40,000.00
100% SP&R Approval: Approved
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Gary Jensen
Phone: 202- 366-2048
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name
California Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Connecticut Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Florida Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Idaho Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Iowa Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 1998 $0.00
Minnesota Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Nebraska Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Nevada Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
New Jersey Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
New York State Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
North Carolina Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Ohio Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Oklahoma Transportation 1998 $0.00
Oregon Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Tennessee Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Texas Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Washington State Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2002 $20,000.00 Jerry Zogg Lori Richter
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2003 $20,000.00 Jerry Zogg Lori Richter

Study Description

The TAC explored various CBT formats and then settled in on macromedia as the platform. Once a platform was selected a MnDOT developed tape based course was identified for conversion and update. Project updated and converted a video-tap/paper based Geometric Design Course into a computer-based/adobe acrobat based program and published it in CD-ROM (34) and DVD (1 - 9 GB)formats. Project consisted of 34 lessons. See updated progress report dated 12/01/2005


To pool scarce funding and to use the collaborative process to design, and develop effective learning program(s) utilizing the latest in multimedia and web-based technologies.

Scope of Work

34 lessons have been distributed to the 22 particpating states via CD-ROM and/or DVD's. Project is essentially complete with three minor changes to be completed and then the project will be closed subject to sufficient funding being available. (updated 12/01/2005)


Contract No.: DTFH61-98-J-99022 Two lessons of a GeoMETRIC Design Course have been developed and will be sent to the other States looking for additional participation and funding that will allow for the development of more courseware. "GeoMETRIC Design In Metric" was chosen as the launch project because MnDOT was in the process of developing a video training system on the subject (MnDOT used over $1 million in state funds for the work). The technical committee has decided to proceed by using project funds to complete the remaining 32 lessons through a work order with the MnDOT and to explore other potential topics. One topic of great interest is what role can this project play in facilitating the TRIS updating process. This potential use will be explored at great length during various TRB meetings. All learning products will be able to be used via CD-ROM and the Internet/Intranet.¿At the last TAC meeting, a need was identified to locate existing video-, computer-, or web-based training lessons for topics in two subject areas: 1) Bridge Inspection and 2) Construction Inspection. We would appreciate hearing from anyone who has knowledge of training materials available in these subject areas. Our interests include any training or technical assistance materials you consider outdated, where this project could possibly contribute to refreshing and updating those materials. We hope to have enough information at our next TAC meeting (October) to make decisions on where to focus project efforts in the development of computer-based or web-based training and technical assistance for bridge and construction inspection. Please send materials on bridge inspection to Joe Orth at and materials on construction inspection to Kevin Alano at See TPF 5(008) (updated 12/01/2005)

Subjects: Bridges, Other Structures, and Hydraulics and Hydrology Highway and Facility Design Materials and Construction Planning and Administration

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No document attached.

Development of Computer-Based and Web-Based Training (CBT & WBT) Lessons

General Information
Study Number: SPR-2(183)
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Contract Start Date: Oct 21, 1997
Solicitation Number: 37
Status: Closed
Est. Completion Date:
Contract/Other Number: Contract No.: DTFH61-98-J-99022
Last Updated: Jun 19, 2009
Contract End Date: Feb 22, 1999
Financial Summary
Contract Amount: $175,000.00
Total Commitments Received: $40,000.00
100% SP&R Approval:
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Gary Jensen
Phone: 202- 366-2048
Commitments by Organizations
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
California Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Connecticut Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Florida Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Idaho Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Iowa Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration 1998 $0.00
Minnesota Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Nebraska Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Nevada Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
New Jersey Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
New York State Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
North Carolina Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Ohio Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Oklahoma Transportation 1998 $0.00
Oregon Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Tennessee Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Texas Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Washington State Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2002 $20,000.00 Jerry Zogg Lori Richter 608-264-8435
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2003 $20,000.00 Jerry Zogg Lori Richter 608-264-8435

Study Description

Study Description

The TAC explored various CBT formats and then settled in on macromedia as the platform. Once a platform was selected a MnDOT developed tape based course was identified for conversion and update. Project updated and converted a video-tap/paper based Geometric Design Course into a computer-based/adobe acrobat based program and published it in CD-ROM (34) and DVD (1 - 9 GB)formats. Project consisted of 34 lessons. See updated progress report dated 12/01/2005


To pool scarce funding and to use the collaborative process to design, and develop effective learning program(s) utilizing the latest in multimedia and web-based technologies.

Scope of Work

34 lessons have been distributed to the 22 particpating states via CD-ROM and/or DVD's. Project is essentially complete with three minor changes to be completed and then the project will be closed subject to sufficient funding being available. (updated 12/01/2005)


Contract No.: DTFH61-98-J-99022 Two lessons of a GeoMETRIC Design Course have been developed and will be sent to the other States looking for additional participation and funding that will allow for the development of more courseware. "GeoMETRIC Design In Metric" was chosen as the launch project because MnDOT was in the process of developing a video training system on the subject (MnDOT used over $1 million in state funds for the work). The technical committee has decided to proceed by using project funds to complete the remaining 32 lessons through a work order with the MnDOT and to explore other potential topics. One topic of great interest is what role can this project play in facilitating the TRIS updating process. This potential use will be explored at great length during various TRB meetings. All learning products will be able to be used via CD-ROM and the Internet/Intranet.¿At the last TAC meeting, a need was identified to locate existing video-, computer-, or web-based training lessons for topics in two subject areas: 1) Bridge Inspection and 2) Construction Inspection. We would appreciate hearing from anyone who has knowledge of training materials available in these subject areas. Our interests include any training or technical assistance materials you consider outdated, where this project could possibly contribute to refreshing and updating those materials. We hope to have enough information at our next TAC meeting (October) to make decisions on where to focus project efforts in the development of computer-based or web-based training and technical assistance for bridge and construction inspection. Please send materials on bridge inspection to Joe Orth at and materials on construction inspection to Kevin Alano at See TPF 5(008) (updated 12/01/2005)

Subjects: Bridges, Other Structures, and Hydraulics and Hydrology Highway and Facility Design Materials and Construction Planning and Administration

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